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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

7:30 am
from the territory of course very much, but what did you have? pomenke mostly, there are popemki , but that’s further, that is, well, we’re cleaning it up, well done, we’ll have to check everything around us, that’s all, that’s all, that’s all, we’ll go now, let ’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. so how long will it take to clean it all out? 3-4 months of labor-intensive work; it will reach halfway across the world; all other cities in syria went through their first experience, acquired oil in cleaning, these are the famous flags, here is what our guys put up. yes, yes,
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due to the fact that they took enough quickly, of course, the destruction is significantly less than in many other settlements, yes, by the way, i also noticed that the houses are five-story, well, just a little, it’s easy to restore, the private sector is also not very damaged, so life will return here quickly, now now the most important thing is that life will return as soon as we clean up these quarkles, as soon as we talk about...
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the private sector, now we will at least understand the system, that’s how they are here, that’s their disorderly mining, we’ll understand the system where the mines fields as they stand, then we we can safely work as robots, because now we can drive them in and simply lose them, that is, depending on the type of mine, they determine the type where we see, here it is anti-tank, which means we put an infantry fighting vehicle there, if it means light half-wounds.
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on a plot there for about five meters , imagine how crazy the density is.
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tova generalina, an excellent battalion is clearing cities, battalion commander kzhela, commander of an engineering assault battalion, height 2,030. could have become
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a millionaire, would have played basketball, chosen a different profession, much more skilled sports, hand-passing, i was engaged.
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that’s how people lived here, look, they checked this entrance here, let’s check the entrance, oops, there was a bang somewhere, and now the drone went off, and here is a military id, a scout, and from the kharkov region, licenses, documents, mobilized, called up in 1922, need to be specialised , we’ll hand over personal belongings and a military id, changed clothes, most likely ran away, you can hand it over here somewhere, maybe hand it over here somewhere, well, people live here, yes, people live here, a family lives , they left while we were working, what
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it’s in the way, well, these are all work items, yes, the grenade is intact, no, that’s me, yes, what is this, i don’t understand, is this here? a separate explosive device, no, it’s intact too, yes , listen, it’s remote-controlled , my sapper took it off, yes, yes, a pg-7 amulative charge on a chemical agent in a controlled version, respectively, an opener, and here it’s on a contactor, not at all of course instead of on these flowers of their own, i don’t even say this is a hard blakita, in afghanistan there weren’t such people, not like them... yeah, well, they’re like that there too, they’re on at that time they took a rather serious approach, that is, the same sapper was already more than 40, well, the alganists began to compete, i blamed more there , of course, well, this way and that, yes, and this is
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an american, yes, an american grenade is also... 762 nato nato 762 and a box of natos with a machine gun and local relations interestingly washed down what they say is normal there, in those houses there they feed there everything there is a good human attitude, now they are just afraid to go there and many have moved there to stay with their relatives fingers there, well, everywhere
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separated after all, after all , there are some connections here, some kind of relatives there, here, and here, in general, everything is intact, yes.
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you can see it sincerely in the eyes, that is, people openly meet us, we talk with them, we also communicate, but you feed them, well, yes, of course. well, plus now when they clear the mines straight home, yes, well, i see, not everything is destroyed, not everything, not everything, some houses have survived, that is, like the enemy’s work, they left such surprises, sometimes, we need to meet, but let’s say so , this is rare in this area because here, as i understand it, if they were sitting , then when... ours began to attack, they came out so quickly, they didn’t even have time to leave anything, defensive
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positions were prepared either here, not here, that is, we are working, let’s say, in urban areas and here we only find things that didn’t work, that is, i had an arrival, didn’t work, stayed behind, we destroy it until it’s possible, let’s say, take it to a specially prepared site.
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so exactly after graduation we had special lieutenant training, that is, after at the end of our studies, we were all gathered. at the end of the training camp, we arrived at the location.
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guys, first we kind of let them in, that is, into areas where, well, of course, we are all already in battle, yes, yes, everything is correct, that is, here it is, continuation of training, yes, yes, let’s say , practice, that’s right , okay, you need to relax gradually, whichever you like most, mine or clear mines, clear mines, you like it more, yes, yes, you haven’t started mining yet. you also need to have a brain of your own, 23 years old, that is, straight from school, so
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exactly, a cadet or a regular school was a regular school, there was someone in the family who was in the military, no, i just wanted to, yes, and where i’m from, the krasnodar region. here you can observe the work of the uran-6 demining complex. this complex is designed for clearing mines in urban, as well as mountainous and lightly wooded areas , against infantry, yes, yes, excellent, anti-personnel exchanges, that is , it does not like anti-tank, it likes a maximum of one mine on itself, yes, yes, then. .. already, that is, it’s too much for him detrimental, depending on the work, well, what
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kind of soil you need to work on, there are three trawls, these are a flannel trawl, a cattail trawl, and also a milling trawl, now we have milling trawls, since the soil is soft, that is, uh, we also have a bulldozer blade and mechanical treasure - capable of lifting up to 1.00 kg, or even more, from where it is controlled, a remote-controlled machine is controlled by the operator, that is... trolling speed 0.5 km/h. the speed of the car itself is 5 km/h, the revolutions are half a kilometer per hour for effective terrain scraping, up to 1 km, it raises more mines and so on, but yours
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hasn’t taken any yet, right? that is, bye for cleaning, no, what were they thinking, they were , well, here yesterday, yes, here we cleaned this here yesterday, now we’ll still go, maybe something, there’s a lot of butt, there’s not a lot of shells falling apart yet, how many times has it been managed like this , 2 years, and before that, and before that i joined the army after mobilization, served in the assault brigade, then moved to engineer after being wounded, no, just smart, well, they said specialized education, it was more suitable corps of engineers, well, i transferred, got trained, and what was my specialized education, construction engineer, but of course, civil engineer by training, relative, what rank already,
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so far private. 75 somewhere 70 70 well somewhere also in the extreme donetsk even on the road and this is the previous generation and newer ones but yours eat faster and move they are better seen to avoid
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injury local local. they installed it on the car, i can handle the technology , i can handle the electronics too, why not, yes, a classic, how old is yours? 41, good luck, thank you. i until he leaves, until everyone leaves, take care of yourself, all the best to you, thank you, see you, that's it, no one without us,
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who is hard on? who is demining or the same, well , to demining well, you need to mine well, that is, understand all these nuances, then the deminer will work very clearly - understand what to do when he sees him, because after all, he also took participation in a mine, yes of course, especially if it is a non-standard method, not just a mine buried there and so on, it’s simple. find her also seen there something like this, understand it, carefully remove it, have a look, we are now going to cross to the damaging line , well, look at what it is, of course, here you see the so-called minks, which, that is, they are here for defense, there are already 1800 healthy objects, these are
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mines, shells that have not exploded , some kind of ammunition . let's go have a look, i don't know, we saw it, but inside there are also places for sappers, sappers also sit there, there are specially sprung seats in case of an explosion, the bottom here is reinforced, the thickness is not like that of a tank, a special car for me, here is a trawl quite heavy, 12 tf solid is just that. here you see it, and it’s continuous without uh space for - ruts between the tracks
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, probably space, well, here everything is already on it, and the noise generator is cutting the wire , destroying it, and it’s a good trawl, but it was only dragged there, of course. so he takes anyone, he takes as much as he can, 12, 13, then it’s great to change, change where the mechanic is, so your health, everything is fine with you, you approach, there are no concussions, no, that is, there are, but i won’t say, yes, no, no, that’s it, no fear, come on me, fine. the working moment, how it works , that is, when there is a detonation inside , there is detonation, yes, it is felt, but not critical,
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it bounces, well, there is a little, as if hit by a wave, but everything is fine, that is, the damping system itself, yes, how much we can hold by blowing up, one drink is designed for two anti-tank tanks. before that, where did you work, before that in kog language, i’m not a driver-mechanic for a long time, my commander drives it more, and what did you do before that? well, i, well, i’m mobilized, as if i were a civilian, local chelyabinsk, chelyabinsk, no, derigada, yes, yes, that’s right, yeah. served in which tank troops , that is, that’s why they got it, yes, that’s for sure, well, that is , the memories come flooding back right away, and they also
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worked on a seventy deuce, and on a seventy deuce, well, here the base is on the ninetieth, that is, it’s more comfortable, more comfortable, the engine is more powerful, who is the commander, the vehicles, yes, that’s right, along with him, that’s right, also mobilized, no way, a contract soldier. mihot is handsome, for sure, one of the best, and you can see from him that he’s calm,
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decree of the president of the russian federation to reward for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of military duty. i serve russia, servant russia.
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because it combines both a war with nato and a civil war, and we are fighting with our mirror, with those who are so similar to us, but at some point in time betrayed the memory of their fathers, grandfathers, betrayed our traditions, not what distinguishes a person from an animal, a person is mortal, there is no point in running from death, the only promise that life fulfills is death, but there is nothing more honor of greater happiness than dying for your homeland, but dying is easy, winning is difficult , to win, you need to think about your comrade, think about yourself, study every day and...
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never lose your vigilance, a man is created for war, and a russian is created for victory , no matter what nationality and religion, you are russian warriors, you are defenders, you are warriors of light, our cause is just, victory will be ours, i congratulate you all on the high awards of your homeland, thank you. for service.
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in russia today they are mourning those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus holly in the country public mourning. according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations. 133 people became victims of the inhumane attack, another 152 were injured, and national flags were lowered in all cities and other populated areas. entertainment events have been cancelled, and there will be no such broadcasts on radio or television. a search operation is underway at the site of the terrorist attack. at night , heavy equipment arrived at the concert hall and is helping to dismantle the damaged ones.


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