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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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i understood the video, it’s incredible, and it’s a disaster for many reasons: firstly, water pollution, the infrastructure was damaged, but the main thing is the people, now i’m standing on the other side of the river, i just don’t believe that 20 minutes ago i was there and walked by myself across the bridge, i’m afraid to imagine how many people died, yes, it is known that the crew consisted mainly of indian citizens, it is now reported that, according to some sources, at the moment of the collision , an explosion occurred on the ship, which is 300 m long. and some of the containers fell into the water, it is also known that one of the tractors, cargo tractors, which was transporting and arranging containers, fell into the water from the side, it is also known that a hole was found in the ship and diesel fuel was leaking from it into the water, now, of course, the main work and the main task is to save people, how many there are the exact location is unknown, but it is clear that more than 8 hours have passed with every minute, with every minute the chances of finding...
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investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime, finding out its details, determining the role, degree of guilt of each participant, study the conclusions of criminologists and experts. the agencies of the federal security service and other special services are working out their questions under the coordination of the national anti-terrorism committee. i hope that prosecutors, within the limits of their powers, including. when bringing state charges during the trial, they will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals receive fair punishment, as required by russian law. prosecutors from all russian regions came to the collegium. vladimir putin thanked them for their dedicated work, especially noting those who work in the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. the president also emphasized that work needs to be strengthened.
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of intelligence work that indicates the involvement of the united states, great britain and ukraine in the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall, and there is no way to hide the obvious trail. well, as bortnikov noted, the terrorist attack was prepared by radicals, islamists, and everything was facilitated by both western intelligence services and the intelligence services of ukraine itself. according to him, confidence in this is also given by the fact that the bandits they intended to go beyond the borders, specifically to the independent territory, and there, according to information from the federal security service, they were already waiting for them, and with open arms, they were not prepared to greet them as heroes. secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev also today commented on the question: who is behind the tragedy in crocus? united or ukraine? ukraine. nikolai patrushev noted that many factors point to the ukrainian trace. they said that ukraine was definitely behind this terrorist attack, but what indicates this? a lot of
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indicates that now the investigative committee will analyze everything and there will be information. and the intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, they have it all. they will tell you about it in time. today, at a meeting with a colleague from namibia, the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs , sergei lavrov, said that russia does not need anyone’s help in investigating the terrorist attacks in crocus, especially the help of the west with its double standards. even the day before , lavrov stated that russia does not trust anyone in the west. according to the head of the foreign ministry, the west, with its pseudo-help, will only try to expand the investigation will try to advance the theory in the right direction.
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authorities, it is interesting that literally a day later, in my opinion, after the terrorist attack, when statements were made in the west that , of course, washington and brussels hope that through such terrorist attacks they will be able
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to split our society, sow discord and enmity in the interethnic , including the basis. we need to do everything so that you and i become even stronger. and today the defrauded moscow court has already arrested the eighth person involved in the case of the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. alisher kasimova. we have the opportunity to find out all the details. our correspondent boris ivanin, boris, we welcome you again, what became known at the meeting, what did the security forces say about the very progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack? gosh, natasha, greetings again, of course, during the hearing here in the basmany court , new details of this high-profile and monstrous criminal case, a monstrous terrorist attack, came to light, we are now waiting for the materials to arrive here in the basmany court. let me remind you that three detainees in total had information that 11 people have been detained who were involved
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in the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, only eight of them have been arrested so far, who are the remaining three, the investigation has not yet reported to the press, as stated in the special services, active work is now underway and the entire database of terrorists, their accomplices is being revealed, about this stated fsb director alexander bortnikov following a meeting of the board of the russian prosecutor general's office, which took place today in moscow. according to him , russia sees those who organized, who recruited terrorists, will do everything, in order to reach the organizers, well, the terrorist attack was needed, as the head of the fsb noted, in order to shake up the situation in russian society, this is beneficial primarily for western intelligence services and ukraine, because it was in the direction of ukraine, by the way, that the detained and arrested terrorists were moving, those who carried out a monstrous massacre in crocus city holly were detained, let me remind you, in bryansk.
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and the ukrainian special services themselves are directly related to this. there is a huge amount of information in the public space that indicates that the west and ukraine is precisely striving to cause more harm in our country. it doesn’t work on the line of combat contact, so what needs to be done where? on the territory of our country. these are drone strikes, these are attacks by uncrewed boats on the black sea, these are the entry of sabotage groups and terrorist structures into our territory. here. i will add
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that the eighth defendant in this criminal case, alisher kasimov, was arrested, like everyone else, until may 22 for 2 months, kasimov provided the terrorists with an apartment in the village of putilkova, this krasnogorsk district of the moscow region, it was there that the terrorists organized a base for the attack on crocus cityhall. kasimov himself does not admit his guilt, he claims that earlier.
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the perpetrator of this terrorist attack, four people , if you can say that about them, were arrested on sunday evening, they all admitted their guilt, the maximum penalty they face is life imprisonment. well, we are waiting for materials on the other three defendants, colleagues, yes, thank you, our colleague boris ivanin is following the details that appear during the investigation of the terrible terrorist attack in krokos cityhole.
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the house of the russian federation bank 16.2% per annum on a deposit of three. well, the fsb also announced high-profile arrests that members of a criminal group, which included high-ranking officials from the ministry of development and stavropol businessmen, are now under arrest. they are suspected of raider takeover of a mineral water production company, as well as theft of natural gas on an especially large scale. details from egor grigoriev.
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fsb operatives and'. the ministry of internal affairs clearly has a good sense of humor, which cannot be said about the director of one of the departments of the ministry of economic development. even through blur, the blur of the face in the video, there is an unsettling sadness. the official gets acquainted with accusations. one of the detainees, in collusion with entrepreneurs, in violation of the law, contributed to the early termination of the license of one of the enterprises in the city of mineral waters. the goal was to illegally seize the organization's production facilities. which was engaged in the extraction of mineral water, according to the investigation, the official achieved the transfer of rights to the well for the extraction of mineral water novoterskoye from the company kavmin inter to kavmin-resort-resources without bidding for the purpose. raider seizure was carried out by igor khranovsky in the interests of accomplice vladimir kaishev. vladimir kaishev reluctantly takes out
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stacks of rubles, dollars and euros from the safe. this is now physical evidence. the former prime minister of korochaev of the circassian republic is accused of extorting from the owners a share of the kavmin voda enterprise, which bottled novoterskoye mineral water. they demanded that 50% of the shares in this enterprise be transferred to them. 70 million rub. under threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. at the same time, they impeded production activities of the organization, damaging the road leading to it. back in 2021, kaishev had his eye on the mineral water plant, came up with an interesting scheme, bought a plot of land along which there was an entrance to the plant in the name of his ex-wife, installed security and barriers, neither raw materials nor finished products to and from the enterprise.
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you came to us in our village, on our land, ex-detat of the regional duma, ex-general director of the distillery, and only then the chairman of the government of karachayev of the circassian republic kaishev, after blocking the road, suggested the management of the plant to solve the problem, according to the investigation for 50% of the company's shares, the mineral water plant was obviously supposed to become another family business, in addition to the agricultural holding, the village named after kaishev, the molprodukty dairy plant, the pyatigorsk dairy plant, pyatigorsky and evgeniy kudelya, the founder of the sanatorium , which is located next
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to the mineral water plant, according to investigators, this defendant in the criminal case helped kaishev with blocking the second access road to the mineral water plant. ingenuity law enforcement they didn’t appreciate, including the idea of ​​stealing gas for a sanatorium. facts of theft of natural gas by suspects have been documented. on a particularly large scale from one of the region’s oil and gas companies. in the moscow region in the stavropol territory, researchers conducted 17 searches, seized cars, millions of rubles, hefty stacks of euros and dollars, expensive alcohol, jewelry, packed for hours right in the middle of a mahogany fireplace room and an entire restaurant complex with no less than 20 tables, marble , crystal chandeliers, the golden monograms are just a small part of the four-story house. modest.
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now the economic news is short: russians put a record trillion 100 billion rubles into bank deposits in february. this was stated in the central bank review. among the reasons are attractive deposit rates. at the end of february, the national average maximum was above 14.5%. and for the entire last year , russians saved on deposits. as for the income of russian banks, in february they decreased by 6% to 275 billion rubles, and
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the share of profitable banks also fell from 90 to 77%. swift plans to launch a new platform for central bank digital currencies. we are talking about connecting tokens from different countries to the financial system, reuters writes about this. currently , 90% of regulators around the world are involved in the development of such currencies. this was due to the growing popularity of virtual payments. the russian central bank is also busy creating a digital ruble. its mass implementation is planned for 2025. spending by russians on used cars in february increased by a quarter and exceeded 450 billion rubles. tasso writes about this link to autostat and auto opening. more often than other buyers, they chose cars aged 10 years or older, their share was 40%. domestic products were in greatest demand. brand sold more than 112 cars of european and japanese brands. and thousands, however, in terms of the volume of expenses , the russian advertising market at the end of the year grew by a third to a record 730 rubles. this is
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data from the association of communications agencies. half of the 300 billion volume came from internet services. next comes the video segment, outdoor advertising and the publishing business. by according to roskomnadzor , 1,200,000 advertisers registered in the unified register of internet advertising in the twenty-third year. it was economic news, briefly. an educational intensive for instructors at the war center started today in tyumen. 200 future youth mentors from all over russia will undergo training under a program based on educational work with teenagers and young adults. the tyumen region and the tyumen branch of the warrior center today is one of the best in our country, and igor revyakin, as the director and instructors, who were not selected are people who are rooting for the task at hand, they are the ones who give their soul, the heart of every child, and in general
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it was created in the tyumen region. a unique system of working with the younger generation, besides, avantpost is already 30 years old, that is, this is not a one-time event, this is a system that we need to implement in each region.
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fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is birthday foreign agent. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our
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country so that... everyone committed an offense against the law and it turned out to be me. rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations completed rescue operations in the burned-out kroku hall of the city hall. experts disassembled and more than 900 cubic meters were removed.


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