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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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all these shipbuilding businessmen who have their own bank accounts abroad cannot surpass the same oleg kan. according to our sources, he controls 22 large enterprises for catching and processing crab and seafood, and the size of his capital. many times more, and the biography is, as it should be, criminal. at the beginning of the 2000s, kan appeared in operational information from bop, the department for combating orc crime. he was also involved in serious criminal cases, allegedly in the spring of 2011, and was even on the federal wanted list. gray schemes for the extraction of russian biological resources under the guise of dubious quotas are still in operation today . only other reputable entrepreneurs are at the helm.
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who do not have permits and companies that mine within the framework of permits, but sometimes produce beyond the limits, and indeed they try to sell the surplus through gray markets, which means, first, those companies that have their own limits, they necessarily have technical control means installed, in case disabling technical control means. for more than 48 hours, he is obliged to inform the border service even in the event of a shutdown, for two such violations, it means that the enterprise loses its quota. all these rules exist only on paper; in the sea there are different laws, or rather a concept. this map shows the routes.
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smugglers. the first runs from the port of korsakov to the japanese cities of wakanai and saporov. the second from nevelsk is the south korean city of pusan. ships with foreign currency goods from vladivostok also come here. the crab king of russia oleg kan celebrated new year 2019 in a cozy mansion in the japanese city of sapora. he came out of the wooden hut communication with your surroundings via the internet. the video message was broadcast on the big screen. the subordinates of an authoritative
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entrepreneur were having fun in one of the most expensive hotels in halina, mega palace. many people thought that olek kan looked worried and scared. the appeal itself was more like an attempt to justify itself to the team, so that the assistants would not run away, following the example of their leader. what we created together with you many decades ago is more than 20 years old. yes, of course, they were. some moments when there were some nuances, well , we had to survive then, but the most important thing is that we earned money and i, besides this, as they said, mansion, it’s probably 80 square meters, this house is 25 years old, besides this mansion, i have nothing, but i have the most important and most valuable thing - these are you, my people, my employees, those who create together with... from oleg
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kymkhakovich’s new year’s speech it became clear that he is aware of the latest events , however, most of all a reputable crab trader. don't care criminal cases related to economic activities, and the operational materials on which he is identified as a suspect in the elimination of his competitors, well, what can i say, the situation is complicated, of course, it’s not only me that’s throwing up, but basically all the koroboviks there, they say, live abroad, yes, there was a case, i lived abroad, but because i would have been in a position, i had such a situation that if i had been in russia, if i had been closed, then definitely nothing would have worked out, but the issue was resolved according to this smiling, do i look like this man who could somehow influence, oleg kan tried to convince his team that his position on sakhalin was still strong, and they should not pay attention to the searches in his
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offices and residence. the entrepreneur hopes that he will be able to protect himself with the help of his controlled media. to be honest, i myself did not expect, today i... that such pressure in the history of the fishing industry is generally nonsense, now we are not even allowed to go to the central federal media, it’s just not they allow us to block, we are now giving interviews wherever we can, and most importantly, there are foreign publications, i will try to bring these to you , drop all these links that say what exactly is pressing, but since we have been doing this for many years, we have been creating this. shares, of course, it is clear that we have such very tasty and savory shares. at the end of his new year's greetings, the entrepreneur reminded those gathered about his status in the crab business. firstly, i am not a self-proclaimer; in russia, if you are
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a king, people always choose a king. if they chose me, which means i deserve it. and it is always this retinue that creates the king. retinue. i have. will oleg kan remain the main blood merchant of the far east? big question. the investigation continues to work without counting on the help of japanese colleagues. this country does not cooperate with russian law enforcement agencies. alekan himself, if he had been innocent, could have cleared himself of suspicion and accusations with his testimony. but while the crab king is on the run, this fact is definitely not in his favor.
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our editors have at their disposal rich video archive of the empire of the far eastern industrialist. having studied the amateur chronicle, we realized that oleg kan loved to relax with friends in the sea on sushi. we are banditos, famously, we shoot a pistol. oh, we are fiatto, driving around all day in cabrel.
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for health, for relaxation, for friends, how much vodka is already, well, at least, i think, 40 liters should be made, there will be a drink today, i hope, cheerful, with schnapps, everything is as it should be, well, let's drink, brothers, to health ours, everything is great, there is fish, there is meat, it’s delicious, thank you, lord god, may god
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grant him great health, good health, happiness, may god grant everyone to live like this, we are waiting for our friends, let’s have friends, i’m kidding, it’s very nice , these are our people, here we are, the most important thing is what is brought big land. we can’t do without this, we ate game, here are the hunters cutting open the big heart of a killed animal, here they are cutting up the carcass of a wild goat, here they are getting an appetizing piece of meat from the smokehouse, here are the wild birds, here is the caught fish, here is the trumpet for the wild aurochs, “now he’ll call, boss , bless you for the hunt, go with god, my
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son, with one shot, as usual, i killed a goat, here you go, well, the fat little goat was good, please, today there are two still lifes, the poor things are hanging, everything that took off was in our boat, and this evening it will be in the cauldron, you caught all the koluga, you gutted it."
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or izya, aka deputy dmitry pashov, oleg kant drank only soju 18-20° in moderation, spoke little, behaved with restraint, as befits the head of the largest crab empire, well i usually discount drinks, i'm so expensive cognac, that’s special, but let’s return to earth, judging by these shots, oleg kan has many friends and partners. in business, now law enforcement agencies have questions about
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the entourage of the sakhalin blood merchant, we are holding a can of millions in klevanto on the law, primorsky krai, the city of vladivostok, 2019, the arrests in the criminal case of smuggling kamchatka crab to china took place in mid-january, first force. came to the gumam of vladivostok. the store, according to the press, belongs to the crab king of russia oleg kan. there is an office on the second floor of the building llc primorskoe company. according to the investigation , this company filled out applications to obtain quotas for crab fishing in the region and entered into deals with foreign companies for the supply of seafood. in january 2019, customs authorities opened four criminal cases related to this part. of the criminal code of the russian federation regarding the smuggling
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of kamchatka crab by an organized group across the customs border into the people's republic of china. the weight of the goods was 50 tons, and its cost was more than 35 million rubles. one the case was initiated based on the results of a prosecutor's investigation. to commit a crime , false information was provided to the customs authority. the head of primorskoye llc was dmitry lee, a close friend and companion of the krabov family. oleg kan, in the sakhalin fund, the family of a reputable entrepreneur from the native islands, mr. lee was listed as a permanent philanthropist. another company of dmitry li, oo moniron, regularly transferred money to the account of the kahn empire foundation. by the way, in relation to maneron llc, the security forces of sakhalin also a criminal case has been opened regarding the smuggling of live crab abroad. here's to a seaside company with law enforcement. authorities, questions arose. the illegal export of valuable aquatic and biological resources was carried out
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by an organized group of individuals. to commit crimes, they used various companies controlled by them, including foreign ones. it was established that with the involvement of these companies, external economic contracts were concluded for export to the republic of korea, china and japan, in total more than 1. tone blue, kamchatka and equal live crab, amounting to more than 13 million us dollars, also during these days the security forces visited the elite apartment of the primorye lawyer oleg kan, mikhail prus. our program has exclusive footage at its disposal. made during the search. in the photo, the owner of the luxury apartment looks confused. in his personal computer, his spouses, operatives and customs officers found the constituent documents of oleg kan’s offshore companies in panama and the marshall islands. in vladivostok, the crab king and his companion alexey yan, nicknamed
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yanchik regularly flew in for negotiations. in these shots, the partners pass through the security check area. in primorye, oleg kan’s main competitors are considered to be: valery shagnagaev and alexander perednyaya, they own the fishing collective farm vostok-1. the fishing collective farm vostok-1 appeared in 1991, six months before the collapse of the soviet union. at first he rented fishing vessels, then he set out to create his own permanent fleet. over a quarter of a century , the collective farm has turned into a large company, and today it employs 600 people. 15 vessels constantly fish in the japanese, okhotsk and the bering seas. the ships are equipped with waste-free production; fishing and freezing processing takes place directly on board. vostok-1
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specializes in the production of cod, perch, stingray, halibut, and sablefish crab. most of the products. the fish farm sells to south korea, japan and the usa. frozen crab occupies a special place in the assortment. currently, the chairman of the board of directors of the company is valery kharitonovich shagnagaev, members of the board of directors are alexey kharitonovich shagnagaev, vladislav valerievich shagnagaev, alexander aleksandrovich perednya and others. a criminal case of crab smuggling is being investigated against employees of this company. according to the documents.
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toyota, in my opinion, with the so-called beautiful numbers, as we see, the gate is open, which means that we have every right to enter the territory and knock on the doors. so i ask you to pay attention, seaside ship billionaires are very fond of cars with beautiful license plates here... naturally, a personal garage, a wooden gazebo, also a lot of green spaces, here are the actual doors, let's try to talk with the owners, the owner of the nice house did not react to the noise of our correspondent's scream, he sat quietly in
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his hiding place, but we managed to find a place to hide. after a criminal case was opened for smuggling live crab, he suddenly quit and started selling the same crab. moreover, the office of the vostok-1 company is located in the adjacent entrance to the main entrance to the regional claim. if standing.
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well what are you talking about? well, how about what? you used to be the first to sweep, do you have any information? yes we have information compromising me? which ones can you name? we have information that, as the first deputy head of the investigative department of the russian claim in the primorsky territory, you provided active patronage to the vostok-1 company and interfered with the investigation of criminal cases against this company on the smuggling of crabs to the people's republic of china? well, you're not ashamed. this is to say, how much did you get paid for it, we work for a salary, former high-ranking employee of the regional investigative committee, and now deputy general director of the joint-stock company rybolavetsky. collective farm vostok-1, andrei utkin, never called our correspondent into his office and did not answer all our questions. utkin disappeared behind the door, as his leader
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alexander perednya lay low. perhaps the new team of the investigative department of iska in the primorsky territory will become interested in the activities of their former colleague and the not entirely transparent business of the vostok-1 company. moreover, you don’t need to go anywhere. the anterior one is located through the wall of the ssc. financial documentation seized from companies of the kan empire by officers of the federal security service of primorye and sakhalin, will be carefully studied by the investigation. in the meantime , the crab king sits in a wooden hut in the japanese city of sapora. it is clear that his business is already bursting at the seams. contracts are at risk. deadlines for the delivery of seafood abroad, in the offices there is noticeable panic among workers, they understand that a blow has been dealt to the empire, the security forces are on the trail of
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oleg kan, oleg kan is the organizer of the murder of valery phidenko. this crime was committed in 2010 in vladivostok. a ruling was made against kan
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implicating him as an accused. at the moment, oleg kan is on the federal wanted list; if the court makes a decision to arrest him in absentia, the accused will be put on the international wanted list. at first the procedure stalled. the central court of khabarovsk made a strange decision. there is no need to declare an international wanted list for oleg kan; judge yaroslav sidorov said that the businessman must first be personally informed that a criminal case has been opened against him, and only then arrested. the fact that the person involved hired the servant of themis did not take two lawyers into account for his defense in the case, it is necessary to check whether he was involved at all?
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first find the person involved, a paradox, however , there is a criminal case against him, it is necessary, however, the preventive measure was chosen on the second attempt, when the prosecutor general... japan, he moved to china, and from there flew to germany. a sakhalin fisherman is being sought by interpol after his urgent departure. abroad, russian authorities have brought order to the fishing industry of the far east. this is the problem we saw
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illegal mining of kamchatka crab. this was our investigation from the far east, from south korea and japan. it’s up to you to draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. since the time the crab escaped from king oleg kan from russia, no one has seen him, he lay low. in 2023, there was a rumor that the crime boss of the far east had suddenly died, but the lawyers of the reputable businessman did not confirm the information then. i think that this information is false, since we have no new findings on the case. and now in the spring in 2024, all the media again remembered the fugitive. in vladivostok, the primorsky territory arbitration court considered the claim of the prosecutor general's office.
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during the meeting, kan's defenders unexpectedly made a loud statement to everyone. the crab king died, and for a long time. no supporting documents. mr. kan oleg kamkhakovich did not have certificates indicating that death acts were registered. the prosecutor general's office believes that kan's death was staged, according to journalists. this is
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made for the crab king escaped criminal liability. in 2024, in the case of organizing the murder of business partner valery phidenok, which we talked about in our program, the state administration asked for 19 years in prison for kan. the secret lair of the far eastern authority has not yet been established.
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today in russia is a day of mourning in memory of those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in the moscow city hall, the whole country with


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