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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin declared march 24 a day of national mourning; the president addressed russian citizens in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with a bloody, barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people. ours...
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i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and indifferent, along with doctors and security officers, provided first aid and transported the victims. hospital, we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have been affected by terrible misfortune, wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who i lost my loved ones, the whole country, all our people mourn with you, march 24... i mark a day of national mourning.
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in moscow and the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced . the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing a new crime. as for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational investigative actions, at the present time. executive terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, detainees were found, they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window had been prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the state border. a total of 11 people were detained. federal security service of russia.
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all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer a fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they are, no matter who they are... i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this blow to russia, to to our people. we know what the threat is terrorism, we count here on interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain and are ready to actually join forces in the fight against the common enemy, international terrorism. with all its manifestations , terrorists, murderers, non-humans, who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate, the retribution of oblivion, they have no future, our common duty now
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, our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, is to be together in one system, i believe it will be so, because no one and nothing maybe...
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mikhail mishustin, on his own behalf and on behalf of the government, expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. this was reported on the cabinet of ministers website. according to the prime minister, today this great grief is shared by millions of people. mishutin also stated that the circumstances
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of the incident are being thoroughly investigated, and those responsible will definitely be punished. but the terrorists who attacked crocus city. detained in the bryansk region. even after their car was discovered, the criminals tried to escape. during interrogation one of them said that he had to receive half a million rubles from his curators for the mass murder. details about the special operation to detain igor pikhanov. the terrorists were caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. terrorists tried to break through into the territory of neighboring ukraine along this highway. late at night. the police discovered this car in which they were driving, demanded to stop, but they only increased the gas, a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the road, there was one of the suspects was detained
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, three more militants tried to hide on foot in the forest, now the snow has melted, the soil there has turned into a mess of mud and ice, they couldn’t last long, one of the criminals even climbed a tree in order to hide from the officers law enforcement agencies, but this did not help him; soon everyone was detained, but during interrogation they said that they committed this terrible crime in order to earn a little fee, they only had about half a million rubles, so in the crocus what did you do yesterday, in the crocus, what?
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from whom i received it i haven’t received half of it yet i received it where i received it from card to card i transferred it and where is the card card. for all the clothes they didn’t have time to put in and they were sweating where they got the weapons they delivered the weapons themselves who they don’t know on the telegram they wrote without a name without a surname? without anything, how did they find you, did you look for them yourself or did they find you? no, they wrote me, did you meet them, where and when? where did you meet? when did you buy the car, and where did you buy the car? bought a highway, yeah, yeah, who?
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the bryansk region is protected by our borders from ukrainian militants, as well as police officers and the national guard. during the operation , none of our soldiers were injured, today the leadership of the operational department, who participated in this operation, thanked their colleagues for their professionalism and skillful actions, the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces, they were caught alive, now they are giving testimony, they are extremely important, this is necessary in order to catch the remaining accomplices, and most importantly, the customers this terrible crime. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, news from bryansky. at the site of the terrorist attack, emergency situations ministry employees continue to clear the rubble; more than
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700 specialists and over 210 pieces of equipment have been involved. and now our correspondent, anton podkovenko, is in direct contact from crocus cityhall. anton, hello, how long do rescuers estimate it will take to clear the rubble? yes, anton, greetings, the assessments here may, of course, be different, but in general we are talking about several. days, most likely exactly such terms are given, this is quite understandable, since the fire was huge, we all know 13. m, raging flames, so i will now ask the operator to show what is happening above the roof of the cityhole crofas, just a moment ago , there were clouds of first black smoke, then - white smoke, accordingly, apparently there is extinguishing, the extinguishing process is going on right now, look, now it is starting to appear, appear, here, here, you see, black smoke, that is, what does this mean, this means: that the centers of combustion are still there is their
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liquidation is still ongoing, approximately they call 500 m2, it is quite possible that this area is already changing, we are talking about the second floor, about the third floor and about the roof of the concert venue itself, crocus city hall, now the rescuers are working, of course, inside , the rubble is being sorted out, according to the latest data as a result of the rubble being sorted out, the number of deaths after...
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there is a danger, the next danger is the fastening of the walls, the roof collapsed, even the fittings were bent there from the heat, this is what the climbers who carried out the already reconnaissance, they call it that term, particles, parts of the roof, they seem to be overhanging, they have not fallen yet.
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those automatic weapons from which they shot defenseless people who came to the group’s picnic concert the night before were shrapnel.
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investigators, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee of russia have entered, they continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole, the premises of the concert hall are being inspected and material evidence is being seized, recordings from cctv cameras are being studied, work is underway with the victims, ballistic, genetic and fingerprint examinations have been appointed and carried out on the material evidence left by the terrorists at the crime scene, these are automatic weapons and... according to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and poisoning by combustion products. investigators have also already begun working with crime suspects who were detained by intelligence services and law enforcement agencies in the bryansk region, near the border with ukraine. all
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more more details, including from eyewitnesses, there is a video, many of these videos are on the internet, then... now from the moment when the terrorists broke into fai, broke into the main hall and began shooting at defenseless people, eyewitnesses also share their memories still fresh , absolutely terrible memories, in particular ivan pomorin, who has his own studio, he is a cameraman, and a group of eighteen colleagues, they were supposed to film that very concert of the piknit group, which did not take place due to these terrible tragic circumstances. so, only thanks to the fact that these operators had an audio connection between their ears , one of the operators heard the shooting, informed the others, morin ordered his group to leave, evacuate all the assistants, and thus they were all saved, that’s what he says, so we were sitting backstage, if you look from the hall, on the right side, and we have
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a door leading out to the street through the service room, it was quite close, but i had operators -
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and from vegas, i was just in shock, what am i i still had to go to the bar and didn’t have time to eat, i wanted to eat, then this bar was transferred and i still had to stay here at this time, and i was like, well, i called, mom, what happened here, then i also wanted to go here, and they are already sending me these videos, i’m in shock that this happened, i heard right from the first minutes yesterday how everything happened, it’s impossible to look at... these shots from the screen, it’s impossible to remain on the sidelines and indifferent, i just want to honor the memory of what happened, it’s hard to really talk about it , literally just before our direct
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a delegation of deputies of the state duma of the united russia faction came here to the impromptu memorial at the crop key hall. they came to the pirogovo center, where the wounded were also brought, our correspondent, evgenia petrukhina, is in direct contact with us. evgenia, hello, how do doctors assess the condition of patients? yes, anton, hello, of course, there are those who are in serious condition, after gunshot wounds, after poisoning with combustion products after serious burns, but there are also those
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whose condition is stabilizing, and this is, of course , good news that we can really rejoice at today. the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, visited the botkin hospital today and spoke personally with those who were at the crocus city hall last night; moscow mayor sergei sabyanin also said that in city hospitals. undergoing treatment in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, deputy prime minister of the russian government tatyana golikova spoke about this today. she also emphasized that of these 107 victims, three children, one child
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is in extremely critical condition. tatyana golikova and the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko today visited several hospitals where the victims were brought last night, for example, the pirogovo hospital, the russian children's clinical hospital. all medical institutions in moscow and the moscow region continue to provide medical care to patients who suffered during the terrorist attack in crocus. at the moment , there are 107 patients in medical institutions, of which three are children, one child is in critical condition. in serious condition and two children in serious condition. among adults, 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 are in serious condition. 19 medical institutions are currently providing
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assistance to victims of the terrorist attack, some victims have been transferred to federal centers, as the head of the ministry of health mikhail murashka noted today, there is all the necessary equipment, there are all the necessary drugs. in addition, the head of the ministry of health noted that they worked quickly and mobilized.
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tatyana golikova and mikhail murashka today visited the russian children's clinical hospital, they personally assessed the condition of an eleven-year-old patient, who is in a stable and serious condition; as doctors say, she has poisoning from combustion products, a burn of the respiratory tract. at the moment, the child’s condition is simply serious, stable, the girl is on an artificial lung, under medical sedation for the purpose of synchronization. now full preparation has been carried out, preoperative preparation, and any minute now i’m ready to transport
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my hump for placement inside the cranial. it is also important to note here that security measures have been strengthened in medical institutions in moscow, for example, bags are checked at the entrance, they are asked to go through a metal detector, and absolutely everyone who comes is inspected in every possible way. in the hospital, but as for the condition of the victims, of course everyone is now watching them very closely, both relatives and friends, doctors, representatives of the media. anton, yes, evgenia, thank you, we wish early congratulations to all the victims. evgenia petrukhina spoke about her condition victims of the terrorist attack in kroku sitiholi. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, ordered that a young man who managed to neutralize one of the kroku terrorists be presented for a departmental award. eyewitnesses spoke about his dedication. our correspondent, evgeniy nipot, met with the hero. this is a story about heroism, modesty, and
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a heroic deed. eyewitnesses, i remind you that it was reported that the man attacked the terrorist and neutralized him, thereby saving him by his act without involving dozens, if not hundreds of lives, but his boss told us about this hero of ours, the hero called at work and said that he had lost his jacket with the keys to the office the day before, the boss, already knowing that there was such a hero, asked if it was you, mikhail, he said yes. it was me. everything happened when the terrorists were already operating in the hall, an explosion had already occurred, a fire had started, one of the terrorists ended up next to mikhail and his wife. he covered his beloved, heard the queues, saw what the terrorist was doing to the unfortunate people. our hero seized the moment when the terrorist began to reload his weapon. and at that moment i felt only wild horror, i
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was afraid that... they would kill me, that’s all, my life would end there, so well, it’s ridiculous, when he caught up with us, he began to reload the weapon, i had a second to think , i accepted the movement, i pushed my wife, i ran around him to the left, grabbed the machine gun with my left hand, pulled him down, and with my right hand began to strike him on the head, he began to fall down, i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike blows, in at that moment another man ran up to me and also dealt a couple of powerful blows. after the terrorist was neutralized, mikhail hurried outside, he saw hundreds of people around him who rushed to the evacuation exit, he also notes that there was very
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strong mutual assistance, that is, people who ...
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victims, psychologists and specialists from the help center for relatives of the deceased, social security is ready to provide support and help in finding information. he will tell you how the work of the center is organized.


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