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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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we'll tell you in the next hour, rdk terrorists are caught in batches and individually, sometimes there is nothing left of them. a saboteur in samara was blown up by his own bomb, in moscow they opened a cell with machetes and axes, which caused a puncture.
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they are trying to save kharkov from blackout with the help of powerful german diesel generators, how to detect them completely, he died on the network, in fact he is alive. a fraudulent blogger is collecting money for his friend who allegedly died in a crocus, and the chicks are abandoning him. schoolchildren with orders for terrorist attacks, what they are luring, the foreign agent circle does not let up and continues to feel sorry for the terrorists, am i being cunning, maybe? to punishment for high treason
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, such is today's news about a native, the owner of a one and a half ton batch of white powder, which a couple of months ago, especially large, in some simply unreal... real amount, although chernobrovkin is notable for other aspects of his very vigorous activity, in in particular, he kept in touch with the owners, with the owners of võrusia in the main.
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were planning an extremely cynical crime in the samara region, but they intervened, he wanted to blow up a humanitarian aid reception point, he wanted to commit a terrorist attack, but he blew himself up. service write was agent andrey zhvakin.
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there was a parcel under his arm, but that was not the case, the fsb was on alert, stop, he raised his hands, he raised his hands, he has something in his hands, there, something in his hands, throw it away, throw it away, what’s in his hands, throw it away. self-detonation right during the detention, the samara polytechnic was listed as unemployed, gave private ballet lessons, well, in the end it turned out that he finished dancing, like these chemist poisoners, also rdk agents from st. petersburg, they wanted to pour it into... they covered
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everyone immediately for participating in the activity. up to 20 years behind bars, but the gur, ukrainian, are supposedly patriots, the rdk was invented as an imitation of some kind of liberation movement, wow, patriots kill russians, the fact that these scum are trying to poison ours, our residents, suggests that they are not. ..what are not patriots of russia, real scum, the moscow one has a whole arsenal of bladed weapons, machetes, an ax, knives, options
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for how to organize the murders of law enforcement officers. and provocations, and they didn’t appear yesterday, all these agents, for for decades, the ukrainian special services managed to recruit just such people, and now the team is probably coming to prove themselves. 100% of these people, they are either liquidated or blown up themselves, they found him,
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slammed him into the paving stones, didn’t have time to utter a word, now he is confessing to several serious charges at once, from preparation for sabotage to storage of explosive devices, really? who hire them, they also remain, were and remain second-rate, in russia, the result is recycling.
8:08 pm
yes, there is a request for justice, and therefore all the security bloc must guard the interests of citizens and...
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here's how the tasks for the current year are being accomplished, among which. in blue uniforms , prosecutors from all regions of the country greet vladimir putin, in the front row are the heads of other russian law enforcement agencies who directly committed this mass murder, as you know, are establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime. participants are studying the findings of criminologists and experts, the federal security service agencies are working out their questions,
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and will do everything necessary to ensure that criminals carried it. the very handwriting of the terrorist attack and especially the escape of the terrorists in... the engagement of that side in the preparation of this action. the group left for ukraine. well, we need to do this, of course, yes. i think the secret service,
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any special service, is to make its own, the ukrainian side attractive, study and prepare, that’s the work.
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intimidate people, destroy the unity of our people. that is why the most important task for russia remains the military operation , which has changed a lot in the work of the prosecutor’s office and the lugansk people’s republics in zaporozhye. problems,
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protect their rights and legitimate interests. the most important work of the prosecutor's office is to protect the rights of veterans of special military operations and families who were left without breadwinners . families, people must understand and know that, in fulfilling their duty to their homeland, they are risking what the state has outlined in the area of ​​supporting military personnel, which must certainly be fulfilled. another area of ​​prosecutorial supervision is the economic security of the country, which is receiving special attention now.
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there is no question; on the contrary, under the conditions of sanctions , business is under regime at all levels. 9 trillion rubles. this is a huge amount of money in all areas, including increasing defense capability, supporting defense industry enterprises, and the social sphere. make sure that no one, and no one's pockets,
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ill-wishers, our competitors. it was our opponents who forced us to defend these interests by force of arms, to fight those whom they armed and educated. to fight russia on conditions, everything we do, in all spheres of our life, must be dedicated, we must set all
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authorities, all citizens of the country to strict compliance with current standards and often, turning to the prosecutor's office is the last way to influence negligent officials. it is no coincidence that last year prosecutors processed and considered more than 6 million complaints about the work of various departments. alexey golovkov, viktor kazakov, andrey boroukhin, cannon fodder, and the only option to survive was surrender, the revelation of another ukrainian soldier who did the right thing. choice on the front line, and now, sitting in the warmth, he advises his former brothers to do the same, according to vasily romanov, he initially did not want to serve in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, with shooting from a machine gun at the training ground and a forced trip to a position in the thick of it,
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where the lad immediately felt. mash today released exclusive footage filmed during the days of clearing the kherson region, where russian snipers literally shot at the enemy non-stop.
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exclusive as it was. footage is published by the mash telegram channel of the work of russian snipers during the days of the capture of krynoki in the kherson region. our specialists occupied a well-located enemy trench, for several days they methodically mowed the dill, not allowing the enemy to raise his head. our sniper pair took the enemy trench in battle and immediately began to strengthen. the guys will have to spend several days here, but they don’t know about it yet.
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having secured advantageous sniper positions, our shooters adopted systematization, market management, which, of course, does not allow the enemy not only to carry out rotation, but, by and large , even to hope. for some, for what, because everyone has mastered several military accounting specialties, even if he is an engineer, he is still equal to a sniper, if he is a sniper, he can control, by the first minutes, when our guys
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occupied the enemy trench, there were a... a lot of our fighters, it is understandable, in order to hold this important bridgehead, kiev sent foreign mercenaries to this direction, some then there was not only failure here, there were both georgians and romanian soldiers. my name is david
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voivovsky, i am from puław, i wanted to earn money, the money was in the jars, the russians started shelling, they started running away, they ran away to su, i was left alone, i was caught in the vicinity. most likely they are professionals in the czech republic,
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slovakia or hungary in hungary, they cannot end up in ukraine, in ukraine as volunteers, there are 100 thousand hungarians, they, in principle, have ukrainian passports, a certain number of them may end up on the front line, in particular in the krynki area, well, probably.. stanislav bernwalt sniper accuracy. the kievo regime may lose and paris is ready to forcibly requisition the industrial sector.
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on the front line in ukraine, no one understands why the minister of armed forces, i do not rule out that the law will be used, which allows us to start requisitioning. enterprises or subcontractors that produce both military and military orders, the ministry of reserves, can apply the measure, according to the recently adopted french law, only in case of a threat to the integrity and sovereignty.
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installation work, this is what the number of strikes by the russian aerospace forces looks like right now. forecasts for restoration are very pessimistic; the process is already being called extremely labor-intensive and costly. and strictly according to schedule, so the czech one
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promises suspensions. for comparison, neighboring belgorod shines, and this... matters due to its proximity
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borders of russia and many actions that were of a terrorist nature, such as attacks on neighboring cities, were carried out precisely from this territory, so it is important if something is... at night and illuminated kharkov, the arrivals are confirmed by local gauleiters, according to them, the attacks took place some non-residential buildings, and no one was harmed by them, i translate from kiev propaganda into human
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language. only military targets were hit, apparently we are tired of watching how one is simply heavy, it is catastrophic, light they give... transport work so far does not lead to anything good, the trains are so full that people are almost informed that a large industrial center is in the city.
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supposedly they will save everyone, how powerful they are, to say, the owners have already dumped hundreds of generators in kiev, but these are about 500 kilowatt diesel generators, the whole city, of course, they cannot power, they most likely... will have these very critical elements of communication and critical infrastructure facilities, that is , these are the same police, army units, and also the target generators continue to work, we monitor these situations, we track and destroy such
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objects. according to the results of these points , within a few days it is already known that members, members of the nazi occupation administration, frightened by our missiles, began to leave the city, evil spirits. runs to the west, will return like a vampire, vadim zavodchenkov and kharkovsky, all these are collecting money for their friend who allegedly died in the crocus, and the chicks are bombarding schoolchildren with orders for
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terrorist attacks, how to lure them? directly started the war, essentially in the center europe, these are the same depleted uranium cores that were brought down. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in.


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