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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in russia today there is general national mourning for the victims of the crocus terrorist attacks in city hall. in cities and towns , state flags are flown at half-mast on administrative buildings. recreational sporting events have been canceled across the country. there have also been changes in the broadcasting network of television and radio channels ; there are no advertisements or entertainment programs on air. according to the latest data, 133 people died as a result of the tragedy, another 150.
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rescuers are still working at the site of the terrorist attack, they are dismantling damaged structures using heavy equipment. the day before, we managed to clear about 100 cubic meters of rubble. residents bring holy toys and light candles to the spontaneous memorial. our correspondent, maria valieva, works near the krokusvetikhol, she is in touch with us. hello, maria, what is happening now at the site of the tragedy? yes, vera, greetings, there is still territory around. the concert hall is fenced off, police are on duty here, volunteers are working nearby, offering hot tea to all those who came here to the spontaneous memorial to honor the memory of the victims, and now we are hearing that the heavy equipment has finished working , rescuers are already inside, they continue to clear the rubble where the concert hall was located, until that moment...
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when the heavy equipment started working, for more than a day the rescuers cleared the rubble manually, their work was personally coordinated by the governor of the moscow region andrey vorobyov, we will go in from that side, we will dismantle the buildings downwards and carefully dismantle them with each step, then fold the small equipment aside, come on, we will have a large opening here,
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loved ones died here, people are peaceful, yes , they came to rest, this is not even some kind of war zone, well, it’s simple and simple , my nephew recently died in the northern military district, it’s still such a pain, you know the heart, and even more so here are women , both children and men , civilians in general, yes, they simply died, there are not even any words, everything is shaking inside, it hurts very much, i... am not indifferent, naturally, but at the same time i am not indifferent to my friend’s request, who had a wife here who has not yet been found, a child who is not yet 2 years old is waiting at home, i am very i hope that the real customer, the culprit, will be caught and everyone will be punished, people come here hoping to get...
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at least some information about their friends, close relatives, well, for example, nothing is known yet, but kristina gennadievna bugerskaya, 1990 births and... it is known that more than 150 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack, 107 are in medical institutions, where they are receiving all the necessary assistance. alexander bastrykin, head of the investigative committee, announced that all those who worked on friday at crocus sithole, who led people out of the burning. saved hundreds of lives, they will definitely be awarded, and of course one cannot fail to note the feat of a fifteen -year-old schoolboy who brought publications to more than 100 people, there there there, there everyone go in that direction, everyone there there there, there to the expo,
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there is a help center not far from here,
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yes, maria , thank you, our correspondent maria valieva was live from the scene of the tragedy in krogus cityhole. in moscow and the region, doctors are doing everything necessary to save the lives and health of the victims. as of this morning, injuries and more than 150 people received various injuries. our correspondent anastasia ponko works near the botkin hospital, she is in touch. anastasia, what is known about the condition of the victims at this time? hello , vera, we are now working in the otkino hospital, some of the victims after the terrible terrorist attack are located here, in total there are 93 people in city hospitals in varying degrees of severity, the best moscow doctors are now continuing to fight for the lives and
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health of these people, in total, the victims, to whom an operation was required, everything had already been done, and immediately after the tragedy, severe patients were placed in the hospital’s intensive care units. from krasnogorsk, odentsov, dolgokrudny, khimmoki and moscow. patients requiring increased attention were transferred to a higher-class institution after emergency medical care was provided; according to the ministry of emergency situations, 152 people were injured during the terrorist attack in crocusale, including children, and 133 people died. yesterday a list of people hospitalized in moscow hospitals was published; last names, first names and patronymics for so that relatives can. find your loved ones right away, a hotline is open for them, by phone number you can find out about the condition of your loved ones, what specific hospital they are in, here is the phone number - this is 8499 251 4503.
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currently in medical institutions there are 107 patients, three of them are children, one child is in extremely serious condition and two children are in serious condition, among adults, 15 are in extremely serious and 42 in serious condition, the necessary blood components, medicines, equipment, all of this is with our there are doctors, yesterday the minister of health mikhail murashka said that the situation for many patients is already gradually improving, stabilizing, just recently one patient was already discharged home after stabilizing his condition, there are a lot of people who are even trying to help simply on their own, for example on the internet , on social networks where patients are, people simply write, asking if they need any help, if they need additional doctors, volunteers, there are a lot of people who want to donate blood, reception centers in the capitals are open from the very morning, despite the bad weather , there is a huge queue, yesterday there was a queue, today people continue to come, and
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there are also those who become donors for the first time, this is what these people say, there are people who need treatment, surgery. therefore, it is impossible to be indifferent to such a situation. this is my first positive self-propagation, i hope it will be useful to someone. i really want to. i really want to support the whole country, and those who, unfortunately, suffered, and
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maybe my blood will help someone. just yesterday, just yesterday , more than 400 people came to the gavrilov blood center, and in addition to this place , there were eight more blood collection points in moscow. there are now enough components of donor blood to cover all requests from moscow and... moscow hospitals, however , they do not plan to stop accepting donors yet, today the blood center continues its work, this will continue until everyone who wants it has received blood, faith. anastasia, thank you, on the condition of the victims terrorist attack, said our correspondent, anastasia ponko. funeral events are taking place in all regions of russia, people carry holy candles to spontaneous memorials. in yekaterinburg, the 1905 square became such a place . the people of the urals share the sorrows, bitterness, and tragedy of the moscow region. now in direct contact with the studio from yekaterinburg, our
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correspondent, kirill bortnikov. hello, kirill, over to you. oh, hello, yes, we are now in the center of yekaterinburg on the 1905 square, where this spontaneous memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack in moscow. it all started with just a few toys and flowers. and now with flowers. supina is literally the entire foundation of the monument to lenin and people continue to come and express condolences to the relatives of those who died in this terrible terrorist attack in the crocus near moscow, and yekaterinburg with the whole country and the whole world is mourning; many people who came here even have tears in their eyes, that’s what they feel, that’s what they say the people who came to this memorial today are so simple. rage boils against this unstoppable madness, i think it is the duty of every citizen
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to honor the memory of those 140, 140 people who passed away, it’s very terrible, of course, a tragedy for all citizens of russia, my condolences to those who lost loved ones, on the day of national mourning in yekaterinburg, all entertainment and entertainment events, flags on advertising billboards are lowered at half-staff on the buildings of state and municipal institutions, throughout the capital of the urals you can see, perhaps, only one mourning image, this is a candle with the signature march 22 2024, 24 years crocus city hall we mourn, in all the ural churches they pray for the repose of the dead and, of course, for the speedy recovery of the victims in st. catherine’s cathedral of st. trinity.
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yesterday there was also no concert of the group chai in st. petersburg, the musicians have already returned to their native yekaterinburg, of course, nothing justifies terror and, but vladimir shakhrin still urged not to become completely embittered in this difficult time, when the country is grieving, i suggest listening, what did the leader of the chaif ​​group say? what can we do in this situation to do, we can only contrast this absolute evil with some kind of absolute. good, you just need to take it and do something good, even if it
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doesn’t relate to yesterday’s situation, you just need some positive energy around, this is good, it must multiply, otherwise this blackness will simply eat us all. it is worth adding that after the terrorist attacks on the moscow city hall in the sverdlovsk region, mass events will be canceled until may 13. this is a decision of the anti-terrorism commission of the region, with the exception of only sporting and patriotic events, but with strict compliance with all anti-terrorism security requirements, increased measures. security, in accordance with the governor’s defamation, operates in all crowded places, the police and the national guard have been transferred, transferred to an enhanced mode of operation, it is worth adding that the police are also on duty here at the spontaneous memorial in the center of yekaterinburg, which appeared literally a few hours after they began to appear terrible news about the events near moscow kruko
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cityhall, colleagues, yes kiril, thank you for... our correspondent kirill bortnikov was in direct contact with the studio from yekaterinburg. suspects of committing a terrorist attack will be sent to moscow from the bryansk region today, while investigators are working with those detained in the region. now our special correspondent igor pikhanov is live. igor, hello, over to you, what new details do you have? hello, vera, let me start with the fact that the bryansk region , together with the entire country, mourns those killed in the terrorist attack. corpus city holly, in the region mourning was declared, national flags were lowered , entertainment programs were canceled on local television, people in churches prayed for the repose of the dead, as well as for the health of the wounded - national flags were lowered, and in the border village of suzemki people organized a spontaneous memorial on the mound of glory, people are carrying there alive flowers,
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children's toys, and also lamps burning there. let's give the floor to the local residents, this is a terrible tragedy for our entire country, as a teacher, i perfectly understand this pain of people, working with children, people came here with families, and it’s simply terrible, so many people died, this is by far the most terrible event, this could have happened to anyone, i just don’t have words, i can’t even. nothing to say, it’s just a child crying , there are children there, this can happen in every city, local telegram channels, citing their sources in law enforcement agencies , report that a special operation to detain especially dangerous criminals took place in a remote forest area of ​​the bryansk region
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in order to so that during this detention no one from the bystanders on the street is injured time. there was a detention, traffic was blocked along the busy m3 highway, which connects the bryansk and kursk regions, and it was also blocked - all entrances within a radius of several kilometers were blocked, ukrainian militants were detained on the highway while trying to break through to the russian-ukrainian border, an investigation is now underway, let's listen to an episode from the interrogation of one of the detainees... they were leaving, running away , you had a weapon, where did you dump it, here or there, somewhere on the road, look, they threw it in these neighborhoods, or there near moscow they threw it away, my friends will throw it away, ask them, no , when they threw it away, you saw how they threw it away, yes, yes, where did they throw it away, i am this
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card far from here, or here, here, when you were detained? here the machine gun was with you, but no, was it thrown away there before the arrest? yes , yes, look, when the car was detained, you were still in the car, the machine gun was still in the car, it was no longer there, that is, you threw it off before you arrived here, yes, yes, during the detention of especially dangerous criminals, no one none of our soldiers were injured, the leadership of the special forces thanked its employees for... their professionalism and skillful actions. faith? yes, thank you, igor, our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, was in direct communication from the bryansk region. explosions occurred in ukraine this night. eyewitnesses speak of three
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strikes in the central region of kiev. city authorities reported on the operation of the air defense system. four times detonation. two more explosions occurred in the khmelnitsky region, similar messages came from the nikolaev region and kharkov, also from the kherson region controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, sirens the air raid warning was heard throughout ukraine at night. the belgorod region experienced another powerful shelling late on saturday evening. horse from vampire systems. the ministry of defense reported that air defense shot down 19 missiles. governor vyacheslav glatkov, in turn, noted that two people were injured when the debris fell. they have shrapnel
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wounds and traumatic brain injuries. both were taken to hospital in belgorod and 15 private residential buildings were damaged in two other settlements. in the amur region at the pioneer mine, where 13 people remain under the rubble , the first concrete lintel was erected. the installation of two more structures will begin in the near future. they will provide specialists with the opportunity to work safely at depth. the search and rescue operation does not stop for a minute; over the past 24 hours, almost 200 cubic meters of soil have been removed from the mine, and specialists managed to clear the workings through which air must be supplied. the day before, rescuers began drilling a fourth well; more than 220 people were involved in the search and rescue operation. human. rescue operations are continuing around the clock and have been completed to ensure trouble-free work by rescuers. construction of the first dam, in the near future we plan to begin the construction of the second and third dams, the main work for today is to achieve the first goal with the drilling rig and begin to
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study the structure and estimate production. the first results of the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus city hall near moscow, as well as new facts in the story of the death of the sokhalin crab king. about this and more, see further in the final release of the program lead the duty department. hello, the latest information on how the investigation into the terrorist attack in the moscow region is progressing and the main legal events of the week in the final episode of the program will be presented by the duty department, i’m andrei ivlev with you. all performers who ordered the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall concert hall will suffer severe punishment, the president of russia announced this on saturday. vladimir putin noted that the criminals deliberately went to kill, as a result, a huge number of dead and wounded, and the first. conclusions of the investigation a little later, and for now about what security measures are being taken today. in moscow and the region , security forces are on duty at metro stations, airports, and train stations, and additional
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traffic police crew posts have been posted with fire support from the russian guard. earlier , law enforcement officers conducted door-to-door visits to several houses in the krasnogorsk urban district. this was done in order to identify people possibly involved in the crime. residents treat such reinforcements with understanding. many are lining up to hand over blood for the wounded. the victims of the terrorist attack were supported by employees of the russian guard, they also became donors. security forces provide security near city hall, where the terrorist attack took place, and caring people continue to bring flowers here. an investigative and operational group of the investigative committee of russia is working on the spot. on saturday evening , several special vehicles containing the detainees arrived at the building of the central office of the agency. criminals, let me remind you, as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies were promptly 11 people were detained, among them four direct perpetrators of the crime.
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such data was published on saturday by the public relations center of the fsb of russia. work is now underway to establish all the circumstances of the terrorist attack. it is already known that it was carefully planned. about the progress of the investigation, my colleague, andrey romanov. this is footage of the interrogation of the leader of the terrorists caught last night in the bryansk region. we're talking about this white renault: shortly before the terrorist attack, the car was seen parked near a residential high-rise in the neighboring area from crocus. later, after the tragedy, she appeared in video footage taken at the entrance to
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the concert hall. several armed men got out of the car and shots were fired. in this photo, the terrorists are already leaving the crime scene in a white reno. in just a few minutes, they killed and wounded a huge number of people. the concert hall was set on fire. at the exit from the parking lot, the bandits deliberately knocked down an eight-year-old boy, who, together with his mother, managed to get out of the building. the child is now in hospital in serious condition. at the site of the terrorist attack in crocus city holly continues work of law enforcement agencies. investigators are inspecting the scene, rescuers are clearing the rubble. and now , 10 meters away from me , a spontaneous memorial appeared on the wall in memory of the victims, people brought flowers and children’s flowers. toys, it is known that among the dead there were children. the fsb officially stated that the terrorist attack was planned in advance; judging by the terrible footage from the scene of the tragedy, the criminals entered the building and immediately opened
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fire. perhaps they acted in groups in different parts of the complex; it is possible that they could have accomplices from among the employees crocus city hall. there is evidence that the bandits made several caches of weapons and flammable mixtures on the territory of the building and were well oriented inside. the impression was that those who shot our citizens either had already been there beforehand, or were someone from the transport team, and it was as if they already understood all this. where to go, where to enter, where to hide, where to change clothes, where to get out and in general escape routes, they somehow had everything planned very synchronously, so with this, of course, the investigative committee, of course, will sort it out soon. investigators will have to find out why armed terrorists so easily penetrated the facility where thousands of people were located, and most importantly, how they managed to escape before the first crews of security forces arrived. the terrorists made their way through
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the friday traffic jams in namkat and managed to leave. moscow region, apparently, the escape routes from the crime scene were also carefully planned, but the security forces managed to quickly track their route and detain the criminals. the special operation was carried out by employees of the center special forces of the fsb, fighters of the russian guard and the akhmat russia regiment. as a result of the actions of the special services and law enforcement agencies , 11 people were detained, including four terrorists who were directly involved in the terrorist attack in the crocus cityhall complex. more is underway. work to identify the accomplice base, people were psychologically prepared, that is, i can say that not every military professional, even being on the other side of the conflict, is ready to shoot citizens, children, old people, women, but it is necessary to have certain ones,
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the correct one said not to have. any moral principles, moral principles. the terrorists were captured in the bryansk region near the village of khatsunito, 30 km from bryansk. the extremists were armed and tried to escape the pursuit; their car overturned and law enforcement officers blocked the transport. these shots clearly show that the renault has a shot through its rear wheel and a broken bumper and fender. in the car itself , security officers found several machine gun horns and pistols. it is unknown whether they tried detain.
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separately, i would like to say that this is one of the rare cases when so many direct perpetrators of their accomplices in a terrorist act were detained alive, and of course, this is a great help in the work of the investigation, in the work of the special services, because
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i am sure. a huge amount of information will be obtained during interrogations of these, well , i don’t even know what to call them, of course, they definitely cannot be called people. there is still little information about the identities of the terrorists; the media report that two of them lived in a hostel in the north moscow, another worked as a hairdresser in the city of teykovo, ivanovo region, who exactly brought them together and organized an attack on people in the food hall will probably become clear later, according to experts, whoever now took responsibility for this... attack , the point is that the customers were able to find people who were ready to commit monstrous murders on the territory of our country. sleeper cells are one of the most difficult mechanics to identify when organizing terrorist activities; unfortunately, it is completely insured no state can depend on their existence and their actions, here the goals already set will be...


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