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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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so what is this, who actually did this? this means, of course, this is not an islamic state, because it has its own style of execution, which means such things, in particular, so as not to delve into some kind of history of the islamic state that was there 10 years ago, relatively speaking, here is the last terrorist attack by the islamic state of velayat kharasan in iran, this is the murder of more than 100 people at the farewell to the fourth anniversary of the death of qasem sulaymaniyah, this is... suicide, this is a terrorist attack with an explosion, this is their signature feature, two explosion, if there is no explosion, if there is no half-martyrdom, this is not an islamic state , it’s their brand you want or something, yes, secondly, they can use small arms, but first of all, what kind of small arms, not the saiga carbine, they are even in in iran or somewhere they were looking for the possibility of finding military , small arms, they do not use such weapons at all by definition, third, even if they
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use them, then ultimately, after the ammunition runs out, they again blow themselves up with these suicide belts, they are never captured it has never been shaking before, that they give up , forget the language, what else, they undermine themselves, this is their brand, as they say, second, third, now, when they show a new video, allegedly filmed on the telegram channel of the islamic state of kharasan, that means there ... the terrorists are closed, the islamic state, either the old one or the current one, this is considered to be their branch, in fact, well , it’s a little more complicated, yes, it never hides the faces of those who commit this terrorist attack, so it has nothing attitudes towards this, apparently, in the united states they came up with, this is pure america, why are they now pushing the media, everywhere, in order to convince this islamic state, they figured out how to deliver a painful blow, and so that they wouldn’t think about... an islamic state, but
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they entrusted the execution, as you said, not the brothers, yes, but the brothers in this matter, apparently , are not very advanced, they did it the way they did it, for some reason i think, although i could be wrong, that all these performers, of course, they have combat experience, it was clear that they know how to kill people, this, you know, it’s necessary to go through a certain, so to speak, school, they were recruited from those who had undergone some kind of combat experience. 90% of them no longer have any ideology, they are purely business, and they say directly that we are not taking revenge, not for ideology, nothing, they gave us money, they gave us money, there are outbids going on there?
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what intelligence agency is there specifically of the united states, perhaps the cia, perhaps someone else , but it was felt very clumsy by those who they felt, as you said, was wrong, that’s what actually happened, now there’s another lesson for us, you look, here these are organizations the islamic state of velayat kharasan cannot be underestimated, here trump speaks, he says, the godfather, clinton, obama, but he proceeds from his own political considerations, he completely forgot the main godfather - this is bush jr., so to speak, yes. that then al-qaeda -
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no, this is no longer even this is not this is not distracting me, no, in the sense that all these organizations were created by the americans, as was recognized at one time. in iraq, when the americans were leaving, and this is a danger for us, i will now tell you why, they were leaving afghanistan, they left many of their former wards , well, for example, there was such a department of internal security in afghanistan, a large structure that was trained and educated both in the usa and
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in afghanistan, the us department of homeland security, there is such a large american organization there, created, yes, a significant part of them operational personnel as non-officer officers remained in afghanistan. the army, a significant part remained in afghanistan, the police, and a significant part remained in afghanistan, no one believed the taliban that they would announce amnesty, as they said, which in general corresponds to reality, no one intended to imprison them, the absolute majority of them went to the islamic state of velayat kharasan, and some went to their other organizations, the popular front, the national front, of afghanistan, this is the son of akhmatshah , they were running around here and there. in some, including institutions , so to speak, yes, what it does, it does what happened in iraq, the religious structure itself, which never existed, it is worth nothing, it is weak, it can always be crushed, but when they pour into it professionals who know what special work is, what intelligence
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is, what it means, what it means to organize a terrorist attack, how to organize military operations, it becomes completely different, that ’s what happened in iraq when the americans came, that’s the most important thing... godfather father bush jr. said why, but the officers of the special services and the iraqi army were not hired anywhere, they were forced with these islamists, which means entering into cooperation and such a terrible organization, discipline, structuring, professionalism was created, we are now seeing the same thing happening in afghanistan, yes, plus the increase in numbers has doubled for the first time, the danger for us forces the following: while they have completed several tasks on iran for the representation of china. in kabul, well, the representative office in china did not work through the islamic movement of east turkestan, the uyghur organization , which at one time gave an oath of allegiance to the islamic state, they worked very harshly, it’s just that our press did not cover it enough with deaths, injuries, and so on further, now they have worked several times in
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iran, the largest terrorist attack is a reminder, an attack on a mosque in shiraz and so on, now they will promote this level of management.
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the islamic state came to hate it as the sounding board of the organization, it will never commit a terrorist attack on friday, which means during the maghrib prayer on the eve of iftar along with ramadan, god forgive me, well, this is it, well , someone was in a hurry or something, ramadan began on march 10, maybe that’s why
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we went and watched on march 7, no, that’s why it made sense of course, it didn’t work out to make it before ramadan, so they sort of followed the principle of, let’s do it. then i think it turned out that , what does it mean, the ukrainian nazis intercepted the connection, they said: okay, americans, it’s difficult for you, let’s screw it up, we’ll do the right thing, budanov, yes, because one failure, two. the creature is long overdue, it’s high time to kill it, it’s high time, we need to go back to sudoplatov’s methods, so let’s correct this, we’ll show that it can, by the way, this happened in reality, so we shouldn’t now under any circumstances say, here’s what’s next it will, no, it will continue to get worse, they will just do it themselves.
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provinces of badakhsh, well , to put it mildly, i have a good grasp of the geography of their area, where everything is located, yes, so if they are not destroyed there, we will get a big headache, but i’m not talking about ours there either allies, or i don’t know what to call central asia sometimes, but we ourselves will get it, which means we are now interested, we, iran, with all the complexities of relations between iran and afghanistan, and china are interested in destroying the organization there, because that a pro-american organization, which the united states and the valuable west will use... including against us, you know, for 20 years we have not had such terrible attacks as the last ones, this is
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dubrovka, northeast 2002 and beslan 2004, i will not repeat, i am absolutely sure that this is no igil, semyon arkaevich has now put everything in order, my only comparison is what happened, for example, at dubrovka, but these were ideological terrorists with specific political requirements.
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building with i also have a question, you asked a question about the security, and i have a question, how is it possible that the building caught fire like a match from different sides, the fire protection system worked until the morning, but when you use military-grade incendiary mixtures, how do you you know well, their civil systems are not so easy to overcome, but i think that this building was made, despite... the fact that it surrendered, it was commissioned, in my opinion, in 2009 from some again from some... then plastic, from
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some kind of flammable panels, i’ll leave it professionals, but we still need to find out whether anything was soaked or spilled there beforehand, well, that is, the investigation is ongoing, that is, i haven’t found out, because jealousy also flared up there, as i understand it, in particular, jealousy there, there seat, they deliberately set the soft chair on fire, after all, any fire extinguishing system is designed for the fact that the wiring will shorten, that... i just want to remind you, i’m not an expert either, that one schoolboy, fifteen years old with a machine gun, kills dozens of people alone, not with a machine gun, with dad's berdanka, and we are like that seen many, many times, so i think we're giving grist to their mill a little bit when we say this is super prepared, super, but they're ponies are prepared, but they're not, but they're not shepherds, they got into the same car.
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organizing the withdrawal of not just one group, but organizing the withdrawal, so to speak, of several groups, in several vehicles, along different routes, this, this is a lot of organizational work, i am sure that these people went through...
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of course, they were trained in the camps, shshani , who was waiting on the other side of the border, none, one from turkey, as we just said, came too, these are real terrorists, corridor, these are not isis, these are terrorists who , so to speak, were trained by the ukrainians , behind whom are the americans, the americans who have created these bases on our border, there , well, they say 12,
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there are probably more of them, so in a broader context. is to talk about this terrorist attack. now there are two main directions. the first main direction is the commission of terrorist attacks against our country, any, any terrorist attacks, starting with shelling, so to speak, of our peaceful cities, belgorod, kursk there , and, uh, there are these airborne assault groups, terrorist attacks, in our large cities, the second main direction is what
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assumes that air defense systems are suppressed first of all, there is no need to suppress anything air defense, but planes, if they appear there , the same reconnaissance planes, the same drones, the same rippers that, so to speak, patrol there from time to time, it’s quite possible, i think, because of this, the americans will not start world war iii, the same goes for
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shelling of our cities, completely... after that turn it into dust, in my opinion, a certain leading solovyov proposed doing this, not so long ago, and vladimir rudolfevich, yes, a year ago, said, when they struck belgorod for the first time, i i already said then
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that 3,000 plus were equipped with these universal planning and correction modules. very, very impressive weapon. the fact that they used cartloads of steel were still without these modules, so the accuracy there was not very high, but the psychological effect, the psychological effect - the ukrainians themselves you know, the prisoners say that firstly, you need to shake your head after this.
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lifting capacity is 7 tons 35 - 8 tons, that is, carrying one bomb is not very, not very productive, but i think that we must move on to more decisive actions, since this is war, since the west has declared war on us and is not hiding it, it is necessary i also somehow understand our president, who wants, so to speak , firstly, to minimize losses and secondly...
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quite a lot of ukrainian women are now doing this, using a variety of methods, except traditionally there, what do we know, there already steel with a single shot, that is, it is constantly developing there, it is developing here, but it is also developing there, there is so much unmanned control that if you walk with a detector, it just beeps all the time, that is, at some point in time you simply begin not to react to it , permanent, no, this is not a category, so it wouldn’t be that...
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plus now there was such a situation working there , the ukrainian guys hung out a white flag there , raised that they wanted to surrender, immediately they were hit by the ukrainians, that is, they are here they bury it so that such an example does not exist, plus they terrorize families, that is , all this must also be understood, so yes, our heroes, yes , our fellows, yes, ours give, and let me remind you that it’s still the same.
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i was just flying out from berlin here, i was already going through control there, and the german woman was a complete stranger who didn’t know anyone
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or anything, but i just saw. this is the destination, she asks me: are you flying to russia? i say, yes, she says, you know, we are in a lot of pain, it’s just important that you understand that we are very sympathetic to what is happening there, that is this is not some kind of political step, here is the most ordinary employee at the control at the berlin airport, this was yesterday, and this is of course a striking contrast with what you see today. in german politics , when you listen to german politicians, who, in principle, of course, find some words, and at the same time come up with a lot, so today i will allow myself to act a little as such a profiler, but there are certain patterns according to which they work, well, not only the special services for which all these work plans are made, and these plans are always made in such a way that these terrorist acts, just like the one that happened in moscow.
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these are a kind of proxy terrorist attacks, that is, they were really carried out, as margarita correctly said, according to other people’s flags, but here the absolutely same paths and the same moves are very clearly visible, as it all happened. many years ago, when nordost was around, in germany no one really knew about it, i was the first to write a book in german, in which i tried explain something, she then went all the way to the minister of internal affairs, who recommended to his employees, i know this for sure, to read about it, but the meaning was then very interesting, very simple, then everyone also said, yes this wahhabis, actually these wahhabis, they are actually revolutionaries, they are good, what they are going to do in russia, what they are going to do in chechnya, they are generally normal, there are no bandits there at all, no one there doesn't exist and no one is there in these in these issues don’t get involved politically, so of course we need to give them the opportunity
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to take refuge with us. not only germany, we are talking about europe as a whole, the second is necessarily some financial one of our former ones, who could participate in the role of an official creditor who... gives money, in fact they played the role of only such, such transfer account through which the money passed, including from foreign intelligence services, then went where it was needed, and then it was, well, at that time it was the wahabi groups that existed and worked as if at the expense of this money, and at the same time the summit, not basayev, not himself there, nor anyone else, they were not ready to die, but they, in principle, of course, ended their
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lives, so how they had to for... i know very well that clinic in zellendorf, this is such a beautiful area of ​​​​berlin, very expensive, you can only be treated there for cash, in which he had plastic surgery, trying to change his face, you know, he was seriously injured, trying to change his face to basically hide him from persecution, he was treated there , he was treated openly, moreover, at that time he had a document issued, he had a passport, i certainly don’t know whether it was german or it was a temporary residence permit, but he was
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completely open in germany, and this...


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