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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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today russia is in national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall in the cities.
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according to the latest data , 133 people were killed and another 152 were injured as a result of the tragedy. rescuers are still working at the site of the terrorist attack; they are dismantling damaged structures using heavy equipment.
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my wife, who has not yet been found , is at home at the request of my friend, who had a child here who is not yet 2 years old, i really hope that the real customer, the culprit, will be caught and everyone will be punished, according to official data, 133 people died , but their number may increase. the search
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operation inside continues, rescuers continue to clear the rubble, it is known that 250 cubic meters of collapsed structures have already been dismantled, it is also currently known that more than 150 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack, 107 are in medical institutions, where they are receiving all the necessary assistance, and nearby for the relatives of the injured victims, there is a help center nearby, where relatives can get all the information they need, some information to clarify it, for this may take several more hours, or even days, as governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov previously said, after 12 noon, today a decision will be made on how those who were present on the day of the terrorist attack will be given out their belongings. in the concert
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hall, and after 19 o'clock they will begin to give away the cars that were in the parking lot. the head of the investigative committee also decided to reward everyone who saved tens of hundreds of people's lives; the spiritual leader of russian muslims, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin, will reward fifteen-year-old islam khalilov. a fifteen-year-old boy was working as a cloakroom attendant in a concert hall when the terrorist attack occurred and he led more than 100 people out of the burning building. there, there, there , everyone go that way, everyone there, there , there, there, to the expo, to the expo, the company that owns the concert hall also thanked all the employees who worked in such
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a situation, during the terrorist attack, at the cost their lives, tried to save the lives of visitors, and, of course, the company expressed its condolences. faked his death in what other he is accused of crimes. eduard petrov studied all the gray schemes of the smuggler. watch the big investigation, crab trap 2.
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illegal hunting of kamchatka crab still brings fabulous profits to poachers in the far east. under the guise of quotas, they catch tons of it; the russian seafood delicacy is wildly enjoyed. in south korea, japan and america, in russia, crab meat is inaccessible to most of the population; it costs so much money that ordinary people do not even think about buying it. meanwhile, our biological resources the country suffers colossal damage.
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crab king oleg kahn from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was recorded by cctv cameras at the local airport. the authoritative businessman was in a hurry to leave the island, realizing that the security forces were already on his trail, where the lair of the leader of the empire is located and what kan is afraid of, we
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will tell you a little later. for more than 10 years, in the far east there has been a war for quotas between competing structures that work in the fishing industry. the current monopolists of this shadow market... work only for their own pockets, out of fourteen large fishing producers, five of them permanently reside abroad, their ships go to sea under the flags of foreign countries, fish and valuable seafood are sold in foreign ports, and the profits end up in the foreign accounts
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of criminal business tycoons. the quota is a screen for going out hunting for russian biological resources. the poaching fleet is barbaric. exterminates salmon species, king crab, sea urchin, scallop and tripang. the production of red caviar in kamchatka, sakhalin and primorye is also in the gray zone. valuable goods which turns out to be of illegal origin in the central part of russia. and in the northern seas, ships with foreign flags, but with russian crews, catch selta, cod, and haddock. kambola and halibut are not transported to murmansk, to norway. so our fish and
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seafood become not ours, on the shelves of russian stores, if seafood products appear, they are of low quality at a high price. according to a reliable source, today there are about 100 crab and crab mining companies operating in the far eastern basin. half of these firms - small entrepreneurs who have a quota for the production of 100 tons of products, it would seem an impressive figure, but this is only two or three voyages of a small vessel. having chosen a quota, crab catchers can continue to steal russian biological resources uncontrollably; it is actually impossible to check who caught and how much seafood, this is what the tycoons take advantage of. shadow market, the lives of ordinary crew members, fishing vessels of croakers
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are worth nothing to them, company owners run their businesses from their foreign offices, they are not interested in the condition of there are ships and the safety of sailors, a vivid example of an indifferent attitude towards... the fate of the crew members, the death of the ship vostok. the last flight of the east was from south korean busan to nevelsk. the sailors sold a shipment of crab, the owner received the money, and the ship with the people disappeared without a trace. a person's life in this criminal business of quota warriors is worth nothing. on january 25, 2018
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, the ship vostok disappeared in the sea of ​​japan, its crew was fishing for crab, the ship was equipped with special structures made of metal mesh, hundreds of them are lowered into the sea meters and wait for prey to come across. these devices are called crab traps. that day the sea was very stormy and there were fishermen. obliged to return home, but this did not happen, the crew is still from the ship, 20 people are listed as missing, this is footage of the last hours of the east. volodya, say hello, hello to everyone, here we have a selection going on, there is a coffin quietly, here he is, sanya, the profiteer, sanya, say hello!
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the sea of ​​okhotsk is the main habitat of the kamchatka crab. russia ranks
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first in the world in terms of its production volume. the main consumers are the usa, japan and south korea. every year, russian authorities determine the total allowable catch of this species of hermit crab. so in 2017, fishermen were allowed to catch almost 70,000 tons of kamchatka crabs from the sea of ​​okhodsk. for comparison, this is 2. fully loaded crab boats. with the cost of this product in the ports of japan and south korea at $32 per kilogram, the total income of the owners of fishing companies is only from. sales of kamchatka crabs exceed 145 billion rubles annually, these are official figures, according to experts. illegal crab production in the sea of ​​okhotsk is two to four times higher. relatives and
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crew members knew that vostok was engaged in poaching, and the sailors often took risks. life, went fishing in bad weather, hid from border guards in the ice with illegally obtained seafood. in these shots, the frozen ship vostok is struggling to overcome the waves. during this trip, the fishermen caught 40 tons of crab. the cargo must be secretly delivered to south korea, where they love the russian delicacy and are always waiting for it. accepts $32 per kilogram, dangerous flight and $1.5 million in pocket, but if at least part of this money went to repair the ship, the condition of the ship, it’s very old, it’s been since ’85, it’s been towed, it’s constantly in south korea for repairs,
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it seems to me that even it’s down there, they ’re crabs there, this is the most alive thing they carried. permanently to korea, there was re-equipment , probably the walls there were removed, well, as the welder said, who in september of that year of the seventeenth, quit this company, we found the wife of the electrician of the missing ship andrei levichev, this was his first voyage in the east and the last one, we don’t seem to be able to say that the ship was lost and the crew member died, because the investigative committee did not provide us with a single piece of evidence.
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see the meaning. they searched for the ship vostok in the sea of ​​japan for 6 days. they found only an emergency buoy, two rafts and several life jackets. experts were unable to bring them on board due to bad weather. the exact location of the sailors’ deaths has not yet been established by the investigation. relatives of the crew members of the missing ship still cannot obtain truth. the investigation into the vostok case is being conducted by the russian investigative committee. everything somehow doesn’t turn out, doesn’t turn out , we can’t know anything specifically , the relatives asked, of course, for proof that the ship really sank, and for the boat to be lowered, but this cannot be achieved, perhaps it’s a lot of money,
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evidence, that the ship sank, no evidence has been presented, according to documents the ship vostok. belonged to the company of businessman alexey yan, as relatives of the dead sailors say, yan is close partner of oleg kan. the ship belongs to us in nevelsk, the far eastern fleet, but they all sail under the canal, which was the crab king in 1990, but we still have him as the crab king, because he doesn’t live here, it’s just that he seems to have a child here , and the rest of his relatives are himself with whom he created this company, they... are in south korea, they don’t come here, yuzhnosakhalskaya airport, june 2018, oleg kan, a millionaire,
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a reputable businessman, one of the most ship miners of the world closed to the press, oleg. khakovich is the founder of the largest far eastern fish processing enterprises. wakanai, a seaside fishing company, owns 22 companies in total. a big important person on sakhalin. he is considered the deney patron of the crab business. we really wanted to talk with oleg kan, ask the businessman about his companies, about selling russian delicacies abroad. rest, go, collect it,
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the tragedy of the sunken ship vostok for the first time forced the russian media to pay attention to oleg kan, according to journalists we have studied in detail the shadow owner of the russian crab business. he worked under the roof of a local crime boss, also a korean, vadim tian, ​​nicknamed tyanchik. this bandit's foreman
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was alexey yan, nicknamed yanchik. he later became kahn's main partner and friend. the emergence of oleg kan as a crab magnate began after the murder in 2003 in south korea of ​​crime boss vasily naumov, nicknamed. yakut, who controlled both official and unofficial crab production in dalny east. as soon as yakut was eliminated, kan began actively buying up the fleet enterprise that had previously belonged to yakut in order to poach crabs in the sea of ​​okhotsk and smuggle them to the ports of japan and the republic of korea. in this case , exclusively ships flying the flags of foreign countries were used. to escape the control of the russian authorities. indeed, back in 2002, in the far east, the production of crab,
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sea urchin, scallop, tripang and valuable fish species was controlled by representatives of very powerful and influential crime clan vasily naumov, nicknamed yakut. who and where will set the crab nets in traps, it was he who decided, the entrepreneurs without. obeyed his demands unconditionally. moscow distributed quotas, businessmen bought them in order to have official permission to go to sea. but it is difficult to establish how much large fisheries producers actually produced seafood, because they deliberately distorted data on their economic activities. salmon and crab caviar, which are an expensive currency product, were readily bought for dollars in ports japan and most russian ships sail under foreign flags and are registered in other countries, this is done in order to avoid paying taxes; the owners of such ships with
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russian crews themselves have been living abroad for a long time. in general, everyone is comfortable, except our country. the entire fishing industry of the far east was under the control of the criminal world. the tentacles of the empire of authority nicknamed yakut have penetrated into all spheres. on the way, in may 2002 , an attempt was made on the life of federal border service general vitaly gamov in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. in several bottles containing
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a fiery mixture were thrown through his apartment window. gamow and his wife larisa suffered severe burns. the son miraculously survived. the general and his wife were urgently operated on. larisa survived, but general vitaly gamov died. in the first days of the investigation by the customer of the assassination attempt. the same vasily naumov , nicknamed yakut, was named as the chief border guard of sakhalin, allegedly he did not like the active actions of vitaly gamov’s subordinates. they began to fight the poaching ships of the mafia fleet of yakut, or as it was called local security forces, yakut. it was not possible to find the criminals in hot pursuit. in the spring of 2003 . a serious redistribution began in the fishing industry of the far east. competing criminal groups started a war among themselves. the mafia clan of naumov, aka
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yakut, was struck. a crushing blow , a hunt began for the authority, he was tracked down in the korean city of busan, a hired killer opened fire on vasily naumov, the authority was mortally wounded, doctors failed to save the leader of the organized crime community, it is still unknown who ordered the murder of a very influential head of a criminal fishing empire, his fleet was captured by competitors from various organized crime groups, the owners. but let's return to sakhalin these days: many ships still sail under the flags of foreign countries, their owners run businesses from abroad, commercial transactions take place at sea, they reload foreign currency goods and seafood. i repeat that quotas for fishing producers are only a cover
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for... going to sea, the main player in this market now is a large businessman, a very influential person on sakhalin, olek kan, now he has the largest fleet, holding and authority. oleg kan's fishing vessels went to sea under foreign flags, and all of them were staffed exclusively by russians. crews. they were formed in the port cities of japan and south korea, where the ships were supplied with provisions, after which the crew went to the russian territorial entry for prey. the border department of the fsb of russia for the sakhalin region told us how fishermen managed to trade illegally caught seafood. all these documents that are drawn up on
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foreign flags on... foreign companies , they are sent in order to create the appearance of legal activity, that when he enters a foreign port with illegally obtained catch, he must sail like a ship, he still presents some documents, imagine, they bought these documents, this flag there in the togolest republic in the branch in busan, they paid this korean operator there, because as all these flags ruled, but these are these national states. make it possible to register them with them, they they sell this right there to a private korean company, that is, basically everything is done there for money, and for money you can register whatever you want there, having earned the first millions from dubiously mined crab, oleg kan, unexpectedly for everyone
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, began to cooperate with border guards, but not for that to enter the legal field. thus, kahn wanted to get rid of his competitors, and he succeeded well; the border guards began to receive the exact coordinates of some poaching ships. our program managed to visit poaching ships, the prey of the sakhalin border guards is impressive. in nevelsk alone, there are now 13 confiscated and one detained vessel in storage, all of them are so-called flag carriers.
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all these vessels have been fishing for russian crab under the flags of foreign countries for many years. the most popular flags among sailors were toga and panama. perhaps one of oleg kan’s companies worked this way. its flag is the togolese republic, the owner is registered in panama, and the lease agreement for the vehicle is fracturing. it could be japanese, or whatever, so everything is going on and manipulations are happening somewhere in the sea, also foreign, she has documents, both for vehicles and for this crab, now back to the consequences of the terrorist attack cityhole, doctors in moscow and the moscow region doing everything necessary
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