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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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about fame. the pastors of this sect acted very sophisticatedly. that moral ideological split that prepared the ground for complete russophobia turned out to be man-made. the church did not hide its roots. it was registered in the united states, its legal address was american. melitopol residents are still wondering what goal the leaders of this organization set for themselves. let's figure it out. back in december of the twenty-second year, by order of the head of the military-civil administration of the zaporozhye region, the figure. citation in connection with violation of the legislation of religious and public organizations of the russian federation, as well as in connection with the storage of weapons and radio interception communications equipment. this is the clearest example of the work of a foreign agent, when agents of influence are created at the expense of the funds and money of the united states . agents of influence were created throughout ukraine. as a result, a whole network of agents was created, who then worked in the field.
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including education and training of youth and especially teenagers. the building does not at all look like a classical church, there is nothing inside one icon, minimalist interior , conference rooms, a concert hall , a recording studio, classrooms with desks for studying , children's rooms, a large courtyard with a fountain, a park playground, they say that once influential people of the city went to this church, they even helped in renaming the street on which the building stands from dzerzhinskaya to...
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they profess an effective faith, that is, they consider it not enough to pray, they need to influence the authorities, it turns out that this is a certain tool, a political instrument, this is a very serious dangerous organization, this is the pastor of the so-called church, viktor sergeev, who placed a special emphasis on young people, these adherents are important to me , he said, so the sectarians constantly held youth events, concerts and other religious events, the pastor himself fled abroad after after him... they found weapons and equipment for radio interception, now the main sectarian is suspected of collaborating with the sbu, but the sect became politicized even earlier in 2004, they actively took part in 2004 on the maidan, they actually forced all of his adherents to accept yushchenko’s position about the american candidate for the presidency, they were
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on the maidan day and night... well, sergeev, who fled abroad, the department did not leave at all, moreover, according to experts, he forced his adherents to remain in melitopol and continue its work, albeit underground, but continue , born by revelation from god, our church has become a family and an army for us, this is the main postulate of the sectarians, in fact, they are simply trying to make an obedient, inconspicuous and quite effective army out of people, and how succeeded in this way... speech, they develop a dependence on these ecstatic practices, that is, people become drug addicts, of a kind, they cannot live without these practices, so they turn... an obedient herd that can be
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sent anywhere, but that the neo-pentecostals are used for political purposes is also undoubtedly, we know this, as some us experts believe, they continue to provide shadow support for this sect, it is the adherents who have now gone into the shadows, into the underground, who can become eyes on the ground, then , what there will only be more such underground meetings among sectarians, where extremist ideologies will be spread; our special services need to be absolutely prepared for this. well, returning to the terrorist attack in crocus, at the moment the investigation has established specific roles, each of the four perpetrators, chronologies and actions have been reconstructed literally step by step, starting with preparation and reconnaissance at the scene of the future crime, continuing with the murders themselves and ending with detention in the bryansk region. detailed portraits of non-people in vitaly’s material cormazina. today we can already talk about who. terrorists played what role, and even though
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their faces are hidden, it is very easy to understand who is where. here is twenty-five-year-old shamsiddin farduni indicating the direction of fire to the other killers; he was generally responsible for the executioners’ route and escape routes. i knew the situation in the lobby well, because back on march 7, in a noticeable brown jacket, i went here to another concert and was caught by a random photographer, crocus employee alexander zhurik saw him, he just walked around the foyer and looked around, his behavior seemed to me strange, because all the people who came, they all immediately went to the cloakroom to hand over their things, but in my opinion, he didn’t even go down to the minus first floor, he just walked along the front floor and he looked a little suspicious, this is the same criminal who...
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he silently looked into the cameras and went to pre-trial detention for 2 months, the second terrorist with a machine gun in his hands was a thirty-year-old seidakrami muradali. yes, the same one who fled through the bryansk forests to the ukrainian border, but he was caught by intelligence officers. when you were detained here, the machine gun was with you, yes, no, there before the arrest thrown out, yes, yes, he can be easily identified by the characteristic print on his t-shirt, he has no education, there was no work in russia, but he had registration, which in court, racha balizada could not remember, in 2018 he lived in podolsk, here on an industrial street, in court, he was silent, sitting with a bandage on his head. sent under arrest, set the period of his detention for one month and 28 days, the third terrorist, this one with a knife in his hands, was in blue jeans, thirty-two-year-old daller john mirzoev. after the terrorist attack, the operation began on their after being caught near bryansk, this killer climbed a tree in the forest and thought that he would not be noticed, but
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special forces surrounded the terrorist. already during the interrogation , he stated that he did not understand the russian language; he was provided with an interpreter. he has four children in his homeland, he himself only finished school, until six months ago he lived in...
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recently he worked in the ivanovo region as a hairdresser, he quietly quit due to low wages, he is calm, formally fayzov was registered in a rubber apartment nearby with the ivanovo railway station, but i haven’t been there like the other fake residents, yes, he didn’t live here. the first footage after fayzov’s arrest was from the bryansk hospital, then he was taken to the basmanny court to select a preventive measure. fayzov was brought into the hall in a wheelchair, already in a glass chamber, when he saw the journalists, he turned to the wall. now
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the case of the terrorist attack is being investigated by the investigative committee. today, the chairman of the department, alexander bastrykin , was informed about the progress of the appointed examinations. he demanded to study how safety and evacuation of people was ensured in time. terrorist attack. the investigation team was instructed to continue questioning witnesses, including from the number of crocus cityhol employees, as well as a detailed analysis of documents and other data that will allow us to establish how emergency warning systems were organized and functioned. did people have the opportunity to quickly leave the building using emergency exits? the pictures of the crime are already roughly clear, how the terrorists entered, where they moved, and how they got out. the band's picnic concert sold out 6,200. at 19:55 four armed men opened fire at the entrance to the building and walked into the hall of the third pavilion, killing people, moved along the faye to the concert hall, reached it at 20:03, burst through the side doors, the ticket was hanging over the killers, and they did not see those who were higher, they began to kill everyone, by that time
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most of the spectators had left the hall through the left and right exits near the stage and those doors upstairs that were open, the terrorists walked along the passage from the left to the right corner of the hall and set it on fire, one way or another, the perpetrator... the terrorist attack has already been arrested, those who ordered it are identified, and those who took part in apprehending murderers already awarded. the governor of the bryansk region , alexander bagamas, noted the traffic police officers who rushed in pursuit of the hiding terrorists. the ministry of defense also reported that the deputy commander of the leningrad military district, lieutenant general esad obachev , awarded the fighters in the border covering group. kormazin, maxim shchepilov, ivan muroshov, olga alenkina, news.
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restoration will not take a day, a week or even a month, this is how the top manager of the largest ukrainian energy holding assesses the current state of the independent energy system, it will take months to resolve the problems. arose after the jewelry strikes of the russian aerospace forces on the critical infrastructure of the kiev regime, and most likely, this forecast
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is generously seasoned with unjustified optimism, since ukrainian officials themselves admit that half of the generating capacity was lost, and several types of targets were hit at once, not only tets and ges , but also network nodes and transformer substations. as a result, kiev has difficulties both with the production of electricity and with its delivery to its destination. as a result, regular. announcement of emergency shutdowns in a whole range of cities, in general, a very clear warning from the russian ministry of defense about what consequences the terrorist ukrainian authorities may face, how far from a complete blackout is we will figure out together with evgeniy tishkovets. the anti-russia project is running out of batteries. ukraine is summing up the results of the most powerful failure of independent air defense. the country's energy system is in deep knockdown. the scale of the disaster is hidden from the audience as best they can, but they are not the ones in the bag. the country's ministry of energy reports an increase electricity imports from western neighbors by
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450%. the question is, will these attacks continue? at the beginning of the year , the ukrainian energy system approached with a double generation reserve. ukraine simply deindustrialized so much that electricity consumption fell by about half, then after the twenty-second and twenty-third years this margin of safety. i’m double confused; ukraine won’t survive without flows from the european union. perhaps the loudest noise was made by the dnieper hydroelectric station in zaporozhye. despite the bans, publications and the most feared control of the special services, we have a clear idea of ​​the degree of destruction. here, ukrainians are in full swing sharing videos of the burning dnieper, and from space everything is fine. apparently , the dam is now experiencing discharges , most likely uncontrolled
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, two spans of the dam have been destroyed, as well as the second turbine room of the power plant itself, the first, for unknown reasons, stopped working back in 2022, so the blow hit literally the very heart of the power facility. the turbine room housed hydraulic units that directly generated electricity, at least half is destroyed, repair this, mode if.
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for a long time, and it will be necessary to try to somehow order it in this regard, kharkov is known to be powered from other energy systems, while
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such external replenishment, one might say, was only enough to start water supply and sewerage. experts note that the current blow is different from that , what the russian troops did earlier on several points at once: firstly, the choice of target. in 2022 and 23, we mainly hit small transformer substations, causing local but not catastrophic blackouts. now all types of objects are affected, tez, tets, platinum and key facilities of the energy system, it even flew over the gas infrastructure, an underground storage facility was hit, but secondly in...
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the manual banking media propagandists from the telethon are sincerely surprised why russia did not cause such strike earlier, when the air temperature was lower, because in their opinion it would have been more effective, people would have frozen in their homes, how can they not hit the civilian population, they have no idea does it fit? we'll be back after a short commercial, that's what we'll tell you about.
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every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. at first he didn’t miss the opportunity to mock, but later he cleaned up his publications, and now. it seems that he is also asking to remove reposts, i assure you that he has completely repented, all this is about a strange situation in which, according to a number of telegram channels , the unknown st. petersburg designer, nikolai konoshenok, found himself. he allegedly posted a very peculiar reflection on the terrorist attack in crocus city holly on his social networks. actually, she expressed disappointment that the target of the attack was the concert hall, and not the kremlin, or at least not the prefabricated concert track for the film "brother-2", where the musicians perform patriotic views. well, in short, regardless of whether they are deleted. whether the posts were written or not, they look simply disgusting, and some people on occasion also remembered the wife of their author, who spoke very provocatively on the topic of the northern military district and,
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moreover, ran one of the most popular art spaces in the northern capital. as a result , today she announced her decision to quit, and at the same time publicly condemned her husband. but however, it will be up to the relevant authorities to give competent assessments under the articles of the criminal code, if necessary. organs. moreover, konoshenok, according to the fontanka publication, about an hour ago , was still for... death and hunger, save us, god, god, jesus , we even turn mourning into a reason for blessing execution in russia.
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having left, driven by his own hatred, apparently, the actor nazarov, now only expresses his creativity in this way, sits abroad, but all his mockery is recorded, i have already given an instruction to our senatorial commission to protect the state sovereignty of russia, this instruction is literal to me. after the tragedy became known, so that they carefully monitored foreign media and social networks in order to identify those who belong precisely to the category of foreign agents, from those who left our country, the fact that a particular citizen is not currently on the territory of the russian federation and in no way leads him out beyond the brackets, moreover, i think it is necessary... in these cases , more actively apply the provisions of article 275 of the criminal code, this is treason . the senator’s tough position is quite clear
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when the escaped unpatriots mock in memory of the victims and survivors of the crocus. by the way, lawyer ivan solovyov has already called for depriving nazarov of the title of people's artist of russia, but do such characters really have their nationality left? there are absolutely, well, dry words. and the dry lines of the criminal law, firstly , this is an article that provides for liability for justifying terrorism, if this is done publicly using the media, then this is from five to 7 years in prison, this is a serious crime, a serious sentence, we have all procedural possibilities of these criminal cases initiate, investigate, if these people are not, then make guilty verdicts, and after guilty verdicts there may be an announcement...
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even as people, they have neither a homeland, nor a home, nor moral and ethical principles, unfortunately, they have them platform, their platform, which is given to them by their curators from western intelligence services, and thanks to this platform they broadcast this very nonsense, this heavy nonsense to the masses, what are you talking about pro-ukrainian monsters shouting nazi slogans? at the memorial in memory of those killed in the crocus, footage from lithuania, here is another local activist. valdas, mockingly, carries a bucket of feces to the lopatkas with flowers, they were brought by caring residents of the same vilnius. what he wanted to prove is unclear. but he ran into praise from the cannibal babchenko. he immediately posted this prank and said that this was a quote, cool. but even bozena rynskaya, who fled to the baltic states for
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a better life. ceasing to insult the russians, to put it mildly, i was amazed, or, specifically, i wrote this about babchenko and what can i say to his friend, what kind of performance by such people and russophobic dances on tragedies will hardly be forgiven in our country?
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another piece of advice: have you tried seeing a healer? in the end, you can move to another table , but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it . well, can you tell me this, have you been jinxed? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this.


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