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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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after all, you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say , i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me this, they ’ve jinxed you, no, tamar, nikolovna, know more about this.
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did is generally unacceptable, they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from the unit.
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it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are not comparatively original in your questions, what’s going on with production in general, cheese and... what is our
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the parliamentary hour is on air and we continue: the replacement of elevators in apartment buildings should be given special attention, deputies believe. the state duma reflected this position in an appeal sent to prime minister mikhail mishustin. today, in residential buildings throughout the country there are more than 600,000 lifting machines, the wear and tear of which in some regions is already more than 50%. replacing the procedure is not cheap, and not all subjects can afford it. to finance the renovation of the elevator facilities, in addition, next year all elevators that have reached the end of their service life must be replaced, we are talking about 140 thousand lifting mechanisms, the total cost of work is estimated at almost 300 billion rubles. we are speaking that the regions cannot solve these problems on their own, it is impossible to solve them at the expense of the residents , we turn to the chairman of the government to consider, give instructions and... we also say that there is no systematic
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work in the housing and communal services sector, because all this is in disarray departments and ministries. about the situation with replacing worn-out equipment... from the quality of installation to the volume of production of such equipment in factories. there is a problem here not only in financing, but also in the quality of work, quality of installation, quality of installation, quality of service, each poor quality action in this chain will, over time, add an additional ruble, a burden on citizens, to be honest, even today. we don’t produce as many elevators as we need, although we can, we have corresponding factories; even today they are asking not so much for financial support, but for more organizational support. in an appeal to the prime minister, deputies ask to take measures to solve this problem, to determine the range of tasks and to appoint
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someone responsible. all educational institutions will be required to display flag of russia. relevant law. adopted by the state duma. previously, the requirement to permanently display the tricolor applied only to secondary schools. from september 1 , 2024, all educational organizations, kindergartens, schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, regardless of their form of ownership, will be required to hang the state flag of the russian federation on their buildings or install on their territory. he will have to be there constantly. what other laws have been passed by deputies, see our review. to support domestic goods and services, priority will be given to russian companies. the state duma adopted the corresponding bill in the first reading. the document simplifies procedures and introduces uniform rules for granting national treatment during
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an auction. the initiative was developed following the results of the visiting state duma council in kaliningrad. the place is the third extra, the second is extra, this means that any manufacturer is russian. the state duma adopted a law that increases liability for annoying advertising calls. spam by phone will result in a fine for citizens in the amount of 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. legal entities will pay up to 1 million. at the same time, fines for violating the requirements for advertising loans and microloans containing information on interest rates without indicating a range of values ​​will double. the full cost of a consumer loan, for legal entities the maximum penalty will be more than one and a half million rubles. deputies supported the initiative to increase the thresholds for significant large and especially large damage for qualification economic crimes. in particular, in
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the article on fraud, significant damage will be recognized as an amount exceeding 250 thousand rubles. large size 4.5 million rubles. especially large in size 18. laws have been adopted establishing the possibility of exemption from criminal liability when concluding a contract with the russian armed forces during a special military operation. as pavel kroshininnikov, chairman of the state construction legislation committee, found out, the package of amendments essentially includes the provisions of the law adopted in 2023, which will automatically expire. practice has shown that the mechanism is working, it will apply to suspects and defendants for... minor offenses of moderate gravity, as well as convicted persons. the new law clearly states the principle of voluntary entry of such persons into the ranks of the russian army. if a contract is concluded, the cases of the suspects will be suspended, and the type of punishment of the convicted persons will be changed to a suspended sentence. termination or termination of this
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contract, this mechanism is directly in the law yes, this is in the case of receiving a state award, then because of age. due to injury or due to the end of the mobilization period, if all these circumstances arise, then the person returns, his criminal record is expunged, if, after the start of military service under a contract, such a person commits a crime again, then the court will impose a punishment on him, taking into account previous sentences. i would especially like to emphasize that this legal mechanism will not apply to crimes against sexual integrity.
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this is a standard, now this standard does not need to be searched through libraries, through various resources, i compare them one with another, now a single, common... resource will appear , publicly accessible, free with very intelligent navigation, close people, a reliable partner, at your disposal this week our european friends visited, the delegation of the people's assembly of the republika srpska, vyacheslav volodin and nenen stevandić signed an agreement on cooperation between the parliaments of the two states, this will take relations between the state duma of the people's assembly to a new level, noted vyacheslav volodin. the meeting took place in anticipation.
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libya, iraq, afghanistan, syria, others , just as we condemn aggression against states, sovereign states, we must all oppose this together. the chairman of the state duma noted that russia invariably builds its relations with other states on the principles of friendship, mutually beneficial cooperation and non-interference in internal affairs. we believe that citizens of every country have the right to plan their future, therefore.
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our peoples have the same values, he emphasized
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nenat stevandić, including respect for history, members of the delegation laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. the collective west is still trying to present the act of aggression against yugoslavia committed by nato 25 years ago to the world community as a peacekeeping operation, and this is unacceptable. deputies unanimously adopted an appeal to the un, international. parliamentary organizations and legislative bodies of the countries of the world with a call to condemn the military operation of nato countries against yugoslavia, and also to accept measures to bring to justice those responsible for the tragedy. the bombing of peaceful cities lasted 78 days, the north atlantic alliance troops used cluster munitions, as well as projectiles with combined uranium. the world must give a fair assessment of the events of those years, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. created impunity for strikes against yugoslavia. preconditions for new military actions around the world, the appeal says. on the eve of
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the government's annual report, ministers visited relevant committees. at meetings, deputies asked questions and received succinct, comprehensive answers. all participants, despite their different positions, expressed the opinion that the main task today is to implement the message of the president of russia. details from maria burkova. we are responsible for the work of the government; we must have a constructive dialogue with the government and share responsibility. vyacheslav volodin spoke repeatedly about the importance of interaction between the state duma and the government. this is no coincidence. the quality of adopted laws depends on teamwork, and means the standard of living of russians. in recent years, parliamentary control has been strengthened. national reports have appeared, the format of government clocks has been updated, as well. now representatives of the state corporation speak in the state duma; of course, the main thing in this chain remains the annual government report.
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preparation for it begins in advance. this week, the financial market committee met with the head of the ministry of finance, anton siluanov, and discussed priority initiatives and work on presidential decrees. we should stimulate, well, development financing economy, structural restructuring of the economy and ensuring independence, economic independence of our economy, among other things. the government report is special in that it will summarize the results not only for the past year, but for the full cycle of work of the renewed government. there are specific results of work, which shows how steadily our difficult period in our country passed, this also applies to covid, when there were many restrictions, it was not easy to ensure
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revenue in these conditions, payment discipline, sustainable development of the tech industry, so within sanctions, sanctions pressure. the state duma, it is impossible to do otherwise, because the agro-industrial complex is one of the most important industries for our country.
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region, the most important thing is the required volumes of fuel and lubricants in order to carry out sowing, and we will adjust the price. an important problem for the industry remains the outflow of population from the countryside; parliamentarians are paying special attention to this in anticipation of the government report. if there are inhabitants, you and i, dear comrades, will have no one to work not on a tractor on a combine. this is our task as deputies. now i have a meeting with the prime minister, with deputy prime ministers, meeting now. when we can submit relevant letters, proposals, priorities for joint work, the deputies discussed with the head of the ministry of labor anton katyakov, close attention to traditional support for families with children, a unified register of large families will be published on july 1, it will help simplify the receipt of social benefits, the heads of the relevant committees noted the role of the ministry in this work, over these 3
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years we have come a good way in terms of building dialogue, now the next step is practice, we find this compromise, with which we search for a compromise, and as emotional disputes often show , but we are always in we do not encounter any problems in communications, day and night with any deputy, with any department , with the minister of communications. the deputies discussed how the country's economy would develop at a meeting with the head. the chairman of the relevant committee said that in the near future a bill on a special economic zone in the city of shibekina will be submitted to the state duma belgorod region. among other issues , investments, support for technology companies, small businesses, tourism and the development of new territories were discussed. today we went through in detail all areas of work of the ministry of economic development, you and i know that
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the economy of the russian federation, despite the pressure from sanctions, continues to be under pressure. will take place on april 3, next week all duma factions will meet with the prime minister. maria burkova, anna melikyan, vladislav alekseev, alexey chaburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. this week , a bill extending the dacha amnesty to so-called auxiliary real estate properties, sheds,
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bathhouses, greenhouses, etc., was adopted in the first reading. it is expected that rights to such buildings will be registered on technical grounds. sports, yana dobrovolskaya will talk about the changes that summer residents expect. when you try a cucumber or tomato from your garden, believe me, it’s a completely different pleasure. for natalia popova, her country greenhouses are not just buildings for the soul, they feed the whole family. dachny the plot was inherited from relatives back in ninety-six. then they began to fill the territory with outbuildings, and at the same time they tried to decorate it. plot and house, then we couldn’t register the house for six months, there was a law, but there was no way, then we found a comma, then it turns out that the ink was over, then the text was unreadable. although they filled it out in block letters, then give one, two, three certificates, but in the end the dacha amnesty helped, like millions of other citizens. the dacha amnesty in russia has been in effect since 2006. behind
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all this time , more than 15 million people have used the simplified registration procedures for such plots and houses. the rest still have time, at least until march of thirty-one. today, legislators are taking another step. the deputies propose to distribute the simplified registration mechanism. the popovs are also planning to take advantage of this right, now on their territory there are already two greenhouses and a summer kitchen, everything is in capital construction, of course it will make our life easier, because here we have a greenhouse, here it has a concrete stone foundation, iron frame, pin block. deputies discussed the concept of the bill at a plenary session; this initiative is a response to citizens' requests. people are faced with the fact that registration,
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without performing cadastral work, preparing a declaration on the object and state registration of rights is impossible, therefore, for the convenience of applicants, they decided to simplify the mechanism; during the discussion, the question arose about the further responsibility of dacha owners. suppose we gave the opportunity to register economic objects, there is a bathhouse, a barn, as you said, but people suppose they didn’t register, then they will be held responsible for the fact that they didn’t register, or this is their right, this is the right to... our applicants have the rights of citizens, they may or may not take advantage of this, but very often, in order to complete a normal purchase and sale transaction, the buyer, and even the seller, does not
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care what he is selling, whether it is just a house, or there is also a very serious capital building, a bathhouse, buildings, courtyard buildings, this also matters , and right this is what we give to citizens; the emergence of clear criteria by which buildings can be identified will reduce the number of legal disputes and citizens’ appeals to... various departments. in connection with this law, will taxation increase, that is, they will register in a simplified manner, so they will pay more taxes. and did the committee consider the possibility of exempting from tax such buildings, which are mandatory, a toilet, why tax it? it’s definitely not about the fact that such decrepit old ones mean some were built from slabs cut down there. buildings, sheds, we are not talking about this, they do not meet the main principle, and do not meet the requirements for capital construction of real estate, the requirements of new additions to what
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is established in tax legislation, we do not offer to design a bathhouse or shed according to a simplified scheme, summer resident will have to provide a minimum set of documents, primarily the right to the land on which the buildings are located. structures must be taken into account in technical or state home ownership register until january 1, 2013. this is an important condition of the amnesty. i am absolutely confident that our residents will use it and appreciate the contribution that legislators are making to make life easier for gardeners. the initiative will also affect the so -called houses of blocked development, that is, for two families. now there are more than 66 thousand such objects in the country. their registration is now possible only through the court. after the law is adopted, the registration scheme will be simpler. this will save people time, money and nerves; it means separation through a court decision. property, allocation of a share, registration
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of each of the houses included in the house of the blocked development as a separate property and registration of rights to it. it is labor- intensive and costly, so the proportion of such registrations was small, and the authors of the bill hope that if it is adopted, well, a significant part of such houses will ultimately be legalized. at the same time, it is important to control abuse by summer residents. often, land owners build guest houses under the guise of a poultry house or garage. fraud in in this case, there will be a threat of demolition of the facility. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, yulia borodina, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program. see you live. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel
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smerdyakov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to preserve all their shares are in the west, and many of them have property there, the funds are invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they broadcast everything. a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and that victim turned out to be me.
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russia found out by whose hands it was committed.


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