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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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they love me, call sign passenger, i will come back for you, do you hear? the state duma today awarded teenagers who helped people evacuate during the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi; they received certificates of gratitude and laptops, and the first deputy of the state duma committee on education, yana lantratova, presented the children with gift sets of a book about russia. read more about awarding dmitry morocco. the ceremony
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ended just recently, with the participation of six schoolchildren who helped evacuate people from crocus city hall. the award ceremony took place at a meeting of the committee for family protection on issues of paternity, maternity and childhood; certificates of gratitude, as well as laptops and other gifts, were presented to the children by the chairman of the committee, nina ostanina. among the awardees there are four guys, nikita ivanov, islam.
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i thought about it and still panicked, but i don’t know if something inside me tells me that i should really help people, because they are just like me, they are also afraid. these certificates, which were presented to the children, express gratitude, of course, not only to themselves, but to their families, who, as noted there, were able to raise truly true citizens of their country, we want to present gratitude to your family, we just met with the minister. luminary, who said: “it’s so good that we have returned education to schools.” it is not enough to return education to school, the main thing is to educate it in the family. well, you are wonderful parents, very touching, thank you very much. it is noted that when terrorists broke into the building, the guys who worked there did not confused, they acted strictly according to instructions and were able to take hundreds of people to safety, thus saving hundreds of lives. dmitry morocco, andrey shner, viktor krozhanovsky, news! one victim of
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the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi, who was in extremely serious condition, died in hospital, health minister mikhail murashko announced. from the sklefosovsky institute of emergency medicine , our correspondent, sofya sergieva, comes into direct contact with the studio. sophia, hello again, is it known how many victims remain currently in hospitals and how do doctors assess their condition?
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transferred to the post-intensive care unit with the involvement of all the main specialists in moscow. another child was operated on twice, his condition is also now with positive dynamics, stable, we hope to transfer him to the department in the near future. some good news: 23 people are preparing to be discharged from the hospital; their condition is not in danger. yesterday, two women who were admitted to the inozemtsev city clinical hospital left with poisoning by combustion products. march 22 is the day that divided the lives of many , i think, people into before and after, this after for many, for us, it exists only thanks to those people who were the first at the scene of the tragedy, these were the doctors, these are the people who were in the intensive care unit on the first and most terrible night for us...
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the prompt reaction of doctors, specialists, paramedics, nurses that night depended on the lives of hundreds of people, now, as we see, doctors are doing everything possible to ensure that patients as soon as possible went to amendment, including they will support them morally, because of course in such difficult moral conditions after the shock experienced , many are now experiencing panic attacks, psychologists, the best psychologists in moscow and the moscow region, are working with them, it is worth noting that only 76 people have already been discharged from. ..
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resuscitators, surgeons and psychotherapists can work literally right away, saving someone’s life while literally being in the corridor. to support the families of the victims, it should be noted that for the victims of moscow and the moscow region they are already preparing payments from 1 to 3 million rubles, financial support is also provided by ordinary citizens who, as part of the capital’s charitable events , united with the help of charitable services and collected more than 1 billion rubles within the framework. and the program we are together, also in various social network accounts there was a real program to support everyone who needs it, in solidarity, and today russia is simply more united than ever, it must be said that in these difficult days a positive attitude is simply necessary, as much as possible, so everyone
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and the doctors simply recommend that the victims try to spend as much time as possible in the sun, in good weather, because today the weather makes us happy, and of course, surrounded by loved ones, because today... good news and light are what can charge and simply support them in this difficult moment. yuri. yes, sofia, thank you. let me remind you that my colleague sofya sergieva was in direct contact with the studio. the professional holiday is celebrated today by the national guard troops with congratulations to military personnel and veterans vladimir putin addressed. the president noted that the soldiers of the russian guard fearlessly serve, including in the donbass, protect citizens and the state border, and eliminate saboteurs. you provided. security during election campaigns at all levels, including the presidential elections in russia, acted in a well-coordinated manner during major events and forums, including the future games tournament and the world youth festival. i would especially like to note our
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comrades who are serving in the donbass in novorosiya, in areas located in close proximity to the combat zone . i know you are fighting. fearlessly risking yourself, protecting the lives of civilians, carrying out bold, daring operations , destroying enemy sabotage groups, helping to ensure the cover of the state border, the reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units and units. we will always remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. defense department. begins issuing electronic id cards to combat veterans actions, this is a plastic card that will be both a banking and a social card, all payments will be sent to it. stanislav vasilchenko will tell you how to obtain a certificate. the initiative that sergei shaigu announced last week during a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense is already
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being implemented, we are talking about the issuance and implementation of electronic id cards for combat veterans . it looks like an ordinary card, but in fact it’s a three-in-one document, it helps a veteran receive payments from the ministry of defense without a request. federal and regional payments, special privileges of the bank, discounts from its partners. this is an electronic id that allows a veteran to receive a full range of social benefits, combining the capabilities of a combat veteran’s id , a social card and a bank card. the procedure for obtaining an electronic id is simple: a paper version is submitted to the bank. passport , application is issued within 7 days, the veteran receives a certificate, if there are no documents in paper format, you must contact the personnel department of the military unit at your location completing military service. an information system was developed that made it possible to ensure the interaction of the departmental
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system with the banking system, which in turn simplified the process of obtaining an electronic identification card for a combat veteran . make it fast, transparent , you won’t be able to forge an id, the card has special protection, you can verify its authenticity in four ways, there are several mechanisms for using it:
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we waited for the spring streams, but got something completely different in kiev, the streets were again flooded with fetid waters, this time a sewer broke through on verkhovna rada boulevard. the true face of the kiev regime and its concern for local residents is coming to light with enviable regularity. in january, sewage twice flooded the streets in the svyatoshinsky district. and no one was in a hurry to eliminate the accident, and the feces even managed to freeze. a little earlier in kiev , the entrance to the olimpiyskaya metro station was flooded. kharkov , meanwhile, found itself in an energy
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blockade, as the mayor of the city reported; after the russian strikes, the municipality was essentially was left without hot water and electricity. the heating season had to be completed ahead of schedule, and electricity is now turned on according to schedule. there is a shortage of electricity, there is a shortage of electricity, we have developed a shutdown schedule for the districts of kharkov, almost all residential buildings of citizens fall under these shutdown schedules from 4 to 6 hours a day without. previously , several districts of krivoy rog were left without electricity and without heat; due to power surges, several boiler houses were turned off; residents were saved by generators and flashlights. the authorities explained that the power fell after shelling, but in fact , they stopped monitoring the communal infrastructure 10 years ago. the authorities came to obvious temporary workers, the realization of this fact, the fact that there is no point in investing in anything, the territory has no future. the example shows the top how they imitate it in this
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activity, that is, there was a deliberate plunder of resources, maximum exploitation, the interests of the population and the quality of life, including ensuring stable high-quality work of housing and communal services, are simply not included in their plans, not like it, it’s your problem, no indignation, no complaints are of interest to anyone there. as experts note, there is no point in investing in infrastructure even in the west. handouts to the budget for these purposes are minimal. it is much more important to fuel the war, and the local population is nothing more than a resource for its continuation, and its maintenance should continue to remain cheap. anna varonina, valeria sopegina. news. the international sports friendship games, which will be held in our country in the fall, will be quite comparable to olympic. president wada expressed this concern in a conversation with russian pranksters vavan and lexus. during the conversation , the official called the level of training of domestic athletes very high and called for everything to be done to ensure that competitions in
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russia are boycotted by as many countries as possible. anton dadykin has details. the world anti-doping agency officially states that moscow allegedly does not have the right to host international friendship games, since the status of the russian anti-doping agency has not been restored. in unofficial during the conversation, vada president vitald banka honestly admitted that any one is necessary. at the cost of not allowing foreign athletes into the tournament, just because it will be held in russia. we need to stop this, or at least really make these games extremely insignificant, if they want, they can organize their own domestic championships only for russian athletes, but not as a counterweight to the olympic games. overall, it looks very bad from a pr point of view, from a values ​​point of view, so we definitely won’t be there.
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they didn’t come to russia from asia, that is
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, despite the fact that they oversee completely different areas, they are trying to get into this in principle. are not comparable to the olympics. we know very well that sports are very strong in russia, and i think that is why they know that they need to promote sports, sports are very important to them. that is why it is necessary to ensure that this event does not have any impact on the olympic games. although the friendship games do not overlap either the olympics in paris or other major competitions.
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the tournament will be held in moscow and yekaterinburg from september 15 to 29, and russia. to achieve his goal of putting together an anti-russian coalition, president wada, a pole by nationality, even supported the slogan of ukrainian nationalists, the same ones who carried out
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the volyn massacre during the second world war and whose actions in warsaw were officially recognized as genocide of the polish people. i know the history of poland, and i can say the following. glory to ukraine. great, great. when it turned out that the conversation was not with an african politician, but with pranksters, the agency issued an extremely cautious statement that it was the target of a fake call regarding the russian friendship games. they framed some other major officials, so i think that they are now in a kind of panic, they remember that... they said such things and how it can be used against them. and panic is not accidental. the agency, which is supposed to fight fraud, is in fact engaged in it itself, trying to manipulate public opinion for the sake of anti-russian policies, so that, together with international the olympic committee by the bureaucrats of the european union, to disrupt the friendship games in russia. anton dadykin, olga albukhina, news! graduate students and young
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scientists from belarus visited the russia exhibition as part of the first stage of the thirteenth forum. universities of the engineering and technological profile of the union state. the participants toured the exposition of the regions and also visited the pavilions of the ministry of education and science, rosatom and the ministry of industry and trade. let me note that the forum in moscow is taking place on the eve of the day of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus, which is celebrated next week. and the second stage event is as planned in the fall at the nizhny novgorod state technical university. leaders of belarusian regions present their potential in the revived belarus pavilion. modern, bright, here on a single platform, the glorified legendary exhibition of achievements of the national economy, this is a special sign symbol, and we decided to hold the first stage of the thirteenth forum of universities with an engineering and technological profile of the union state here, we
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have achieved considerable joint successes, our enterprises today are united by dozens . maybe even hundreds of cooperative connections, thanks to various formats of interaction, by the way, i want to say that belarus is probably the only state with which we always find a solution to any, even the most complex issues. an international exhibition of professional and household chemicals has opened in the capital's exhibition center; it is being held for the ninth time with the support of the russian ministry of industry and trade. presents its products.
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the sea will have a serious impact on the supply of coal and the operation of one of the largest ports in the united states. economic consequences of the disaster together with the experts, she assessed nick nkv, she joins the broadcast. nika, hello, how long will it take to restore the bridge? yuri, greetings, well, the work that will open the way to the port may take 4 months, and this is still according to the most conservative estimates, well, the complete restoration of the bridge itself may take years, experts say. the chaos in the us markets was provoked by a catastrophe with the collapse of a bridge. balti seaport of the city, which is one of the largest transport and logistics hubs in the states, has suspended ship traffic there and the return route has been temporarily suspended, but
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trucks are still allowed in and out. the baltime bridge collapsed on march 26, colliding with a container carrying a singapore-flagged carriage to colomba. according to preliminary information, six people could have died in the crash, the baltimo sun newspaper reported. cateyner voz carried out the so-called milk flight. court. by cleaning before it is restored. engineers are currently working on site and will assist in carrying out this work. port of baltimore, one of the largest shipping hubs in the us,
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a huge number of cargo ships passed through it last year. it is also the largest port for servicing automotive imports and exports into the united states. about 850 thousand cars pass through it annually. the francis scott key bridge is a structure. 2.5 km, it was built for car traffic in 1977. the bridge is critical to the entire northeast corridor of states. more than 30,000 cars cross it every day. a recovery that it will take, according to the most conservative estimates of experts, 4 months to open the way to the port. in the meantime, ships with cargo will be redirected to the ports of new york and new jersey, and ships already docked in the port of baltimore will temporarily remain locked in the harbor. the collapse of the bridge and, as a consequence, the closure of ship traffic in the port of baltimore has unpredictable and
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severe consequences for the economy of the east coast of the united states. according to official data, the construction of the bridge, completed in 1977, cost $60 million, that is approximately 300 million dollars. in today's money taking into account inflation. the port of baltimore is the ninth-largest port in the united states by trade volume; before the blockage, it annually handled fifty million tons of cargo worth about $80 billion. it handles a quarter of coal exports each year, nearly all of america's sugar, and is the state's top port for the import and export of cars and light trucks. every year approximately 850,000 cars passed through it, including brands such as volvo and... audi. in addition, cruise ships visited baltima, serving 400,000 travelers per year. thanks to the port, 15,000 jobs were created. the port
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leads in such positions as exported coal, it is the number one port in the country, and a huge amount of supplies is occupied by construction and farming equipment. since the collapsed bridge blocks the actual entrance to the port, the port will continue to work. practically paralyzed. the bridge collapse knocked out power at two port terminals operated by coal supplier consol energy and freight railroad company csx. the console is not sure that it will succeed redirect significant volumes of coal through nearby ports. philadelphia, buffels and savannah handle only a small portion of the exports. every day, downtime due to an emergency can bring, according to experts, losses in the amount of $9 million. these things are taken. it could take years to rebuild the bridge, projects like this take time, but biden has made it clear that he wants to make this a priority, it's a critical path, baltimore is
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a very busy city, especially considering. its location, the bridge was an important artery, the authorities want to restore it as soon as possible. property damage experts in the shipping industry believe the baltimore bridge collapse will have a significant negative impact on shipping and transport logistics across the entire east coast of the united states for many months to come. maryland governor wes moore called the bridge reconstruction a long-term project, but did not indicate any specific time frame. yes, nika, thank you, nika inkovaya spoke about the serious disruption of transport logistics after the collapse of a bridge in the united states. sochi recovers from a powerful cyclone. heavy rain and stormy winds hit the coast, and a blizzard raged in the mountainous areas. about 60 mm of snow fell. due to bad weather, several ski slopes at the rosahutor ski resort had to be closed. a number of objects of the sochi national park are currently inaccessible to visitors. local residents and tourists are asked to refrain from walking in
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the forest. sochi airport operated according to actual weather conditions; now all flights depart and land on schedule. an accident involving a passenger bus occurred in the center of kursk. by according to the press service of the regional government, 10 people were injured. while descending from the bridge, the brakes of the bus failed. he collided with a car. another bus, a fire occurred, one of the cars burned out almost completely, the report says, due to an accident on two streets of the city, traffic is difficult, emergency services are on the scene, well , it’s clear, or green.
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we have already received 180,000, of course there are more people, many are returning, well, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, roofs, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series. look,
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look, in the app or on the website, now economic news, briefly: europe will pay for the courts with russia with russian money, the eu will withhold 5 billion euros of income from frozen assets to cover claims, the politics newspaper reported this. the money will remain with the euroclear depository, which it received from investing last year and the year before. as of february total russian companies filed 94 claims against euroclear. the article also says that ukraine criticized this eu decision. gas production is growing in russia. in february, the country produced more than 64 billion cubic meters. growth.


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