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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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and ammunition, not to mention personnel, because just the other day the above-mentioned getika lost one of its most experienced militants, and the circumstances of his death were very characteristic. stoik avideu , as far as is known, participated in provocations near the borders of the belgorod region, apparently maintained close ties with the vlasov terrorists from the banned legion, but what was to be expected, such friendship did not lead to good, and those who were lucky enough to survive have already are not rushing to the most... hot areas, advanced, more and more often are giving way there to outright scum, boris ivanin will provide evidence. there are fewer and fewer foreigners willing to die for the kiev regime. they act like all western support for ukraine. all that remains are the unfinished scum, for whom there was simply no place in peaceful life in their homeland. at first, it was more or less trained mercenaries who went to the combat zone from the west, although at that time they were protected from frosts and neo-nazis.
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in a bulletproof vest on his naked body, covering a large table with meager dignity in every sense, but clearly not from a great mind. in australia, he barely graduated from school, he cleaned swimming pools there, his people accused him of domestic violence, he was even forbidden to see his own children, but in ukraine he continued his atrocities, in a drunken fight there he tried to kill another mercenary. there are no mercenaries from european countries, they are collected all over the world, and the most interesting thing is that...
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ukraine has lowered the requirements for accepting future soldiers of fortune, it turns out that those who go are those who do not know how to get money at all, in principle, do not know where why is he going? these are the people who arrive in ukraine, drug addicts, and alcoholics, generally social scum of society in their country. those who did not find themselves in russia also went to fight in the country of ukraine. like, for example, dani akel, here he is, in the uniform of a terrorist organization banned in our country, the so-called russian freedom legion, although a few years ago dani served in the russian army, this picture is here, it was russia that sheltered him when he and his father fled from syria from the militants. he grew up without a mother, an unloved, offended child who constantly demanded attention. youth parties with kalyan gradually gave way to uncoordinated rallies with anti-state slogans, paddy wagons, courts, where he arrived on roller skates, just like that.
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went downhill. dani was expelled from the university, and after the start of a special operation to protect donbass, he deserted. he crossed the state border illegally and asked to join the armed forces of ukraine. and after the terrorist attack in the black earth region , he boasted on social networks, saying that the first battle was sweet, the first sex, this quote, was it really such a turn-on that he went to kill his own fellow citizens. dani took the call sign apostle, believed to some special purpose of its own, but its path from a fetid diaper to a stinking savon, as the american wrote. robert penorn's literary career was short-lived. in march, the apostle ascended to heaven, but hardly went to heaven? in the comments to his last bloodthirsty post on social networks, they write about fab an air bomb with a high-explosive warhead, which covered the terrorists, becoming a death sentence for the defector. the same vlasovites were formed again by the nazis. yes, the wehrmacht, history teaches nothing. history simply punishes such people which, therefore, give the homeland, betray.
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the country that gave them blood, that gave them education, it’s a thirst for adventure, or maybe it’s some kind of internal dissatisfaction with such traitors, even in ukraine, the attitude, one might say, is the most unpleasant, but professional mercenaries the west is running out, so they are recruiting everyone, vacancies are open access, on the website of the french ministry of labor they are looking for fighters for the crew of armored vehicles, applicants need to be able to drive, shoot and walk regularly in attack. commanders are promised salaries of even 2 seconds more for participation, as they say, in external operations, but what kind of operations are these? after all , france is not currently conducting any military operations where such military specialties would be in demand, experts say. they need to recruit from somewhere a contingent of people who would agree to go to conduct hostilities. there are also many different ones in france.
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paris, because macron, as they say, is no longer the cake himself, but the french interventionists, whom can be sent to the ukrainian conflict zone , the same thing awaits, taking into account that the rest of the western mercenaries, the ukrainian black soil, and even those legionnaires who managed to show up there at the front are talking about this, were wounded, but miraculously got out of this meat grinder, now these ashmetki are sitting at home and they are definitely not going to return to... ukraine. pavel durov announced this evening that thousands of russian-language accounts were permanently blocked in the telegram messenger, the owners of which spread calls for terrorist attacks, and dozens thousands of attempts to send such messages were stopped. in addition, according to durova, new solutions
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based on artificial intelligence are now being developed so that spam mailings from strangers promoting violence are filtered even more effectively. four perpetrators of the city holly terrorist attacks are listed. of terrorists and extremists, information about this appeared on the website of rosfinitoring, but meanwhile, today another suspect from among those involved in the terrorist financing scheme was detained, as vska clarified, the investigation information has emerged about the transfer of cryptocurrency money to the killers from ukraine. new details of the investigation in the material of vitaly kormazin. in this footage, the first verification of testimony on the spot of nineteen-year-old terrorist mahammad-sabir fayzov was brought to a hostel in the north of the capital. faiza, still in a wheelchair, surrounded by police officers, was taken inside. they interviewed me, i came to the investigative committee, i don’t know what was there, but this is what happened, during the investigative actions the arrested person told everything in detail, showed the room where they lived the terrorists, here she is, had to tell where they kept the weapons, how they discussed the preparation of the attack, how they moved, why they chose crocus, after faizov they were taken to
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putilkovo to the second place of residence of the terrorists, at the same moment in a technical alley in the central office of the investigative committee, the chairman of the department held a meeting, during which the version about a possible ukrainian... trace was confirmed. as a result of working with detained terrorists, the study of technical devices seized from them, analysis information about financial transactions, evidence of their connection with ukrainian nationalists was obtained. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in preparing the crime. investigations fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. another suspect who participated in the crime was detained financing of terrorists. investigative actions continue in the hall itself; one of the terrorists was brought there in
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the late afternoon. the removal of the rubble has already been completed; now investigators are working at the scene of the terrorist attack using the latest forensic technologies, they are examining the vast area that was affected by the fire. investigators and new evidence are reconstructing the picture of what happened in the burnt concert hall itself. new details about what happened at the entrance to crocus. when the terrorists were still on the street, visitors to the hall, hearing the shooting, began build a shelter. they turned over tables and hid behind them. the barricades were erected by two friends. in a frenzy, gusein is in a green jacket, and valentin nikolaenko is in a black one. the fumes covered other victims; he died along with his wife lilia. nikolayenko was shot in the back as he rushed to disarm the terrorist. in the moment. when the terrorist was reloading, he ran towards him, but unfortunately, the terrorist was not alone, my mother managed to escape thanks to vugar and my father, who in this situation did everything possible to save their spouses.
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it is known that the executioners carefully prepared the attack, they came to crocus three times on march 7, the tenth and the fourteenth, the criminals constantly cruised in the area around the concert venue. they climbed up the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, broke down the door, looked at the recordings from cctv cameras, so they quickly identified the car in which the killers fled, and soon the former owners of the car, the father and sons of the islomovs, businessman alisher kasimov, who rented out the apartment to the terrorists , were also detained . today source
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tas said that they all knew about the impending attack. islomov and his two sons, who sold the renault car to the terrorists, as well as kasimov, who rented out the apartment to them, were aware of the intentions. fsb alexander bortnikov that american intelligence services provided russia with general information about the impending attack. it wasn't specific. troubled relations between washington and moscow have prevented american officials from sharing any information about the supernatural plot, fearing that russian authorities may learn the sources or methods of their intelligence. the publication is unclear whether american intelligence mistook the timing of the attack or whether the extremists postponed their plan after seeing increased security. on the charge. the leadership of the russian security bloc reacted in kiev; the head of military intelligence, kirill budanov, who
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organized many terrorist attacks and, after the murder of daria dugina, promised to kill russians anywhere in the world, suddenly changed his position and said that he had always opposed such methods. patrushev, explanations appeared patrushev and bortnikov, who accused me personally and that ukraine did all this. if we touched on this issue, even though it is an enemy, i do not approve in principle. terrorist acts against civilians, but the ukrainian trace does not seem to be washed away, investigators are identifying those who ordered the terrorist attack, and there are already more than 300 victims who are undergoing treatment. sergei nikonov, one of them, came to the concert with his wife from vladimir, but almost died in a fire. in the end, that is, they were able to get to the door there, the door was already closed, so i lost consciousness first me, then my wife, already at 9:30 on saturday morning i opened my eyes. it took almost a week. recovery, his blood was purified through ivs, as well as his lungs. obviously, numerous victims will be able
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to count on filing lawsuits against the terrorists; the four arrested perpetrators of the terrorist attack face life imprisonment. vital karmazin, maxim shchepilov, olga allenkina, igor ogeenko and yana streblyanskaya, lead. at the time of the crime , the defendants were under the influence of psychotropic substances. another new detail investigation of the terrorist attacks in the krasnogorsk concert hall, as... reported by a number of russian media with reference to competent sources, for the attack on crocus city hall, not people prepared not only weapons and incendiary mixture, but also drugs. this became known after a corresponding examination was carried out, during which prohibited drugs were found in the blood tests of the terrorists. what specific substances we are talking about is not specified at the moment, but we know for sure that this fact will in any case become an aggravating factor circumstance for the accused. according to some reports, the killers may have used a stimulant. which changes the perception of reality and turns off fear, perhaps this very
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circumstance explains the cold inhumanity with which the perpetrators of the terrorist attack acted. well, let’s look into it in more detail together with evgeniy tishkovets. information that explains a lot. the assumption that the killers who attacked crocus city hall could have been under the influence of psychotropic substances appeared almost immediately after the terrorist attack. first of all, don't it was impossible to understand how it was possible... to awaken such insane cruelty in a person, and secondly, everyone saw the footage of the interrogation of ghouls, they were shaking like a leaf, hours earlier this bastard was calmly shooting people with a machine gun, that it suddenly overwhelmed him so much ? strong fear, it looks like that, but such strong fear can be due to several factors, and a person who deliberately went into an extremely dangerous situation, where he could die, and after some time writhes howling there.
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with which the killers approached to carry out the terrorist attack, their minds were absolutely clear and their hands did not tremble. i was saying that they really are scumbags who were going to kill, and in order to stimulate them even more, they received that psychological backlog, or these are drugs, which may contain it, or these are really stimulating substances, which the serviceman accepts - destroys the version that
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the terrorist attack in the moscow region was allegedly entirely planned and carried out by islamists. yes, syrian terrorists, famous for their cruelty, took military drugs, but they were just that , simple drugs, synthesized in clandestine laboratories, hence the complete inadequacy. from crocus belongs to a completely different class of psychotropic substances: you lose the fear of fatigue, but at the same time maintain a clear mind and motor skills, such an effect can only be given by specially synthesized ones. help to gather, concentrate, reduce the feeling of fear, improve the quality of thinking in a short period and are used
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specifically for performing fast-paced tasks in difficult conditions. more detailed reports from a position in the mtr describe some unlabeled pink tablets of american production, which are given to soldiers who come under fire from the sun, because they are insanely scared, and other drugs for the horror of fatigue, typical
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of uncle sam's proxy troops, this is all cia technology, wherever came in. americans, it doesn’t matter, this is the middle east, south america, they carried their weapons, their combat psychostimulants, and, accordingly, their ideology, right down to paramilitaris, semi-armed forces, with which they did everything dirty things, here the analogy in any country is completely appropriate. well, the white house still does not see the connection between the killers from crocus and ukraine, where they tried to escape, between the terrorists and the vsushniki. who are fed with the same chemicals, i will assume that in the west they are very sorry that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack were captured alive. well, let's return to the news from the un security council, where the russian delegation was requested for the second time in a week a meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of nato aggression against yugoslavia, but representatives of western countries again they actually tore it down because they actually
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spoke out against it. and all this, of course, could not help but cause a truly harsh reaction from the first deputy permanent representative dmitry. this is an extremely serious blow to the reputation of our body. france, great britain and the usa sacrificed it for their own selfish interests. by any means , prevent discussion of the sovereign state of yugoslavia on this platform. but i hasten to disappoint you with the question of illegitimate aggression against nato. you can use procedural manipulation to block one or even two meetings of the un security council, but this will not help erase the consequences of your destructive actions. thousands of dead, crippled civilians , territories poisoned by combined uranium, an explosive increase in the number of cancer diseases that, according to experts, will haunt the next 60 generations
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of the population of the balkans. created by the hands of nato, an undying hot spot in the center. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. look, these are luchi from monaco. and then he catches it. lucy, you
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to buy asaga on the website, compare or in the application, here insurance companies offer the best prices, compare on your side. we are going on vacation and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster. more than a million listeners in the first hours after publication, the reaction of russians to the release of a collection of songs dedicated to the memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks at
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the city holly crocus. the album was immediately presented on all streaming platforms by vk music. the announcement emphasizes that each audition will be converted into money to help victims. more than twenty russian artists took part in the recording, who performed the legendary songs of muslim magamaev. it is his name, let me remind you, that they bear. moreover, such a large-scale project was implemented in just a few days, judging by the responses, new arrangements of favorite songs touched the hearts of listeners, against this background the performance
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of russophobes from culture looks especially vile, foreign agents from among the so -called creative intelligentsia, on the one hand, brand russians as cattle, on the other hand the other is trying to profit at the expense of their homeland, which they themselves betrayed, so whether ivanova will be able to figure it out, they had a past and this past they are trying to dig themselves out. in the present and, of course, not in russia, because they demonstratively renounced it, but why then doesn’t he shy away from still making money here, however, where else? shura is a foreign agent leva from b2, sitting in israel, they receive millions in our country, specifically in 2023 they made 38 million rubles. this is 30 million, of course less than in 2022, but the money is coming, it’s coming, these stores sell merch, clothes, pillows, mugs, and much more, but agent leva still... howls, no money, that's all as for income, this has all dropped very much, that is, i would even say that we are, in general, basically bankrupt at this
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point in time - i am sure that this will not last long, because we are now rebuilding our own certain world, since then we have now gone on a test tour in europe, in america, and now we can already imagine what to start from, how to start, judging by the confused look of the foreign agent and without a clear plan with test tours, he doesn’t really understand what to do next, but i sure forgot about all his fans who made him famous, well, for everyone, even if i knew that they were like that... russian or western, people here live with different political views, they did not deserve such attitude from the artists, all that, the way they behave today is simply disgusting, that’s all, they don’t have, in my opinion, any future, apparently, the naget viktor shanderovich understands this, living in the usa, continuing to feed himself while he can in russia,
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his performance continues to be shown in moscow . but, as you can see, there were no tickets for yesterday's show sold out. apparently, an old vampire from russia sucks blood, this is from the description of the production. the audience doesn't really need it. some of them receive and received this money, earned something, however, they discovered that they quickly bore the audience, the audience is too small, for some reason the mood of the audience is changing more and more in favor of russia. this turned out to be an unexpected intrusion into the commercial calculation, which initially assumed that. you will be able to earn a lot, and most importantly, you will be able to quickly return to russia. this ukrainian writer christina stark, lives in ireland, and she is also an ardent russophobe who never ceases to throw mud at our country and people, while even writing her poisonous posts in russian. and her books are easily sold in russia. the state duma is already planning to conduct large checks of such authors and businesses runaway by agents in our country. we've gathered hundreds of experts who
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can. to track this, they offered cooperation to the investigative committee and the prosecutor general's office, and apparently it will be necessary to create a common coordination center, i think when we establish a close relationship, then it will be possible to deal with this more actively and competently. on hatred, his pants are supported by foreign agent mikhail naki, he has already been sentenced in absentia in russia to 11 years of general regime, so he is sitting in georgia and does not let up, now he is indignant that the russian...
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adopted a law banning advertising on resources for agents, and this hit them very hard, i believe that, in principle, a foreign agent should stop making money in russia, all that should now remain with foreign agents is this - their severance pay in the form of possible earnings - in other territories. the main russian audience soberly assessed the situation, people themselves made the choice of who to listen to, there are simply no foreign agents on this list.
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russian units are confidently pushing back the kiev militants and have improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and ovdeevsk directions. zelensky’s formation lost about 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, eight tanks were destroyed, including another american abramс, already the fifth in a row, and 10 other armored vehicles.
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12 ekabes self-propelled guns, mostly american-made in poland, were liquidated.


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