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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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heirs of the croatian ustosha, well, fascists , yes, who glorified the accomplices of hitler and musalini and the support of islamists, support for mafia structures in kosovo, with the sole purpose of, on the one hand, dismembering yugoslavia, on the other hand, promoting the integration of these structures into the euro-atlantic community, which maybe it would have happened without nato intervention. in general, the contradictions that have arisen in yugoslavia could well be resolved peacefully, including through a peaceful divorce, if these contradictions existed too serious to preserve the existence of yugoslavia as a single state, we all see that today these republics, for the most part , exist normally and resolve emerging contradictions peacefully, but then, including ...
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the intervention of external forces, this conflict turned into a military confrontation , external players often did not contribute to resolving this situation; on the contrary, they pushed it to worsen crisis tendencies. arithmetic in diplomacy, they are all then accepted into, say, an organization the united nations, yes, the organization for security and cooperation in europe. these small dwarf states, they are obedient, they do not have...
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on the territory of kosovo contributed to the fact that at least some kind of protection was provided to the kosovo serbs in the first years after this operation. the first thing they did was bomb television, yes, in order to deprive the government of the opportunity to inform its population, to leave the population, so to speak, let’s say, this is a version of freedom of access to information in an american publishing house, yes. deprive the population of this information , and then, so to speak, strike at, usually in such cases, the americans strike at what is called vital infrastructure, that is, infrastructure that provides the basic vital spheres of society, yes, so that’s what they have such are
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enterprises on the territory of serbia, which also caused irreparable damage to the environment. the united states is using prohibited types of weapons with combined uranium, there is a debate as to whether, and there is an international debate as to the extent to which these types of weapons harmful to civilians, but from the point of view of russia and from the point of view of serbia, this was an absolute violation and violation of international norms. the united states takes the opposite position, claiming that these are weapons. does not pose any harm to the civilian population, you see, the united states does not shy away from anything, when they want to achieve a goal, they can then explain, yes, well, or let’s say, well, completely cynically, which means that the american ambassador in belgrade spoke,
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suggesting to the serbs, well, let’s forget this , yes, well, this is an old story, yes, well, what are we going to do? remember, let us now think about the prospects, yes, about how we... there is no propaganda here, take the medical statistics of serbia, the number of cancer patients who appeared after just this tragedy, including these bombings indiscriminate in order to break
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the nationalist mood, break the will of the serbs, as we remember, literally a year later the first color revolution took place in serbia, which was also associated with the consequences of this company. when psychological people to say, the serbian people, the serbian population, a significant part that fell under the influence of western propaganda, began to consider themselves and their leadership guilty of what happened, this is a fairly common, often used western technique. in addition to bombing, the united states fueled the fire of contradictions in the balkans and supported mafia structures and terrorist organizations. of course, kosovo, at some point, and this happened in the nineties... against the backdrop of bombing, immediately after the end of nato aggression against yugoslavia, kosovo turned into a black hole , where field commanders were in power, and people, as you noticed, were involved in drug trafficking, in terrorist acts, and there was also organ trafficking, now on this occasion,
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finally, almost a quarter of a century later, it began there trial, which is part of the intra-kosovo struggle between various factions, between veterans of these events and those trying to replace them, now they are trying to send the same hashim thachi, including for this, to send mgaaga, and a special tribunal has been created there, what will come of this, we we don’t know yet. let us voice some details of those terrible events. carla delponta, who worked on this issue in the international court, is not at all an anti- american lawyer, she came to the conclusion that hashim thaci, his subordinates, organized it in an extreme way. cynically, cruelly, redirecting serbs, including russians, unfortunately, to the territory of albania, where they were kept for a long time, that is, in specially built premises, then their organs were taken away, of course they were killed, and this was part of a whole network
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mafia schemes created to maintain the combat effectiveness of the kosovo liberation army for the enrichment of persons associated with this army associated with an entire conglomerate... but in general it sowed such a permanent point of conflict in this region and this is a bleeding wound in the balkans, therefore in general for the european space, and i am somewhat surprised why this should not be
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the subject of some kind of truly international investigation so that all aspects of this tragedy are covered. there and ramush haradinaj, who later took over the position of prime minister, they were given carte blanche to resolve as freely as possible any, so to speak, financial issues, political issues, and through intimidation, through the organization of certain criminal schemes, essentially no one denies this, now it is in this regard that the current kostya leadership is trying to conduct an investigation, i repeat, in its own interests.
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1990. uranium, which were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing, i saw everything with my own eyes i saw the city was alive, at this moment the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles at this living city, the hegemons. tried to perpetuate their dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or 22
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. no, there was one rule for them : everything was allowed to them and that they could do everything. in april 1944, planes of the us air force, allies of the ussr in the anti-hitler coalition, appeared in nibe yugoslavia and bulgaria. the civilians of belgrade and sofia did not expect to be bombed. but on april 1, bombs fell on belgrade. on april 16, the us air force again struck
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a massive attack on belgrade, and on april 17 , carpet bombing practically razed the centers of the capitals of yugoslavia and bulgaria to the ground. at the head of bomber aviation in both great britain and the united states. there were people who were directly called butchers, which means arthur haris, the commander-in-chief of the british bomber force, this is how it went after him: the bomber haris, they called him, or the butcher haris. and on the american side, the head of strategic bomber aviation was the same rabble-rouser, general curtis lemey, but he was noted mainly in japan, when they burned tokyo in march of the year and, well, practically in terms of the number of victims
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there was no less than from the nuclear bombing of kheroshima. the red army saved europe from such a scenario, but first things first. the main purpose of bombing cities in eastern europe was that, according to the agreements of the tehran conference, it was clear where the border would be.
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the united states of america entered the war very late when they realized that the scales had tipped to the side, to the side soviet union, in order to indicate its position, to show taxpayers where this money actually went. yes, which allocated the same united states of america to support, as it were, the soviet union. in fact, in 1943 , oil companies affiliated
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with the belgrade area as a result of the destruction killed hundreds of prisoners in a concentration camp, family homes were destroyed, women in labor and newborns died, and in one maternity hospital alone, nine mothers of their babies died. according to various estimates in belgrade about 2.0 civilians were killed, about a thousand people were injured of varying
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degrees of severity. on easter, people, like families , attended church services. some were already at home, which is why the consequences were so devastating for people, for the residents of belgrade, absolutely non-military civilians. what is yugoslavia like during 4 years of occupation? people were in a very difficult condition, they starved very hard under the germans, they starved very hard under the germans, the most severe complete cleansing of the serbian population. one of these difficult examples is...
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what was the need for the bombing of the city of sofia, the capital of bulgaria, which , in which there were no industrial enterprises for military purposes, which did not have large military contingents, and in general the bulgarian army, in principle, during the second world war behaved quite passively, and some active then it did not manifest itself in any way on the fronts of the second world war.
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sofia was bombed very hard, the bulgarian population, again social facilities, were not really here, unfortunately, but nothing new, again social facilities, schools, hospitals, large cities , almost 4,000 people died in sofia, these are only official data, and many died in fires, so it was difficult to identify the bodies, the exact figure is very difficult to establish, and there is still no historical center. in sofia and belgrade , many buildings have been destroyed and cannot be restored. let us emphasize that the bombing of the us and british air forces did not make the path of the red army any easier.
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and kensberg, which means that when ours already took this city in 1945, my father was participant in this operation, we had to bite in this way, and we lost several tens of thousands of soldiers before we took these forts, but the united states had much worse plans when the manhattan project was actively implemented. plan to create a nuclear bomb, there was no certainty which of the hosea powers would collapse first.
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the americans were not sure that germany would surrender in may of 1945. therefore, the first plans for atomic bombings, judging by these documents, they concerned precisely germany. in 1944 , these nuclear bombings were already planned. in germany, the deadlines were determined, this is important to keep in mind, i don’t know why this topic is not touched upon, but in our country, the deadlines were determined with the offensive of the red army. just imagine if the red army had slowed down the pace of this offensive, if, say, it would not have been in may of 1945, but the bomb had been tested in july, and let’s say, germany’s surrender was in september, the americans would not have stopped it. they would, it was in plans to strike. when the soviet army approached the borders of eastern europe, carpet bombing began on all these capitals
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of large cities in eastern europe. so, that is, this was the goal set to intimidate the soviet union. these bombings were aimed in the same way as the bombings of yerasim and nagasaki, these were acts of intimidation of the soviet union against the soviet union.
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during the war years, great britain and the united states increased their fleet of strategic bombers; great britain had about 1,600, and the united states of america increased it to 280.
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their independence, today very few people remember that the soviet union helped european countries regain their independence. today
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there is so much talk about european sovereignty. that sovereignty, sovereign countries are very important, but these european countries sat under the influence of the germans for 4 years, no one talked about sovereignty for 4 years, the most terrible concentration camps were located on the territory of these countries, and the heads of these countries could not close concentration camps, soviet union, soviet soldiers returned sovereignty of the countries of eastern europe , including, and today it would be nice to remember. about this, but today it does not fit into the political agenda that is being declared today, but we at least must remember this, remember, talk about this to our children, because indeed our country has made a very great contribution to victory, including the victory of the second world war and the restoration of countries after the second world war.
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all the shooters during the barbaric terrorist attack in the moscow region were detained; they were moving towards ukraine. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. hello, watch now. how do we destroy terrorists on the approaches to the border? in the sky near the state border. helicopters of the russian army are destroying enemy targets, and as we advance at the front, all the shells hit the target, victory will be ours, our powerful retaliatory strikes, the street of death, as they call it, this road in the serbian city of vranje, leads this...


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