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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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this is a fact and we continue, another one has been detained.
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suspected of complicity in the terrorist attack at crocus city hall, who was directly involved in the terrorist financing scheme. this was reported by the investigative committee of russia. they stated that the first results of the investigation confirm the planned nature of the terrorists' actions, their careful preparation and financial support. the investigation has confirmed data that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency money from ukraine, as well as evidence of the terrorists’ connection with ukrainian nationalists. according to the latest data, 143 people became victims of the attack, more than 120 were injured. 77 victims of the tragedy remain in hospitals. the condition of eighteen people, including three children, remains serious. and today the russian red cross began payments to the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in crocus. now targeted assistance has been determined for the first 33 families, from 300 to 450,000 rubles. in total, the organization has already collected more than 1 billion 200 million rubles, which... russia
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and russian business. deepest condolences and a feeling of solidarity in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus cityholi was expressed by president yuri in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin. according to the kremlin press service, the leaders also discussed several issues in the trade, economic, energy and humanitarian fields, as well as interaction within the framework of brix in the new expanded composition. president yur told putin about the continuation of work on the peace initiative. africa in ukraine. vladimir putin, in turn , outlined fundamental assessments of the situation, noting that russia has always been is open to a serious and substantive conversation on a political and diplomatic resolution of the conflict. the us intelligence agency did not provide moscow with all the information about the terrorist threat at crocus city hall, because they feared that this would reveal their sources. the publication reports this today. the world media
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continues to analyze the circumstances of the terrorist attack. natalya goncharova leafed through the pages of western publications. this is footage from moldova. the parliament meeting in chisinau began with a minute of silence for those killed in crocus cityhole. meanwhile in the world continue to analyze the attack. in the show , journalists jimmy dora and the guests expressed the theory that an ex could be behind the organization of the terrorist attack.
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as an example, the publication's journalists cited attacks in russia, turkey and iran. the terrorist attack in moscow, which should be seen as part of a global struggle, also affects countries. if there is one epithet to describe french society, it is vulnerability. it is now at the core of french society. there is fear of terrorism and migrants. this sense of vulnerability influences policy because the question arises: does the state protect me, does the european
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union protect me? german activist and businessman said that western intelligence services are taking revenge on moscow by organizing such attacks. but reporter seymour hirsch, known for being tough. respond to attempts to split society, about how russian business and citizens spoke today at a round table organized by the expert institute for social research, here are the trends experts noted, i would like to highlight
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the leaders of almost all the cis countries who immediately reacted to what happened, expressed sympathy and again emphasized the need to fight terrorism. those who shared this grief with us include the leaders of china, india, turkey, syria and many other countries, this list can actually be continued for a very long time, a huge number of public organizations and ordinary citizens around the world staged actions in support our country and the victims of the terrorist attack, memorials, illumination of buildings, experts spoke about who could be behind...
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why, how, what amounts were, etc., then we understand that, as a rule, terrorists , these pseudo-islamic gilovites, they do not run away somewhere, but they either shoot to the end or organize explosions, almost a dozen apartment buildings, schools and a youth creativity center were damaged in the proletarian area of ​​donetsk as a result of shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. and, as the dpr defense headquarters reported today, in a day over donetsk and... a crater several meters deep is the consequences of another meanness of the ukrainian nazis. at night, the kiev regime hit the rear proletarian area donetsk. a loud explosion and falling fragments
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woke up lyudmila from the cold, and, oddly enough, a blanket saved her from injury. we were all covered up, we were already going to bed early. on the blanket, the glass, everything on me. the house did not receive any serious damage, the old stalinist building withstood a blow from nato weapons, fragments from an exploding ammunition, corresponding to the khaimars missile , yellow, are indicated here. number 70272, as well as the scaly appearance of the shell, characteristic of this type of missile, an already familiar picture, immediately after the shelling they begin to work the real heroes of donbass, the utility workers, are covering the broken window frames of people with sheets of chipboard, cleaning them, cleaning the sidewalks.
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representatives of the russian investigative committee are working at the scene and seizing fragments for study. fragments of shrapnel, presumably from a shell, were found. sample of nato parties. all fragments of fragments were found at the scene of the shelling and will be seized and sent for examination to clarify the specific type and type of shells. this is the fourth time in a day that ukrainian militants have struck a vein. houses, as a result of which a total of three people were killed and four injured throughout the republic. vadim topalov, andrey rudenko, olek bondarenko, vesti donetsk. we are going on vacation, and we are going. third year, open a vtb savings account, rate 16%. save up faster. magnet. caviar from zucchini kukhmaster 74.99. magnet - the price is what you need.
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magnet - the price is what you need. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? and on vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18%. everything will work out together. sergei shaigu today presented the gold star medal to the commander of the group of troops-center , colonel general andrei mordvichev. exactly he led the operation to liberate avdeevka. the minister of defense also awarded mordvichev with a general’s saber and thanked him for his exemplary performance of tasks. our correspondent stanislav bernwald has details. by decree of the president of the russian federation , the title was awarded. hero of the russian federation, colonel general mordvichev andrey
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nikolaevich, also colonel general mordvichev was awarded the general's saber. the decree on the award was signed by russian president vladimir putin, a gold star medal, to the commander of the group of forces center general mordvichev was personally presented by defense minister sergei shaigul. a general who knows how to take cities, that’s what the soldiers at the front call him. in the twenty-second year he was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the southern military district. under his command, the liberation of mariupol took place. he personally took part in the battles for the city. was wounded from. why did he have to leave the front line for a while? of course, the country learned the name mordvichev after mariupol was liberated, after how, this is what we are talking about now, the incoming enemy forces were blocked in mariupol, and were partially destroyed, destroying enemy fortifications,
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well-fortified enemy positions, and... the general knows how to do it perfectly. mordvichev, the chief of the general staff, the minister of defense, and the president of russia are entrusted with the most complex, serious offensive operations, and in urban areas. in march of twenty-two , ukrainian propaganda even managed to bury the general, declaring that he allegedly died during the shelling of the chernobaevka airfield. in in the twenty-third year, general mordvichev was appointed to the post of commander of the troops.
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army of the central military district, headquarters, first deputy commander , the title of hero of russia, colonel general, was awarded at the age of 48. this is the highest rank in our country, you certainly
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deserve it, so words of gratitude not only from me, but naturally from... all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all borders, doing it with dignity, confidence, and therefore the supreme commander-in-chief, the country appreciated your brave work. stanislav bernald, lead. it’s time for ukraine to admit defeat, european media write, and the consequences of this total defeat of the armed forces of ukraine, according to analysts, will be catastrophic for the entire west. european assistance to kiev is at zero. in the united states they even suggested throwing their problems onto ukraine itself. the mari birthplace will continue the theme. under low clouds and with a gloomy face. polish prime minister tusk greets guests from ukraine. there is little joy, pleas will begin for weapons and money. poland has neither one nor the other. all help is only in words. european newspapers are literally harping on macron's statement. why did paris do
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this, called for nato soldiers to be sent to ukraine. france will not be able to change anything. some government, the current government in kiev, we stubbornly support them. by dragging europe, essentially, into war, the french president does not understand; the fifth republic has nothing for this, journalists state. what if today the french army has the means to wage a conventional war with russia? the answer is negative. for the last
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for about 10 years, french troops fought only with islamic radicals walking around in ordinary sandals. his statement was a pathetic provocation, former french defense minister hervé morin told reporters. all that paris is capable of now is to scare the colonies in africa with russia, and it is better not to joke, he emphasized. the europeans definitely don’t want to fight for ukraine. to send, not to send, at least someone, european disputes have come down to one thing, you are there somehow yourself, we are watching, but from afar. as for the troops, i don't think this initiative was well prepared. now about the failure in the ssu, those who recently called on europeans to strip down to their underwear and give everything to ukraine are writing. columnist publications have signed up, ukraine is moving towards
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a frozen conflict, a nightmare scenario is becoming a reality, you can’t argue with that, experts say. ukraine will be a dysfunctional stump state. i believe that the best thing for ukraine now is to end the war and come to an agreement with the russians, and that means two things. first, ukraine must sever all of its security relations with the west, not just refuse to join nato. the eu is discussing the prospects for peace, scholz admits in an interview with journalists. german politicians are tired of repeating that neither taurus nor soldiers will be seen in ukraine. meanwhile, the national debt has already increased by 50 billion, or more than half, the authorities said. debts to the allies need to be repaid now, but there is no money. the pension fund is independent, he hinted piquantly to the ukrainians. the photo appeared on the department’s website at night, was quickly removed, but the internet remembered it, commenting on the picture, residents of ukraine write: this is reality, there is no point in expecting anything better. maris
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krozilka and matvey popov, lead. and now let’s return to the investigation of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the investigation has detained another suspect of complicity in the terrorist attack, and he is scheduled to be arrested. this was reported to the investigative committee. it also became known that one of the terrorists was brought in for investigation. actions to the house in putilkovo, according to the information on the news agency tapes , muhammadsabir fayzov was brought to the house. he was taken out of the paddy wagon and placed in a medical wheelchair. and here is the official comment representative of the investigative committee svetlana petrenko during the investigation. investigators of the investigative committee are establishing in detail the circumstances of the terrorist attack in crocus sitiholi. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm those planned. the nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result of working with detained terrorists,
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studying technical devices seized from them, analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has confirmed data that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds. from ukraine, which were used in the preparation of the crime. another suspect has been identified and detained. he was involved in a terrorist financing scheme. the investigation will petition the court to impose a preventive measure against him in the form of detention. when it seems like things can't get any better, pinoplex slabs provide double the benefits,
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the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24 ninety-nine at 19:45 local time. no one could believe that the country could be attacked at the end of the 20th century. what the west did was completely unacceptable; they directly started a war, essentially in the center of europe. these are the very cores from united uranus that were brought down. i saw everything with my own eyes, the city was alive, in this yugoslavia during the bombing, i had my moment, at this living city, the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, were sending missiles, the hegemons tried to perpetuate their dominance, the war in europe did not begin in 2014 and not in 22, no, for them there was one rule that everything was allowed to them and that they could do everything. it is clear to everyone that
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russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production in general, raw materials and exports, how... what is our product?
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the head of the atol region alexey dyumin talked with the relatives of the soldiers who were mobilized and are now performing tasks in the zone special military operation. the conversation was over.
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with these children they have


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