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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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russian units are confidently pushing back the kiev militants, have improved the situation along the front line in donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and...
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colonel andrei mordvechev led the capture of avdeevka. the minister of defense presented him with a badge and thanked him for his exemplary performance of tasks. stanislav berwald about an outstanding officer. by decree of the president of the russian federation, the title of hero of the russian federation was awarded to colonel general andrey nikolaevich mordvichev. also, colonel general mordvichev was awarded the general's saber. the award decree was signed
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russian president vladimir putin, the gold star medal was personally presented to the commander of the center group of troops, general mordvichev , by the minister of defense sergei shaigul. a general who knows how to take cities, that’s what the soldiers at the front call him. in the twenty-second year he was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the troops of the southern military district. the liberation of mariupol took place under his command, he personally. took part in the battles for the city, was wounded, which is why he had to leave the front line for a while. of course, the country i learned the name mordvichev after mariupol was liberated, after we are talking about this now, superior enemy forces were blocked in mariupol, were partially destroyed, destroying enemy fortifications, well-fortified positions.
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the president of russia entrusts the most complex, general staff, minister of defense, with serious offensive operations, and in urban areas. in march of twenty-two , ukrainian propaganda even managed to bury the general, declaring that he allegedly died during the shelling of the chernobaevka airfield. was appointed to the post of commander of the troops of the central military district, he also led the operation to liberate avdeevka; after a successfully completed combat mission, the president sent a telegram to the general in which he expressed gratitude for the military operations to all the troops he led. in the obdeev operation , general morovichov did not change himself, he did not strike head-on, he did not storm to no avail , he did it first. struck with missiles,
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artillery, and aircraft, only then, as if after the area had been cleared, did he introduce division there, that is, again, he, his favorite tactic is to calculate everything, they call him a professor. andrei mordvechev was born in the seventy-sixth year in pavlodar, in the ninety-seventh year he graduated from the novosibirsk higher combined arms command school, and in 2006 from the combined arms academy of the armed forces.
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not only from me, but naturally from all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all frontiers, doing it with dignity, confidently, therefore. and the supreme commander-in-chief of the country appreciated your military work. stanislav bernwald, lead. the british financial times points to russia's successes at the front. notes that the kiev army lacks soldiers and ammunition. at the same time, washington is in no hurry to provide assistance. the european union is trying to do something, but it is not enough. however, kiev is largely to blame for this situation. the command never built a defensive structure. the fact that kiev has a chance. less, agrees the british magazine the economist. zelensky’s obstinacy could lead to ukrainians losing control of access to the sea, and this is also good result. the polish military is also not optimistic about the kiev regime. the ukrainians are approaching defeat, and
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this is kiev’s own choice. zelensky’s cries, give, give, give, in my opinion, are not justified, because we give them, and they purposefully squander it, waste the money . they have it. there are not enough soldiers, they have no idea how to defeat russia , they are preparing with their own hands a disaster that will fall on the ukrainians, and we should not be blamed for this, even the decision to send weapons to the ukrainian armies were accepted slowly, but this happened because the level of trust in kiev is very low, the ukrainians themselves and zelensky’s team are to blame for this. the evidence obtained connected the terrorists who attacked crocus city hall with ukrainian nationalists, also for...
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how they discussed the preparation of the attack, how they moved, why they chose crocus. after fayzov they took him to putilkovo, to the second place of residence of the terrorists. at the same moment, in a technical alley in the central office of the investigative committee, the chairman departments held a meeting, during which it became clear that the version of a possible ukrainian trace was confirmed. as a result of working with detained terrorists, researching technical devices seized from them, and analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained. their connections with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed data that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine, which were used in preparing the crime. initial results
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investigations fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. another suspect who participated in the financing was detained... investigative actions continue in the hall itself; one of the terrorists was brought there in the late afternoon. the removal of the rubble has already been completed; now investigators are working at the scene of the terrorist attack using the latest forensic technologies, they are examining the vast area that was affected by the fire. investigators are looking for new evidence and restore the picture of what happened in the burnt concert hall itself. new details of what happened at the entrance to crocus, when the terrorists were still on the street, visitors to the hall, hearing the shooting, began.
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who in this situation did everything possible to save their spouses. it is known that the polachi carefully prepared the attack. we came to the crocus three times, on march 7, the tenth and the fourteenth. criminals constantly cruised the area around the concert venue. they say on march 21 they were seen at this gas station two minutes away from crocus. according to operational data, yes, we came here. we also have such data, but it has not yet been confirmed. it was possible to figure it out in the first minutes after the terrorist attack thanks to two police officers. having arrived at the place, i saw that people were running out from here, i told people to run to a safe distance, indicated where the ambulance was located, we were instructed to look at the cctv cameras, together with a federal security officer, we
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climbed the smoke-filled stairs to the fourth floor to the server room, having broken down the door, they looked at the recordings from cctv cameras, so they quickly identified the car in which the killers fled, and were soon detained. and the former owners of the car - father and sons islomov and businessman alisher kasimov, who rented out an apartment to terrorists. today a tas source said that they all knew about the impending attack. islomov and his two sons. like kasimov, who rented the apartment to them, were aware of the intentions of mirzoev, rachebalizada, fariduni and fayzov to commit a terrorist attack, knew about its preparation, contributed to them in this, the matter not that they sold something, they knew in the usa, the new york times literally confirmed the words of fsb director alexander bortnikov that the american intelligence services gave russia general information about the impending attack, it did not contain specifics, unpleasant relations between washington and moscow...
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i came to the concert with my wife from vladimir, they almost died in a fire, in the end, that is
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, they were able to get to the door there, the door was already closed, so i lost consciousness, first i, then my wife, already in saturday 9:30 am i opened his eyes, it took sergei almost a week to recover, his blood was cleaned through ivs, as well as his lungs, obviously numerous victims will be able to count on filing lawsuits against the terrorists, the four arrested perpetrators of the terrorist attack face life. airplanes, ships and other vehicles. moscow has repeatedly stated that
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helsinki's decision will lead to increased tension. tourism will help the development of regions, this was discussed at a meeting with the president. several new resorts will be in krasnodar, primorye, dagestan, st. petersburg, in the kaliningrad and zaporozhye regions, as well as on lake baikal. infrastructure will appear in all national parks. about prospects for vacation. anastasia efimova. move on. figuratively, this is exactly how the president formulated the priority vector for tourism development. a separate meeting was dedicated to the topic this thursday, and not surprisingly, the updated national project should be launched at the beginning of next year. subject, targeted measures for the development of the tourism industry should be included specifically in a specialized national project. the volume of its budget financing in 2025-30 .
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for businesses that have been building their investment programs for a long time. the new national project will essentially be version 2.0 of the program that was launched back in 2021, and as the president clarified, all support measures that have proven their effectiveness will be extended, for example, the program of preferential lending for large tourism projects has been expanded with an emphasis on hotels in the most popular segment 3 -4 stars. and in addition the chapter proposed to form states. a strong federal project for the production of domestic products for the industry, the same cable cars,
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cabins, snowcats, attractions for amusement parks, this will be a serious incentive for the creation of advanced developments, which in the current situation is critically important, we have well-known events taking place in the ukrainian direction, we we understand what is connected with this, what restrictions arise in connection with a number of illegitimate... against russia, and we see where the russian state needs achieve success, we do it, we achieve it, the same thing needs to be done here. do the same, if something is now difficult to buy, it is clear that it is impossible to buy everything, it is clear that you have to overpay for something along complex logistics routes to deliver something, but where you can produce it yourself, you need to take advantage of this situation to do everything so that our own russian businesses can do this, we need to support them, and jobs will be
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additionally occupied and technologies will develop, another initiative, regarding the need to organize exits to the coast, to various points on the coast from the tavrida highway, have you agreed with the government on all these projects? that’s right, vitaly soveliev, marasyanovich and i have fully discussed all the issues , all the issues have been agreed upon, some of the implementation
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deadlines have already been set, the money has been fully allocated, so we are in the process of implementation, everything is within the deadlines that are stipulated in the court contracts. both for the crimeans, and for the sevastopol residents, but also for all the other russians who go there on vacation, everywhere you look, all around, the beauty is ideal, the project of creating a federal year-round seaside resort was reported at a meeting by the governor of zaporozhye, the plans are grandiose, sandy beaches, sanatoriums, the more you meet, it becomes obvious
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that we will solve all our problems, of course. that without a decision to finally build the plan we are talking about now, at first glance, it seems like it’s so complicated, but we will solve these issues, security issues, the plans we are talking about now must be built with this perspective, now we need to plan what will be required when these plans are implemented, today they showed a video dedicated to the project five seas of lake baikal. we are talking about ten new all-season resorts, of which three are exactly the deepest lake on the planet, two each on the black sea coast and on baltic and one each in the caspian, azov and sea of ​​japan. the project, of course, is grandiose, as the president summarized, it was shown beautifully, it must be done now. a concert was held in rome in memory of the victims
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of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the program included works by pyotr cheikovsky, alexander scriabin. in japan, four people have already died who took dietary supplements with red rice extract, more than a hundred hospitals, as stated by rospotrebnadzor, these food additives are not officially registered in our country, but they are imported privately. our correspondent, sergei mengazhev, is monitoring the situation.
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top managers of a japanese pharmaceutical company make a public apology, bowing their heads in a routine bow for the fact that their... products have already caused death as at least four people and hospitalization of over a hundred more buyers over the past 9 months. tablets with red yeast rice extract under the kobayashi seyaku brand , according to the description, help lower cholesterol, but in fact lead to kidney failure and intestinal dysfunction, and the company admitted responsibility for the fact that this type of dietary supplement is dangerous to health only after 2 months after citizens... began to receive complaints about the quality of the product, i began to experience constant drowsiness and weakness throughout my body, while i didn’t have normal sleep, and then i started having problems. red yeast rice is a fermentation product, the corresponding color is formed as a result of the cultivation of a special type of mold. in japan , it is produced on an industrial scale and
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sold in powder form. in the dietary supplement departments in japanese pharmacies, all preparations containing red yeast rice are seized everywhere, but the problem is that the use of this raw material is not limited to pharmacology alone. list of products that contain red mold, includes both sake and beans. pasta, meat , baked goods and food coloring, so until the true cause of death is identified, all these products can potentially pose a danger to life. over the past years, these products from koboyashi have been purchased on an ongoing basis by nearly 200 companies of various profiles. here, the owner of a small bakery in shiga prefecture shows off a batch of yeast bread with a distinctive color that he had to quickly recall after the scandalous news. when it became known who our supplier was, i had the feeling that the name of our company was casually thrown into the mud and trampled underfoot. in addition to tablets
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, there is no evidence that other products containing red yeast have also caused health problems, but retail chains across the country are withdrawing from sale products prepared using this component, for example, meat pies or a rice side dish with vegetables. while generally accepting responsibility, the company failed to respond. to the question which one the substance in their products is harmful; all those who died had been using these dietary supplements for a long time. having started reducing cholesterol in this way in april 2021, one of the patients died on march 23 of this year. the primary symptoms are swelling throughout the body, this in turn puts a strain on the heart, and as a result of long-term exposure, heart failure develops. all this is getting worse. with the kidneys and leads to respiratory failure, which ultimately can most likely cause death? the scandal has already gone beyond in japan, we can definitely talk about at least
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a serious blow to the image of japanese goods. in russia, products with red yeast enzymes do not have a certificate of conformity, so their sales are illegal. nevertheless , they are available in russian online stores, so rospotrebnadzor urges you to carefully read the descriptions and under no circumstances read them. do not buy. rospotrebnadzor reports that these products are not registered as dietary supplements in russia, and their sale is a violation of the requirements of acts that constitute the law of the eurasian economic union. in japan, the solution to the problem has been brought to the level of the government, which today officially notified the world health organization that dietary supplements containing yeast rice may be hazardous to health. a large-scale check of potentially harmful substances has been announced.
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i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on march 29 , 1611, muscovites rebelled against the polish invaders who wanted to place their protégé korolevich vladislav on the russian throne. militia units approached the capital the poles mobilized the capital's cab drivers to bring guns and install them on the walls, but the cab drivers rebelled and were supported by other townspeople and archers. then the militia burst into the city. that’s when the poles set fire to moscow, the german mercenary konrad busov spoke about this in his notes. such a wind blew that after half an hour moscow, from arbat to
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kulishki, was completely engulfed in fire, thanks to which ours won, because the russians were unable to defend themselves from the enemy, put out the fire and save their own from there. and they had to, so take flight with their wives and children from their homes and courtyards, leaving there everything they had. the poles staged a massacre in the city. up to 7,000 people died, but in the summer of the following 1612, kuzma minin and dmitry pozharsky gathered a second militia, defeated the poles and liberated the capital from the invaders. on march 29 , 1891, emperor alexander ii signed a rescript on the construction of the trans-siberian railway. it was the most ambitious transport project of that time. russia desperately needed him to develop economy. of the far east to defend it. the transip became a steel core that united the country. construction required innovative engineering solutions, to lay
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the railway track through the taiga, rivers and built bridges, the highest point, apple mountain ranges, felled forests, punched tunnels, a pass in transbaikalia more than a thousand meters above sea level, 12 million sleepers and 1 million rails were laid , the length of the transib is more than 9 thousand km, which is three times the length of the transcontinental railway in usa. the highway passed through 80 cities , towns and eight time zones. the first trains began running in 901. during the great patriotic war , dozens of factories were evacuated along the trans-siberian railway, and shells and military equipment were supplied to the front. today, this road provides transportation using the most advanced technologies and modern equipment. 50 years ago, on this day 74 years ago, one of the largest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century was made. in china, near the city of xi'an,
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underground, discovered. more than 8,000 warrior figures in full combat gear with weapons. soldiers of officers, infantrymen, archers, cavalrymen, they were made of clay, then fired and covered with glaze. each human figure weighs about 135 kg, and the horse weighs more than 200. the army was called the terracotta army, it was buried along with emperor qing shi huang. he ruled in the 2nd century bc and was the first in history to unify china. a single centralized state. his tomb, or rather a grandiose funeral complex, began to be created during the life of the ruler. 700,000 people worked on construction sites human. the ancient chinese historian simatsan spoke about this. in addition to the warriors , bronze chariots skillfully made from hundreds of parts, statues of musicians, acrobats, and officials were found in the underground crypts. excavations continue, who knows what other surprises they will present. on march 29, 2013
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, the soyuz tma 08m spacecraft departed from baikanur to the international space station. in many ways, this flight was unique; usually, even though the dmks took more than two days, during this time the ship made 34 orbits around the earth. now a new program has been developed -4 revolution in 6 hours. the short track allowed the period to pass.
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on the ground, these are special sensors and antennas that are strengthened on the outer surface of the russian segment of the station. when the cosmonauts returned, an emergency situation occurred, the instruments failed, but everything ended well, they landed according to the search and rescue service pilots. this is what this day in history was like. any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is as if it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out with kamikas, when there is no escort, you are walking, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, angel, let’s be brief, come on, i’m observing, the people who are here at the control points, they are working no less
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than the attack aircraft. local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes.


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