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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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for the sake of people, as it were, everything. a terrible tragedy brought together hundreds of strangers; the lives of the wounded, frightened and defenseless were in the hands of those who simply acted instinctively. the girl who filmed the video noticed that the man's clothes were covered in blood. it turned out that he was dragging the wounded away from the burning building. what do you have? injured? i still have my car there. show me, no, he dragged people. show me, come here. now the lives of the victims. in the hands of rescue doctors, but help from ordinary people does not stop. there are people on duty at kroku city hall various special services, the area is cordoned off by the police. to keep people in shape, local residents offer them hot tea, blankets, water and food. what happened, this is of course a terrible tragedy, it seems to me that my motivation does not need explanation, if any help is suddenly needed, i am ready. on this day for real. the russian motto
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is more relevant than ever, we do not abandon our own, and it will always be so. stanislav vasilchenko, anna pogonina, lead. now the latest information about the tragedy in krokuhol. near the concert hall in premises of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, a help center is starting to operate, where relatives can get all the necessary information about the injured victims, the hotline number is 122.0 for calls from moscow 8 800 550 50 30. meanwhile, the rescuer finally managed to enter the auditorium, where there was probably a source of burnout , the roof above it has collapsed, the rubble is being cleared, the fire is mainly... tushin. individual burning areas
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are shed. before this, it was reported that the fire managed to cover almost 13,000 m2. part of the roof collapsed. almost 500 people work on site rescuers and about 200 pieces of equipment. the number of victims, according to preliminary information from the investigative committee, is more than sixty, and it may rise further. the heads of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee and the national guard reported to vladimir putin on the progress of the investigation. and the minister of emergency situations talks about what is being done for rescue. people, the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko, the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov and deputy prime minister tatyana gullikova informed the president about assistance to the victims. she noted that vladimir putin thanked the doctors and wished all the victims recovery. many of them are residents of krasnogorsk, khimoki and moscow. nine people are in extremely serious condition, 60 are in serious condition, and the majority are in moderate condition . more than 30, thirty more victims were helped on an outpatient basis. among the injured. there are children, according to information at
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this time, terrorists started shooting at the spectators right in the hall before the start of the concert. eyewitnesses said that they shot people at point-blank range, threw incendiary bombs, two explosions were reported, the special forces of the fsb and the russian guard were looking for the criminals. about the terrorist attack for the first time the same minutes were reported to vladimir putin. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the head of state receives all operational information and has already given the necessary instructions. the investigative committee qualified the incident as a terrorist attack, and a criminal case was opened. our correspondent anton potkovenko is monitoring the liquidation of the consequences of the terrorist attack and the work of the investigators. he is again in direct contact with crocus cityhole. anton, in general, what is the situation at the moment? yes, vera, greetings again, but smoke is still visible above the roof of kroku sitiho, it’s impossible to say that it is getting stronger, but weaker.
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it just doesn’t stop, which means that the liquidation of the fires continues - that terrible fire that raged here at night, the fire was, let me remind you, with an area of ​​13,000 square meters. the tragedy that happened here in the croco city hall, of course , there was no one , cannot leave anyone indifferent, you know, the first flowers appeared, right here at the swath , here, of course, there is a cordon, that is, no spontaneous memorial, this is not about that, but just...
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we remember, we grieve, as for directly operational situation, an operational headquarters has been deployed here, in which the governor of the moscow region is located. several tasks, one of them, in particular, is to clarify the lists of all the dead, all the injured, the russian ministry of emergency situations has just literally posted, published a list of 107 people hospitalized after the terrorist attack at cropus cityhall, it is separately noted that all these lists, of course, will be updated , information arrives literally every minute, more and more new. in addition, here very close to the city hall building in the kubik business center, it begins now there is a help center, including a call center, where you can call 8 800 50050 5030 - find out all the details, all
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the details, all the information about the victims, about the wounded as a result of the tragedy that happened here the night before in croca. sitiho, near moscow , firefighters continue to work, rescuers continue to work in the auditorium, in particular, where the supposed epicenter of the fire was, where the temperature was the highest and the fire was the strongest, where the terrorists scattered incendiary bombs, perhaps these were molotov cocktails, perhaps some kind of explosive devices were used, the firefighters continue to work and the information flows to the operational headquarters, where... it is actually processed by experts, where governor andrei vorobyov, the governor of the moscow region also gives instructions and, accordingly, all the information is also collected, analyze, let's listen to the dialogue, you are now starting complex work on the blockage gap, what do you think, how much time do you
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need for us to get additional clarity, a day - 12 hours, that's 6 hours, no matter how many, now i need an hour and a half to two so that we get to... we work in close connection with the firefighters, of course, the experts of the investigative committee are working , they have a lot of work ahead of
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them, a long way to understand how everything happened in all the details of how this cynical terrorist act took place, the weapons remained in place. the initiation of a criminal case for a terrorist attack; within the framework of this criminal case , a complex of investigative actions is currently being carried out. investigators of the investigative committee, criminologists, experts, together with
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the operational services of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs of russia are currently raising the bodies of the dead. unfortunately, we must say that the number of deaths as a result of a terrorist act is increasing, at the moment, we can already talk about more than 60 dead, and this figure may increase, in addition, investigators are seizing weapons and ammunition from the crime scene, which they are currently inspecting the weapons, and they have already quickly begun carrying out work on the weapons.
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unfortunately, a clearly planned terrorist attack, carried out very dynamically, is now underway the search for terrorists, punishment will certainly be inevitable, this is said at various levels and is separately emphasized, now firefighters continue to work, rescuers continue to work around the concert venue, a tight cordon of employees, and anton, in direct communication with the croc at the hola network was on... our correspondent, anton potkovenko. interpol is ready to support russian authorities in their investigation into
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the attack on civilians at crocus cityhole. the deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs andrey klimov. andrey arkadyevich, hello, do you think we might need help from the international police in investigating this attack? you know, i would still start with my deepest condolences, dear ones.
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what kind of it will be, first of all, i , of course, rely on our specialists, they have vast experience and serious capabilities
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to carry out this kind of thing quickly, efficiently and professionally. at the moment, more than 50 countries have condemned the terrorist attack on the crux concert venue near moscow. cityhall, how clear do you think the international reaction to these events is? and you know, there are almost 200 states in the united nations. almost 200 states, in my opinion, the current day will show who is who, this is also very important, although i don’t think that everyone sincerely speaks of their condolences, there are those who are generally angry, and we see this in social networks, according to some remarks, but those people who dreamed of ours, of victory over us on the battlefield, well, this speaks for itself their...
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a list of names can be seen on the ministry's website; according to the department, 82 people are being treated in various medical institutions in moscow, another 25 in hospitals in the moscow region. all victims who required surgery have already had them performed; severe patients were placed in the intensive care unit of hospitals in krasnogorsk, odentsov, dolgoprudnov, khimki and moscow. and now...
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in the moscow region it was reported that 121 victims are in the hospital after the terrorist attack, in addition, there is information that one citizen of belarus is in critical condition. v russia, but we are now actually working next to the skalifosovsky institute, this is one of the twelve moscow hospitals where victims of the terrorist attack were taken terribly last night throughout the night, doctors not from izlefosovsky say that
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the victims have different conditions, there are victims in serious condition , these are those with gunshot wounds, those who... we reported to the president about the situation and we accordingly want to thank the doctors for their speed, for the speed of decision-making for providing medical care. besides, specialists from federal centers are now working in medical organizations where
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victims are located for additional consultation, before examination, so that all medical decisions are made as much as possible. upon admission is completed, work is now ongoing to stabilize patients, and for patients who have lost blood , blood transfusions are being carried out, everything is available in sufficient quantities, plus specialists from federal centers have additionally gone to medical organizations, and joint
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consultation is underway, before examination, part the most severe patients will be... transferred to federal clinics, everything is available in sufficient quantities, now we are at the sklifosovsky institute, all the main emergency care measures have been completed, work continues, work with severe patients is ongoing, everything is moving into such a stable mode. those emergency phone numbers that my colleagues have been talking about all night today, the russian ministry of health has opened a hotline for psychological support, you now see the number on the screen 495637 7070, here you can promptly contact specialists for psychological assistance, but we continue to work here next to the
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serbsky one, excuse me, next to it named after sklifosovsky, monitoring the condition of the victims. the moscow region is open from the very morning; there are a lot of people who want to help the victims, including people who will become donors for the first time. our correspondent, sofya sergieva, is in one of the centers; she is in direct contact. sofia, what is the current situation at the point? yes, faith, hello, the situation is calm, blood collection is carried out in the mode, today we are now working in the blood center of the fmba, blood collection is carried out from 8:30 in the morning, during this time more than 200 people have already become donors, now we are in the hall where there are people taking part in donation for the first time, those those who come here for the first time simply could not
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stay away, more than 200 people have already donated blood and have been provided with blood for more than two weeks. now we have learned some information about how much more blood may be needed for further paloenic operations. components of donor blood enough to ensure clinical use, all requests from institutions for victims are provided in stocks for issue, at the moment there are... components to provide rare groups, there are 900 liters of frozen red blood cells in total in the blood service institutions of the moscow
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region there are more than 400 liters of retrocytic components and more 19 tons liters of plasma. according to employees of the fmba center, at the moment all the victims are inside.
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who suffered during the terrorist attack to its victims, all advertising banners have been lowered today, in their place a candle is burning, a candle of grief, we all feel this involvement in this tragedy, but it must be said that thanks to those who came to the blood donation centers today, thanks to them, another life can be saved, someone can be brought out of critical condition, there are now, unfortunately, more victims every hour, but thanks to volunteers, medical... organizations, they are now provided with blood, and nevertheless, 2-3 weeks after the tragedy, as experts say, more may be needed blood,
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they may need to replenish supplies again, and to prevent shortages , they need to come now and help not to be left behind. i must say that this is easy to do, just find on the internet on the website of the ministry of health, the address of the delivery point, and come there with your passport, with it and other documents proving your identity, it is important that you are over 18 years old and you have there were no chronic diseases, donation will take only 5-10 minutes, after which specialists will provide you with any help and give you tea, various treats, all in order to make up for the lack of sugar after donation, and as our representatives here, donors, told us , everything takes place in comfortable conditions, and of course , here we are now watching. there is already a queue to enter, in the next live broadcast we will tell you about it, show it to you, and talk to those who came here today. vera sergieva
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spoke about the work of donation blood collection points. on street billboards across the country today, instead of advertising, there is only one picture. a burning candle on a dark background. this symbol of grief for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall. blagoveshchensky. the funeral screensaver is lit on the largest screen in the city, in the center, near the social and cultural center. this is a popular place among city residents. important events, concerts and promotions are always held there. also, residents of blagoveshchensk organized a spontaneous memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow. he appeared on the amur embankment. people come with whole families. chukotka also mourns the victims of terrorist attacks. in anadar , a commemorative event was held at the main temple of the city. funeral meeting. flags on everyone administrative buildings, cultural
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events have been cancelled. digital banners with the we grieve screensaver were turned on in the urals. in yekaterinburg , candles were lit at a spontaneous memorial that was organized that night in the city. our correspondent kirill bortnikov is in direct contact with the studio from yekaterinburg. kirill, you have the floor. vera, hello, yes, we are now in the center of yekaterinburg on square 1905, where right behind me, and this night a spontaneous memorial appeared in memory of the victims of the horrific terrorist attack in moscow. first residents of the city began bringing flowers and candles here at night, literally a few hours after this terrifying, shocking news about the terrorist attack in the crocus near moscow began to appear. the ural is mourning. together with the whole country, people periodically come to this memorial to lay flowers, sometimes just to remain silent
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, many have tears in their eyes, because everyone is perplexed as to how this could happen, i propose to give the floor to those people who come to the spontaneous memorial in the center of yekaterinburg? well, of course, this is difficult, this is grief for the whole country, and i believe that every person, as a duty, is obliged today to express some words of condolences, words of support to those people who suffered in this situation and... the only thing we can do now what to do is to come and lay flowers to honor the memory of those who, unfortunately, left us during such a terrible event as international terrorism. there are such non-humans in the country, they are simply not people, it’s scary that somewhere near us people like this live, that is, this is very depressing, of course, our condolences to the families, it’s hard.
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it’s hard to talk about this, we mourn this, we saw on the news this morning about what happened, our hearts are with the relatives of the victims, of course, it’s a pity that it all happened this way, it’s sad, i think the whole country will be offended, in the sverlovsk region today all entertainment events on billboards were cancelled, funeral candles began to appear instead of advertising messages, it is worth saying that... the presidential plenipotentiary representative in the ural federal district expressed condolences in connection with the terrorist attack vladimir yakushev. quote: inhumans shot with machine guns the residents who came to the concert at crocus cityhall. inhuman cruelty, great grief for the whole country. end of quote. metropolitan ekaterinburg evgeniy also expressed words of support for the victims. in all the ural churches today the victims are praying, the victims and
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those who died are praying. in this monstrous terrorist attack and prays for those who are now in the hospital for whose lives the doctors are fighting. the sick governor of the sverdlovsk region , evgeny kuyvashev, stressed that the region is ready provide any help and support. also in yekaterinburg today a meeting of the regional anti-terrorism commission has already been held to take additional security measures in crowded places, it is already known that there will be increased measures, especially in transport, on railways... at the airport, ural airlines will make a forced refund of the full cost of air tickets passengers who refused to fly to moscow from march 22 to march 25, inclusive, let me remind you, in the sverlovsk region, in the ural federal district, all entertainment events are canceled today, a match between the hockey club avtomobilist vs. ska is planned in the capital of the urals, it is already known that the work of the fan zone in one of the shopping
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centers will not take place, will the match itself take place, if so, in what format, for now there is also no information, but it is worth saying that not only yekaterinburg is mourning, but neighboring regions in the ural federal district, in tyumen, and instead of advertising messages on billboards, mourning, mourning images appeared in chelyabinsk, in many cities ural federal district , it is worth saying that as information appeared quite recently, the ural chaif ​​group today from... an event this night, also from the latest news, educational institutions today are moving to a hybrid learning format, in particular the ural federal university, the ural agrarian university , the open day at the medical university was canceled today
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, but in the meantime... people periodically come up to the memorial, to the spontaneous memorial in the center of yekaterinburg, to express condolences, just keep quiet and say some words of support about this horrifying, shocking thing; sometimes there are simply no words that can be used to describe the events that took place tonight in a building near moscow. vera, yes, kirill, our correspondent, kirill bortnik, was from yekaterinburg. the first frightening messages from krochus sitiho appeared on news agency feeds around half past eight in the evening. at first there was scant information about the shots, then it snowballed. the dead, the injured, the terrible numbers are only growing, it becomes clear that this is not just a shooting, this is a terrorist attack. how everything happened, the chronology of the tragic events was restored by sergei samokha. the rogroup picnic concert was supposed
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to start at 8 pm, a few minutes away. until the third bell, when...


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