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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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russia protects its people who live in its historical territories. vladimir putin stated this during a conversation with military pilots at the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. the president went on his first regional trip since the elections. anastasia efimova will talk about events in the tver region. new defense complexes and functions that did not exist before, the capabilities of attack helicopters, which the president was informed about. as part of a visit to the center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel ministry of defense. during a special military operation, a large number of missiles are used. the head of state was shown samples. guided needle - range up to 6 km, anti-tank attack, supersonic, whirlwind. finally, the chryzontheme with an increased warhead, judging by video evidence, when it hits a tank, it simply tears off the turret, its warhead is so powerful. and also the president.
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climbed into the cockpit of a training helicopter, the real vladimir putin, as he himself said, tried to control it, the quote is difficult, that is, one very respected person said that controlling a helicopter is much more difficult than everything else, it’s difficult, i tried, i tried, let’s put them on, it’s just , well, yes, the controllability of a residential one can’t hold it, combat aviation in the northeast military district zone works perfectly, the assessment that the president gave already during a conversation with military pilots, because as the head of state recalled, everyone on the front line today is fighting fearlessly, making a huge contribution to achieving the overall result, the rhetoric according to which russia can allegedly attack poland, the czech republic and the baltics, vladimir putin called literally nonsense and a little bit.
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and the supply of f-16s promised to kiev will not change the situation on the battlefield, as the president emphasized; the aircraft will be destroyed in the same way as tanks or armored vehicles. however, airfields of third countries, if fighters take off from there, will become a legitimate target for russia. if they deliver the f-16, they are talking about it, like they are training pilots, i think you understand this. like no one else, better than others, this will not change the situation on the field, and we will destroy them airplanes, just like he is today, we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment, including systems, and well, of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us.
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back in february, the head of state handed over to the command of the aerospace forces a list of the icons not made by hands. it has special significance for the homeland. actually, dmitry donskoy knelt in front of this image on the eve of the battle of kulikovo. the ilyuchiki thanked the president today and promised not to let him down. at the same time, vladimir putin called never forget that russia is a multinational and multi-religious country. when i listen to such oro-patriots, including those who say that russia is only for russians, you know, i get a feeling of trio, why? because, if we keep in mind that we have 190 ethnic groups
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living on the territory of the country, and some of the nationalities are represented by millions of nations, millions, and... as soon as we begin to implement these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else is strangers here , we will destroy the country, and most importantly the russian people will be the victims, so you need to treat this component very maturely, seriously, and not wave your hands. and talk your tongue, but think when you pronounce each, every word, every phrase, think that we have one big united homeland, as the head of state reminded, the fatherland today is defended by russians of various nationalities,
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they carry out combat missions together, they take the fight together , and sometimes his comrades protect themselves from death, certainly not thinking at that moment who is in front of him, russian, ovar, tatar or buryats, the president said from... heroes of russia, participants in a special military operation, those who gave their lives for the country, and knew for sure that patriotism does not and cannot have a nationality, but the homeland can be common, one for all. and now about the progress of the special military operation in ukraine. assault groups of the marine corps and the pacific fleet defend novomikhailovka. this is the southern donetsk direction. the militants shoot back. from artillery and tanks, but our military is increasingly managing to break them resistance, how the battles are going and the strategic importance of the liberation of this settlement will be told by our war correspondent, eduard punigov. beauty,
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aimed, bro, absolutely beautiful! the village of novamikhailovka, south of the donetsk people's republic, this is footage. a real battle on the front line, this is how the attack aircraft of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet work, 100-200 meters to the enemy position, no more. it was exciting. the advance group runs into the building opposite and begins to methodically clear it. the enemy is active uses passages between houses, each of them is essentially turned into a stronghold. where did you end up?
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over there they began to resist more, that is, they surrender less, that is , they hold their positions until the last, that is, they heard the work of their commanders on the air. that their families will be slaughtered, that is, they know where their relatives live, they should not leave their positions under any circumstances, so the enemy is forced to remain in their positions, although they are morally ready to surrender. the fierce resistance offered by the ukrainian armed forces is explained by the strategic importance novomikhailovka, its liberation ensures the access of our armed forces to the ugledar direction. the village is difficult, because there are many open areas, so we storm it, it turns out. everything seems to be fine, all the fighters are working harmoniously, we are trying to somehow deceive the birds, we are trying to somehow
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move secretly, everything still works out, the tasks are completed. in the center of the village, the fighters planted their flags, one at the personal request of a veteran of the unit, the result of this assault was more than twenty liberated buildings, the fighters immediately began to prepare for the next offensive operation, the enemy must under no circumstances be given time to rest. alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the french army lacks the experience and resources to confront the russians. this was stated by journalist figarogira. he emphasized that over the past 10 years, the french have fought only with islamic radicals, while russian soldiers and officers have combat experience and training. in addition, girard noted that a limited military contingent would lead to the inevitable failure of the fifth republic, because those soldiers who... there are
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whether the french army today has the means to wage a conventional war with russia, the answer is negative. the spring flood affected a number of regions of the country, for example , seven bridges were flooded in the orenburg region, and several sections of highways were closed due to overflows. in orinburg itself. the waters and rain turned the roads into torrential torrents, and more than 60 houses have already been flooded. a difficult situation in the village of berdy, people were partially evacuated, temporary accommodation centers were set up. nine municipalities have already been flooded in bashkiria, sappers from the central military counties are de-icing rivers to prevent severe flooding. great water came to the volga region, the first heavy rains and melted snow flooded talyate. in general , there is a lot of sex in the samara region. expected this spring in 70 settlements, and today there will also be sleet. it’s not giving up its
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position, it’s winter in the amur region, there’s a cyclone, which left 10 villages of the svobodninsky district without electricity , emergency crews are working on the spot. and now it's time for economic news. alexandra, in the first 2 months of the year , industrial production in russia increased by more than 6.5%. this was reported in russtat. tell us which segments showed particularly good results? tatyana, manufacturing industries, they added 13.5%, while on other topics. the project finance factory in russia is becoming increasingly flexible. moreover, according to the wprf, by the end of the year, the volume of support for the economy by development institutions, together with commercial banks, may significantly exceed the figure that was previously included in the strategy. we are in control. the numbers haven’t been compiled yet, no, no summed up the results of 2024 early, but
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what we see, we had to complete our target figures by all development organizations and together with commercial banks to support the economy for 17 trillion rubles by the end of the twenty-fourth year, while dmitrievich, it looks like we will finish with figures of 21.5 or about 22 trillion, that is, we are exceeding this bar. watch the full version of the vprf program as a project management tool on our channel today at 14:00 moscow time. industrial production in russia increased in january-february by more than 6.5%. at the same time, the best indicator is for the manufacturing industries, plus 13.5%. these data are provided by rosstat in comparison with the same period last year. specifically in february, the production of passenger cars increased by more than 70%. almost up to 57,000. also, among finished products,
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the production of metal products showed especially good results. not counting machinery, it has grown one and a half times. computers and other electronics added about the same amount, and pharmaceuticals and medical materials about 23%. annual inflation in russia accelerated slightly; according to ministry of development data from march 19 to 25, it turned out to be slightly higher than 7.6. food products increased by about 2%, this is with the exception of vegetables and fruits, they, in turn, on the contrary , fell in price by almost a percentage, for example, cucumbers by... 20% in a week from the beginning of the month. yandex taxi will return money to passengers for trips during mass evacuations from areas of emergencies or disasters. this was reported in the press service of the service. funds will be transferred within 3 days to the bank cards from which the trip was paid. if passengers
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paid in cash, the amount will be returned using a promotional code. it is emphasized that the drivers’ earnings will be preserved. the company will cover the costs. let me remind you that on march 22 , the company made all trips from the city hall area in krasnogorsk, near moscow, where the terrorist attack took place, free. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are the dollar 92.59 euros 100 rubles 27 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay commissions? translation.
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we are friends and take care of each other. magnit, 30 years by your side. we're going on vacation. and we're going. it’s the third year, so open a savings vtbet, the rate is 16%. save up faster. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. soon, i won't be late now. mom.
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guess who started a new job today? grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, many new vacancies every day, avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. and let’s do it this way, and now bastard, there are other ideas, of course, let’s pay for it. yur, without a qr code, for a long time. the camera calculates everything itself.
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gromadinsky’s post was carefully checked and either a mistake was made during the check, or counterintelligence discovered new facts. it was also emphasized that the removal from office was a blow to the authority and prestige of the polish army. the lieutenant general himself considers his reputation clean and cannot reproach himself for anything. british media accused russia of bullying kate middleton, who is battling cancer. allegedly, fake news is being spread in our country. build conspiracy theories anastasia ivanova looked into the condition of the princess of wales, all this to destabilize the situation in great britain, who is really the culprit of all these rumors, and what russia has to do with it all. the british media is a resource for the anti-russian agenda, this is rather a permanent state, but the reasons change, what else could russia be accused of? here
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you go, misinformation, keep your kids away from social media, headlines warn. there is a suspicion that china, russia and iran are behind this, because these conspiracies are about princess of wales had the opportunity to destabilize the institution of the monarchy and the perception of the monarchy in the eyes of the public. ms. houston, where is the problem, what exactly are you accusing our country of, and your other colleagues? they see the reaction of the mainstream
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press around the united kingdom around the world, they build a game on it. we saw the kremlin publish a message that king charles had died, and kensington palace had to declare that he had not died. this is part of russian tactics. in a year when there are elections around the world, they are looking for small details, which will distract. very poetic, but that ’s all british journalists have. for example, the evening standard publication tells its readers about vile conspiracies against kate middleton on the part of russia. well, here they don’t tell their subscribers any specific rumors. what is russia doing? the authors from the bbc did not write about this, but. used florid language that a certain russian disinformation group had been identified, then a lot of words about supposedly our country’s attacks on the poor royal family, and
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there are no details, maybe because there are simply none, the royal family itself is perceived automatically without evidence, and if you add to these automatic values ​​and traditions some rational actions of some mysterious people in the form of russian bloggers or chinese bloggers, then you don’t need to explain: the longer you explain, the more they won’t believe you, that’s how the rule works, it’s better to just glue it together and give it out as an impact headline. one phrase that these are russian or the chinese media are spreading slander against the princess, it’s enough, they’ll figure out the rest, after all, these are evil russians, how could it be otherwise for the anglo-saxons? vladimir putin joked that the russian government is omnipotent, this joke can be extended to you and me, russian journalists, they say.
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the media are discussing these versions, a photograph of kate mittleton with her children was published, they were studying where which hand was turned, there or not, not there, she, not the russian media , dealt with this issue when she walks with her husband from farm store, when this photo was appropriate for the time of year, an attempt to deflect claims all the time. to ourselves, well , where should british journalists go when the population no longer believes that prices for food and utilities are rising because of russia, that people’s taxes are being increased due to the influence of our country.
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apparently, the use of the story with the royal family is still valid to justify the mistakes of the british authorities, but for how long? the united states will bring a nuclear power plant back online for the first time in michigan. administration biden allocated one and a half billion dollars for the project. in the white house. this is being promoted as an important step in the fight against climate change. but biden based his election campaign on promoting green energy and insisted on the need to urgently transfer the american economy and the whole world to it. so last year germany switched off its last nuclear power plant. but now, against the backdrop of rising prices for nuclear fuel, the united states, canada and australia are resuming the operation of mothballed facilities. the first bombs fell on yugoslavia 24 march ninety-nine at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was
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completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the same cores from united uranium that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. yes, i saw everything with my own eyes, the city is alive, at this moment this living city is a peacemaker. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately open up all the incredible possibilities profitable conditions. high percentage on cashback balance on purchases up to 3%. with the card
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, it doesn’t matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you. bank ural sib. the golden pen awards of the union of journalists of russia were presented in moscow. the award is awarded for professional merits and many years of work in the domestic press, radio and television, as well as for active citizenship. a legend of journalism is, in my opinion, a completely special category, and with all due respect to the union of journalists, i want to say that it is not a union journalists appoint legends, first they become legends, then the union of journalists realizes this and raises the legends to the level they deserve. the golden feather award ceremony began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of
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the krokuhol terrorist attacks. in their biographies, eight people became legends of russian journalism, and of course, for the third year in a row we are awarding our prize, a new prize associated with a special military operation, to the 10 most worthy war correspondents, this year they received this prize.
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your marriage is there.
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they killed alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikas, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, let's be brief , let me observe, the people who are here at
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the control points, they are making no less effort than that... local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails. now it’s time for sports news alexander, there will be a change of head coach in the hockey cska, tell us in more detail. tatyana, sergei fedorov’s place will be taken by ilya vorobyov, who is known primarily for his work with
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the magnitogorsk metallurgist.


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