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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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because later it won’t work out, so here now in this hall in the coordination center we have gathered investors who take responsible obligations, and we, of course, must provide them with conditions, since one and a half trillion investments are of course investors’ money, huge funds, and of course they want there to be some guarantees on our part, in fact, of course, we see that this project is interesting for investors, since the payback period, you see in... presentations, they are now taking into account all established mechanisms have become less than 10 years, and this has become extremely attractive, since the rate of internal return of the project is above 15%. and we see that when the project reaches full capacity, if we calculate from the table here, the revenue will be 800 billion rubles per year. and, by the way, those owners who built hotels then for the olympic sochi do not complain today, the occupancy there is year-round. almost 100%, and many have already
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returned their investments, well, i would also like to say that of course, we have other important tourism projects, this does not mean that we are only doing five seas and baikal , for example, the same balaklava in sevastopol, mikhail vladimirovich razvazhaev is present at our meeting, of course, we will continue to support everything, and for this purpose, tourism, the hospitality industry, funds are included in the national project, dear vladimirovich , which ones in the end? we will get effects from the five sea lake baikal project, well, as i already said, this is a minimum of 70,000 rooms, and the total area of ​​the resorts is 13,000 hectares, and the length of all beaches will be over 70 km, but this will create about 90,000 jobs, according to the most conservative estimates, we are sure that the territorial location of the resorts, circular conditions for swimming. since
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there will be water parks, heated swimming pools, and modern infrastructure, they will create comfortable, affordable, safe conditions for family recreation for our citizens. the report is over, thank you, uh-huh , thank you, i want to return to the commentary again, i understand what was said just now, we discussed this many times, and now it has just been said.
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the state fulfilled its obligations , and then the business froze, for various reasons , there are always many of them, but uh, firstly, i would ask you to analyze everything in the most careful way, reserve the necessary funds, and take responsibility, because it may be that the state invested money in some project, and then this money hung up.
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there is no next step on the part of business representatives, but i ask government representatives to work out the legal legal relationship with our business partners in such a way that both parties would be obliged to fulfill certain obligations, in case of non-fulfillment, including the government, this would apply to certain... would bear certain responsibility for the improper fulfillment of their obligations, otherwise we will have implementation of projects, they are really big, grandiose, here and there some problems will arise, it is necessary, it is necessary that all parties involved in these projects behave in the highest degree disciplined, then everything will work out for us, and the projects , of course... will be important, big, grandiose, and
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i’m just absolutely sure that they are not only feasible, they will pay off, and it will work stably like clockwork for a long long period of time, because ... the need for recreation, it’s the same as for food , it’s not going anywhere, we, we just need to ensure the quality, availability of these services and quality, everything will work, well, for this we need to initially put together all the components of these projects in this way so that they are economically attractive, let's work on it, good. agreed, i want to thank everyone and wish everyone success in this big and very necessary matter for the country. best wishes. vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference on the creation of federal year-round seaside resorts.
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. how exactly did the west want to exchange navalny, what are they whispering about? footage taken by russian intelligence officers in the kherson direction. why do ukrainians get rid of the dead like this ? twin cities? of the foreign mercenaries in ukraine, only half-baked scum remained. how those who have not found a place in a peaceful regime fight for the kiev regime. according to the database , the terrorists who attacked the crocus could have taken a certain psychotropic that disables fear, but not consciousness, and isn’t that how the stimulants
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that are pumped into the militants in the ssu work? they disowned russia, but continue to make money from our people, well, from the agent of lev izbi still complains. there is almost no money, it ends along with conscience. putin holds most of the cards. like this begins a resonant article by the wall street journal, which actually confirms that certain forces in the west really wanted to achieve the exchange of navalny for the russian citizen krasikov, imprisoned in a german prison. let me remind you that the president of russia himself spoke about this in general terms earlier, and his press secretary dmitry peskov recently spoke about this. clarified that the idea was discussed, but the matter did not reach specific negotiations on the merits, and today he added that moscow, in principle, prefers absolute silence in relevant issues, because, quote: breaking the seal only creates problems and hinders the achievement of results. well, however, europe
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and the united states seem to have a different opinion about the publicity of such schemes, so now the same wall street journal is making a kind of thriller out of the failed exchange for... at that time, supposedly the russian opposition would have roared in the west, did not happen. biden and scholz really wanted to exchange him, but it didn’t work out. the american newspaper wall street journal leaks the contents of the us president's negotiations and chancellor scholz face to face without
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witnesses in washington behind closed doors, when they discussed who and how to exchange the extremist navalny. the court, let me remind you, sentenced him to 19 years in prison in the case. about the creation of an extremist community, washington and berlin decided to try to exchange him for an fsb officer convicted in germany, viktor krasikov. there, such a ball was lobbied for the idea, it turns out, by former secretary of state hillary clinton, at the request of the fake foreign agent christ grozev. all the iconic russophobes have gathered, this is how they need navalny was an extremist. well, because it was their agent, it was their expensive project. mind you, they spent on it. over the course of decades , huge amounts of money were allocated through various channels, they created an entire structure for it, which was also fed, that is, it was actually their expensive project, which they simply did not want to lose, plus they needed it for further provocations against russia, they are pumping some new
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russophobic programs through it, another intrigue is that yulia navalnaya unofficially asked for german authorities to facilitate the exchange of her husband, but the head of the german foreign ministry... “you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me had not yet
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finished his sentence, but i said, i agree, but unfortunately, what happened happened , only under one condition, he said that we would change him, so that he would not return, let him sit there, that’s all, but this happens, nothing can be done about it, navalny’s death became known.” february 16, this is a week later, according to the americans, after the meeting between biden and scholz. negotiations, of course, stopped, that's why america, germany, and the collective west in general , needed the extremist navalny, not a word about this in the article. here the reason is most likely not so much in navalny, it’s just that the americans have abandoned their own, their allies, and anyone else they needed so many times in recent years .
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cartoon brushes of fans of the prisoner of the polar wolf colony, those same runners from russia hammer a nail into the coffin of the liquidated in bc, because the picture of the beautiful russia of the future, which was promised to everyone by the extremist navalny, made in all seriousness, this is of course the finish line. firstly, here is the russian, so to speak, dragon defeated by ukrainian pigeons, instead of the fsb, in the lubyanka hotel, in the local wine defense museum, in the art museum, in the inflamed agent imagination. pensioners photograph lesbians and gays against the backdrop of churches on the streets of moscow, and
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most importantly, there are monuments to navalny everywhere, here he is, apparently, like lenin, like the idol of easter island, an infantile, powerless, stupid fantasy, a beautiful russia of the future, it should have been stand from whom, from drug addicts, drunks and prostitutes, who are this clip they showed that i’m not insulting anyone, i’m just... threatening or offering a western lgbt mirage instead of reality, and so this exchange fell through, first of the svo, for sure, and of the extremist navalny, yes, who already remembers him? anton potkovenko and the desire of the west, now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our air.
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ukrainian armed forces militants hide the bodies of the dead in fields and forests, footage taken by russian intelligence officers in the kherson direction. why do ukrainians get rid of dead brothers like this? alfabank for business. register your business with alfabank in march and receive 100 thousand rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. i consider the expanded social gasification program to be one of gazprom’s most significant and responsible projects. now it is extended not only to residential buildings , but to...
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there was no frost in the trench, the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine were starving and cursed , and at the same time the political leadership of the kiev regime, these are the very dramatic videos discovered by our military on the smartphone of one of the ukrainian soldiers, his detachment for some time occupied a position in the donetsk sector of the front line, but now the area is under control of russian fighters, they also handed over the video for publication to the uvar gonza project, whose authors are literally shocked inhumane conditions into which enemy generals throw their personnel.
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since the junta still refuses to acknowledge the scale of losses, and to underestimate them they are ready to go to any meanness, evgeniy nipot will confirm. evgeniy, hello, but it seems like some terrible video has appeared from that side of the front. alexey, hello, indeed, russian intelligence officers saw exactly how the sushushniks get rid of their dead brothers-in-arms. the whole chain is clearly in... the humane attitude of the army towards its own military personnel until it picks up two wounded evacuation vehicle , on the way the ukrainians become three-hundredths, then the brigade that came to help simply takes the pickup truck off the road and throws the bodies into the forest in the strip, freed from unnecessary cargo, the suv drives away, these shots taken from a drone by russian intelligence officers
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were published by riya novosti journalists, it is reported that the incident was filmed in the kherson direction, shortly after russian fighters destroyed one of the ukrainian armed forces’ facilities. one of the versions of the reasons for what is happening is precisely the attempt of the ukrainian armed forces to hide its losses, if they are not taken away, then they do not need to be registered as dead, thus, a really dead person can be listed by the armed forces of ukraine for a long time as alive or, in extreme cases, missing, while the armed forces themselves believe that this is done by their command not only, to fix it. the history of losses, but also in order not to pay compensation to the relatives of the victims. moreover, some suspect that compensation is not only not paid to relatives, but for some reason. murky corruption schemes are assigned by staff officers apu. the relationship between the dead and the living in the ssso is approximately the same. this ukrainian
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infantry fighting vehicle also came to evacuate the wounded, but after greetings from the corps from the russian military, the crew of the vehicle decided to give in, almost running over their own three-hundredth, almost turning him into one of these guys, over whom the yellow-bladed ensigns of those killed for the zelensky regime are developing , which is taking more and more ukrainian lives. and for... all the civilians who are supposedly sitting in the rear, when they shed blood, they are inclined to violence, they are inclined to solve the issue completely, by lawless and limitless
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methods. there have already been precedents when giants attacked these hounds. the command in su even called on fellow citizens not to poison the guardsmen. but the main thing that discredits the mobilization system itself is those same hunters. it feels like the military commissars, or as they are now called in ukraine, ttskashniks, are doing their best. are trying to bring down their own authority, like this don joan, the head of one of the territorial recruitment centers, that is, the military registration and enlistment offices of roenskaya region, while the ukrainians sent to the front by his grace are dying and losing their health, he is in his office indulging in lovemaking with his colleagues, first with one, then with the other, the military leaders hastened to declare the video almost anti-ukrainian, but still began checking, in in the ukrainian segment of the network , a vote was announced on this matter. they say which of these ladies is better, against the backdrop of these videos with the cruelty of military commissars, complaints from trenches, scandals around the shopping center, the desire to serve among
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ukrainians, of course, tends to zero, in more than 30,000 draft dodgers are wanted in the poltava region, almost 40,000 in the ivano-frankivsk region, and the numbers are growing exponentially. general information background from the government. the mouthpiece coming from ukraine, this is a war to the bitter end, this is some kind of threat of some kind of genocide of ukrainians from russia, as they call it, the aggressor, in these conditions, in general, some kind of direct resistance to the ruling regime in ukraine will be equated to high treason, zelensky’s office came up with an alternative to the tsk, which should attract new blood to rdvsu. kidnappings, so-called recruiting centers where civilians work, but even in a laudatory article ordered by zelensky’s office for a foreign audience, officials blurt out that
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the kiev regime will go down to the last ukrainian, and those who die will simply be thrown into the forest belt, most likely considered missing, but in fact, abandoned forgotten, and it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about, the living or the dead. let’s return after a short advertisement, here’s what we’ll tell you about: from foreign mercenaries to ukraine is left with only half-finished scum; how do those who have not found a place in peaceful life in their homeland fight for the kiev regime and why is the west driving them to slaughter? alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay
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9:00 pm
ukraine is close to failure, and the russians foresaw everything, a harsh verdict for the kiev regime from the romanian one. mercenary radu hossu, who coordinates an entire combat group of his compatriots called “getika”, but in an interview with foreign agent radio liberty they admit that they have, in general, already fought, saying that without constant american help, neither the ukrainian armed forces themselves nor the foreign soldiers can count on any success , since it is faced with a catastrophic shortage of weapons and ammunition, not to mention personnel, because just the other day the above-mentioned getika lost one of its most...


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