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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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the actual separation of kosovo from serbia in 1999 and the unilateral declaration of independence by the region in 2008 created a precedent for the forceful change of borders, and the point is not only that the kosovo incident later appeared in one way or another in other cases, abkhazia, south ossetia and crimea. the concept of a border is generally key to the changes that the world has been experiencing in recent decades. everything happens in the same context with the rethinking of the international system in general, when the quite attractive idea of ​​the international community, international society, has turned into such a political doctrine of denial of sovereignty. states
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, if we, in addition to states in the international arena, also participate in international life , international organizations, public organizations, some intergovernmental organizations that are engaged in regulating non-political things, otherwise, probably, states are no longer so important, their sovereignty is not absolute, which means their boundaries are also not absolute.
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tendencies come into conflict with each other, it is very difficult to come up with such an ideology that would help explain and legitimize those situational decisions that are made by certain players. the yugoslav epic was the fragmentation of a large state into component parts based on nationality, notable for the fact that a single principle... did not emerge when bosnia was pacified, ethnic communities were forced to remain in one state, maintaining the configuration of the borders. then the concept changed. in the case of the separation of kosovo, and then montenegro from yugoslavia, they came to the conclusion that the border is not a dogma. when did it arise the question of kosovo settlement through the separation of serbian enclaves from kosovo.
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istic boundaries were dictated by that same national principle, which cannot be consistently maintained in all cases. the dispute between armenia and azerbaijan is a very long historical one, this is a dispute over lands where ethnic divisions existed for a very long time.
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which has ceased to exist there before our eyes, post-soviet decades, the theme of historical borders, the historical territory of the nation, is being revived, which, of course, on the one hand, it is thoroughly speculative, entirely constructible, but on the other hand, since it turns into some kind of... political decisions, otherwise its discussion entails certain consequences. just a couple of years ago, it was believed that the path of humanity was moving towards a world without borders. the goal is good, because most wars broke out because of border disputes; modern challenges do not recognize borders. what the pandemic has taught us is that we, as living beings , were attacked by another form of life. for which
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there are no boundaries at all, our answer should be was to be universal, over the dividing lines, but what did we do, closed ourselves off behind our borders and thought that we could show a passport to the virus? but the virus does not discriminate against anyone, it hits everyone. our common belonging to humanity does not exclude territorial division, but it should not be so strict that the task is only not to let it in or not to let it out. if we agree to live by the zero-sum principle, either we or they, then, of course, we will have to fight abroad, but if we understand that together we can achieve more, than confrontation, then the role of borders will change. they will become a way to designate identity, cultural, religious , linguistic, but this does not interfere with good neighborliness, the problem of the borders that we have inherited is that they are for isolation, this should change in the future, it sounds convincing, but in reality everything is different, the meaning of dividing lines
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are growing again, in spite of this or on the contrary, due to the fact that many of them are extensible, arbitrary and even artificial, not only in the balkans, what is a state before the new time or a state outside of europe before the era of large-scale colonial conquests, this is always a border determined by something ; there is a border determined by where they can reach. troops, there is a border determined by where trade will reach, there is a border determined by where ideological influence will reach, there is religion or something like that,
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they do not coincide with each other, here is the state of modern times in which we live now, it’s like once an attempt here are all these complex boundaries. political, economic, bring the ideological rest into one line. and in this sense, well, yes, this is to a large extent an abstraction, some spheres of influence will still remain, and maybe what’s interesting, or what’s sad about the time we live in, is... because, uh, they’ve been removed previous restrictions regarding the means by which one can provide oneself with the protection of one’s sphere of influence. the prevailing view is still that
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existing borders must be maintained, even if proposals and incentives appear to expand them. look at africa. borders, inherited from colonial times are quite stable because african states remember what they went through to maintain territorial integrity and independence. revision is too dangerous. in the case of russia and ukraine, everything is more complicated. the main reason for the conflict is the challenge that western countries posed to russia by breaking the promise not to expand nato eastward, given after the fall of the berlin wall. global south and many other states.
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a weak state that has entered a period of instability due to internal contradictions, well, for example, yemen or iraq, doesn’t it run the risk that stronger neighbors will try to divide it among themselves. this possibility always remains, but the countries of the global south have enough difficulties with their own lands that i don’t think they will really want to take over. additional risks due to the transformation of problem areas. the iraq you mentioned, for example, is a very dubious gift. i doubt that theoretically there may be those who will try to mobilize through claims to once lost territories. however, we saw what happened when iraq
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decided to take over kuwait, it is unlikely that anything will work out for others, but any situation becomes even more complicated if external forces intervene in it. everyone understands the risks of redistribution, and the memorable experience, especially of the 20th century, has gone away from them , oh, how will the eu and nato countries behave. in a situation of border redrawing, yes, we, well, many observers perceive with skepticism the news that poland wants to expand or romania wants to expand, but if this is on the agenda, because people in brussels and washington will face elections. either they besiege their allies, or
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they agree that the borders are no longer sacred, they can be revised, that’s how, how wide will be the circle of those who want to play this game and are ready to play this game, the war of ninety-nine is connected two significant events for russia’s international positioning: the first turn over the atlantic of the plane of then prime minister yevgeny primakov, who was heading to washington. there was a lot of money at stake, in particular restructuring of russian debt. let us recall that six months earlier, in august 1998, russia defaulted on external obligations. the economy was just beginning to recover from the collapse. but when us vice president al gore called primakov...
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the bombing began. not everyone in moscow appreciated the gesture of the head of government. the kommersant newspaper came out with a devastating headline, in which pryamakov was accused of nothing less than betraying national interests, in favor of his own political sympathies, pro-communist, as the author believed. and yet it is a fact that at the end of the 20th century, without a clear reason, you can bomb the capital. the last european state shocked many, including those who had no sympathy for
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milosevic, but considered the development of relations with the west a priority. these events of 1999 sobered even those who advocated for the speedy establishment of trust, for accelerated trust, as they said then, for the primacy of common human values ​​over national interests; now there are also such people. forces, love revolutions, love fast events and so on, not understanding that the speech is stupid things, and serious, serious, deep work is needed to change views, brains and, at the same time, national interests. the second milestone is the forced march of russian airborne units that served in bosnia to the capital of kosovo, pristina, in june 1990.
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com, sometimes even decent people, when they are humiliated, slapped, it helps, i
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think that here was a very timely, good, clear step towards nato members, we showed them that we have our interests, that without us they wouldn’t succeed anyway, well, it’s true that the symbolic meaning of the flashy action exceeded the practical one, the russian military left the balkans after some time, but the epigraph to the new era turned out to be vivid. in the 15th century, the territory of kosovo, populated mainly by serbs, came under the rule of the ottoman empire, and its colonization began at the same time. muslim albanians. by the beginning of the 20th century , the ratio of serbian and albanian populations was virtually equal. in 1945, kosovo received the status of an autonomous region consisting of serbia, which in turn was part of yugoslavia as one of the six republics. by the early eighties, the share of the albanian population in kosovo reached almost 80%.
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the first nationalist protests of kosovo albanians began, who demanded. dependent republican status within yugoslavia. in the nineties, the new constitution of serbia greatly curtailed the rights of the region. in response, in september 1991, the kosovo albanians held an independence referendum, which the serbs boycotted. in parallel, albanian nationalists organized their own kosovo liberation army, the kla. two years later , the civil war began. to stem the wave of violence, belgrade introduced taste. police and army units. western countries accused the serbs of genocide of the albanian population and carried out the allied force military operation against yugoslavia. its results were the withdrawal of yugoslav troops from kosovo and the flight of the majority of the serbian population from the region. in june ninety-nine , un international civilian forces and
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international security forces were introduced into kosovo under the auspices of nato k4. the region came under temporary control. the un administration, contrary to un security council resolution 1244 , which refers to the preservation of the territorial integrity of serbia, the special representative of the un secretary general, marti ahtisari , developed a document that essentially became a secession plan. on february 17, 2008 , the kosovo parliament unilaterally declared the province's independence from serbia. it began to be called a sovereign parliamentary republic. nevertheless, go gray in kosovo. there are observers from the un mission and the mission european union yulex. the latter's sphere of activity includes the police service, border control, distribution of customs duties, courts and the prosecutor's office. official belgrade does not recognize the sovereignty of kosovo, but conducts a political dialogue with its authorities. in 2013, the first brussels agreement on the rights and
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powers of serbs in northern kosovo was signed. the next one appeared 3 years later. according to him kosovsky. the serbs were supposed to get seats in local governments, but the kosovo authorities never ratified the document. the tension does not subside. last may , kosovo serbs took to the streets demanding the recall of the mayors of four serbian municipalities elected without their participation. international security forces k4 blocked the approaches to city administration buildings. the protests escalated into clashes. after 25 years, the problem of kosovo has not been resolved; even in the european union, several countries, fearing separatism in border disputes, do not recognize the statehood of the region. the western press is full of warnings about the risks of new splits in the balkans, bosnia and kosovo. in states designed
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by american and european designers, but , of course, putin is to blame. kosovo and metohija, where clashes occur regularly. the west hopes for a forceful solution to the kosovo issue, because serbia.
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representatives of a generation that did not remember the second world war. only chirac was older, the others were bill clinton, tony blair, gerhard schröder, jshka fischer, masima dalema. javier salana belonged to the post-war cohort. it is interesting that almost all of them come from left-wing and even far-left anti-war circles.
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25 years later, the next generation, who grew up in conditions of a lasting, almost serene peace, macron, scholz, berbak, meloni, sanchez, sunach and others, easily talk about a war that must certainly be won.
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when the journalist asked for arguments and facts whether he had a cherished dream, he answered: a cherished one, no, but every time i finish another job, i dream of doing as much as possible. that's the whole dream, let's do as much as possible, in spite of everything, it was an international review, take care of yourself, the real legend is visible right away, almost to it impossible to touch, but not for you. this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month. and also
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as long as... we remember them, they are immortal. troshin, alexander konstantinovich, he is a battalion commander, yes, i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major. a kilometer from here, let them finish it, go finish it. i was a tanker, now i'm an infantryman. there is no day when we stand still, enter, gain a foothold, move on, and so on further, let's go, let's go, each commander with his unit goes, fulfilling the task, before the battle i think about my wife, about my mother, about my children, and these thoughts helped me get out of the battle.
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you need to be here in a difficult time for russia, you just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time had come for russia that they had to get back into line with their former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children , fled to the front to get to, to take in hand weapons and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again,
12:00 am
so... if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours, until we will not destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract. today in russia is a day of mourning in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in the moscow circle of city hall.


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