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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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in russia, today is a day of national mourning for the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall , state flags have been lowered at all government institutions, we mourn inscriptions on light screens, advertising bills, public transport stops, entertainment events have been canceled, television and radio companies have changed. to broadcasting. funeral liturgies are held in churches. according to the latest data from the investigative committee, the death toll as a result of the terrorist attack has increased to 137 people. more people have come to the spontaneous memorial near crocus cityhole over the past 2 days 10,000 people, this is data from the ministry of internal affairs. people bring flowers, toys, light candles. our correspondent alexandra perfilyeva is working on site, she is in direct contact with the studio. alexandra, greetings, i receive a message that a huge queue has formed of those wishing to leave flowers. yes, roman, greetings
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, this is really so, i can’t help but show how many people are now coming to lay flowers at the memorial, these are not hundreds, these are literally thousands of people, a large number, i want to say that at the entrance to crocusi hall, big traffic jam, people literally they get out of their cars to walk to lay flowers, there are a lot of people, let me show you.
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it’s very sad that everything happened like this, in fact, the tragedy is very, very sad, i want to cry, it hurts, thank you, thank you very much , and there are really a lot of people crying here who come up, it’s very difficult to hold back the tears, let’s come back , let's talk to the people who are now in line, i'll ask you to show the operator, just look how many people are here now, they are coming more and more every minute and... we’re getting closer, guys, we have a live broadcast, tell me why you came to lay flowers, you came to express condolences to all the victims and those killed, and why you? it’s our duty to punish us together today, and we came from another city, specifically to put it on the children, but where did we come from? city ​​of kaluga, thank you very much, there are a lot of people, of course we can’t communicate with everyone, they come from other cities. as you
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heard yourself, these days russia is united more than ever, right now they are working on the memorial volunteers, they have been working for two days, we will now try to go through and show you, because today is late in the evening, excuse me, please, is it possible to go through, there are a lot of people, an incredible number, i ’ll ask you to show them.
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they shot at disarmed people, and as for the rescuers who have been working for two, for two days, here, well, i think that later in the next live broadcasts we will show what the city hall looks like now, you see in those frames that my colleagues represented who worked earlier, for a long time , of course, the rescuers were clearing the rubble, they entered from... the passage in order to get
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inside, they got inside, the rescuers are now working, all the work of the rescuers was supervised by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov, he also shared that in the near future, literally in an hour at 18:00, they will be distributing clothes for the dead victims after 18:00,
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and cars are also ready for distribution right now, employees are actively contacting the owners. our hotline phone number on our screen which you can clarify, clarify all the details right now, dear viewers, you see the information: 8800, 550, 50, 30, well, let me remind you that the rescue operation is over, this
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means that, unfortunately, there are no living people under the rubble, but the search the operation continues, dog handlers are actively working now. all efforts have been devoted to this, also today the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, came to the scene of the terrorist attack and held a meeting in an operational mode, he ordered to check security, fire safety, and whether emergency rooms were open exits at the time of this terrorist attack, the number of victims of the terrorist attack... 100 150 number of victims novel 157, if i'm not mistaken, according to new information, 137 died, including three children. as i already said,
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they are actively laying flowers at the crocus city hall building, i will ask you to show the operator, people are coming literally every minute. more and more, i see children, i see lamps being lit, an unreal number, let ’s try to communicate through flowers, excuse me, please tell me why you came, because my soul hurts, for the powers, for the people, poor people, it’s difficult for me , i can’t, i’m sorry, but people , unfortunately, cannot hold back their emotions, because this is truly a terrorist attack, a terrible one, and today they are mourning all these days, not only the whole country is mourning, but the whole world is mourning, and russia is united as never before, russia remembers, russia mourns , russia will not forget, roman, alexander, thank you
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, alexandra perfilyeva was in direct communication with sitihol’s father and now there are several urgent messages with reference to the investigative committee, yes, at the moment the bodies of 137 people have been found , 137 died. 62 bodies have been identified, this the press service of the investigative committee literally just reported, several more urgent messages from the site of the crocus city holly terrorist attacks, two kalashnikov assault rifles, four sets of combat ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition were confiscated, as alexander said in a live broadcast, work has begun on the issuance of personal belongings, documents and cars for persons who were in the concert hall on the day of the terrorist attack in crocus, now also... in the form of detention, here are also important communications with four suspects in
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the terrorist attack in crocus are being carried out investigative actions, not delivered for investigative actions. vladimir putin spoke by phone with the president of azerbaijan. ilham aliyev, the head of state announced moscow’s readiness to strengthen interaction in the spirit of alliance. ilham aliyev, in turn , emphasized that all residents of azerbaijan stand in solidarity with the russian people on this national day. mourning and expressed the conviction that the criminals would suffer inevitable punishment. russia and tajikistan agreed to intensify work to counter terrorism, this was discussed during a telephone conversation between vladimir putin and the president of tajikistan, as reported by the kremlin, imam ali rahmon expressed condolences and support in connection with the tragedy in crocus city holly. in lugansk, as throughout russia today, they are mourning the victims of the terrorist attack. the spontaneous memorial arose the morning after the tragic events. event near the church of the icon of the mother of god of tenderness. for the second day, local residents have been bringing flowers, notes, and lighting
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candles there. nadezhda ostapushenko is now in direct contact from lugansk. hello nadezhda, tell me the details. hello roman. yes, the lugansk people's republic will feed and mourn together with all regions of the country. people continue. carry flowers, toys, candles, notes with poems with words of sorrow to the spontaneous memorial that was organized at the church of the mother of god of tenderness. while here, we saw how many people go to the temple, where today they read prayers for those who died and for those who are fighting for life. lugansk residents cannot speak without tears when it comes to the tragedy in the moscow region, i suggest you listen lugansk residents with whom we managed to talk
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, only tears, because this is inhumane, yes, great trials, i hope that the people of russia will simply sleep, there will be mutual assistance, mutual assistance, they cannot reach us on the battlefield, as i already understand, let’s beat those who cannot stand up for themselves, because where the battlefield is, there are weapons, and they can be answered, but here there are no weapons, let's kill who, the network of families came, on everyone, on all the screens of the city, messages about grief over the terrorist attack, residents of the republic convey their condolences.
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100 victims of the terrorist attack, some are still in serious condition, the best doctors are fighting for their lives and health, including doctors from one of the largest clinics in the capital, botkin hospital, now in direct contact from there anastasia ponko, anastasia, hello, tell me, how many victims are now in moscow hospitals? hello, colleagues, there are now 92 patients specifically affected in moscow city hospitals, and seven of them are being treated. in extremely serious condition, but necessary blood components, medicines, all
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the equipment, all this is there, and in sufficient quantities, all the victims who needed surgery had it performed immediately, after the terrible tragedy, as soon as people were in hospitals, patients requiring increased attention after emergency medical care were transported to institutions of a higher level, let ’s say, according to the ministry of health of the moscow region. during the terrorist attack, 154 people were injured, including children, now 110 people are in hospital treatment, 12 patients are in extremely serious condition condition , and the doctors assess the condition of thirty-three victims as serious, 47 patients are in a state of moderate severity and 18 people are in a state of mild severity, who are already preparing for discharge, they are being monitored by doctors and assume that very soon they will be at home. but in general, doctors are still observing such good dynamics, they say that patients are slowly but gradually,
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the most important thing is still getting better, today the skrifasovsky ambulance is preparing quite a large discharge, and these are mainly patients with poisoning by combustion products, they feel well at the moment, doctors are not preventing people from ending up at home as soon as possible, for example, out of the thirty-two patients who are now there, 10 of this... will already be at home, the nature of the damage is very extensive , so extensive, there are patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, yes, with food poisoning. there are patients with combustion product poisoning with burns, there are combined injuries, there are combined injuries when there is combustion product poisoning, burns, and injuries to bone structures, and organs of the abdominal cavity, that is, such a very wide spectrum, yesterday a list
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of people hospitalized in moscow hospitals was published, the names, surnames, patronymics of people for... so that relatives could find their loved ones as soon as possible, if still while there is no way to contact them, and a hotline has been opened for their relatives so that they can call, clarify, find out in what specific condition their loved ones are and in which hospital, a lot of people are now trying in every possible way to help with their forces, and since there are victims from other cities, not from moscow, but for relatives who will... come here to moscow, a free accommodation center has been opened here. we are ready to accommodate all relatives who arrive in moscow to help their loved ones who suffered in the tragedy of march 22, psychological assistance has been organized, we work around the clock at any time and are ready to receive our
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guests for accommodation.
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people literally come to donate blood to donor centers, line up in line, they stand in bad weather, in rain, wind, but they still do it in order to help the victims, as it all happened, i had a desire to help, in any way i can, i help, i regularly donate blood once every two to three months , now it is even more necessary to do this, the situation demands it, duty calls, but how else? we need to donate blood to those who need it, god willing. at the moment, in moscow and the moscow region, more than 5.00 people have donated blood for victims, and the figure is clearly not final, the components of donor blood are now enough to cover all applications from moscow and moscow region hospitals. we are very
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grateful to all the donors who came; they came to donate yesterday.
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the suspects were sent for interrogation according to rough estimates, it took about 2 hours, official statements from the investigative committee of russia, which we receive at these moments during the inspection. during the crime, no booby-trapped bodies or other traces of mining were found, this was stated officially by the representative of the investigative committee of russia , saslan petrenko. in addition, seized ammunition, the weapons with which the attackers were armed were confiscated, and also during the detention of suspects in the bryansk region, a makarov pistol was found and seized in that same renault car, which was assigned for examination based on the weapons found. in the near future, as the investigative committee has just announced, measures will be taken to select a preventive measure in the form of detention against the four suspects,
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i suggest listening to the commentary of the official representative of the investigative committee of russia svetlana petrenko. investigators and criminologists of the investigative committee continue to work at the site of the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, near moscow. the collection and procedural consolidation of the evidence base in the criminal case continues in order to recreate all the circumstances. during the inspection of the crime scene, no mined bodies or other traces of mining were found. four sets of combat ammunition, unloadings, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. when holding suspects in territory of the bryansk region , a makarov pistol and a magazine from a kalashnikov assault rifle were found in the car and confiscated. according to the seized the weapons have been assigned the necessary comprehensive examinations. investigative actions are being carried out with those suspected of committing a terrorist attack. in the near future, investigators of the investigative committee will take measures to take
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preventive measures in the form of detention against the four suspects. identification of the bodies of the dead continues. so far , the bodies of 137 people have been found at the site of the terrorist attack, three of which are children. the crime scene investigation continues. to the present. since then, 62 bodies have been identified, genetic examinations are being carried out on the remaining victims to establish their identities , investigative actions are being carried out with the victims, work has begun on issuing personal belongings, documents and cars to people who were in the concert complex on the day of the terrorist attack. the investigation of the criminal case is under the personal control of the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation. here, apparently, are suspected of committing terrorist attacks cityhall at these minutes are being brought to the basmanny court, where they will be charged and sentenced, a sentence for that very bloody
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massacre in the cityhall building, which neither moscow nor russia, of course, will forgive them, thank you, i was in direct contact with the investigative committee evgenia petrukhina. well, now to the urgent messages that come from yerevan: armed people burst into a police station in the north of the armenian capital, as local media write, the sounds of shooting were heard, and an explosion was heard. according to preliminary data there are wounded, special forces units are being pulled to the site, ambulances and emergency services are arriving. according to journalists , members of the combat brotherhood organization were behind the attack. they demand the release of their comrades, whom the yerevan police detained. units of the russian army that take part in a special
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military operation, how the soldiers fight and how their life on the front line works, about this right now. new, i see three. that is, we take out the wounded people there, evacuate them, create reserves, and so on let's go let's go. major alexander troshin, forced
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prisoner. until recently, he was a senior lieutenant, commander of a tank battalion. one of the youngest battalion commanders in the air defense zone. he himself sat at the levers, bringing tank columns into battle. here is one of the moments when a shell hit his car, the crew is intact. troshin, alexander konstantinovich, he is the commander of a battalion and a tank, yes. and he is a senior lieutenant. yes, a senior lieutenant in a post position. i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major. thank you. he deserved it, he burned three times tank, has seven concussions, one shrapnel
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wound. he himself destroyed five tanks and 23 armored vehicles of various classes, well, you’re like a hero there and you behave a little differently, well, you shout at people a little, a little bit is condescending, the management style hasn’t changed, why change anything , if we are already accustomed to working at this pace, that is, people are accustomed to me, i am accustomed to people, why change anything, i returned to my battalion, i am working with my battalion. comrade, what kind of shells are they, such as fragmentation, accumulative, yeah, let's go, right it’s going beautifully, oh, there’s a hit, fire, fire, there, there - fifty-ninth , a little further, a little to the right, there’s a hit, there are four hangars, the enemy is entrenched in these hangars, we don’t
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take a single enemy position lightly, everything with ... we have to storm 100%, that is, the enemy is standing rigidly, there is no general flight or anything else, he is standing rigidly, snapping, fighting, so we are storming 100%, this doesn’t even happen, it seems like the trench has been completely cleared , but checks every crevice, reaches the very the last centimeters of the trench and climb straight into every hole, making sure it doesn’t work out.
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an assault group of eight people, four people are exactly those who are attack aircraft, and four people are, so to speak, four people of fire support, and we tell all the attack aircraft, more precisely, when we train them , so that they disperse all over the trenches, there is no one there , tell them, let them run faster, there’s no one there, don’t be afraid, there’s no german there, where are you going, where, right along the fence, yes, yes, yes, everything is right along the fence, opana, from where, rifle. from where to the rifle lane they pass, pass, run faster, rifle lane, let the boys hide, wait, guys, let them hide somewhere , wait, run faster, let them run, run, yes, yes, along the fence, so they go, let the edge of the fence , let them slobber, all my company commanders stormed everything, all three company commanders, uh, one commander sat there surrounded for 6 days, the second company commander then held the defense for 50 days when the enemy tried to knock us out of there, that is, that’s it.. .we
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don’t have such a thing as commanders, so went to carry out the task , but the commanders stayed, but sent the people, no, each commander with his unit goes, fulfilling the task, attention, protractor 5276, sight 313, sight 313, head 5276, yes, attention, attention, consumption three, fog, fog , i’m the first, shot , consumption is three, consumption is three, well , they’re hitting the krasnogorka, on the tongue, don’t load, the enemy is far away, approximately, about 11-12 km at the moment, but no, well, you hit, well, we hit, we work effectively.


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