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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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not just profitable, alpha profitable! we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, on the app or on the website, this is my! that a child has autism, where not autism, you may be scared, what a horror, what is it not to understand, to be able to, it seems normal , give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, she probably won’t, you can give advice, i’m alone i know the prayer, another piece of advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out
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about this more, find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out about it, well , you can tell me, you’ve been jinxed, no , tamara nikolaevna, know more about it. fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdikov. friday is the birthday of the foreign agent, these same people, why should they be respected? they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry. they seem to preserve
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all your shares are in the west, and many of them have property there, their funds are invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they are all broadcasting a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and i was the victim.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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celebrates its anniversary, its crowning anniversary, the so-called 75 years of marriage, the block is greeted with an extremely crowded family, the thirty-second just recently joined country, sweden, at its founding it was 12. the date itself is april 4. we'll talk more, and in anticipation we'll ask ourselves this question. about nato and cold? war: inseparable things or
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a new generation is coming, not under the inescapable impression of the confrontation of the 20th century. after the korean war, america turned japan into a permanent ally, south korea became a key ally. the same thing, this all continues in europe, nato, as it was created in 1949, has only expanded, so that the structures that were somehow created around china and russia, and there
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, in my opinion, in general, we can say that this is not even a new cold war, but a continuation by inertia of that one, in nato, of course, they will say that... this is not theirs inertia, but with us. russia , they say, will not understand that the world has changed, it is necessary to look at security differently. so, who needs whom more as a threat? in general, i think that russia, even more than china, plays a very important role in the self-awareness of the west. and even more now than in the eighties and nineties. that is, maybe now the generation doesn’t remember the cold war, few people even remember the fifties and sixties, when... it was at its height, but the liberal order, the order based on rules, you can somehow ridicule these terms, they are in a sense absurd, a free world, but there was order, the order was built somewhere in 50, quite
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serious, led by america, in the nineties, when the soviet union collapsed, we did not return, there 45. the un order, this liberal order continued to exist , and the soviet one continued to exist , that is, russia and china, but there was no place in this order for various, more or less obvious reasons, but this order also did not become universal, even without an enemy it did not, well, somehow did not spread to the whole world, then what to do with..
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but here russia plays a very important role, because it explains the emergence of these populists, political opponents, they turn out to be agents of external force, this outside threat, which is on the border of the western world, it explains why there is a western liberal border order , v in which it existed, it is generally unclear how this liberal...
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alliance sought to shift elements of defense as far as possible to the east, largely because the issue of troop numbers was key, the ussr had superiority in conventional weapons, so already then in the fifty- second year they began consider the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of defense without additional costs, in other words, to focus on the use of nuclear weapons, which have not yet been included in nato strategy. thus, in the fifty-fourth year. a third appeared concept - a strategy for a massive nuclear strike. in response to aggression, the alliance could be the first
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to use nuclear weapons to deter the advancing soviet forces. they had to rely on the nuclear potential of the united states; in europe there were doubts that the president would sacrifice an american city for the sake of a european one. the second berlin crisis in 1961 showed that the nuclear deterrent did not deter the ussr from action. as soviet nuclear capabilities grew, nato lost its competitive advantage in nuclear deterrence. to use the concept of mutual assured destruction, in october sixty-two the cold war reached its peak during the cuban missile crisis. therefore, the united states began to advocate strengthening the non-nuclear component of nato and moving to a strategy of flexible response. the fourth document was finally adopted in 1968 . after france left the military organization. it had two main
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features: flexibility and escalation. a retaliatory nuclear strike is a last resort. flexibility in response should not allow the aggressor predict exactly what actions the alliance will take, which means its steps will involve an unacceptable level of risk. escalation made it possible to gradually increase the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. the harmel report, known as the report on the future of the north atlantic alliance, did not appear. along with defense issues, it talked about finding ways to reduce tensions, and to solve the underlying political reasons dividing europe, the term dialogue appeared. in general, the fourth concept lasted until the ninety-first year. in anniversary days. there will undoubtedly be fanfare, the most powerful successful alliance in history and so on, but the true mood
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is not entirely celebratory, crackling on the ukrainian front, forcing the most desperate, like emmanuel macron, to announce their readiness to get into the fray themselves, to the horror of other allies. german artist pepsch gadscheber, is it worth sending troops to ukraine? the difference is... "emmanuel, something needs to be discussed, this is an urgent matter, peter schrank for the british magazine the economist, the drawing is called the macron plan for europe, the banner of the european union, a man similar to macron, snatches it from the hands of angela merkel. another british magazine "spectator", and an example of how they present it in albion. european
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economics politics is consigned to the dustbin of history: did you say something, emmanuel? says a man who looks like scholz. emmanuel rossa from italy. the european union goes to war with the burden of all its problems. migrant crisis, inflation and climate change. boulevard. creates the most nervous environment russia is not an adversary, but the main ally of the united states, or rather the prospect that donald trump will lead them, but nato and especially europe, as they now say, are not of interest to him. for trump , america is number one, this is the most important thing, america is already very powerful, there are a lot of territories there, americans. and also in a strange way, the main force there is in the history of mankind, but they remain very
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provincial, unlike, say, the british, they do not have a school of experts in other languages, few people are interested in geography, cultures of other countries, so i think many americans would be quite comfortable returning to their borders; it took a lot of work in the forties to somehow interrupt this tradition and get the americans out. continental europe came somehow a new owner inherited it all, but i think that the old world is possible, you can move away from it a little, and a huge part of the electorate will be very happy, is this somehow possible in a geopolitical sense, it’s unclear, because that these structures
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exist, it is somehow difficult to destroy them, there will be a political price, there will be some opponents who will seize the moment. and so it’s difficult to predict here, but purely on an ideological level, in my opinion, many americans are even more comfortable on their continent. trump, of course, is a great and terrible man, but he is not a magician or even an emperor. it will not turn american politics inside out, but the concerns of europeans are not out of nowhere; a rethinking of the role and place of the united states is inevitable, not because of this or that president. but because the world is changing, and interests will be formulated differently. the american empire, if you call it that, in a paradoxical sense, it is both expansionist and defensive, that is, it is the largest empire in the history of mankind precisely because of this defensive logic, so it’s not
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that we are just america there, but we have mastered the continent, then maybe the philippines, and further and further, like... russia there, the british empire and so on, it even returned a little to the continental scale, gave up the philippines, but then suddenly somehow reached the global level, firstly because of the second world war and because of the threat nazis, and then because of communists, the idea is that there should be one liberal. order on a global scale, but that this does not work out because of the terrible threat of some kind of pathological force, then we must defend ourselves around all these peripheries, and it doesn’t really matter where in america absolutely no one, korea or vietnam were not interesting, before they became very interesting, ukraine was basically
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the same. a sense of leadership is a necessary part of the american consciousness.
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the french are in france, why are we closing the borders, protecting our christian catholic community there? culture, and maliere and everything else that is beautiful, in america too, so the destruction of these borders, these civilizations of this culture is very important for creating a liberal space, and it is not clear to what extent this is somehow an advantage or vice versa, because in a sense an empire can become total, and global, if all these cultural differences are destroyed and autonomous, and liberal individuals, on the other hand, are created there, to some extent, american power rested on these historical, civilizational close
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traditions, and again it’s not for nothing that america is friends there. with europe closer than with africa, now we are somehow conducting an experiment, if we completely throw away this whole civilizational, cultural, historical foundation, but is it possible to lead the free world, or the liberal order, or any other, without all of this. while washington is being determined, and paris is slacking, the bosses in the eastern european countries... are powerfully pumping up if there is a war tomorrow, if there is a campaign tomorrow, however, the citizens seem to be slowly swaying from poland, alexandra popova. the suvar corridor is of strategic importance; this narrow sixty-five-kilometer corridor of polish territory is the only land connection between lithuania, latvia and estonia with the eu and nato.
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the american website politika wrote that this is the most dangerous place on earth and a potential hot spot in europe. subalki is located in one of the most beautiful regions of the country, surrounded by greenery and glacial lakes. people live ordinary lives here, they have something to be proud of. this is where i was born. famous polish writer maria kanapnicka, and also andrzej wajda, an outstanding polish director. today, almost no one thinks about big politics. what are you saying, what a threat, i’m a pensioner, i’m 70 years old. we are a little scared, people follow this topic on a regular basis, this is important to us, everyone wants to feel safe. the subvalk corridor is only 65 km of european territory that separates kaliningrad.
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last year , the presidents of poland and lithuania met in this area, they emphasized the need for cooperation to strengthen nato's eastern flank. more and more often i ask myself whether this place is safe, and it is safe thanks to the daily calm but vigilant service of polish, lithuanian nato soldiers. ordinary residents are not reassured by such assurances; nedviga has been working at the local market for many years, selling vegetables and fruits. previously, this business was profitable, but today.
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turns 79 years old, many residents of the polish province would dream of living a quiet old age in some warm corner of the world, especially since the children from ofia left the country right after finishing school and would like to take the mother with them, but women...
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why were you given the title of soviet hero? i know, 1942, russian, you have such a face that you could pass off as anyone, well , practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, but you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she made you out to be a latino, yes, it made you a person who...
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamami, when there is no escort, you go, roughly speaking, blindly, you don't know what's ahead of you, outpost, outpost , let's be brief, come on, i'm observing, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less efforts than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, we entered at such a pace, the work is built, the work is on the rails, i i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the senses are heightened to the limit, happiness.
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resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, we heard.
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the russian army repelled 13 attacks in so, in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeysk directions our units improved position.


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