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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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muscovy, which entailed great sacrifices. the chinese side firmly supports the russian government's efforts to maintain national security and stability. flowers at the building of our children's missions around the world, calls from all over the planet, with words of strong condemnation of this bloody terrorist attack, which is happening before the eyes of all humanity. those telegrams of condolences were also sent today by... the vietnamese authorities. acting president wothi an xuan sent a telegram of condolences to the president russia to vladimir putin in connection with the terrorist attack at crocus city hall in moscow, which resulted in many deaths and injuries. on the same day, foreign minister bujt hansson also sent his condolences to his russian counterpart sergei lavrov. in
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their messages, the leaders of the countries condemn terrorism in all its manifestations, the japanese foreign ministry also condemned the terrorist attack in the moscow region. on march 22 at 22:00 local time , a shooting occurred in a commercial facility in krasnogorsk near moscow, russian federation, which led to numerous to the victims. japan strongly condemns such an attack on the civilian population, we...
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hello vera, in krasnoyarsk 2 hours ago they organized a memorial in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, hundreds of citizens have already visited it, people bring carnations and candles, a ringing silence hangs in the air, the whole city and the region mourns and offers words of condolences. people say that now, more than ever, the russians are a single whole and it is impossible to break the russian people with such horrific actions. i suggest listening to the comments of the residents of krasnoyarsk. at all
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there is no explanation, some, we shared with colleagues, with relatives, with friends, with loved ones, that these are some kind of animals, because with such calmness to do this, or under some powerful substance, our deepest condolences, because that well, no one is ever ready for death, and even more so, you know, dying of old age is one thing, but dying in such conditions is somewhat different, i don’t understand a little how our russian people work, what? an endless stream of people come to the memorial, among them and the head of the city of krasnoyarsk, he also laid flowers to honor the memory of the victims. today, the feeling of the residents of krasnoyarsk, the krasnoyarsk territory, is, of course, very complex; we mourn with the entire country, together with all the cities of the russian federation, which today have already...
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shown how much they are in the same and unified internal perception of this grief. the governor of the krasnoyarsk territory also offered words of condolences; he ordered the cancellation of all entertainment events in the region; some billboards in the city replaced advertising signs with images of candles and words of support. since the very morning, in the churches of siberia they have been praying for the dead in the novosibirsk region , performances and concerts have been cancelled. in novosibirsk itself as well. moscow, and a video with words of grief was also launched on street screens in yakutsk. when i found out about this at night, that is, my colleagues in the city of moscow always had connections, i asked for various information, now my comrades who are there are also donating blood. in the center of the blood of the city of moscow, and just
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to see these frames, to see the horror that happened in corcus city hall, it’s very painful, and once again we... to the enhanced regime airports and railway stations have crossed, passengers are asked to arrive early and be sensitive to the thorough checks by transport security officers. for those who have changed their mind about going or flying to moscow, we are ready to return the money for tickets, even if they are issued as non-refundable. now absolutely everyone empathizes with this tragedy, moscow, the moscow region.
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this call was made by the un security council. at the headquarters of the united nations , the terrorist attack was called vile and cowardly. belgrade spoke in a similar vein. serbian deputies they honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence, and the head of the republic spoke harshly regarding the preemptive actions of the united states and great britain. please note that on march 7, the american embassy urged its citizens not to visit shopping centers and crowded places. the british and others gave the same warning to their citizens , which means that their intelligence services intercepted certain negotiations, received information and knew that something would happen. however, at his last briefing , state department spokesman john kirby refused comments about the warning from the american
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embassy in moscow. i am not aware of any further information regarding this terrible event. but on march 8, the embassy warned of an impending extremist attack in moscow. yes, yes, i guess i'll let the gazdep speak on this matter, but i don't think it was related to any specific attack. the white house national security council reported that joe biden does not plan to call moscow because of what happened, and the baltic countries did not offer condolences to russia. only the head of the lithuanian ministry of foreign affairs urged not to lose focus without explaining what he means. the south korean government has not yet condemned the terrorist attacks. they expressed the hope that the organizer of the terrorist attack would be quickly identified at the same time as ordinary diplomats. uses other language, in particular a strong condemnation of terrorist attacks and the inability to justify them in any way. most western experts have no doubt that the afghan isis cell is behind the attack, which is trying to take revenge in moscow for the effective fight against terrorists. not yet
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all the details are clear, but the style of the attack indicates that it is terrorists who are behind it, and not the special services of a particular state. for comparison, remember the attack on the bataclan theater in paris at 15, which was carried out on the same day, march 22. isis, in particular their afghan cell, had their own motives. moscow successfully fought terrorists in syria. in addition, extremists are at war with the taliban in afghanistan. last week, their leadership in kabul just appointed its military atache in moscow. british politician george galuei, in turn, does not exclude the possibility that isis militants could act. at the direction of western intelligence services. if the biden regime is found to be involved in a mass terrorist murder in moscow, a de facto state of war will arise between the superpowers. aggressively minded pro-western media ignore these words; bilt journalist julian röbke, known for his anti-russian rhetoric, instead of
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condolences, decided to write that the terrorist attack should not affect the collective efforts to weaken russia. not the best the magazine also captured the scale of the tragedy and the essence of what was happening. allegedly, it was about two different incidents. artyom krosulin, alek komarov, lead. the investigative committee asks citizens who were in the crocus at the time of the terrorist attack to provide eyewitness information for a detailed reconstruction of the full picture of the events. investigators are now working at the scene of the terrorist attack, studying recordings from surveillance cameras, also interviewing victims, inspecting the concert hall premises, and confiscating material evidence. the crime was thorough planned, the terrorists
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used hot, flammable liquid to set the fire, and used automatic weapons during the attack. an investigative team consisting of... records from cctv cameras are studied, work is carried out with victims, ballistic, genetic and fingerprint examinations are assigned and carried out on the material evidence left by the terrorists at the crime scene, these are automatic weapons and ammunition. according to preliminary data, the cause of death was gunshot. injuries poisoning combustion products. investigators have also already begun working with
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crime suspects who were detained by intelligence services and law enforcement agencies in the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine. rescuers entered the burned-out hall of crocus, the situation there is difficult, work will be carried out around the clock. this was stated by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. happened. a terrible terrible tragedy, we once again want to inform you that today there are 121 hospitalized patients in various forms in institutions in moscow and the moscow region severity, very often the injuries are complex and extremely severe, doctors do everything possible to save lives. yesterday night i visited the minister of health. and the deputy prime minister , all institutions so that, at the first opportunity, those severe cases that
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doctors see are transferred to high-tech clinics, such work is underway, today we have 121 people hospitalized, two deaths, today of them five children, doctors are fighting for their lives and accordingly. we will continue to inform the relatives and we will certainly to inform you, dear colleagues, secondly , as for the dead, i must immediately say that the number of victims will grow significantly, today at 6:30 am, rescuers entered the hall where the most terrible events took place, and - literally now i have returned from there, and we see that the situation there is extremely difficult,
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engineering work will be carried out , it will be carried out around the clock, the goal of the engineering work is to remove the collapsed roof from above, all the means, equipment, and the necessary cranes, as well as already on the site, rescuers are also in a sufficient number will work in shifts, as i already said. accordingly, when sorting out the rubble, we will see the number, respectively, of those who died, who were injured, so we are doing everything possible to ensure the necessary pace of work, and we will inform you regarding all the payments that you asked about, burial, and moscow, and the moscow region, of course, takes everything. ourselves, all necessary payments are also indicated in our messages, we understand that this is a necessary
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measure of support, but the main thing is to clarify for every family for every relative, here at the support center we have received 272 calls to date and 30, well , about 40 relatives have come for... and law enforcement agencies detained 11 people, four of them were
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directly involved in the terrorist attack. after committing the terrorist attack, they tried to escape in a car, moving towards the russian-ukrainian border in the bryansk region. they were detained. now they are being transported to moscow. it was established that the terrorist attack was carefully planned, the weapons were in advance placed in a cache. the terrorists had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side and were counting on help crossing the border. now work is underway to identify those who could be accomplices. the investigation into the terrorist attack continues.
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a passenger bus were damaged. from belgorod, reporting by alexander revunov. one person died, five more belgorod residents were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity. shrapnel, craniocerebral and barotrauma. this was announced by the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov. we are having a difficult morning; private houses and apartment buildings have been damaged, and there are casualties. to be confirmed now. in total, this morning from the ukrainian side , 17 shells from the vampire missile system were fired at belgorod; they were shot down in the sky by our air defense, but the explosions were dangerous fragments. collapsed on residential areas, this is a consequence of the detonation of one of these munitions, balconies on three floors collapsed, the shelling happened around 7 am, naturally there were people inside the apartments at that moment, a man, the owner of one of them died, his wife was hospitalized by disaster medicine doctors in one of the hospitals in belgorod, there were flights to office buildings, shopping centers, pharmacies, the private sector
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, a fire started in this house as a result of falling fragments, rescuers are engaged in extinguishing it, an employee is also working here... the bus stop pulled up, dropped off the passengers, and we all ran for cover, sat down and literally 30 seconds later the flight arrived, the special commission has already begun assessing the damage.
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two children were evacuated to penza; from the station square, the children were sent to seven temporary accommodation points, these are camps, sanatoriums, and hotels and sports complexes. among the children are 133 young athletes, gymnasts, wrestlers swimmers. in retirement they will be able to continue training. a train with schoolchildren evacuated from the belgorod region arrived in tambov. the children will be placed in the tambov artek sports and recreation camp; a local history session called artek has been prepared for young belgorod residents.
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on march 3, 63 cubic meters of soil were removed from the rubble, and 50% of the concrete was poured into one of the three waterproof lintels. on the ventilation slope, directly in the underground workings, a mobile drilling rig began work, the first meters were completed. total in the rescue operation involved 226 people and 29 pieces of equipment. the regions are preparing for floods, and the forces of the ministry of emergency situations are being checked. more than 400 settlements may be at risk of spring floods; in order to prevent floods, ice blasting is already being carried out on many rivers. to eliminate
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the consequences of floods, a group of rescuers with a total number of 840 thousand people, as well as special equipment, including aviation, is available. these works are carried out annually with the goal of weakening the ice cover in possible places. the neo-nazi pilot was destroyed, combat work continues, but it was difficult, it was flying at an altitude of approximately 5.00 m.
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faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me, this is who else taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, there is some kind of shooting going on here. vladimir kolokoltsev immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack, i want to hug you all and thank you. initiation of a criminal case for
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a terrorist attack. this is a grief for the whole country. our hearts are with the relatives of the victims.


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