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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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men, our fathers, our grandfathers fought to the death for our homeland during the great patriotic war. many, even children, fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism. now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours until we destroy this... hydra, we we will not calm down, serve under a contract, today in russia is a day of mourning in memory of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in moscow the circle of sithol. the country mourns with those
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who lost loved ones during this inhumane attack. according to preliminary data from the investigation, more than 130 people became victims of an armed attack on innocent people, and about one and a half hundred were injured. on the day of mourning , national flags will be flown at half-mast throughout the country, all entertainment events, as well as radio and television programs will be cancelled. attack, a carefully and cynically planned cold-blooded mass murder, these are the words of the president about the terrorist attack in crocus cityhol. in his address to russians, vladimir putin expressed condolences to the relatives of those who died at the hands of terrorists. dear citizens of russia, i am writing to you in connection with the bloody barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people. our website.
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rescuers who did everything to save people’s lives, get them out from under the fire, from the epicenter of the smoke fire, and avoid even greater losses. i cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens who in the first minutes after the tragedy, they did not remain indifferent and indifferent; along with doctors , security officers provided first aid and transported the victims to the hospital.
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we will provide the necessary assistance to everyone, families whose lives have suffered a terrible misfortune, wounded victims, i express my deep, sincere condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones. the whole country, our whole people, mourns with you. i’m announcing on march 24th.
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executive terrorist attack, all those who shot, killed people, the detainees were found, they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the ukrainian side to cross the state border, a total of 11 people were detained, the federal security service of russia. other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and reveal the entire accomplice base of terrorists, those who provided them with transport, outlined escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition, i repeat, investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime , but it is already obvious that our encounters were not just casual. with a planned terrorist attack, with
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a prepared and organized mass murder of peaceful, defenseless people. the criminals walked calmly and purposefully. to kill, to shoot at point-blank range our citizens, our children, as the nazis once did when they carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to organize a demonstration execution, a bloody act of intimidation, all the perpetrators, the organizers who ordered this crime will suffer a fair and inevitable punishment, no matter who they were, whoever directed them? i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this attack on russia, on our people. we know what the threat of terrorism is. here we count on
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interaction with all states that sincerely share our pain and are ready to actually join forces in the fight against the common enemy, international terrorism. shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multi-ethnic society. russia has repeatedly gone through difficult, sometimes unbearable
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trials, but it has become even stronger. this is how it will be now. rescue operation at the site of the terrorist attack in krokuhula. the search has been completed, and is still ongoing, as stated by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. according to him , 133 bodies were pulled out from under the rubble within 24 hours. our correspondent egor grigoriev is now working at the site of the terrorist attack; he is in direct contact with the studio. egor, welcome that known by this moment? dmitry, hello, by now it is known that rescuers and emergency workers, firefighters...
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rescuers actually had to work, they used special equipment, grinders, scissors to saw, cut metal structures, because it was impossible to do this, for example, heavy equipment, the length of the crane arms was not enough to simply lift these multi-kilogram structures, climbers helped, they literally dismantled the walls from top to bottom. giving lifeguard like it is possible to get closer to the premises on the ground, but as previously announced, from 11 o’clock, rescuers will begin to dismantle the wall so that heavy equipment can arrive closer to the building, begin
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to rake the area that rescuers have already inspected, where they got the bodies dead, as far as you can see, i don’t know, there’s a big spotlight working behind me right now. it shines on one of the walls of the crocus cityhall building, equipment is gradually moving there, so access, of course, is still limited, here on there is an operational headquarters, andrei vorobyov, the governor of the moscow region , talked there with representatives of the rescuers, this is what they said, for the night shift, what is our plan, we are attracting a specialized company that will allow us to open the opening and...
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they came out happy, took the place , but this is rather a special case when the rescuers were able to. help an individual family pick up things - inside the building from the cloakroom, tomorrow by lunchtime there will be an algorithm for everyone who left things there, for those who have cars in the underground parking is located, the government of the moscow region will present it, because indeed a lot of people fled, leaving their outerwear , someone left their cars, access is limited, but tomorrow from lunch already... the algorithm will be clear, and as for the work of rescuers, the main task now is
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the point is to give access as close as possible, to come to the stage, dismantle all the rubble, make it safe to work there, and i repeat, climbers also help to do this, they will now try to dismantle one of the walls and give access, because under the rubble where there was a stage they can find...
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the crane arms are not enough to set the hooks and lift the metal, so we carry out the disassembly entirely manually and will carry it out until complete completion. the rescue work has been completed, now the search work is underway, tomorrow by lunchtime the bulk of the work will already be on the scene. 50 people
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, the identities of 50 people have been established, unfortunately, the number may increase, not far from the city hall crocus building a help headquarters, a support headquarters, have been set up, andrei vorobyov also visited there today, this is the place where affected people, people who cannot find their... relatives of those who went to the concert yesterday, can apply, and there andrei vorobiov made a number of statements and spoke , among other things, about how the work will develop in the coming days. today at 203 o'clock, we will make a technological opening on the western side in order to make access to the concert hall as easy as possible over the next 12-14. the fact is that most of it, due to the large number of collapses
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, has not yet been dismantled. we understand that by there may be dead bodies in the rubble. to do this, we need to carry out this event overnight, and accordingly, tomorrow should be, in fact, the final day, the search operation will be practically completed. here at the headquarters, we received about 900. you know that the doctors, for which they have huge words of gratitude, both in moscow and , accordingly, in the moscow region, are fighting for the lives of 107 - our citizens, patients, 133 people, this figure is also already known, today are considered dead , 50 people in advance, ah, in advance their identity has been established. here i will add
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that rescuers found the bodies of the dead in technical rooms, on airway openings, of course, it was terrible, people were trying to hide from terrorists there, well, that same technological opening that andrei vorobyov spoke about, right at these moments, now utility workers and specialists, rescuers are starting to make a crocus city hall in the wall and i will ask our operator to now show the national flags at half-mast in the country there is great mourning, here next to the crocus city hall there is a spontaneous memorial. people continue to stay and even at this moment hundreds of people come, they bring flowers, they bring soft toys, they light candles and lamps in memory of the dead, they are here to express words of compassion with the dead, with those who
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suffered, such there are really very , very many people, some still can’t find their... relatives, let’s give our word, yesterday a not very good situation happened, yesterday i was sitting at home, a friend of mine went to a concert with her child, after there was no contact at all, neither yesterday nor tonight, her husband is looking for her, everyone started calling, all the text messages, everyone is in mourning now, now everyone is just crying, i arrived this morning as soon as i could... all the lists, all the official data promptly appear on the website of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, as soon as it is possible to accurately identify the complete identities of the dead
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victims, doctors continue to provide assistance, and i will ask the operator to show them again. what is happening next to crocus cityhall, now there is a large the amount of municipal equipment, as soon as the rescuers complete the search for the dead, as soon as they are all removed from the basement, this equipment will begin work in order to remove the structures from here. right now at the site of the terrorist attack, said yegor grigoriev. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin , instructed, when establishing the circumstances of the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhol, to pay special attention to those who helped save people, countered the terrorists, and led spectators out of the building. the identities of all these people must be established in order to
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submit them for departmental awards, bastrykin said. suspected perpetrators. and the organization of the terrorist attack in crocus were detained in the bryansk region, 11 people were taken into custody, including four alleged perpetrators, their citizenship was foreign. these four were taken to the central office of the investigative committee for questioning on saturday. igor pikhanov learned some details of the special arrest operation. the terrorists were caught on the m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions. terrorists tried to break through this highway. into the territory of neighboring ukraine , late at night the police discovered this car in which they were traveling, demanded to stop, but they only increased the gas, a chase began, the militants lost control and flew off the road, one of the suspects was detained on the spot, three more militants tried hide on foot in
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the forest, now the snow has melted, the soil there has turned into... from mud and ice, they could not hide for long, one of the criminals even climbed a tree to in order to hide from law enforcement officers, but this did not help him, soon everyone was detained, but during interrogation they said that they committed this terrible crime in order to earn a little fee and it consisted of only about half a million rubles, so in crocus what did you do yesterday - in crocus about shoot, what did you do in crocus, shot, what did you shoot, yes, who, why, instructions, people, why, please put it in for money, for money, yes, so how much money, where half a million, half a million what, half a million the rubles from whom i received, i haven’t received yet
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, i received half, where i received card to card... i transferred the card, yes, where was the card, the card was thrown for everything, all the clothes, they didn’t have time, and sweat, where they took the weapons, they themselves were the weapons delivered , who they are, i don’t know, they wrote by telegram, no name, no last name, no nothing, but how they found you, did you look for them yourself or did they find you, no, they wrote to me, did you meet them, where when, what, does he want a phone?
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no fighters were injured, today the leadership of the operational departments that participated in during this operation, they thanked their colleagues for their professionalism and skillful actions , the criminals put up fierce resistance, but thanks to the skillful actions of the special forces, they were caught alive, they are now giving evidence, they are extremely important, this is necessary in order to catch the remaining accomplices, and most importantly, the masterminds of this terrible crime . igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, olga prokanova, conduct the bryansk region. and now to the international reaction. early on , the president expressed his condolences over the tragedy in crocus
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uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin, he condemned the terrorist attack and conveyed words of support to the families of the victims. as the kremlin press service reported, putin and mirziyoyev confirmed their intention to continue cooperation in the field of countering terrorism. i called vladimir putin and... the president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamart takaev, he also expressed condolences, emphasized that he condemns this barbaric crime, asked to convey words of sympathy to the families of the victims, wishes for a speedy recovery to the victims, but earlier, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with alexander lukashenko. the president of belarus deeply sympathizes with the attack on crocus city hall. according to the kremlin, the leaders of the two countries confirmed their readiness to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. in minsk, in turn , they emphasized that they strongly condemn the murder of innocent people, lukashenko wished the relatives of the victims courage and perseverance, and
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the victims a speedy recovery. well, later in the evening, to express my condolences in connection with the terrorist attack to vladimir recep tayeb erdogan called putin and said that turkey stands in solidarity with the russians in this difficult hour. the russian leader reported on the progress of the investigation and supported the idea of ​​intensifying cooperation...
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stored in the people's memory for a long time. the chief rabbi of russia, berl lazar, expressed his condolences to the families of those killed during the terrorist attack. he recalled that the tragedy occurred on the eve of the holiday of purim, and its traditions, according to ravin, teach first of all to strengthen unity in the face of trials. berl lazara also reported that the festive events in the honor of purim, due to mourning, was cancelled. k in solidarity.
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to all those who mourn, and may all the victims recover as quickly as possible and may there never be such tragedies again,
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is accepted by the grezh people. at such moments, say that may the almighty console all relatives and friends, among all those who mourn. in belgrade, a friendly match between the serbian red star and st. petersburg zenit began with a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. the teams entered the field wearing mourning armbands and fans in the stands stretched out a banner with the inscription moscow 22.03 we mourn. all over the world, concerned citizens bring flowers to the buildings of russian diplomatic missions, about the world reaction to the terrorist attack in crocus. olga panomareva. prime minister of slovakia
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robert. fitz was the first to heed the call from members of the un security council and expressed his readiness to cooperate with russia in the fight against terrorism. in serbia, members of parliament observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims. and this is what the russian embassy abroad looks like right now. caring people come with condolences are expressed with flowers, candles, and toys in dubai, paris, berlin, rome, amsterdam, beijing, hanoi and other capitals where russian diplomatic missions are located. at the same time, in polish krakow and riga, the police did not allow those gathered to express sympathy at the walls of the russian embassy; they had to organize a spontaneous memorial in the park opposite the diplomatic mission, and the absence of condolences from the latvian authorities and condemnation of the brutal terrorist attack suggests that in riga they are well aware who stands behind the massacre and approves terror against the civilian population of our country, this is how the russian
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embassy reacted to it, not until the other baltic... states a day later barely squeezed out general words that, with a stretch, can be mistaken for sympathy. estonia, represented by the minister of foreign affairs, dryly reported that it was following events and considered terrorism unacceptable. us secretary of state antony blinken, who regularly has to disavow biden's blunders, has now tried to smooth over the strange impression of the united states' first reaction states in the person of john kirby, and although blinken condemned the terrorist attack, expressed condolences and even...
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on march 7, the us and british embassies in moscow warned their citizens to stay away from mass events. john kirby's reaction to this also leaves many questions. i am not aware of any further information regarding this terrible event. but on march 8, the embassy warned of an impending extremist attack in moscow. yes, yes, i’ll probably let gazdep speak on this matter, but i don’t think what was it. associated with a specific attack. serbian president aleksandar vucic, who has repeatedly denounced the methods of the united states, in particular and nato in general, expressed his opinion this time. this means that their intelligence agencies intercepted certain communications, received information and knew that something would happen. most western experts accepted the french version that an afghan isis cell could be behind the attack. british politician george galloway, in turn, did not
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rule out the possibility of militants. could act on the attack of western intelligence services. if the biden regime is found to be involved in a mass terrorist killing in moscow, a de facto state of war will arise between the superpowers. social media users also pay attention to barack obama's secret visit to downing street. the former us president held talks with british prime minister rishi sunak on march 18. as noted in the comments to the news, it was obama who provided air cover at one time.


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