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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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let's go, gain a foothold, move on , and so on, we go, we go, each commander with his unit goes, fulfilling the task, before the battle i think about my wife, about my mother, about my children, and these thoughts helped me get out of the battle. this is russia-24, the main thing at this hour: the whole country is mourning the victims of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. the president declared march 24 a day of national mourning. rescuers are now continuing to clear the rubble. contact us directly from the scene. maria valieva, maria,
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i know that you entered, you managed to enter the crocus building destroyed during the terrorist attack cityholo, where exactly are you now, what do you see around you? yes, natalya, hello, i’m now right in the concert hall, there used to be a stall here, as we see, everything has burned down, here workers are carrying out a search operation, now they are sawing it. parts of the dome, it is huge , it is impossible, or rather, parts of it are impossible to remove from here, equipment will arrive here soon, that’s what the emergency situations ministry employees just told us, in the wall behind the scenes, right where the stage is, a hole was made, and soon it will all be taken away with help special equipment, we also see that everything here was burned , the roof completely collapsed, i’ll ask the operator to show now, there are everywhere...
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the latest results of the investigation, the head of the department emphasized that the investigation must identify all persons involved in the commission of this monstrous crime, it is necessary to identify everyone organizers, and he also demanded that there be a thorough clarification of all the smallest details of the tragedy and that careful work be carried out with all injured eyewitnesses, also during at the meeting, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia gave instructions to check the state of fire safety at the facility, as well as whether emergency exits were open. it is necessary to restore the full picture of the terrorist attack in detail, as well as all the events that preceded it. the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, is also working here today; he also coordinates the work of all rescue services. he noted that
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today car owners will be given their cars, there are 383 of them, they are located here in the kroku city hall in the underground parking lot, as well as today the people who were here on friday evening, who came to the concert here, to the concert of the picnic group, they will be given things, what time are we ready to give things to people, well, about five o’clock, not earlier, well... the police gave the go-ahead , the prosecutor's office gave the go-ahead, the investigative committee gave the go-ahead, go ahead, bags, feasts, and people can calmly come up with tokens from 18 o'clock. a spontaneous memorial has been formed near the crocus city hall building, everyone is not indifferent, but they come here with flowers, with children’s toys, many come with whole families, mourning the dead. well, i'm a mother myself
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two children, when children die, invisible and not even children, older ones, well, i don’t know , you know, you know, this innocent thing... the fact that people gave their innocent lives suggests that we will pay even more, we are nothing different, i want to bring my sympathy and condolences to those people who have lost their loved ones, this is my personal tragedy, and i want to wish health to those who are now in serious condition, and for a speedy recovery, so that everything goes well for them , support the families who died, nor where people don't change is children. and such people who organize a terrorist attack, they have no life, they must suffer severe punishment , together with the relatives and friends of those people
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who died as a result of the terrorist attack here in crocus city hall, the whole country will be mourned, a day of mourning has been declared in russia, state flags. russia, it became a spontaneous memorial to the memory of those killed in moscow on march 22. flags on buildings have been lowered and public events have been cancelled. donbass mourns along with the whole country. olga is in direct contact with us now lukyanchenko. olga, hello, over to you.
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hello, natalya, the residents of donbass today are really mourning along with the whole country. in the donetsk people's republic the flag is flown at half-mast. cultural events have been cancelled, people bring flowers to spontaneous memorials, toys can be seen among the red carnations, because among the killed people there were also children. my colleagues talked with residents of our region and found out how they are coping with this monstrous tragedy, i suggest you listen to these comments. this is a great sorrow for us throughout our big country. there are no words, we faced the same thing, people died, innocent people , children, old people, we understand them, now you just hear it, you walk by, i live there in agareno, you just hear talk about it, especially in stores where there are crowds of people,
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this is all they talk about, everyone is talking about it, everyone is in shock, simply in shock, flowers for the monument of russia, which in donetsk became spontaneous... the head of the regional rescue department, alexey kostrubitsky, also laid a memorial, he did it together with the personnel main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the donetsk people's republic. donbass mourns along with all of russia. defense studio. yes, yes, thank you, hell of mourning in donbass, said our correspondent olga lukyanchenko. donbass mourns along with everyone else. in the country , there are 110 people in hospitals after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, 12 adults remain in extremely serious condition, another 33 people are in serious condition, this is data from the russian ministry of health, as reported by the fmba, more than 5,000 people donated blood to help the victims.
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our correspondent, anastasia ponko, works near the botkin hospital in moscow, she again comes into direct contact with us, anastasia, hello, how is this information updated? about the condition of the victims, do you have any new data? hello, natalya, now, specifically , there are 92 people in city moscow hospitals, seven of them are in severe condition, in extremely serious condition, and the best moscow doctors are fighting for the lives, for the health of these patients, and the necessary blood components, medicines, equipment, all this is there, and in sufficient quantities.
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early discharge, in general. doctors are still observing positive dynamics, patients are slowly , but most importantly, still recovering , today the skrifosovsky ambulance is preparing quite a large discharge, these were mainly patients who were poisoned in a fire, they feel good at the moment the moment they are already asking to go home, the doctors are not preventing this, that is, out of thirty-two patients today, 10 people will already go home. the nature of the damage is very large, so extensive, there are patients with
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carbon monoxide poisoning, and with poisoning by combustion products , there are patients with poisoning by combustion products with burns, there are combined injuries, there are combined injuries when there is poisoning by combustion products, burns, and injuries to bone structures and organs of the abdominal cavity, that is, such a very wide spectrum. yesterday a list of patients hospitalized in moscow hospitals was published, first names, last names, and patronymics are indicated so that relatives can find their loved ones, if they don’t yet know exactly where they are now , the hotline is open for them, there is a hotline for them, they can call and find out, if they find the name of their loved one on this list, they can find out which specific hospital the person is in, in what state it is now... a lot of people are trying to help somehow, at least with some
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of their own efforts, as far as possible, since there are victims from other cities, not only from moscow and the region, but also for relatives, who come to a free accommodation center was opened for victims here in moscow. we are ready to accommodate all relatives who arrive in moscow to help their loved ones affected by the tragedy. on march 22, the help of a psychologist was organized, we work around the clock and are ready to receive our guests for accommodation at any time. there are a lot of people who want to help the victims, they stand in line, donate blood, the points are open yesterday, today, and a lot of people, despite this weather, you see that it’s cloudy now, rain. sometimes the wind rises, but people still come, stand in this huge line
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, all in order to help the victims. how it all happened, i had a desire to help, as much as i can, i help, i regularly donate blood once every two or three months, now it is even more necessary to do this, the situation demands it, duty calls, but how could it be otherwise, you need to donate blood to those who she is needed, she will help, god willing. in moscow and the moscow region, in just these few days, more than 500 people donated blood for victims and donated blood components now it is enough to cover all requests from moscow and moscow region hospitals. we are very grateful to all the donors who came; yesterday more than 300 people came to donate blood; unfortunately, not all of them were able to do so. take blood, since there were contraindications, but people were sympathetic to this; in
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total, we managed to prepare more than a ton of blood for victims and patients. also today, the fmba reported that the amount of blood supplies that we currently have will be sufficient to to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the institutions for 4-6 months and... they do not plan to stop accepting donors yet, there are still a lot of people who want to help the victims, so the points will work as long as people come there. natalya, yes, anastasia, well, i’ll add that a message appeared on informagent’s feeds that procedures for identifying those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall have begun in moscow, this message is with reference to the department.
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a pair of united air force b-1b bombers states approached the border of the russian federation in the barints sea, as a result of which the mik-31 fighter took off into the air. this is the message from the russian ministry of defense that the border violation by a pair of us air force bombers was not allowed. as the russian mig-31 approached, they adjusted course. let me remind you that these are data from the ministry of defense of the russian federation. there could have been more victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall,
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if not for the dedication and lightning-fast reaction of those who found themselves in that terrible moment in the hall. the president noted the feat of ordinary citizens who acted on an equal basis with doctors and members of the special services. without professional training, they managed not to get confused in an extreme situation and saved hundreds of lives. about the heroes who shielded those who were nearby from terrorist shots and took people away from danger. anastasia ivanova. even in a critical situation, they thought not only about themselves, and this is not about emergency services employees, but ordinary people who themselves became hostages of the security guard in crocus when the islam khalilov, 15 years old, worked part-time shooting, did not lose his head, although he was scared himself, opened the doors of the service entrance for people so that they would quickly get out of the building, i was especially afraid in the crowd, when i was with people, i thought about what they might open fire to kill or they could throw a grenade there,
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everyone came in a normal state, they were proud and glad that i came home alive , it was better to sacrifice myself. rather than let hundreds of people die, he saved more than 100 people, he says instinct kicked in, but it turned out to be a feat that is worthy of high an award from the spiritual leader of russian muslims, the medal to islam will be presented during friday prayers in the cathedral mosque in moscow. the moscow sports club also expressed gratitude to islam for his courage; the schoolboy plays football, so the athletes gave him a personalized t-shirt and a season ticket for all the club’s home matches. our spiritual leader of the muslims of russia, mufti sheikh ravil gainuddin. he immediately ordered that we award him the russian muslim medal for his services. the fact is that the holy quran says whoever saves at least one person, his reward will be before the almighty will be as if he saved all humanity on earth. and this feat precisely characterizes the true
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values ​​of islam. and this act, in fact, is what calls for what. and not what today, unfortunately, is being imposed, yes, that is, these bandits, these terrorists, these are non-humans, another crocus employee saved from these non-humans, manager sofia helped block the doors of everyone with lies from terrorists, then she led people with her through a narrow corridor, through the smoke, the crackle of shots, among those who were saved by sophia were commentator viktor gusev and tv presenter sergei svetlakov, they already thanked the girl for being alive, we felt. the smell of smoke, and i decided that we still needed to go out, and at that moment the guests also began to dismantle the barricaded door, we left very quickly, thanks again to all those who helped, barricaded everything, close everything, the men behaved very courageously, heroically, and we
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ran out just through the emergency exit, i still wanted to go back, shout, is everything they came out, but when i, let’s say, went inside, there was already thick black smoke. crocus's guard fulfilled his human duty, clearly without panic, he instructed people and escorted them to the exits. this man will no longer tell what happened in the concert hall. maxim verbenin, 25 years old, died, but covered his girlfriend with his body, she survived. due to his limited health, maxim moved in a wheelchair. as the mother of the deceased already says, the couple was afraid that. crushed in the crowd, but the danger was much worse, but these guys ran in - that means terrorists , they stood up on the stairs, she just sat down and saw that she was shooting, and i said , i turned my head and saw that -
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there were several shots in the chest and he fell on her, he said, his eight-year-old son was left at home when we heard shooting, immediately decided to evacuate to help others, and there were two children there, there was a girl and a boy there, 4-6 years old, because everyone covered their heads and lay down behind the bar where i was lying, i said, you don’t need to do that, i i say, well, now they will find us and kill us, and i say, we must, we must go, i say, we all crawl out quickly, i don’t know. i wasn’t afraid, well, i’m not for myself anymore , i was just afraid for the children, when they started shooting everyone in the corridor, i covered them with my back and led them out, cameraman ivan pomorin, led the film crew, it was planned to film from different points in... far away concert. ivan was one of the first to hear the sounds of gunfire behind the scenes. parati commanded his subordinates to abandon the equipment and go to the service exit. then they were opened to other people. you
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keep writing, actively asking how you are alive, alive and well, everything is fine, we managed to leave the building, a fire had already started there. they helped and are helping, not only in the crocus, hundreds of people are bleeding. students organized heating points and distributed tea and food in queues. came here. just spontaneously, my friends and i wrote in a chat about what happened and decided to help people, first of all, donate blood. business also did not stand aside, all major banks promised to write off loans from victims of the terrorist attack, air carriers will exchange them free of charge or return the full cost air tickets for flights from march 22 to 24, will transport relatives to moscow and from the capital free of charge. a number of museums, restaurants, as well as vdnh and the moscow zoo will donate all proceeds.
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all the sorrow of the russian people in creativity , as it has always been, the shaman wrote the song requim, mourns for everyone who died as a result of the monstrous tragedy, pray for the health of the survivors, the call of the singer, who himself offered to pay for the funeral of everyone who died because of the militants, all funds from the monetization of the composition will be sent to the victims, it is already clear for sure, our people will never forget the tragedy.
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the largest spontaneous memorial in st. petersburg appeared at the exit from the technological institute metro station in a few hours , all the nearby stores simply ran out of flowers, people are carrying toys, lighting candles all over the country from the center to the north caucasus from kaliningrad to vladivostok . mourns. the inscription we mourn together made of candles appeared in volgograd. here people
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bring flowers to the eternal flame. the huge flag on the city embankment is at half-staff. many colors toys on the main square of the hero’s other city - sevastopol. in the capital of the republic of crimea in simferopol. a spontaneous memorial appeared on the main square at night. on march 23, we all understand that each of us could have been in this place, these people, each of us could have gone to the concert as a family, our whole family is crying, so i brought flowers from myself, and we are grieving, mourning events were organized immediately in several regions of the country, activists of the young guard of united russia.
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the memorial appeared opposite the assumption cathedral, stavropol residents bring flowers and toys to the foot of the angel on alexander square, in kislovodsk to the crane memorial. the whole country is in mourning and worried. russia and tajikistan agreed to intensify efforts to
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counter terrorism. this was discussed during a telephone conversation between vladimir putin and the president of tajikistan. according to the kremlin press service, imali rakhmon expressed condolences and support in connection with the tragedy at the sitikhol crocus. also today , vladimir putin and azerbaijani president ilham had a telephone conversation alieva. the head of state announced moscow's readiness to strengthen interaction in the spirit of alliance. ilham aliyev emphasized that all residents of azerbaijan stand in solidarity with the russian people on this national day. mourning and expressed the conviction that the criminals would suffer inevitable punishment. actions in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack are taking place all over the world, despite the russophobic policies of their leaders, ordinary residents bring flowers to the russian embassies and light candles, mourning the victims and expressing their condolences relatives. ekaterina shamaeva gathered international reaction. this
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brazilian trumpeter decided to express his grief through music, performing the sounds of the russian anthem as a sign of solidarity in front of the embassy of our country. residents of neighboring venezuela also came to the building of the russian diplomatic mission to express words of support and sympathy. the ambassador of our country thanked those gathered for their solidarity. the tallest building in the world was painted in the colors of the russian tricolor. the united arab emirates supports russia. in the colors of our flag countries illuminated the abu dhabi municipality, as well as the building of an oil and gas company and a sovereign wealth fund. lebanese citizens also came to honor the memory of the russians killed in the terrorist attack. in beirut, at the russian embassy , ​​representatives of the public and simply concerned people held a mourning event.
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as a lebanese citizen, i express my solidarity. house of russia, i condemn the monstrous act that resulted in the death of innocent people. i express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to those injured. flowers, toys and candles at the embassy russia in italy, as diplomats reported, they received about 10 thousand messages with words of support and solidarity. i came here because i couldn’t stay home alone at this moment. it's very difficult to hear such news. i talked to my parents.
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the reaction of officials in western countries looks like an attempt to dodge, for example, the president of estonia seemed to call the terrorist attack in kroku city hall cruel, but did it a day later, and never expressed words of condolences, but was quick to reproach moscow is allegedly cynical, saying that russia blames the west and ukraine for what happened, in general, a statement in the style of the lithuanian foreign minister. which after the tragedy called for a quote: not to lose focus, referring to the ukrainian conflict. by the way, even in the west , suspicions began to grow about washington’s too active attempts to strengthen the independence of ukraine. the fact that the white house official immediately said: “we know for sure that this is not ukraine” reminds me of the incident when joe biden gave the order to blow up the nord stream 2 gas pipeline, on the very next day his people said, we don’t
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know who it was, but for sure. we know that it’s not ukraine. the involvement of ukraine in the terrorist attack also seems increasingly likely for american businessman david sachs. according to him, denials on the part of kiev do not have much significance, but if it is proven that the ukrainian government is really behind this, then the united states must renounce it, otherwise washington itself will become an accomplice. ekaterina shamaeva, evgenia zemtsova, lead. explosions occurred that night in different parts of ukraine. eyewitnesses spoke about three strikes in the center of kyiv. the city's air defense system went off. detonation was recorded four times in the lviv region, including in the area of ​​the city of stryi, as well as in lviv itself. three strikes are known in krivoy rog in the dnepropetrovsk region. due to damage to the power facility , more than 70,000 residents were left without heat supply. two more explosions occurred in...


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