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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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who constantly travel here to the medical institution and back here, work continues here, now we are observing that representatives of the investigative committee are already working here. dmitry, i give you the floor, we continue to monitor what is happening here, but i repeat that now you can see clouds of black smoke, and according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire has already been localized. yes, thank you, about those. the note occurs at the site of the emergency, evgeniy nipot told all quietly. so belgium expressed its condolences to the families victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hooley. this was reported by the belgian ministry of foreign affairs. also, just one more second, let me read out one more breaking news. there
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is information that the fire has been localized, fire and rescue units are taking all measures to put out the fire as quickly as possible, let me remind you that they were talking about 13 thousand square meters, where they are raging, continue to rage, but the fire has already been localized. again to the latest information about the victims, anna voronina is in direct contact with us, she is at the cardiology center named after chazov in moscow. anna, what do you know? what condition are the victims in? well, at the moment, as i said earlier , the information has been confirmed that the number of victims has increased to 145, and this is only giving out the numbers, the ministry of health of the moscow region, nine people are in extremely serious condition, among the victims, eight minors are taking them, including to the medical center disaster, next to which i am located, the first victims were brought here... not by
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ambulance, the first victims were brought here by taxi drivers, these were two women who received gunshot wounds, their drivers handed them over to doctors, i note that ambulances continue to call in, bring more victims and also go to the scene of the tragedy in crocus cityhall in order to evacuate, in order to pick up the victims and take them not only here , but to hospitals near moscow, to hospitals in moscow, which are all working now in order to provide... assistance to the victims, we are not only talking about gunshot wounds, the victims also suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, among there are victims and children, as previously noted, these are eight minors, it should be noted that at the moment they are provided with all medications, the medical staff is ready to provide them with any support, there is now no need for either donor blood or any elements of donor blood .
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but nevertheless, the authorities of moscow and the moscow region are calling on all concerned to donate blood for the victims of the terrorist attack, this can be done tomorrow from 8:30 am in the fmba center, it can also be done at the donor center on begovaya, in donorskoye center on shabalovskaya in tsaritsino with a complete list of donor centers that will accept blood for victims of the terrorist attack.
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people, you can find out more detailed information through the hotlines of the ministry of health, the moscow region, and moscow. the medical service is ready to provide assistance to the victims. let me remind you that doctors are working almost now without a break, treating victims in the intensive care unit, new resuscitation teams are leaving for the scene of tragedies, and aviation rescue services are also working.
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reactions the committee of the chiefs of staff of the us armed forces is aware of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, but at the moment does not plan to contact its russian colleagues about what happened. such a comment was given there, ria novosti gave us, the fbi told the news agency that they do not comment on possible contacts with the intelligence services of the russian federation regarding the terrorist attack in the moscow region. what statements came from the white house? our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will talk about this. washington did not condemn this bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region. the white house says president biden is being briefed on events in the moscow region. us authorities are monitoring what is happening. the only official reaction this hour from white house national security speaker john kirby at today's daily white house briefing, he first said that the united states saw these horrific videos from moscow, which depicted brutal shootings, that
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these images are terrible, that they hard to watch. and he said that at these moments the thoughts of us citizens and the administration are with their families killed in this attack. what is important in his statement is that, according to him, the united states did not have advance information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow, or rather in the moscow region. in addition, he said that the united states sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainian citizens are involved in this terrorist attack. there is no evidence that the terrorist attack has anything to do with ukraine or ukrainians. we will still look into this, but i can say in advance that this is not related to ukraine. he also said that, of course, it would be a difficult day. for loved ones and for all of moscow, everything moscow region, and that the thoughts of us citizens at this moment are with them. at the same time , the white house speaker recalled that the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid large gatherings, especially concert halls, and also follow further news on the state department website. at
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the same time, as we remember, on march 8 , it was the united states and great britain that were the first foreign embassies to warn both their citizens and their employees to avoid places about '. clusters and concerts were also mentioned separately, what it was is unknown, and we we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that they had or have about the preparations or any information that can help identify the perpetrators and quickly solve these terrorist attacks. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. and now there is a correspondent from crocus sitiho on direct line. programs duty department vladimir bazov, vladimir, greetings, what is the chronology of the events of this evening, please remind me again, yes, alexander, hello, but it all started at about 8:00 pm this tragedy occurred, but
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now i can say that at the moment the fire in the crocus has already been localized.
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let me remind you that vladimir bazov, a correspondent for the duty unit program, was in direct contact with the chronology of events in corokus cityhole. urgent message: in st. petersburg, measures have been taken to strengthen the security of communal and social infrastructure, places of mass gathering of people, this is governor beglov, reports. and again, to personnel from the investigative committee, the head is working on the spot, the head of the department, alexander, is working on the spot. postrykin, a criminal case of terrorism has been opened based on the shooting in krokusekholi, the investigative committee reported this. the department also said that an investigative team from the central office of the investigative committee was dispatched to the scene of the incident. based on
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the incident today, the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation. kolokoltsev receives reports on the situation at the scene. the russian national guard is also
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conducting a search at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. criminals. this was reported in the press service of the department. special units of the russian guard are at the scene of the terrorist attack. assistance is provided in the evacuation of citizens from the building. a search is underway for the criminals who carried out the shooting in korokus. officials . would be in place, everyone minds their own business, accordingly, our task is to provide complete
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information on those who are hospitalized, these are moscow, the moscow region and federal clinics, and four cities in our moscow region, dolgoprudny, khimki, odintsovo and krasnogorsk, where those who were respectively delivered to our clinic were hospitalized, we will publish the lists in the near future, the direct line that we are opening now is 1220. and in order to obtain the necessary information for those who are looking for their loved ones and relatives. the list of victims of the terrorist attack in crocus sitikholi was published on the website of the ministry of health of the moscow region; it currently includes 145 people. it is reported that all of them were hospitalized, most of all residents of krasnogorsk, khimki and moscow. nine people in extremely serious condition, 41 in serious condition, the majority. in a condition of moderate severity, among the victims were at least eight minors, the wounded were taken to
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hospitals in krasnogorsk, dintsov, dolgoprudnov, khimki and moscow. well, now, a statement from the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko, our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko talked to him. during the terrorist attack, she suffered to this day. we hospitalized 115 people, five of them children, one child is in serious condition, and out of 110 adults, 60 patients are in serious condition condition, more than 30 people sought outpatient care, more than an ambulance was on site at the same time while providing medical care, patients were provided with all the necessary blood products. medications, assistance continues, and
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helicopters were also used to evacuate patients. this is the latest information from the ministry of health. due to the terrorist attack on the city hall crocus , regions and cities are canceling sporting, cultural and other public events. governor of the novgorod region, gleb nikitin announced the cancellation as well. after sporting events, until further notice, the head of dagestan sergei melikov announced a similar decision, the list of regions that canceled mass events is long, it included the perm territory, the chechen republic, kursk, leningrad, saratov, zaporozhye, ulyanovsk, voronezh regions, and also st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, and others. well, now a comment from deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova. we are now all together assessing the situation in
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medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region. region, we are constantly in touch with colleagues from moscow, here in the moscow region we are assessing the situation with the victims, if there is any need to route patients to higher-level federal medical institutions. then, accordingly, this transfer will be carried out, as for the work here, the board of qualified doctors is providing assistance, at the moment they have passed. almost all patients with serious operations are transferred to intensive care units and medical care is being provided for all standards for its provision. in addition , i would like to say that after assessing the situation, we will make a decision on how to proceed.
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the maximum third level of security operates at transport facilities, the ministry of transport reported. in russia, in connection with the additional measures being taken , passengers are asked to arrive at train stations and airports in advance, and also to be understanding about the inspection procedures. security measures have been strengthened at transport infrastructure facilities in crowded places in the moscow region. company avtodor has also strengthened safety measures along its entire road network. enhanced checks are taking place at the mykinina metro station. the capital's diptrans reported that. is operating normally, mass and entertainment events have been canceled at federal cultural institutions. information about this was reported by the russian ministry of culture. planned events in libraries, concert halls, theaters, circuses and museums will not take place. the ministry of emergency situations has opened a
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hotline for information support of psychological assistance in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole number. phone 8 800 775 17 17 again 8 800 775 17 17 now on the screen you also see emergency phone numbers, which may be needed primarily by the relatives of the deceased victims, these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, including the center for emergency psychological assistance and hotline psychological help line. russian red cross, which, in connection with the terrorist attack, was decided to switch to round-the-clock operation. the european union condemned the terrorist attacks in kroku cityhole, wrote about it on its page eu foreign policy representative, peter stana. he added that europe is shocked by what happened and the thoughts of europeans are with
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the injured russian citizens. president of azerbaijan. aliyev expressed condolences in a letter to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus, the press service of the azerbaijani leader reported. he strongly condemned the terrorist attack and expressed grief on his own behalf and on behalf of the entire azerbaijani people. ilham aliyev wished a speedy recovery to all those injured. medturcii and the country's ruling party also expressed deepest condolences to the russian people. turkish politicians and diplomats called the incident disgusting. terrorist attack on innocent civilians . the official representative of the ruling party, omer chilika, wrote on his social networks that he shares the pain and grief of the russian people. president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev expressed deep condolences to vladimir putin in connection with the tragedy in kroku sitikhol and
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strongly condemned this terrorist act against civilians. leader of uzbekistan also conveyed the words. support to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to all those injured. alexander lukashenko expressed his illness to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the president of belarus expressed confidence that the attackers will be identified and will be punished. russian ambassador to belarus boris grozlov compared the terrorist attack on the khol network with the tragedy in khatynia, memorial day, which was celebrated on march 22. he told reporters about this at the embassy building, where in minsk people are already carrying flowers and candles as a sign condolences in memory of those killed in rokus cityhole. thank you to the belarusians who came at this late hour to express condolences to those families whose relatives died to those
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victims, of whom there are, unfortunately, a lot. “russians and belarusians are united, here i am already speaking within the framework of such a tragedy, this is not some kind of pretentious turn of phrase, indeed, we are brothers, and we support each other, well, now our correspondent, anna voronina, is in touch with us again , it is located at the chazov cardiology center in moscow, where the first victims were taken, anna, what is known about the victims in this, at this moment, in what condition are they?” “ hello, alexander, it should be noted that we have now received the first comment from the ministry of health, the minister of health. mikhail murashka reported that after the terrorist attack in crocus , 115 people were hospitalized, 30 sought outpatient care, among those hospitalized are five children, one of them
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is in serious condition, another 60 adult patients are also in serious condition, these are gunshot wounds, burns lungs, as well as carbon monoxide poisoning and also body burns, the total number of victims exceeds 140 people. moscow. ambulance doctors continue to go to the scene, here are several ambulance teams, several ambulances and disaster medicine carriages, just a few minutes ago we stopped at the territory of the disaster medicine center, where we continue our work, it should be noted that at the moment all medicines all the ingredients for donated blood are there, but still the authorities. region are asking concerned citizens you can donate blood for victims of the terrorist attack, this can be done tomorrow morning at the fmba blood center, also at the donor center
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on bekova, shabalovskaya and tsaritsina, as well as at the gavrilov blood center, it should be noted that in the first minutes not only the ambulance was involved in helping victims, but also ordinary citizens, in particular, we were able to communicate with andrei lepko, who... it should be noted that initially more than 70 ambulances arrived at the scene of the tragedy , all now medical centers are ready
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to receive victims, they are reserved beds in medical institutions, but they were also involved in the evacuation and helicopter, in particular to the sklefatsovsky institute, at least four helicopters delivered the victims, i will remind you that air traffic is used to transport the most severe patients, now i will also note that the psychological relatives of the victims who were in the center of crocus city also need help. i would like to point out that the hotline is now operational, psychological support can also be obtained by calling 800 100 1941. running hot line of the ministry of health of the moscow region, and you can also find out about the admission of sick victims to moscow hospitals during the day by calling 495 - this is the moscow code 621 43 301. let me
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remind you that among the victims there are also minors, one child is in serious condition, now all the wounded are provided for blood components, but i will remind you once again the call of the moscow authorities. what numbers were announced? yes, hello, let me start by saying that we are now at the krasnogorsk city hospital, this is the nearest crocus
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city hospital, here today the first ambulances arrived with those injured as a result of the shooting incident in the concert hall. among the victims , it must immediately be said that there were children; by this hour, five of them are known. doctors are fighting for everyone's lives. minister. health mikhail murashko took full control of the provision of medical care to victims of icp in the sitikhol circle, now the minister, together with the deputy prime minister of the russian federation tatyana golikova , works here in the krasnogorsk city hospital, here is some information about the number the minister of health gave us information about the victims at this very hour. as of today, 115 people have been injured in the terrorist attack, we have hospitalized 115 people, five of them are children, one child is in serious
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condition. and out of 110 adults, 60 patients are in serious condition, more than thirty people sought outpatient care. more than 50 ambulance crews were simultaneously present at the site while providing medical care. patients are provided with all necessary blood products, and medications continue giving help. they were also involved in the evacuation of patients. helicopter. the minister of health and deputy chairman of the government today worked in other medical institutions, where they also provide assistance to all victims of the emergency. this is what tatyana golikova said. we are now all together assessing the situation in medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region. we are constantly
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in touch with... the people from moscow, here in the moscow region, we are assessing the situation with the victims, if there is any need to route patients to medical institutions of a higher level, federal, then this transfer will be carried out accordingly. as for working here, colleagues, qualified doctors, help is provided; at the moment, almost all operations have been completed.
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yes, thank you, stanislav, stanislav vasilchenko about the statements of tatyana gollikova and mikhail murashk.
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and now i’m in direct contact with kroku. in the moscow region, there are 146 names in it, restrictions on the roads have been lifted, the capital is on the roads, the honest detective telegram channel reports this with reference to department of transport. 160 tons of water were dropped and firefighting helicopters, in general, a hotline 122.0 has already been organized, you can go there and get all
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the necessary information if necessary. psychological assistance , the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said that all the victims will be provided with all the necessary assistance, all events this weekend are canceled, they ask for understanding of this, here is the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin , i quote, today he said: today a terrible tragedy occurred in the crocus city shopping center , condolences relatives of the victims, gave orders to provide all necessary assistance to everyone who suffered during the incident, sergei said. sobyanin, and more than 70 teams worked and still some of them remain and work on the spot, and the victims were evacuated both by ambulance and by air ambulance to moscow medical institutions in moscow, khima krasnogorsk, dolgoprudny. the blood center said blood donation centers will be open on saturday with enough blood in stock, but never extra new ones.


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