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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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there is an imminent war, additional reinforcements in the countries of eastern europe, the americans have transferred their bombers to spain. last night, vladimir putin visited the 344th state center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the russian ministry of defense. and in a conversation with the pilots, he explained in detail why our country does not really threaten europe and who it protects in ukraine. it will take the twenty-second year, military rostov will take the twenty-second year.
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russia 4%, say israel, ukraine, that means, but the difference is in absolute terms which? billion dollars, and the russian federation - 72 billion 72,811. well, the difference is noticeable, the difference is noticeable more than 10 times. the united states spends approximately 40% of global defense spending on defense, the united states accounts for 39% of global defense spending, and russia accounts for 3.5%.
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would arrange completely new relations in the field of security in europe, nothing like today would exist, they would simply take into account our interests, what we are talking about in the field of security, what we talked about from year to year, in fact from decade to decade, just complete ignoring, they directly approached our borders, were we moving towards the borders of those countries that were part of the nato bloc, were we?
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in our historical territories, therefore , what they say about the fact that we and what we are doing is only protecting our people, we are going to attack europe after ukraine - this is complete nonsense, intimidation, intimidation of our population, solely for... in order to extract money from them, from their people, especially against the backdrop of the fact that the economy is so bad and the standard of living is falling completely true, this is obvious, this is obviously simple , everyone admits this, this is not some kind of propaganda, this is what is happening in reality, they need to justify themselves, so they scare their population, perhaps of the russian threat, and they themselves spread their dictate to the whole world. it’s interesting that
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there were also answers to a question that was often raised in our program, for example, the f-16 fighters in ukraine are broadcasting. how are we going to react to this? if they install f16, they are talking about it, pilots are being trained, i think you understand this, how no one else, better than others, will change this situation, and we will destroy the same way we destroy their tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment, including the system, today.
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so our oldest dispute, when i said, we will hammer, including in nato countries, and the fact that they can be carriers of nuclear weapons is also a subtle hint of what and how, we can answer, curious , that yesterday we had such a very lively discussion, obviously this is in no way connected, vladimir vladimirovich could not watch our discussion yesterday, although i think i’m sure of the opposite, but nevertheless , the pilots asked,
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very mature, seriously, no, don’t wave your arms and wag your tongue, but think, when you pronounce every word, every phrase, think that we have one big
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united homeland , but it must be said that here are representatives of all faiths, all peoples of russia.
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it was in the donbass, i have already spoken about this many times, i grew up in such an atmosphere, everyone was like that, they grew up in the donbass, then in the seventies, eighties, no one there really cared who had what nationality, and even there the peculiarities of the last name, first name and patronymic did not cause any additional attention from anyone in this regard, this is what i am very proud of, so to speak, this quality of donbass, i think that this is truly ours.
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the president of our country, well, if russia is a civilization, then it probably has
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some structure, fundamental features that we have discussed a thousand times, so when we say a unique civilization, then we are answering the question, what makes it unique? and it is unique primarily because that for centuries, yes, centuries, on one land, together, in one state, in an absolute... direction, tens of hundreds of peoples live, yes, it is clear, as if there were different moments in this history, but not a single country in the world, in in this sense, not a single civilization in the world and not a single empire in the world has approved , even in the 16th century, the nineteenth, not a single country in the world has approved such a standard. equality and fundamental rejection of the russian approach precisely on
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the basis of ethnicity, eye shape, blood, skin color, no other country in the world, well, at least for sure not those who are now saying that they are civilized, i mean, of course , the west, but by the way, you need to understand that for the west this is in many ways, we acted as an irritant. well, this, well, i also, you know, always said this, i’ll repeat it again, we must not forget that in our country, here is the sun, russian poetry and ethiopian, well, let’s remember this, and the moon is a scotsman, and the moon - scotsman, yes, yes, yes, yes, so let’s not forget about this, forget about it, now about two other things, well, about the fact that...
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in decades, yes, in decades , someone will tell how in the basement of mariupol,
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it means they pulled people out of there when they knocked, well , who is there, allah akbar answered, and from the basement they said, thank god, the russians came, that’s what happened, that it was so, you see, that’s why here i take all these issues seriously, including the story told about agration is incredibly important. what really happened there, because what matters is history itself, of course, that itself , regardless of whether it is history or what people in our society they pass it on, they retell it, they consider it important, that’s what matters, that they consider it important to tell this story, and not how it happened with the chief of staff, in fact, something happened there, but no one knows, that’s how it was there with the chief of staff?
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well, yes, this is a signal, and it’s such a double signal absolutely, that is , this thesis about airplanes cannot be considered in isolation from the first thesis that we are not going to attack, well, nato, we are not going to attack, and that was the main one. your territories from where they fly, become a legitimate goal, everything is clear , extremely clear, and about the war, the president told all this very early on, it is clear that this will not reprogram those in the west, yes, although some circles will certainly hear this, well, they already told macron what the army
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is coming, what an army, what a ukraine, stay at home, at the offensive. well, it’s good with a whistle, as they say, and there is no prospect of getting out of it, germany and japan have been there for a long time, the french have a huge deficit, by the way, i just found out this macron’s brilliant solution, here’s 3 million, which he promised to give to ukraine, since they already have a deficit of 5% of the budget, so he
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is going to take these 3 billion, i said, i said a million 3 billion from the budget of the french army.
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from europe, i’m betting on europe in this case , but this is so to speak, it doesn’t matter from which end to light the bigford cord, from one end or the other, well, it doesn’t matter, in general, yes, but, but dima believes that there is the difference is, he loves america, he loves america like a scientist, like a scientist, you love it like a scientist, well, there will be an underwater kingdom, he will study the underwater the kingdom of america, comrade stalin. look, so look, about their mobilization for war and military hysteria, there in the united states, in europe in the west, this is very significant. do you know why? i will turn to the king, i have already said many times that he wrote about his society, about england, by the way, i did not emphasize this specifically, i say i am writing about england, because we are anglo-saxons, well, we are quite suitable
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for something to happen to us this is the same one, this is practically me literally... i’m quoting, that’s how you remember, there was this history, there was an endless war, eurasia, ustasia, oceania, everyone fought with each other for some, that means, territories located between them, there was basically a war going on there, this was the main process, and you know, i caught myself today in thought , but in fact these scoundrels there in the west, who are behind all this, they think like this... as it was described by orol, there are these no-man's, gray territories for which there must be an eternal war, only in the conditions of this eternal war they will be able to keep in subjection their territories, which they have now , in these conditions, if anything happens, in a war they can carry out ethnic cleansing, well, any
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other cleansing, in these conditions they can silence everyone, but everything is exactly as described...
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because i cannot admit the thought, i cannot admit the thought that these people in the european union themselves are just morons,
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they are just morons, but in order to compensate for this, they are given, well, a planner with a speech with the fact that they have to do, well, who, who is the plan, but it seems to me that the process degradation, it is simply somewhat reminiscent of the aging process of civilization, there are no more people. and what he said before, macron about that married thing, what he says now, well , it doesn’t beat, he says what should have happened to him, uh-huh, and you suddenly realize that
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nothing, just something is happening to him the same as with the rest of the political figures of the west, there is real degradation, brain death, but he thought that we were talking about nato, but, apparently, we are talking about all nato participants, nato is harmful to the mental. please, i want return to vladimir vladimovich’s statement on the national issue, well, we have already said a lot , enough has been said about this, that one of the goals of this terrible terrorist attack, of course, is to incite national hatred, the actors were chosen successfully, everything is correct, the performers, the military is not able to destroy russia by. the bet on the fifth column fails, it failed, then what remains is to ignite an interethnic conflict, this is not the first case in our history,
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especially the last one, let's remember the nineties, when on the bones of a collapsed of the soviet union, which collapsed along national borders , attempts were made to collapse further... to split russia, unfortunately, the then leadership condoned this, take it, take it as much as you can, right, and yet, the people resisted, the people survived, why? well, of course, they unleashed a war on us in the north caucasus, which was difficult, but we managed, including with the support of the local population, when there were already militants there... the second chechen war, there the ground was already burning under the militants ’ feet, you know, so powerful the cement of our civilization, which generally
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developed as a civilization of peoples, a community of peoples, when russia was developing new territories, it was very careful about the population that lived there, i ’ll give an example, the order of elizabeth petrovna , the empress, it later manifested itself in subsequent years, it manifests itself now, our people, when there was this terrible terrorist attack, they didn’t buy into
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the muslim pogroms, they didn’t... we created this culture together, we don’t just live on this land, we invested everything, created this civilization, it’s very means a lot, but you see, of course, you must understand that this is not the last attempt, of course, we have now overcome it, but this is far from the last attempt, that’s what i want to draw attention to, there is one aspect related to this terrible terrorist attack, it means in
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crocus cityhole, the latter... the goals are being pursued, this is also preparing public opinion in the west for the fact that now there will be terrorist attacks again, but now supposedly on egel, and this is being done for two purposes, except for russia, because a turn has already been outlined among western politicians, we know this, politicians have appeared who understand the disastrousness of this path, this is a final purge on the part of the globalist elites of the western political space, we
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know: the project, the revived isis, is such a franchise, a controlled terrorist franchise, controlled by the globalist elite, that is, under the guise of isis, on the one hand , eliminate those politicians who are appearing today and have more and more voices in the west, the same viktor orban and some other german alternatives for germany, secondly, this tells us that we have these
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terrorist acts, they will try to repeat, that’s why our people passed this test today, our multinational people stood this test, but we must do everything in order to generally learn lessons from the mistakes that were made, including isis ? no, of course, this is the west, i’m saying that this is a franchise, that is, when they use this shell, and behind it stands, of course...
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so to speak, here you have to really think, especially there are commentators, and there are people who did not succumb to this, so that now go with clubs and start this people, but the commentators are right, today the president drew attention to this, people, if you look, then in...


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