tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 March 30, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK
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isis cell, what avilayat kharasan knows, what kind of ambitions the terrorists have, a small but important anniversary, nato is celebrating its 75th anniversary, as russia sees it from brussels. gentlemen of the jury, when discussing the grounds for leniency, you will remember the life of zasulich revealed before you; perhaps her sorrowful wandering youth will explain to you the bitterness accumulated in her that made her less calm, more impressionable and more painful in relation to the life around you, and you will find reasons for leniency. final speech of the chairman of the jury
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anatoly fedorovich kone at the trial against the nihilist vera zasulich in 1878. she was tried for the attempt on the life of the st. petersburg mayor trepov and was acquitted, taking into account the lofty motives and hard life of the accused. the acquittal of the lone terrorist split society. the progressives applauded, the conservatives. were indignant. acts individual or mass violence, motivated by the desire to achieve political goals, has always been a subject of controversy. whether there are ends that justify the means, there have almost always been arguments that there are. in russia, revolutionary terror has been a frequent phenomenon since the second half of the 19th century. as a means of political struggle, it was considered not only by... bombers,
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narodnaya volya, but by its bolsheviks. vladimir lenin, in his work where to start, wrote: “in principle, we have never renounced and cannot renounce terror. this is one of military actions, which may be quite suitable and even necessary at a certain moment of battle, and under certain conditions. even before the formation of the state of israel, terrorist attacks in british mandatory palestine were carried out by jewish militants who fought at the same time. with the arabs with the british occupation forces. and after the formation of israel and the war of 1948, terror became the main means of struggle of the palestinian arabs. in the soviet union, the palestine liberation organization was always referred to as the only legal representatives palestinian people, although they knew full well that numerous terrorist groups operated under its auspices. in the second half. xx century, under certain conditions
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, terrorists could count on the understanding or even sympathy of wide public circles. this, for example, happened with the european left, such as the red brigades, various basque factions that fought for independence, or the irish republican army. despite their terrorist methods, these people could sometimes appear to be fighters for justice. in after all there was a common robber, jan erik ohlson. who gave the world the term stockholm syndrome. he received leave from prison and decided to rob a bank. at the same time , he took four hostages. after 5 days spent together, the police released the hostages, but they began to defend their captors. everything changed after the september 11 attacks, when terror became an absolute evil. any arguments offering to understand the motives of terrorists have since been considered unacceptable. nevertheless.
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stockholm syndrome has gone out of fashion. xxi century with its dictate of communication has made the effect of terrorism so powerful that the call, if not to forgive, then at least to understand, is perceived as a provocation. the tragedy in krasnogorsk has returned to the agenda the issue of the terrorist threat emanating from a vast region, from north africa to south asia. the popular efforts of the last decade seem to have been crowned with success, the so-called islamic state and al-qaeda were defeated, the frightening specter of international terrorism, against which a world war was declared at the beginning of the century, seems to have retreated or not, we asked
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counter -terrorism expert grigory zerschikov about this. gregory, hello, the perpetrators of the attack on crocus cityhall are related. and what is this organization today, does it exist at all or is it just a franchise that anyone can use ? the center of this organization was defeated in 2019, and al-baghdadi was destroyed, then this organization with its center does not exist today, but there are branches throughout many countries islamic... world, but the most famous one might be, you know, boko haram in africa, in nigeria, in cameroon, in chad, right there. another well-known branch is, of course, the velayat, khorasan, which exists in afghanistan on the border with pakistan, in the province of nanganhar.
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the same can be said about al-qaedi, they also have branches, yes, that is, assam bin ladan is not there, al-zawahiri is not, but they remain. this is samaullah ghafari, a real person , ethnic tajik, afghan, and he has been heading this branch for a couple of years now, well, that is, there is no central management, after
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murders of al-baghdad, there is a caliph, so to speak, who is hiding somewhere on the border between syria and iraq, currently this is abu hafs al-qureishi, but he... purely like the british queen, he, in general , does not have much influence it turns out, purely formally, each of the branches or the leadership of each branch must take an oath of allegiance, biy, that is, and that is, they place their oaths of allegiance, themselves below the caliph, i am the caliph - purely nominal, so abukhal kureishi can purely nominally say, do this . do not do it, but in fact he does not control them. how are terrorists’ approaches and methods of work changing? if al-qaeda never tried to take over the territory, that is, they existed in afghanistan, no matter how guests, they were not called guests, and few people know, but
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osama bin layan and ayman al-zawahiri brought this biy, this is the same, the same . they changed the paradigm, they said: no, the territory is important to us, we will seize the territory, they created this quasi-state with its own borders, with its own, with its own currency, with its own ministries, with its own stamps by mail, and uh, and of course
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they did not lose sight these terrorist ones in europe, in america, in russia and so on, that is, this is the difference, a near enemy, a distant enemy, this has been since the emergence of jihadism back in the sixties, this is a constant debate about who is more important to us first of all, the terrorists from crocus tried to escape, an islamist who not going to. this is actually atypical, this is atypical, but this is not the only case, if we look at the most famous bloody terrorist attack of recent times in western europe, the attack on the bataclan nightclub in paris, they also shot people there and left, as they say, this is the time, then there were, before pataclan , there was, for example, an attack on the jewish museum in brussels, when a terrorist with a kalashnikov assault rifle shot four people. and he left, ran away, and was later caught in france. and in the twenty-third year, in october
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in 1923, the same terrorist attacked swedish fans, killed two, seriously wounded one, but then he was detained a couple of days later, or rather not detained, killed during the arrest, that is, the wrong ones, the wrong ones, the wrong ones didn’t try, so to speak, to kill themselves , yes, during a terrorist attack, although the majority have... their ticket is, as it were, a one-way ticket, they come to die, yes, well, the last terrorist attack of this kind was isis, again the velayat, the velayat of khorasan, in iran in kermani in january this year, when at the cemetery, where is the grave of qassem sulaymaniyah, two suicide bombers blew themselves up in the middle of the crowd and commemorating the date, the anniversary of the assassination in... qasem sulaymaniyah, they blew themselves up in the cemetery, killing 100 people. it turns out that attracting random people,
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not necessarily convinced fanatics, is a common phenomenon. there are already many studies of those people who from western europe and the united states went to fight on the side of isis, between 2013 and 2019, this is good, the problem is studied. most of these people were completely ignorant that concerns the main ones, even, so to speak. basic, yes, islam, they did not speak classical arabic, they were not, were not interested in theology and so on, in fact, they went to the territory controlled by isis not in order to delve into this theology, they went to fight, to go to fight , one might say, their entire mentality was built on the latin expression beloergosum, i i... exist, i fight, i exist, or i fight for existence,
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that’s all they needed, these are the guys who in these 6-7 years there went to syria, to iraq, these tajiks are the same, firstly, they not only don’t speak , they obviously don’t speak russian, but not to mention arabic, yes, that is, this is absolute illiteracy, some kind of a preacher or an impersonator posing as... they didn’t run away, they left, but the fact that
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someone paid them something, then for about a quarter of a century, that a modern form of terrorism has existed, since the advent of al-qaeda, what have the intelligence services learned? firstly, this is internal, this is control within countries, but digitalization, widespread cameras everywhere, control everywhere, this is the transfer of money, financial... funds, control over potential terrorists, or over people who may be susceptible to this ideology, there is such a norwegian expert. thomas heckhamer on terrorism, he put forward this theory, let's say, the cheese dome theory, that is, if you imagine a cheese plate, this is a glass cheese dome, so he says that western countries, be it australia, i don't know, france or the usa live in this cheese dome, that is, terrorists or
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it is impossible to completely exclude terrorist actions, so i took a knife and went to slaughter swedish fans in october of twenty-three, because in sweden they burned the koran, well - like this, especially a lone wolf , so-called, yes, it is very difficult to follow him, yes, he is quickly ideologized over the course of, again for many reasons - research, this is the point of no return, they, through ideologization , through preachers, through the internet, through social networks, they reach within 2-3-4 weeks, this is a very, very short period of this ideologization, so it is very difficult to keep track of it. thank you very much, we talked with grigory zerchikov. in kharasan
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there are doors where... the threshold is sprinkled with roses, a pensive peri lives there, in kharasan there are doors like this, but i couldn’t open those doors. one of the most lyrical cycles of sergei yesenin was called persian motifs. he himself, however, had never been to persia, he only imagined it. the terrorist attack in crocus made famous if so one might say, the same branch of isis that intends to bring to life the imaginary state of kharasan. the name kharasan, or in persian, where the sun comes from, comes from a historical region in central asia that, in addition to afghanistan, included parts of iran, turkmenistan, uzbekistan and tajikistan. for the first time , people started talking about the velayat kharasan group, banned in russia, in
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2014, when its members joined the islamic state movement. in 2015 they swore up. world islamic caliphate sharia forms of government, to begin with within the historical region of kharasan. according to un estimates, the group numbered between 4 and 600 militants. these are mainly ethnic tajiks and uzbeks, veterans of combat operations in syria, iraq, afghanistan and west africa. they are more radical than the taliban. the movement of wahabi islam is called to focus on righteous ancestors and return to the times of the early islamic community, but by 2018 the taliban had practically destroyed the group’s resistance in afghanistan. several of its leaders were killed americans, and the number of militants was reduced from several thousand to several
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hundred. shahab al-muhajir, also known as “sana,” came to leadership. ghafari reoriented the organization from direct clashes to carrying out terrorist attacks. during the 2021 us troop withdrawal, he carried out a terrorist attack at kabulul airport. in september 2022, velayat kharasan militants claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing near the russian embassy in the afghan capital. and in august 23 for a terrorist attack in the shah cherakh mausoleum in iranian shiraz. total.
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an action cannot be prepared in a couple of days; in addition to the direct performers , entire chains of assistants must be involved. is it really possible that an underground structure, far from the scene of action, can easily organize this? one thing is especially important to understand: is there a large country that is behind the direct executors, or even a group of countries, as for opportunities, if there is money, the rest will follow, and if there is money, someone. from smuggling and beyond, from the technical side
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there are also no problems, after the us withdrawal from afghanistan, there is just so much left there, night vision devices, wireless devices, small arms of various types, special clothing, body armor, literally anything can be purchased, the question of large countries possibly being behind the attacks is not idle, especially in conditions of the most acute military-political confrontation that we observe on the world stage. the game is going big. any power can use anything against its opponents. there are no moral restrictions or rules of the game. alas, secret services, deep states act as they see fit. you can ask yourself the question: why did this happen in russia? maybe someone wants to open a second front against russia, distract it from its current priorities and push it towards a war against terrorists? but there is another reason: russia,
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like pakistan, like china, is interacting with the taliban in afghanistan, and isis wants to prevent this. the most important thing is to join forces, at least at the regional level , to fight terrorists together. for example, the afghan taliban, they want control your territory and neutralize isis and alkay. but we should be interested in increasing the taliban’s own potential to maintain order on their territory. they cannot be abandoned, they must be integrated into the world community. any surge in terrorism causes a sharp reaction from society and calls for various kinds. ordinary measures. the united states after september 11, 2001 is an example of how the boundaries of what is possible in the field of security control have been pushed. just
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a few days after the 11 terrorist attack september, george w. bush declared war on terrorism and began a multi-year campaign in afghanistan. in october 2001, the us congress adopted the so-called patriotic act. an act that some critics say took away americans' freedom. security forces have received the right to intercept telephone conversations, sms, emails, and internet search history of anyone if they deem it necessary to ensure national security. the concept of domestic terrorism and terrorist attacks as a new composition has emerged crimes without statute of limitations , that is, a corresponding criminal case can be initiated at any time; in 2002 , five thematic laws were adopted in the united states, including on public and national transport security, preparedness and
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responsibility for bioterrorism. in january 2002, at the american military base at guantanamo bay, cuba, a camp was created for persons suspected of terrorism; more than a thousand people from 40 countries were kept in cages and barracks without trial. they are deprived of the status of prisoners of war; interrogations are accompanied by torture. former vice president dick cheney then stated that there is no place for half measures in the war on terror. for example, waterboarding involves placing a person on his back, restraining him, and pouring water over his mouth and nasal openings, causing him to experience symptoms of suffocation. he called them necessary, justified and legal. this was the point of view.
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airport security, technology has appeared that determines a passenger’s nervousness when entering the waiting room, psychologists who monitor people’s reactions during security checks have also tightened their order. in september 2002, the administration adopted the bush doctrine, according to which the united states has the right to wage preventive wars on foreign soil to overthrow dictatorial regimes if, in washington's opinion, they pose a threat.
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which is unfolding in palestine, relies only on the power of intimidation, a weapon that is both sharp. this week, by the way, the conflict between the netanyahu government and the biden administration was formalized: for the first time, the united states did not veto a un security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. in israel regarded this as aiding terrorists and vowed to see the matter through to the end, regardless of anyone. terrorism has unfortunately become
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an integral element of international politics, and the more upheaval there is in it, the more comfortable it is for any kind of radicals and extremists; fishing in troubled waters is their strong point. tarists are essentially opportunists, opportunists of the highest class, they always go where they think there is a weak spot. today, as... it seems impossible to get into your head, of course, but you can imagine that the leaders of the whole ordinary groups, radical groups, they see , they believe that the attention, political, material, military, financial, of the main international actors, who on their shoulders for the last several decades have carried, endured, pulled out the fight against...
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