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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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well now - new messages the un security council honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack with a minute of silence. in
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crocos city hall, these are the shots published by our colleagues from the rionovosti agency. and just like that, people continue to come to the spontaneous memorial of siticho, one of those who is there now at these moments is the chief rabbi of russia, berlazar, he came to honor the memory of the victims and lit a candle at the memorial at the site of the tragedy. well, in the meantime, in one of the krasnogorsk schools. today two schoolchildren, islam khalilov and artyom donskov, who saved people during the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. they received certificates for dedication, courage and personal courage from the hands of children's obbudsman maria lvova belova. the boys worked part-time as cloakroom attendants in the crocus, they knew well the location of the emergency entrances and exits to the building and helped more than a hundred people get out. many concert visitors showed similar heroism, some helped find a safe exit, others... about real
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heroes, sofya sergeeva. comfort can be found even in the darkest times if you remember turn to the light remember that the world is not without good people. on the fateful evening of march 22, risking their own lives, dozens of people found the strength to help others. among them were young heroes. fourteen-year-old artyom donskov, a student at school number 19 in the city of krasnogorsk, got a job as a cloakroom attendant in kroku 2 months before the terrorist attack. hearing the shooting, he was not at a loss and began directing people to the emergency exit. my employees and i tried to make sure that all the people got out, evacuated, and that we didn’t leave anyone there. accordingly, we also went out the very last, they took people to the vegas shopping center, they took them to the subway, they helped, they tried to help as much as we could. nikita ivanov worked in the wardrobe with artyom; he combined his part-time job with his studies.
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behind me, in general, there they had already run out through this dark room to the glass doors, naturally everything was closed there, one of the guys, two young guys, broke down the glass door, along the way it brought to their senses those who succumbed to panic, once outside, she took the victims home in a car. another heroine of that night was fifteen-year-old victoria was on the first floor when the terrorists opened fire. having learned about what was happening, she was not confused and acted without panic, according to the instructions. we started smoking people, telling everyone that we should run to the exit of our reserve room, stood there, waiting for the door to open on the first floor. the second one was shot, after that we were able to leave the wardrobe, i was already standing there alone, also telling people which way to go, helping them navigate, at that moment, as if they didn’t know where
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go, what to do, she scared me the most, the neighbors on the left crawled towards the passage. the crocus employees ran out of the hall, that’s why we just have a huge thank you to all the guys, when the shooting started in the crocus, waiter kamilla nasibova’s shift had already ended, but he stayed and came to the aid of those who needed it. kamil saved more than 100 people, led them out of the building, dragged the wounded to the emergency room, during the evacuation he saw a phone ringing on the floor, his answer saved camilla, who... was trapped on on the second floor, she screamed terribly that there was a fire above her, coal and loops were falling on her, there were a lot of people flying there, one was pulled out to the entrance, on the second this special forces soldier said that because i was staggering, that is,
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there was nothing to breathe , i just fell from one foot to the other, i was walking like that, he said that you already come out, that is, they all have masks, i’m the only one without a mask, there’s hot water on me just like i was in just a t-shirt, well wearing one t-shirt, which...
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make crocus flowers to support this action to honor the memory of people who were in such a difficult situation. and at school number 109 they decided to fight terror with the help of art, staging a thematic play. terrorists want us to become afraid, to create apathy, to create fear. and in this sense, the fight against terrorism has two sides: the security forces with their own methods. but we have our own method, this is spiritual mobilization, it will not be possible to intimidate us. march 22 will go down in the history of modern russia as one of its most terrible pages. the crocus cityhall terrorist attack killed hundreds of people, damaged the lives of thousands, became a day of common pain and sorrow and
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proof that the best antidote is unity in the most difficult times. sofia sergieva, olga alvukhina, lead. we have urgent messages now. the islomovs are probably members of the same family,
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the link is also the court, and we remember that the president and the investigative authorities stated that all the perpetrators and all those involved in organizing this terrorist attack would be found. and justice will definitely catch up with them. a ring railway that will connect rostov-on-don with crimea, through donbass and novorossiya will begin operating by the end of 2024. the governor of the kherson region , vladimir salda, announced this on air on our channel. president vladimir putin first spoke about the emergence of a new railway line at a rally dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the annexation of crimea on march 18. the new land corridor will become an alternative to the crimean bridge. so, we have already managed to connect rostov-on-don with donetsk, mariupol and berdyansk. 140 km of roads were restored, 63 km were built from scratch. construction of a new path. deals with federal government unitary enterprise railways of novorossiya. the company's tasks also include
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creating unified logistics in new regions and updating the fleet of wagons and locomotives. in our part of the kherson region in crimea already. now we need to prepare and restore the railway tracks, which will make it possible, in general, to deliver goods by rail, cargo and passengers, it doesn’t matter. but the time will come when the need to get to the resorts of both crimea and the kherson region will be much more realized, so the road is needed and road and railway. well, they also plan to convert the north crimean canal, which dried up after the destruction of the kokhovsko gs, into ponds for storing water for irrigation; it will be used for this. the governor of the kherson region, vladimir saldat, announced this on air.
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the crimean canal is used specifically for conservation as a storage facility for accumulating water. novorossiysk paratroopers are pushing back the enemy in the area between rabotino and verbovoya. now this is one of the most serious areas on the zaporozhye front. by the militants are being beaten by rszzo grad crews. anton stepanenko will continue. the air assault mountain division was recently formed in december last year.
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but after one proofread everything flows smoothly. the hail hits the area, so it rarely misses, especially if it’s a whole package, as it is now, 40 rockets of 100 kg each. they worked successfully, suppressing enemy manpower and enemy infantry. even successfully , the enemy is still hunting for rocket launchers, especially since the weather is favorable drones. after firing , it is equally important for the crew to leave the fire area safely. position, after we worked out , an enemy bird followed us, uh,
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use the maximum speed capabilities of bm, we brought the bird to our comrades, to the gunners, they already shot it down, now we are returning to our permanent location, we will charge, but it’s good that our the gunmen helped shoot down the bird, it took them 20 minutes to get away from it, and at the ammunition supply point it took about 20 minutes to reload and crew. again on duty, since its formation the division has not lost a single installations. stepanenko anton, vinokurov, valery, news, zaporozhye front. in ukraine.
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and agricultural officials, according to them , due to too active conscription in rural areas, there is no one to carry out spring field work. now economic news, briefly. the central bank recommended that creditors write off the debts of borrowers killed in the terrorist attack on crocus city hall. the regulator sent a letter with recommendations to banks, microfinance organizations and other market participants. creditors can release such citizens from obligations without appeals of heirs. in addition, the central bank called for support for the victims, up to and including complete debt write-off, while a number of banks began to act even before the central bank’s recommendation. they promised to forgive debts the very next day after the terrorist attack. the investment chamber has established the cost of repurchasing foreign securities as part of the exchange of frozen assets. prices were taken from foreign exchanges and then converted into rubles at the central bank exchange rate. russian investors
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will be able to exchange securities for foreigners’ money from special accounts, but within limits. rub. to do this, they need to submit documents to their broker. applications opened today and will last until may 8. the largest oil service corporation from the united states, slb schlumberger, refused to leave russia. the head of the company, olivier lepache, told the financial times. according to him , it has no plans to sell assets, despite pressure from the west. now the company operates autonomously in russia. let me remind you that at the beginning of last year , slb increased its presence in russia in order to maintain local business. and the comex crypto exchange, which was transferred to the russian one in september baynens business announced its closure. she explained her decision by a thorough analysis of the current situation and a review of strategic plans. starting today, the platform
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will stop registering new users, transferring assets, and accepting deposits. then the site will be built gradually. and other functions. comex will officially cease operations by may 10th. the exchange recommends users close positions and withdraw assets to third-party wallets. it was economic news, briefly. now, as a client, we all saw what kind of response there was from our citizens, from muscovites, who literally lined up this weekend at the blood donation center, it is currently known with reference to moscow’s deputy, rakov, that over the weekend muscovites donated more than 2 tons of blood for victims of the terrorist attack in crocus, but this is how the health department previously reported in moscow, thanks to donors, a supply of blood is being created; here, of course , it is important to note that not only in moscow people responded to this disaster by donating blood, but in russian regions people also donated blood.
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the cabinet of ministers will develop investments in technologies. and vocational education, mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with deputies of the communist party faction and proposed to discuss how to help russian enterprises become more efficient, counting on domestic solutions. the factions are doing a lot in the social sphere, together with your parliamentarians we created a solid legal basis for defenders who are participating in a special military operation, for their loved ones, i want to thank you for the proposal on the status of large families, they were reflected in the presidential decree and... in government decisions, a lot of work was done by the state duma committee on family protection headed by nina alexandrna ostanina, they acted in communication with the ministry of labor education, it is necessary that such cooperation between departments and parliamentarians be maintained in the future, our program , our team is ready to help and support as much as possible, we believe
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that your team has all the conditions to solve the most complex problems, but... rosatom presented projects of new floating nuclear power plants at the atomexpo 2024 international forum.
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development technologies now in nuclear energy, well, all the key attention was focused at the beginning of the day on the tomsk region, from seversk there was a direct connection from the site where the breakthrough project is being implemented, this is the fourth generation, which will fundamentally change the nuclear energy industry. i ask the operator to report on the readiness of the installations for start-up: the inert atmosphere is in a scheduled mode, the cooling is normal, the environment is... normal, the initial temperature is 20°, warmed up to operating temperature , the carpothermic synthesis line, the fabrication module is ready for testing, i ask for your permission
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for the launch, dear rafael, we ask our colleagues to begin work on the first facility of the breakthrough project, the fourth generation nuclear energy project. please begin. this permission was given by video link from the head of magata , rafael grossi, today a fuel fabrication and refabrication module was launched at seversky , which is designed to solve the key problem, the key claim, perhaps the last one left for nuclear reactors, the nuclear reactors that exist now, this is the problem of nuclear waste, so the fourth generation completely solves this problem, in fact we we come to a closed cycle. the breakthrough project is a demonstration site, but not only that, it is a actually working future 300
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mw reactor of the fourth generation, in fact, on its basis, we in russia and abroad are going to scale up and replicate industrial energy complexes, where the reactor of the fourth generation will be included in one control circuit generation of fast neutrons, all enterprises providing closure. at the same time, special attention is paid to other nuclear areas, thermonuclear, as in the next generation up to the fourth, atomic energy, nuclear medicine, materials management, the use of nuclear technology in the interests of agriculture and much more. an extensive business program has already been signed by dozens of agreements, and the president of the global energy association presented it today. diplomas of this non-governmental international organization, which supports the most advanced projects in the field of energy, they concern research and development, including international
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cooperation, well, we talked a lot about international cooperation today and during the plenary session there were many guests, including heads of relevant departments, literally from all over the world, petr szijarta, minister of foreign trade and foreign affairs of hungary today. reaffirmed that the construction of new npp2 power units in hungary is proceeding strictly according to schedule, let me remind you that russia is participating in the implementation of this project, and today the head of the hungarian foreign ministry again assured that budapest will not respond in any way to the demand to impose sanctions against the russian nuclear industry, namely budapest now protects its interests in every possible way, the latter...
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most recently, russia and china planned projects on radioactive waste, colleagues, yes, thank you, our correspondent, elizaveta khramtsova, was directly in touch with the facts from sirius. well, we now have new data - from the ministry of emergency situations on the removal of rubble in the city hall crocus. so, the rescuers cleared 90% of the rubble at the site of the collapse of the structure in crocus city
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hall, where a terrorist attack took place on friday, last friday evening, the press service of the ministry of emergency situations reported this. but let me remind you that the search engine the operation in crocus cityhole will last until tuesday evening, specifically until 17:00 moscow time, about a thousand people are working on the site, these are rescuers, dog handlers and builders. yes, here is another most difficult area, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations - this is a blockage on the balcony of the auditorium. of course, we need to dismantle everything, of course, we need to make sure that there are no bodies of the dead left there.
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a miner died under rubble at the kalinskaya mine in the sverdlovsk region. this was reported by the press service of the severouralsk bauxite mine. they stated that they would provide all necessary assistance to families will be paid 3 million rubles from the company. the second worker, who was previously released from the mine alive, is in intensive care in hospital. doctors assess his condition as serious. a rock burst
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occurred in a mine at a depth of more than a kilometer. at night, people were trapped underground and began to send signals for help. the rescue operation went on for almost a day, while the mine continued to operate; the evacuation of the remaining miners was not required. at brudnik pioneer in the amur region , work inside the mine was suspended, there was already the operation to rescue the miners has been going on for a week. 13 people are trapped under the rubble after a rock collapse. today water was discovered in the mine. at the ministry of emergency situations. confirmed that there is a danger of a second breakthrough of the rock mass, before this specialists broke through the roof of the emergency area, there is no data yet, are there people inside?
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now there is new footage from the government house. dear leonid eduardovich, dear colleagues, we have just completed a meeting with the communist party faction and talked about '.


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