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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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alexander bastrykin told the investigation at a meeting with the president. the condition of the nine victims of the terrorist attack remains extremely serious, the number of victims has increased to 139. our correspondent is currently working at the sklifosovsky institute, we are waiting for the live broadcast. the experience of the akuyu npp can be used in the construction of another nuclear power plant in turkey in sinop. negotiations with inkara are already underway, what else is being discussed within the framework. atomexpo in sochi, let's ask our correspondent. pass the unified state examination ahead of schedule; exams in the russian language start today, and exams in mathematics start on friday. u who has the opportunity to receive a final grade before the end of the school year and how exams are held in the urals. well, let's start with the news of the last hour, the fsb announced the arrest of members of a criminal
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group, which included senior officials from the ministry of economic development and stavropol businessmen. they are suspected of stealing natural gas on an especially large scale. investigators also established that the detainees were involved in the raider takeover of a mineral water production company. 17 searches were carried out, found and seized means of communication, money, cars and other items relevant to the investigation. it was previously established that one of the detainees, in conspiracy with entrepreneurs in violation of the law , contributed to the early termination of the license of one of the enterprises in the city of mineralnye vody. also, the attackers have repeatedly expressed demands for the transfer of 50% of the shares of this enterprise worth 70 million rubles to them. under threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. moreover, it is documented. companies in the region.
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over 24 thousand people donated blood for the victims at crocus cityhole. in moscow and the region alone , more than 4,000 liters of blood and almost 300 liters of plasma were collected in 3 days. 96 victims remain in hospitals in the capital region. they are fighting better for the life and health of everyone. specialized specialists. from the sklefosovsky institute of emergency medicine , our correspondent sofya sergieva comes into direct contact with the studio. sofia, hello, today is the fourth day after the terrorist attack. how are the victims feeling? yes, yes, hello, according to the deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, since the terrorist attack , 145 people have been hospitalized in hospitals, of which today there have been.
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there are already 52 patients, which cannot but rejoice, let me remind you that on the night of the terrorist attack, patients in need of help were sent to 19 of the best medical hospitals in moscow and the moscow region, 1,500 beds were deployed, and here to the sklifosovsky research center, the flagship center 32 people were sent to the ambulance not only by ambulances, but also by helicopters, which were equipped like intensive care wards, thanks to which help was available... having arrived at the scene, we landed in close proximity to the emergency site without turning off the engines, our ground crew delivered two victims in serious condition, who were immediately taken on board, they were medical assistance was provided within 6 minutes; they were taken to the klifosovsky institute on the roof of the helipad, where they met us.
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were met by sklif's resuscitation teams. according to the director research institute of sergei petrikov, the condition of the patients admitted here during the terrorist attack was distributed evenly from severe to less severe. and the main reasons for hospitalization were , of course, gunshot wounds, burns of varying severity and localization of damage to soft tissues, bone structures, and, of course, carbon monoxide poisoning. experts today note that the victims have post-traumatic syndrome, they still have panic attacks, so leading specialists are working with them, including had experience working in a special military operation zone in hot spots, by the time they were already allowed to go inside, well , at least on the first floor, yes, where it was possible to be, according to the rescuers, it was very dark there, it smelled of burning, well, i don’t know
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, how else can i describe this situation, in which , well, probably, an unprepared person would very quickly become confused, lost, and we were focused on salvation, so we were just waiting for those rescuers who told us... just well, they carried the victims here and we were in like the minimum possible proximity to the victim , his condition was immediately assessed. on the night of the tragedy, more than 200 ambulance teams from moscow, as well as regional centers, territorial medical centers, disasters worked in kronku city hall, they worked very harmoniously, clearly, the first specialists arrived at the scene within 4 minutes after the call, according to the moscow region ... an additional 500 doctors, doctors, nurses, paramedics were brought in to help the victims of the terrorist attack, and what’s most interesting is that chats, collective, work chats were bursting with messages from doctors who were ready to come out even when not on their shift, to simply show
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compassion, to show their position, solidarity, they were ready to come out at any time, at this moment it was very difficult to understand the demarcation... in our country, they came, despite the weekend, bad weather, to donate their blood, thanks to which, according to the federal medical and biological agency, they managed to collect more than 10,000 liters of whole blood, almost 2,000 liters of plasma, to support the families of the victims victims of the terrorist attack,
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moscow, the moscow region and moscow established lump sum payments in the amount of 1 million to 3 million rubles. and also yesterday on the occasion of the loss... pension payments were assigned to the breadwinner, and twenty-two pensions will be paid as soon as possible, and of course, it is simply amazing that in just a few days within the framework of the program we managed to collect together more than a billion rubles for targeted assistance to victims. we will continue to monitor developments here at the melefosovsky institute and notify you in a timely manner. daria. yes, sofia, thank you, our correspondent sofia is now working at the sklefasovsky institute. the perpetrators of the crocus cityholi terrorist attacks are already known, now it is necessary to identify the masterminds of this terrible crime. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with the government and intelligence services. we discussed the progress of the investigation, as well as measures taken after the tragedy. the head
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of state emphasized that the investigation must be objective and professional, he said the president about the goals of this intimidation campaign. the goal, as i said. this is a new weapon and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen and put, as is usual in ukraine today, in your pocket. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union
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of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, the question needs to be answered: why did the terrorists try after committing the crime? leave exactly to ukraine, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are really a lot of questions, now regarding the events in the belgorod region, where the fire department building came under fire from ukraine, the governor, citing the center for disaster medicine, writes from three submitters, two of them are firefighters. according to the ministry of defense, after 7 am, our air defense system destroyed two more missiles. and now our correspondent igor pikhanov is in direct contact from the region. igor, greetings, what is known about the morning shelling and what is your current situation?
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hello, daria, today at 7:00 am ukrainian militants fired from a multiple launch rocket system. grad, the border village of golovchino, hit the residential sector. a local resident was injured, and the ministry of emergency situations also reported that during this attack two employees of the ministry of emergency situations were injured, one of the shells exploded near the men’s rescue base. hospitalized with shrapnel wounds of severe moderate severity, also at half past four in the morning ukrainian militants fired at belgorod and its suburbs, hit the residential sector , they used a czech-made vampire rocket launcher system , the residential sector also came under fire, as a result , two men were wounded, now they are now receiving all the necessary help, reports this. .. governor of the region vyacheslav golotkov, he also reported that
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assessment work has now begun in all these territories, as well as repair and restoration work, because the region has quite low temperatures and first of all, in housing it is necessary to restore damaged windows and broken roofs, let's listen to the commentary, but the fact that they did not turn on the missile danger signal was done so that... someone, after receiving the signal, would not jump out into the street or get into the car , did not start the movement, we all understand that being on the street during a rocket attack is much more dangerous than being at home, the whole country provides support to the residents of the region, today vyacheslav glodkov announced that humanitarian aid is coming from khantamansiysk autonomous okrug of moscow.
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igor, thank you, our correspondent igor pikhanov spoke about new shelling in the belgorod region. soon vladlin tatarsky and former deputy of the verkhovna rada ilya kiev may be involved in the security service of ukraine, the head of the department vasily malyuk himself hinted at this, as he said, the sbu is not going to officially take the blame for these crimes, but is ready to tell the details of some attacks. so, according to malyuk, the figurine with the help of which the tatar military correspondent was killed contained 400 g of thermal bar, and the former deputy rada kiva was shot with a caliber rifled pistol. i would like to note that the day before, in his telegram channel, the head of the sbu wrote about
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his department’s involvement in attacks on russian civilian targets, primarily in the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. now there is a short advertisement, then we will continue, we are waiting for our correspondent from sirius to turn on. i came to a tasty spot for a convenient schedule. did you find friends here? in general, there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, get to the point with work, and we with gifts, where does it all come from, you are retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% of the year, all together everything will work out, catching the feather of the bird is not easy. but everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank.
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to being in the spotlight on the second day of the forum. good afternoon, indeed, you are right , a lot of practical issues are resolved here, international agreements and memorandums are signed, but , of course, a lot of fundamental issues are discussed, scientific conferences, world-famous scientists work here, they have the opportunity to discuss those technologies , which we will most likely use , not even us, the next generations, for example, at one of the sessions we talked about the development of a preliminary design of a research liquid-salt reactor, it actually solves, can, is capable of solving the issue of handling nuclear waste, processing this waste , and of course, scientists around the world have been concerned about thermonuclear fusion for many decades, it so happens that such a deeply philosophical topic that humanity has learned to handle the fission reaction, but there is still a lot of fusion
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decades have not yet become friends, since with fission and of course now... having become an important stage in creating infrastructure for construction with reactor technologies, which will actually become a prototype for the future domestic pilot-industrial thermonuclear reactor, so we are now talking about technologies that can fundamentally change the entire world energy sector. in general, the development of thermonuclear
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fusion, i never tire of repeating, is the most and perhaps the only ambitious thing. the task that humanity has set for itself in xx century, but was not able to decide in the xx century , today there is no other equally high -potential energy source that is capable of solving the energy problems of the future, that is, it is a source with practically inexhaustible fuel resources , environmentally friendly with a minimum of radioactive waste, and that the most... the main thing that is sometimes forgotten is a source with a very high density of energy production. well, those technologies that have been working well for a long time.
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together with the state corporation rosatom we can improve our economy using nuclear technology and the experience of this corporation, for example, industry and infrastructure. i really hope that we can work together. then we will continue production. bad blood vessels. angionorm helps improve
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take paracetamol, citramon prenival, we trust renival, we choose renival, international currency. the fund reminded kiev of the multibillion-dollar debts that need to be repaid, while the deadline for freezing loans from large investors ends in august of this year. vera moroz will tell you what kind of bondage ukraine was driven into. the noble impulses of the west regarding ukraine are far from selfless. one of its financial instruments, the international monetary fund, recalled this. this year, kiev owes him back $2,900 million. against previously provided loans, the payment schedule was distributed until 2031, and interest was not forgotten, so 11 billion turned
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into almost 14.5. assistance to ukraine from western countries, it has already reached astronomical proportions, that is, it is more than 100 billion dollars, and the main part is, of course, loans, in principle, those loans that go to ukraine and western countries are used to stimulate their own economies, because it is clear that credit money is mainly used to purchase western weapons, as the system calculated at the beginning of the year, ukraine’s public debt was $136 billion, and the record was in december. more than 136.5, while ukraine’s budget deficit this year exceeds $40 billion, which kiev plans to cover mainly through financial assistance from the eu, usa and uk. the principle is to take out one loan to close another. already this month the international monetary fund approved a new tranche of $880 million. $15 billion aid package from canada (4.5 billion).
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euro - sent by the eu. in addition, translations from japan and the uk are expected. in the first two months of this year, ukraine received 1,200 million in the form of grants and preferential financing from japan, norway, and spain, the local ministry of finance reported and added that negotiations are continuing with other allies. basically , financing and lending to ukraine is carried out through the imf, through the line. jar and individual amounts of financing are allocated by different states, mainly the united states, canada, great britain, now, if we evaluate the circle of creditors, then the eu is the main one. the question is when hour x might come, when ukraine will need to repay its debts, for example, in august of this year the deadline for freezing $20 billion is coming to an end. it was until this moment that large investors and financial companies in the usa and canada.
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france, germany, great britain and japan agreed to postpone the payment in the summer of 2022. with such bondage, the entry of ukraine to the european union is becoming less and less realistic. there is no talk of any criteria, because it is impossible to fulfill them. and in europe there is no point in accepting ukraine at all. these are additional costs, this is a threat to the internal market, but theoretically they can be accepted into the eu. it doesn't matter at all, it corresponds.
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bank revenues are unforeseen, they are now preparing a military tax of 1.5% of turnover for business, the ministry of finance is considering other options: cut costs, carry out privatization, increase taxes, the budget committee emphasizes that if additional western funding will not be possible; you will have to save on medicine, education and pensions. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 , 1999 at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were rained down on
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yugoslavia during... it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, russian digital solutions should be brought to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions.


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