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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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now, at the last minute announcement , the ukrainian special services facilitated the terrorist attack in kroku setikholi, and radical islamists prepared it, fsb director alexander bortnikov stated this to our colleague, author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin, the bandits intended to go abroad, precisely to the territory of ukraine , according to our preliminary operational information , they were waiting there, so the president said that there was a window.
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this means that they still intended to leave, to leave, and i’ll tell you a little secret, on that on the side they wanted to be greeted as heroes , this phrase, it will remain for now, so to speak, for the moment, that means, as i said about it, we’ll see what it leads to, which means the statements of scoundrels who are now facing consequences, a meeting of the board of the prosecutor general's office was held in moscow today, a speech was made there...
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the circumstance has yet to be established, the words of the president, voiced as part of a speech at an extended meeting of the board of the prosecutor general's office, the head of state emphasized, he expects that within the framework of of its powers, the department will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals suffer. on march 22, as a result of a bloody terrorist attack in the moscow region, dozens of our citizens, including children, teenagers, and women, were killed. the criminals who directly committed this mass murder, as you know, have been arrested, investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime, finding out its details, determining the role and degree of guilt of each participant, studying the conclusions of criminologists and experts, the authorities are answering their questions federal security service, other special services in coordination with the national... i hope that prosecutors,
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within the framework of their powers, including when bringing state charges during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that criminals receive fair punishment, as required by russian law . on this day , prosecutors from all constituent entities of the russian federation are traditionally in the hall. the head of state thanked them all for their selfless work. especially noting those who work in donetsk and the lugansk people's republics, in zaporozhye and the kherson region, because, just like in the border regions, they have to fulfill their duties in very difficult conditions. this year, the president emphasized, work needs to be strengthened in a number of key areas, and one of them is support for participants in a special military operation. in my message during meetings in the regions with our soldiers and officers, i always especially emphasize
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cases where assets were acquired in violation of the law, and moreover, are used to the detriment of the state strengthening the economic foundation of the state , efforts are also being made to return lost property. through the courts , prosecutors succeeded in restoring
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state control over dozens of strategic enterprises, the products of which are critical to strengthening the defense capability and development of our country. they left the property of the russian federation illegally. including through corruption. moreover, part of their funds was even used to finance terrorist activities on the part of ukraine. based real value of assets, the amount is more than a trillion rubles. generally speaking, as the prosecutor general clarified over the past year, and the board traditionally sums up the results of the past 12 months, the so-called structure of crime has not changed, however, in some categories there are negative dynamics, which are cause for concern. we are talking, in particular, about the growth of cybercrimes, and only a quarter of them are solved. an increase in cybercrimes has been recorded again; their share in the total number of criminal acts has reached 35%. only a quarter of them are revealed.
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the amount of compensation for damage caused is critically small, even in cases sent to court, it does not exceed a third. criminals who have lost their human appearance choose victims. from vulnerable sections of society, pensioners and even children, taking advantage of their gullibility, deceiving, intimidating, sometimes the last money is taken away, and to circumvent the measures taken to prevent cybercrimes, new ways of committing them are being used. in this regard, in collaboration with all interested departments will intensify efforts to suppress such illegal activities and pay special attention to combating the use of special technical means. devices for fraudulent activities, for example, mass calling citizens, with the involvement of financial institutions, mobile operators and providers, make every effort to inform people about threats in the digital environment, and increase legal literacy.
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the terrorist attack in crocus, of course, became a challenge for the entire law enforcement system, first of all, from the point in terms of the security of public facilities, and prosecutorial supervision can play a very important role here... threats in the country as a whole, it is necessary to oblige executive authorities to update passports and their security by means of supervision. when assessing vulnerability, formal statements are unacceptable.
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vital interests, which means that absolutely everything we do as a state must be devoted to success in this area. our country, as you know. fights to protect its vital interests, for the right to independence, independent, sovereign development. and , unfortunately, our ill-wishers, our competitors, opponents, forced us to defend these interests by force, to fight those whom they armed and trained to fight russia on the territory of a neighboring state. in today's conditions, everything we do in all spheres of our
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life must be dedicated to russia's success in this area, this means that the prosecutor's office, of course, retains the most important tools for achieving success; we should under no circumstances allow no laxity. we must direct all government bodies, all citizens of the country to strict compliance with existing norms and laws. we must be focused and efficient. of course, the prosecutor's office aims to strictly monitor compliance with the laws. here we are talking about the fight against corruption, extremism and international crime. but the most important aspect, the president emphasized, is still the social one, people must feel that. the department guards their interests, the head reminded state, justice depends, and in
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our country it is valued very highly. yes, anastasia, thank you, and also about the statements made. ukraine is behind the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, according to secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev, who expressed his opinion during a conversation with journalists. united or ukraine? the head of the investigative committee demanded to identify everyone involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. today, according to the press service, the department held an operational meeting. alexander bastrykin emphasized that investigators should check all the information that comes from citizens and pay attention to every detail. and a few hours ago, the moscow basmanny court arrested the eighth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, aler kasimov. we will find out all the details from our correspondent boris ivanin. he is now in direct contact with the studio. hello. yes, yuri, welcome
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again. indeed, the eighth person involved in this high-profile case, alisher kasimov, was arrested before may 22. the hearing itself lasted about an hour here in the basmanny court of the capital. according to investigation, whose petition was fully satisfied by the court, it was kasimov who provided the militants with an apartment in the village of putilkova. this is the krasnogorsk district of the moscow region, this is where the terrorists are. were building a base to prepare an attack on the crocus city hall concert hall. the new defendant in the case met them through avito, as he himself said today during the meeting, supposedly he just wanted to rent out an apartment, posted an ad on the internet, and they responded to it, this is the alleged standard scheme. this apartment was rented by one of the direct performers terrorist attack, who has already been arrested, is shamsidin fariduni, a spacious euro three-room apartment, it was bought with a mortgage. kasimov claims that he himself knew nothing... about the impending terrorist attack, he explained in the courtroom that it was simple - he was offered
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good money for rent, he was not previously familiar with the arrested defendants, he knew nothing about their plans, but all the circumstances the court nevertheless, he considered it exhaustive in order to select a preventive measure in the form of arrest for 2 months, to select the accused kosimov alisher khatamovich as a preventive measure in the form of detention stringent detention for... 1 month 27 days until may 22, 24 to satisfy the request of the accused of the defense country to choose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest to refuse? well, of course, this court ruling can still be appealed to the appellate court, these are procedural issues. i will also add that kostimov is married, he has three small children, he himself is an entrepreneur, runs a cafe, and has a registered individual entrepreneur. at the time of election.
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he always wants to help people, this guy, he didn’t know who she had, here such an emotional reaction. i will add that earlier the day before , three more defendants were arrested in the basmanny court who were involved in the attack on crocus city hall, these are the brothers amenchon and delovar islomov, and also their father israil. according to investigators, one of the direct participants in the crokuhall massacre, shamsidin fariduni , recruited members of an organized crime
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group in january, first amenchon and slomov, and dilovar in march. dilovavar was the previous owner. after the attack , the terrorists who were detained in bryansk tried to escape region, a businessman worked as a taxi driver, resold cars, and he sold this white one to the attackers at crocus cityhall. everyone who has already been arrested is charged with the same charge, paragraph b, part three of article 205 of the criminal code of russia, this is participation in a terrorist act committed by a group of people, i emphasize that this is the maximum punishment. life imprisonment, but the four perpetrators of the terrorist attack were arrested here in the baslavny court on sunday, charges were also brought against them, they will also be in custody until may 22 during interrogation by the investigative committee, and here during the court hearing, they admitted their guilt, gave detailed explanations that shed light on the circumstances
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of this terrorist attack, gave information about the customers, about those who assisted in preparing the attack. this was stated by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. searches have already been carried out in the apartment in putilkovo, which the last eighth person involved in this case, who has now been arrested, was rented out by the direct executor. items that were used were found there during the attack, during the attack on crocus city hall. a total of 200 inspections were carried out, 200 searches and seizures were carried out, including the weapons and ammunition that were used in the attack that were seized in city holly itself at the scene of the tragedy. they were sent for a number of examinations, including ballistic, genetic, doccyloscopic, it is quite possible that these physical evidence will also subsequently become evidence of the guilt of those who participated in this terrorist attack, in total, 11 people were detained, as previously reported, security forces and investigations are now working to identify all accomplices of terrorists, and
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of course, everyone must carry out, suffer, excuse me, fair and inevitable punishment, more on this...
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and the general prosecutor's office and other competent authorities, it is interesting that literally a day, in my opinion, after the terrorist attack, when in the west, statements were made that, of course, this is not ukraine, and of course, this is an islamic state, at the same time, suddenly, the interpol leadership announced that they would be ready to assist in the investigation, i... i don’t remember from interpol such an initiative in previous cases, but which also required the closest international attention , well, the most obvious example is the northern streams, so no one volunteered to help us investigate, members of the working group of the inter-parliamentary union on science and technology, as
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a sign of solidarity with their russian colleague , unanimously refused to travel to european nuclear energy organization. the head of the russian delegation, vice-speaker of the soffed, konstantin kosachev, spoke about this in an interview with our channel. according to him, foreign parliamentarians made this decision as a sign of support, since the russian senator in cerni was not given permission to visit. eight, as they say, in recent hours, the headquarters of the european nuclear energy organization is located here in switzerland, and there is a working group on science in the interparliamentary union. technology, of course, for her this center is of a certain interest, here we have a senator working in this working group of the interparliamentary union, lilia solovatina gumerova, chairman of the committee on...
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the interparliamentary union, that since they cern notified the working group that they no longer support cooperation with russia, they do not consider it possible... we are sincerely grateful to our colleagues for such a decisive and unanimous position. wikileaks founder juliana assange will be able to continue to challenge the extradition decision
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to the united states in british courts. a london court ruled in his favor. to prove that asandzh’s rights will be respected in the states and that he does not face the death penalty, the american authorities have exactly 3 weeks. the us government intends to involve the australian in responsibility, accuses him of espionage. for the publication of documents. which in particular relate to war crimes by the american army in afghanistan and the middle east, the founder of wikileaks faces up to 175 years in prison. a terrorist attack was prevented in the samara region; according to the fsb, it was prepared by an accomplice of the terrorist organization russian volunteer corps, banned in our country. he planned to cause an explosion at a humanitarian aid reception point for one of the volunteer organizations. to do this, i took a homemade explosive from the stash device, but during his arrest he blew himself up with it. none of the security forces or civilians were injured. at the attacker’s place of residence , they found a laboratory for the production of explosives, and on his phone there was correspondence with a curator from the ukrainian special services. the fsb announced
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the detention and arrests of members of a criminal group, which included high-ranking officials from the ministry of development and stavropol businessmen. they are suspected of a raider takeover of a mineral water production company, as well as theft natural gas on an especially large scale. it was previously established that one of the detainees, in conspiracy with entrepreneurs in violation of the law , contributed to the early termination of the license of one of the enterprises in the city of mineralnye vody. the attackers also repeatedly demanded that a 50% stake in this enterprise worth 70 million rubles be transferred to them under the threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. in addition, facts of theft of natural gas by suspects in special areas have been documented. on a large scale from one of the oil and gas companies in the region. 17 searches were carried out,
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the fsb published a video showing luxury items found on the defendants. the footage also shows the elite houses of the detainees, including a four-story mansion with a garden and a fountain. and in addition, luxury bentleys and mercedes were also found, communication equipment and money were confiscated. criminal cases have been initiated under three articles. instead, the cabinet of ministers approved a new buyer: 27.5% in the operator of the sakhalin energy project will go to the company sakhalin project, the latter are
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part of gazprom. the transaction amount is 94 billion 800 million rubles. the project is still profitable, including for russia, this is beneficial, because the more money gazprom receives as a dividend, the more it will then transfer to the budget, that is, it all goes to its net profit, respectively tax. shareholders have a production sharing agreement in place, the lng plant of the project was put into operation in february 2009, in the tenth year it reached its full design capacity, this is
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9.6 million tons of lng per year, but... optimization made it possible to increase it to 11.5 million. as part of sakhalin 2, the peltunostokhskoye and lunskoye fields on the moroskoye shelf are being developed and not only gas is being produced. in 1414, light oil of the sakhalin blend variety was introduced to the world market. in the twenty-second , deliveries reached 3.7 million tons. the project is so important for the japanese economy that the united states has allowed financial transactions related to the maritime transportation of oil to this country. price ceiling. they are not covered. if we return to gas, it is important here that the plant located closest to north asia, where the world's largest buyers are located. yes , 90% of shipments are now sold under long-term contracts. this project was initially aimed at purchasers, at importers in the asia-pacific region, that is, those countries for which
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the short term is of great importance. logistics leverage, allowing to minimize costs when transporting goods, but directly to their countries. in the twenty-third year, sakhalin-2 exported more than 10 million tons of lng, of which 2.6 million to china, 1.7 to south korea, almost 6 million tons went to japan. the enterprise provided almost 10% of the country's needs. russia continues to supply from. both towards the european union and towards asia, no sanctions have been imposed on russian liquefied gas, while there is nothing to replace it with; america, despite the fact that it has significantly increased lng supplies to europe, is not ready to further increase volumes and is unlikely will it be possible to easily replace russian volumes, well, perhaps again at the cost of self-restrictions. by 2030
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the global lng market could increase by 50% and reach 750-800 billion cubic meters per year, novotek experts predicted. russia sets itself the goal of taking a 20% share of global production by 2030. now our share is 8%.
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in the city, we were waiting for russia, they fired at us heavily, it was scary, i say right away, the engine jumped out, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a combat veteran,
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we had nowhere to run, we are from the city. we didn’t want to run away from ours, the arrival was just in time and our car burned down, they give out compensation, we we have already received 18,000, of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series.


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