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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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with their experience they are allowed to partially carry out those works that are allowed to be carried out by people without qualifications. in fact, this is a very common soviet practice, and it’s true that what you rightly mentioned is such good career guidance, some of the youth may actually be attracted by this and later make it their life’s work, so of course we have all the opportunities and mechanisms in many regions this program works the same way as what you mentioned, when after the completion of archaeological excavations, when you can...
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this is very important for our further development, because people go to torzhok not only to see cultural monuments, but they also go to learn about archeology, this is our wealth, there is something to work on, yes there is something to work on, and we are waiting for new discoveries, because birch bark we have only the nineteenth diploma, we are in third place, we expect that this is a promising project, it will help us replenish the collection, it’s just federal, the whole question is, is it federal?
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during this time, in 2 years we prepared a creative concept, it was very successful we implement it in the summer, for example , classical music concerts attract more than a thousand visitors, that is, this is very popular here, and it’s not even a day off. and the ministry of culture supported the project of restoration, restoration, of the estate ; more than 2 billion rubles will be allocated for the next 4 years from 24 to 28. from my side. we are ready to provide full restoration and large-scale use of this object throughout today or as we have already done until the very end restoration and we will be very happy and pleased if you also support these plans, because this is a really expensive and long-term project, but it is very important to complete it...
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the practice of the estate of the dvorsky region has been transferred to private ownership, but at the same time they are objects of cultural heritage, these are private owners, wealthy people, these estates have been restored to their original appearance, these are open objects of display, but i would not like to name the names of these people now, you know them well, and this is an estate they restored practically to the form where tourists can visit them, and this happens, but they come by bus, look, walk, and this is also a practice. therefore, what
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we are talking about now is this estate, it is federal, and here, in general, there are several options for the development of events, the first is the ministry of culture, financed from the federal budget, the second is, for example, the kolyazin bell tower. be given to the region, we will repair it, return it there and farms , on the contrary, are carried out in the established order, and thirdly, perhaps, there has already been such experience rayok, there is one of the federal entrepreneurs there, he once took it for a while, but he ran out of money, because it’s a very large-scale facility, practically there, after this event, i prepared materials for you there, we’ll give it to you, it’s right on the m10 highway moscow -st. petersburg, a very large-scale project, and of course, a private owner cannot afford it, it is possible. either the federal, or the federal and regional budget, so here - as for those mouths that could be given into private ownership, well, use, they have been restored , we still have several such objects in the queue, the queue seems to be small, but it is there, who wants to restore the estates
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to use them, but at the same time it remains the status of an object of cultural heritage, nothing can be changed or reconstructed there , but the district is just like that, it’s so unique, so if you give instructions to the ministry there. palladianism, this is usefulness, strength, beauty, this type of classical architecture gives a very good formulation to the russian. this such a branch, this is italian history, nikolai aleksandrovich lvov, he traveled a lot in italy, was simply in love with the work of the architect andrei paladio, an italian architect, and he brought this story here to us in our tver region and
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not only his buildings throughout the country, here are some elements in architecture that are characteristic only... and up to modern times, that is, the history of the owners, and the third, most important, key thing, this is dedicated specifically to architecture, specifically to the style of the russian paladio, this is very unusual style, you will see double domes, this is very different from all styles in architecture,
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it is precisely this that is attractive, for two years we have been holding focus groups in this area with our visitors asking today, well, well-groomed...
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yes, you know, we we went to the site and looked at it, it was truly incredible beauty, and the concept, colleagues, were prepared, when the private entrepreneur really ran out of money, it was decided that this would become, this object would become one of the branches, and the colleagues were very involved responsibly, from the museum, we developed the concept, we made a little adjustments, and of course, in addition to the cafe here , the museumized space, of course this place really... needs it and everything is ready for this and is there for carrying out a variety of things - this is a branch of the museum which we are talking about today, this is where we are now, there are projects in development , yes, of course, the concept is ready for how many years it is designed, well, we are planning for the next 5 years
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that it should be implemented within 5 years , yes, we now have the design and estimate documentation we will prepare what is expected to cost 2 billion rubles , we... have found funds from the ministry of culture while the design and estimate documentation is being prepared, on the one hand, on the other hand, we understand that the region is getting a wonderful space where...
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the project as a status priority, then move there into the current price category, which will be at the time when the work will already take place, and i would like to add that until the last year we have italians, french, spanish, everyone foreign tourists came to this site , this is a unique object, and yes, moreover, if we talk about lvov, which is understandable, it ’s there in one line, like in ravanta, rossi, these are architects of this level, this is right at the top, world architects who entered there, so to speak. into the global one, okay, we need to monitor, of course, pricing , of course, although there is inflation there, inflation,
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of course, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s a federal facility, yes, yes, yes, i understand, that means, well, we need to do it, agreed, let’s do it, if we need to solidify something there so that no one moves out of here, let’s do it, please, we’ll help with infrastructure there if, okay, we’ve agreed, thank you, please, i’d really like to cover it as well. zemstvo cultural workers are recruiting specialists; on the other hand , there is a tendency that municipal cultural institutions are being liquidated, as we know, since 2015. 5,000 cultural institutions have been reduced and closed, but
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excuse me, this is a quarter of the total mass, and at the same time, of course, specialists have left, this is approximately 90,000 people, if it can’t be a quarter, we only have 42 libraries, well, this is from the reports of specialists who report to you, and everything is from there, everything is from the media, so if further optimization is like this, just 5.00, you said, this is why no , decreased by 5.00 from the total number, this issue is being resolved, somewhere simply municipal cultural institutions become
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branches of regional ones, somewhere the functions of some cultural institutions are transferred to completely different institutions, far from the one they were, and somewhere this at all brings everything into one huge , incomprehensibly unmanageable institution, that is, we already have a fairly small staff in municipal cultural institutions, these are specialists, two or three people, when we close such an institution, people are simply left without work, people... with tears before our eyes they are giving away their archives, funds, collections, it is unclear to whom , it is unclear where, well, there is a problem, but here i am probably speaking more on behalf of our colleagues who live in other regions, because, thank god, in our region the trend is like this that we hold this process, everything remains in place for us , probably , our ancestors worked hard in soviet times, yes, when all the museums were given over to a general association, in particular my branch, this applies to our tours state united museum, that
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’s why i ask you to turn more attention to this problem, if there is such an opportunity, well , i hope that somehow it will be resolved positively, i agree, you are right, network reduction, especially in small rural towns, is of course a very painful thing, the same as reduction in the number of schools, well it's about the same. of course, there are also things of a purely objective nature, demographic things, some infrastructural things, but we need to strive to ensure that the network is preserved, i agree completely.
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we have run out of such planned basic questions, if you allow, we have more, please, if there are unplanned ones, i will hear, your old friend, the head of the memorial to the soviet soldier, the city’s victory museum, please, yes, i remember, of course i know, here they repeated my words, igor mikhailovich, very briefly,
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good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, all colleagues, i really want to say, thank you very much for your reverent attitude towards the history of our country, preserving the memory of historical memory. and of course, with special pride we, both rzhevetians and residents of the tver region, remember the event that happened five years ago, june 30, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism. you opened our memorial complex, which has become... national treasure of our country, that's for sure, and we are very proud that people of different nationalities come to us, and we we are standing in a very good place, federal highway m9 moscow baltic, when tourists from the baltic countries come, it is very touching when they do not
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have time to approach our hero, the soaring soviet soldier. in the sky, they simply signal to them, this is a symbol, as you said at the beginning, of the patriotism of all soviet people, not just some leaders of our states, not those who used to be our friends, all people who cherish the memory and they understand very well that they won soviet soldier, it is very gratifying that since the opening of our complex, and we are, as igor mikhailovich already said, a federal museum, we are a branch of the victory museum, since the opening, over 5 million people have visited our memorial complex only through the ticket system, this is a large number , this is very touching, this is very responsible, and here in this regard i would like to say a big thank you to igor mikhailovich rudena, our governor, i can say, because
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what follows is a request simply to vladimir vladimirovich, he was scared. the thing is, that a very excellent project is the pushkin map, and we, olga borisovna, receives endless reports from us, we are not trailing behind, but we work very well according to this system, and we always emphasize that this is a project, this is a federal project on initiative of the president of our country, but igor mikhailovich made a decision and gave money to the ministry of education of the tvorskaya region, because in the municipalities, as you and i know, money is not very good, and schoolchildren, without exception, come, some along pushkinskaya map, yes, we work with the pushkin map, and excursion services, entrance tickets,
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we have everything perfectly organized, but there is a category that we have not reached. receiving a pushkin card, or their age exceeds. the regional ministry of education organized this work on the initiative of igor mikhailovich. i, vladimir vladimirovich, have a request to transfer this experience to the federal level, so that the ministry of education of our federal, our country , spreads this story to all regions, because tomorrow is not today. ah 80 years since the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders, it is necessary that the entire younger generation think and know about this terrible... history in our country, not only us, but our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, only thanks visiting such institutions, such objects, cultural
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sites, only consolidated, when culture and education work in one team, going neck and neck, then, of course, we will get a real younger generation, because it’s very touching, the last phrase, very touching when children arrive... they are organized, then a month later, two months later, there is such a big flow, and i love working with children, and a girl comes up to me alone and says: do you remember me? i will never say that i don’t remember, i’ll shut up for a bit, she tells her: we came to your classes, and now we brought, i brought my parents here, this is so touching, this is so reverent, and another example , he just sunk into my soul, very famous... our politicians called me and asked me on monday, monday, it’s a day off, please open for us and come yourself, we know that it’s your day off,
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but come, of course, i came, it turns out that today was my daughter’s birthday, that day of arrival, instead of going to a pastry shop factory or to disneyland, to some park, she asked for a trip to our memorial complex as a gift, it is very expensive . and they are actively carrying out this work, special thanks to the government of mikhail vladimovich, maratovich kerzyanovich, which means they are doing a great job, from volokolamsk there will be four lanes along the new riga highway
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right up to the monument to our soviet soldier memorial, a number of works are going on there, helipads are being built there, they launched a swallow, a train that also comes from moscow, moscow schoolchildren go on a lot of excursions, and what the respected directors ask us museum - this is for the regions to also help their schoolchildren come to the museum to pay their respects. on a mountain in moscow, the victory museum for the eighth anniversary, to do such a project, so that the regions would also participate, who can these projects , not only waiting for federal money, but also with their own money they gave schoolchildren the opportunity to go to moscow to visit the museum on poklonnaya hill, our great museum of our great victory, for the eightieth anniversary, maybe then the victory committee will then give such a recommendation to the subjects, and this work to do it together for everyone, well, as for the expenses of the federal subject, here we can only recommend, yes, of course, but this is not a lot of money. they come from other regions of russia
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to moscow so that they can help them move here, well, including to us and at least to moscow, at least to moscow to the museum bow to the eighth anniversary of victory, there is a unique museum, you were there with a schoolchild, and so that the children on their eightieth birthday also made a tour from all regions during school holidays there is just this project and it’s only for federal money or for yes , well, well, in my opinion, the pushkin card is not being chosen in its entirety, yes for now, but no, not in its entirety, we now have 10 million 100,000 guys who have joined from more than 13 million possible, but still less this amount this number of guys is growing and activity.
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mentioned, and even in our libraries, if you allow us to loop our conversation a little , there are paid events, including even additional events, it’s no coincidence that you have school and children’s birthdays, when the whole class has the opportunity to meet in a particular cultural institution, celebrate a child’s birthday, a quest, some interesting program, a special excursion designed specifically for children of the age of the pushkin card. 14 years, so, of course, here we have the capabilities and talent of our cultural workers including reflected in the variety of events held within the framework of the pushkin
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card. on the pushkin pushkin map, 13 million could use it, yes, 10 million could use it, yes, you see, another 3 million people did not use it, although they could have done so, that is, the capabilities of this tool are not yet fully used, but we will try to develop this and expand, perhaps even the circle of those who can use the pushkin map, but about... to recommend to other regions , as it were, of course, for 80 years, i assure you this is what we are now saying this will be broadcast on the federal channel , colleagues, please, the main problem is that the pushkin card applies to children in high school, starting from 14 years old,
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who have received a passport. and you can even visit and spend time in your own district and in your own city, just like olga borisovna chyulovich, when the family’s kids are going, it’s a completely different story, when a teenager is already going, he can go alone to the theater, there’s a museum, and so on, but here is a concert hall, with little ones here is another
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i would like to invite you to the city of kimry, where there is a theater, to visit it , taking advantage of the fact that today is theater day, i would like to tell you a little about the theater in which i have been serving for 45 years, this theater has an amazing history, destiny, it was created by decree of the rsvsr government in 1942,
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harsh. war years with the formulation of a theater to serve the front, and he did a tremendous job for the benefit of victory, for which he has a letter of gratitude from the supreme commander-in-chief joseph vasserionovich stalin and is kept in the museum of our theater. in may the theater will turn 82 years old; all these years the theater has been very loved. people come to us, because not only to relax, they come with the desire to fill, enrich their spiritual life, to join our culture, in the theater, this is possible through literature, drama, painting, music, poetry.


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