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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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and now to the weather news, weather forecasters warn about snowfalls and colder temperatures in a number of regions of russia, which areas will be covered by the arctic invasion when.
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a week. spring in most regions of russia is still ahead of schedule. almost everywhere the temperature in the second half of march exceeded normal climatic indicators. over the weekend, however, the weather did deteriorate in some places. in moscow after 9 on friday, saturday and sunday it was only +5. it has rained. the capital and other cities of the russian plain began to fall fogs. there were even snowfalls in the north and south. certain areas of the warm rostov region, where the temperature is, have turned white. at night it went into a slight minus. during the day, however, it was still quite warm, so the cold snap could not significantly notice the arrival of spring and affect the schedule for preparing emergency services for the flood. a cold snap also swept across siberia at the end of last week; in krasnoyarsk at night the thermometer readings dropped to minus 14, in novosibirsk to -9-10, but the cold quickly receded. and in
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sunday returned to spring warmth. in altai, in barnaul, the air warmed up to almost +6, which fully corresponds to the climate norm for the end of march. and such frightening footage began to appear on the internet. local motorists still use winter roads to cross the abi, although impressive thawed patches are already appearing on the river. anomalous warmth in the regions of russia is caused by the influence of cyclones; short-term episodic cold spells are caused, in turn, by cold atmospheric conditions. fronts. today the influence of frontal sections on the weather will still be pronounced. rain clouds will swirl over the caspian sea, and another cloud mass will stretch across almost the entire country, from the black sea to lake baikal. most regions of the russian plain of the urals and siberia will not survive without precipitation. northern lines sektefkar, novosibirs, they will fall in the form of snow. however, spring will still not pause. the frontal sections carry deep into eurasia the air of the atlantic
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, today only the northern regions of european russia and siberia will remain outside the thaw zone. at midday the columns thermometers in the south beyond the urals will show +2-7. in the middle zone of the russian plain up to +5 -10, in the black sea region the air will warm up to +12-17°. in the following days , the weather in most of european russia will be determined by atlantic air masses, so it will improve. but in the southeast of siberia. on tuesday-wednesday it will become cooler again, cold from the northern latitudes will break through here, but like the previous one, this arctic invasion will be short-lived. in barnaul today the temperature will drop below normal +4, and tomorrow expected no higher than +2. snow and rain possible in places. already on wednesday the precipitation will stop , the sun will come out, and normal temperatures will return to +6. in the second half of the working week, along with the next warm front , abnormal heat plus will come to altai. 8-10°.
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there is no precipitation in moscow until thursday, the sky will clear, the sun will warm the air better and better every day. today tomorrow +8-9, then until ten. 11°, it will rain in the capital again on friday, but there will be no break in the trend, thermometers will show +12 for the first time this year. u that's all for me, goodbye.
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home is where the family is, in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most. magnet - the price is what you need, i help with liver problems, i use essential forte nn, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market. touch the rock star burger kings forward on fire taste, we are going on vacation, and we are going, for the third year, so
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brauni fitness shock 99.99 magnet - the price is what you need! and now about the actions of our military in the zone of a special military operation in the southern donetsk aviation direction. the vostok grouping of troops hit strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces and a concentration of personnel. according to the press center , an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier, an anti-tank gun, five military vehicles, two aircraft- type drones, as well as personnel, more than 100 soldiers, were destroyed. at the same time, our military took up more advantageous positions along the front line. subdivision of the troop group center, hit approximately 350 more military targets in the avdeevsky direction. two enemy tanks and five were destroyed. at the same time
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, the enemy’s attempts to carry out a rotation were thwarted; the targets also included a field ammunition depot in the sssu. liberated avdiivka calls for a peaceful life, doctors get used to the peaceful life, and receive patients. in addition, employees of the russian historical society are providing humanitarian aid to residents.
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station is inevitable, without him avdeevka would not have become a fire, it became clear that the storming of the filtering station would have been ours, this predetermined large-scale destruction appears here, immediately after serious battles, the now famous inscription on the wall. this was the extreme point where the ukrainian troops were stationed, then the yasenovato bridge, there were dpr troops there, this is the konstantinovskaya highway, it was here that the meeting took place when the ukrainian military checked each next person arriving... for work, a shift that was heading to the donetsk filtration plant station, these
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500 meters that separate us from that point, and it was the most dangerous event for these workers, that is, actually to their they had to pass through the workplace through enemy territory. ukrainian positions at this point took a long time to settle, but they were demolished and destroyed quickly and completely, the battles at the station virtually destroyed it entirely, and this was one of the newest and best water treatment plants in the entire ussr, without restoring this most important unit , normal supply it is impossible for the entire large donetsk agglomeration to have water, well, without the liberation of slavyansk and kramatorsk, of course, because now the water there is blocked by ukraine. this is the source - this is krasnoskolskoye reservoir. and this is slavyansk. and the seversky donetsk-donbass channel is the only source that provided all the population and consumers in normal condition. of the entire donetsk region, today, thanks, of course, to the don donetsk water pipeline, of course,
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some of the problem with water supply has been resolved, but not in full. doctors are already coming to the residents of govdeevka on a regular basis, and for now, for safety reasons, olga pavlovna, a therapist from yasenovataya, is holding appointments in the basement. the main category, of course, is the elderly, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and colds predominate, but today. they brought painkillers, expectorant injectable antibiotics, tablets, and heart medications to lower blood pressure. all residents of avdeevka receive the necessary humanitarian assistance according to a peculiar schedule, it is impossible not to ask why they didn’t leave the war, at least to the ukrainian side, but why go to ukraine if we live here, you saw that death is here she walks, so she goes there too, well, to the store if you go out, they will take you to war, that is, they will bring you here to the outpost.
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which could characterize the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, national battalions, and assistance from nato. therefore, the inter-museum working group tries to enter the liberated regions almost immediately after they are captured by russian troops. a pickup truck with right-hand drive and, apparently, he ended his life’s journey in avdeevka, having arrived from foggy albion from england, he ended it with fascist crosses on the sides, just like in the great
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patriotic war. well this is a great example in suspension equipment, german crosses, the best exhibits for russian museums. you can imagine, and other finds from avdeevka from that day will quite form a small, but very dense , strong exhibition. all collected items go to federal museums and are subsequently exhibited, that is, large exhibitions were held in the victory museum, the museum of the battle of stalingrad, and the state central museum of contemporary russian history. all items will be taken into the museum balance and described in such a way as to tell the future viewer what each of them means in history and the tragedy of the russian avdeevka. news of the week from avdeevka dpr. new big special bbq bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. we take loans. easy to arrange. we are at sovcombank. we take loans. did they get it done quickly? we are at sovcombank. loans
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the family is. and in the domf bank 16. you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay commission from the transfer to a cash account, then open a business account at tires can be found conveniently and quickly.
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a georadar will be delivered, with its help specialists will assess the condition of the rock masses, ice and water in order to prevent the threat of their sliding into the cut. the development of wells to the possible location of the miners continues. a fourth drilling rig was delivered from yakutia, which will make the deepest hole, 350 m long. a powerful pump for pumping out water is also being prepared for installation. the chances of finding people alive are still remain. the water in the mine is good. for drinking in extreme conditions, ventilation works. israel agreed to us terms for the prisoner exchange and is awaiting a response from hamas. the tv channel reported this. cnn, citing diplomats. tel aviv will hand over 700 palestinians in exchange for 40 israeli hostages. according to israeli media reports, among the palestinian prisoners, 100 are serving
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life sentences. according to american journalists, the exchange plan was proposed by cia director william burns during on-camera negotiations. and then about the most significant events of this day in history in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on march 25, 1790 , fyodor ushakov stood at the head of the russian black sea fleet, he won five major naval battles and did not know a single defeat, did not lose a single ship, not a single subordinate was captured, he fought with the turks, whom he inspired fear and respect, they called him ushak pasha, he thwarted their plans to seize crimea by winning the battle of kerch, that’s all, ushakov also became famous for the fact that fought the plague epidemic, saved the lives of many
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of his sailors, built sevastopol, made it a beautiful city and a powerful fortress of russia's main military base on the black sea. when the war with napoleonic france began, admiral ushakov liberated the ionian islands from the invaders, helped the british block bonoparte's troops in egypt and drive them out of malta. his. fame thundered throughout europe; he entered naval science as the founder of the russian school, which was based on free maneuver and sudden lightning strikes. during the order and medal of ushakov were established during the great patriotic war. they are still among state awards today. the russian orthodox church ranked the legendary naval commander among the clique of saints. on march 25, 1916 , the first russian air force was formed and the first world war was underway, the enemy had to be prevented from bombing our cities and organized the protection of our troops. by the summer there were almost 300 combat vehicles. designs by
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igor sekorsky, vladimir alkhovsky, domestic and foreign airborne at first there were no weapons. cannonballs, weights or metal bars were dropped. a lasso was thrown onto the enemy's propeller. there was also a way to create an air vortex with a special maneuver. so that the enemy would lose control and fall to the ground, they tried rams. the first to do this was the famous az, who performed a loop, pyotr nesterov. but he died himself. alexander kazakov followed his example and remained unharmed. well , then a special synchronizer appeared, which made it possible to fire a machine gun through the propeller. we invented such a device naval pilot georgy lavrov. throughout the war , russian fighters shot down at least 200 german and austrian aircraft. on march 25, 1974 , viewers saw kalina krasnaya for the first time , probably the most dramatic, exciting, piercing film by vasily shukshin, based
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on his own story. it’s surprising that the story, where the main character is a repeat offender who served a sentence, was even allowed to be filmed. this role of yegor prokudin was played by the director himself; his wife, lidiyava shukshina, starred in the main female role. we filmed in vlagodchyna in dilapidated buildings. it turned out to be one of the most strong episodes. in the film she is yegor's mother, but does not recognize her son. the film was especially emotional due to the prison shooting, where a prisoner sings yesenin’s letter to his mother. the censor made endless changes. picture shukshin got nervous and ended up in the hospital. after 7 months, the director passed away. kalina krasnaya is his latest film. by the way, the only one he shot in the world. in the first year, kalina
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krasnaya was watched by more than 60 million people, and today this masterpiece is out of everyone’s mouth. on march 25, 2019 in dubna, at the joint institute for nuclear research there was a double event. holiday: the grand opening of the factory of superheavy elements, the launch of its main installation of the dc 280 cyclotron. this is a unique accelerator for the synthesis of new elements. next in line are elements numbered 119 and 120 on the periodic table. in terms of the intensity of accelerated ion beams, the parameters of the dc-280 are an order of magnitude higher than the parameters at the accelerators of the leading centers in the world. in addition, a new version of the gas-filled separator was installed. and the specially built housing is fully adapted to work with highly radioactive substances. presentation the factory was conducted by the scientific director of the laboratory of nuclear reactions named after georgy
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flerov, yuri aganesyan. and the command to launch the first ion beam was given by the director of the institute, academician viktor matveev. this is what this day in history was like. wars end, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender.
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having learned that a child has autism, where not autism, you may be scared, horror, what, what is this, not to wonder, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing.
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did they jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. the four defendants in the case of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall were given a preventive measure; all were sent into custody until the end of may. our correspondent will tell you how the court hearing went that night.


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