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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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well, for the third time in 1945, and the germans remember this well, all these circumstances and factors led to the formation of the russian model of imperial thinking, one of the most important stereotypes of the russian type of imperial thinking was the principle of influence formulated in the 17th and early 19th centuries, it was understood as legal, as they wrote in the 19th century, inalienable. russia, based on its own
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ideas about security, should carry out proactive preventive conquests, which are determined not by the needs of the economy or the development of new lands, but by the idea ensuring the country's security on its distant approaches. this concerns the foreign policy part. as for the internal political component, this is the case.
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the state is a family, it may sound primitive and archaic, but i think so, and i think so, i am sure that the majority of russian people, the father and mother hold the family together and ensure the existence and development of children. i think this is clear to everyone. the family must be strong, and any attacks on the fortress or structure of the family consider themselves members, the majority, at least as... oaths to its natural structure and therefore ultimately to their lives. and what ’s surprising is that when, at first glance, good and useful ideas were introduced that violated this archaic structure, great troubles followed, and the state was almost completely destroyed. it is also interesting that after the seemingly complete destruction of the state, it was assembled in the same form as before. examples, destruction.
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why is that? but because it is impossible to live any other way , otherwise there will be chaos and general massacre. and because our family consists of different children, russians, yakuts, tatars, bashkirs, chechens, and 80 other peoples. under the firm rule of the father, the five-hundred-year existence of this family is quite normal. but when they leave their father's will, children can. not
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to fight, but they mixed up and live together, and god forbid, that means we will serve our father and live together. to him as a non-totalitarian russian state, a family, a liberal fights against it, spreading his ideas, which weakens the state, for it rests on the inviolability of the foundation: family, tsar, father, people, children, and this
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immutable law of the family determines them relations, when this law, the law of the family, is violated, the state begins to weaken and collapse, there comes... great disorder, examples, darkness, not immediately, but the strictly centralized state of grozny was destroyed, or it was the case of the liberal tsar boris godunov, but let’s do the math, how many victims the russian people suffered as a result of the events of the time of troubles, how many from the executions of the terrible are incomparably less, also how many victims there are as a result.
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in china, for example, this transmission is guaranteed by conditional marxism with a chinese face, with in this case, china is a typical empire, comrade xi has finally formalized it, or as, for example, this has been happening in the united states for hundreds of years, and the usa absolutely fits
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the definition of an empire. of course, the process of transfer of power must be strictly defined and absolutely respected. an example is 1991 and the decade after it. imperial consciousness arises among residents of countries who get used to living in a powerful state that determines world politics. 1830 russian empire. despite the liberal constitution
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and the admission of polish aristocrats to the highest government positions in the russian empire. polish patriots did not give up attempts to restore the old polish-lithuanian commonwealth. under the impression of the july revolution in france , an open uprising began in the kingdom of poland in 1830; it is known in polish aristography as the november uprising. the suppression of the polish... uprising of the russian empire caused a storm of indignation in europe. everyone spoke about the uprising: from top officials of states to writers and artists. the pope called the uprising an attack holy power. lord rossel, an englishman, developed in his note the idea that russia excludes itself from communication with the civilized world. how similar? the french note indicated. on the pan-european significance of the polish question and proposed to transfer it to a new european congress. and
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here a strange phenomenon arose. russian educated society welcomes the suppression of the polish uprising. of no small importance, however, was the fact that russian general officers died. bestushev, decembrist, fighter against autocracy, created to the caucasus, nevertheless writes. i was. extremely upset and annoyed by the news of varshavskaya’s betrayal, what a pity that i won’t have to exchange bullets with the gentlemen, blood will cover them forever, god willing, pushkin writes one of his best works, to the slanderers of russia, the reason for this poem was speeches to the french chamber of deputies with demands to help the polish. “what are you making a fuss about, people’s vets,
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why are you threatening to smite them in russia, what has outraged you, the unrest of lithuania, leave it, this is a dispute between the slavs among themselves, domestic, old a dispute already weighed by fate, a question that cannot be resolved, these tribes have been at war with each other for a long time, more than once bowed under a thunderstorm, then their side, then our side, whoever can stand in an unequal dispute is an arrogant pol. or the faithful grew up, slavic or streams will merge into the russian sea, it will dry up, here’s the question: leave us, you haven’t read, these bloody tablets, you don’t understand, this family feud is alien to you, for you the silent kremlin and prague senselessly suit you to a desperate struggle from you, and you hate us, why, be responsible for or that on the ruins of burning moscow we did not recognize the impudent will.
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the salvation of the russian people is that adoevsky who sparked the flame. what is this? and this is the imperial consciousness, my friends. imperial consciousness appears before an official country becomes an empire. actually, that's why she becomes. before the russians realized themselves as a nation, they realized themselves as an empire. thanks to the powerful expansion of the russian state from the middle of the 15th century.
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the creation of the warsaw pact system was justified on these same principles, and what is it wrong? and does the us act any differently?
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to czechoslovakia and then to afghanistan. yes, i am a bad person, and i have been since my youth, because having learned about voslovakia, i internally felt the need for the justice of this step to ensure the security of my state, the interests of which were indisputably higher for me than any other ideas and values. true, the smartest neighbor in a communal apartment, indeed. an intelligent man who taught me a lot, categorically disagreed with this action, although he didn’t really say it out loud expressed, and the other eight families living in this socialist society somehow didn’t care, they didn’t have to doubt the correctness of what was happening, they say, well, that means, by the way,
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this is the pure result of imperial consciousness, this is not entirely going from the absence of any thought, but... the convictions, nurtured over generations, that there were enemies around and from time to time it was necessary to restore order among them, they did not formulate it, they could not, they felt that way. as for me, i was convinced like a real imperial in the absolute necessity of defending the empire, that is, these same people, their families, wives and children on distant approaches to the imperial fatherland, for it is mine.
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historians have moved on to a frank restoration of ideas in the great power, but what’s wrong with that? soviet was an euphemism for revolutionary russian. the identity of soviet consciousness with russian and , accordingly, imperial consciousness is based on the fact that in the minds of people the state was not separated from society, the state is society itself, on the contrary, therefore the interests of society and people are identical to the interests of the whole states. the ussr is russia. russia is also the ussr. the internal structure of the soviet empire was formally federal, but in fact it was unitary. the patriarchal stereotype of the state as close-knit families was established in the public consciousness. at the head of which sits the elder brother, the russian people, at the end stand the small, less obedient balts, but it is not in vain that the indestructible union of free republics was united forever by great russia.
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the soviet union was perceived as a big russia. in the future, also as you move the soviet people's approach to communism was assumed that there would be some kind of rapprochement of nations through their development, and this was indeed the case; interethnic wars were absent and could not happen, they did not exist.
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that we did not bring the war to an end, now in donbass we have nothing to apologize for, we are returning lost lands, ensuring our security. victory in the second world war put an end to the humiliating consciousness and inequality of russia in the fight against world empires. russia has reached the peak of its power and has begun a race with america, starting with nuclear missiles and ending olympic medals. the title of superpower, won through heavy sacrifice.
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yes, my friends, all the best, goodbye. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who... are enemies, but they
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are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have any property in germany, yes, i have porzi here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law, and i was the victim.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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despite the proximity to the front, residents of the frontier in the lpr are returning to peaceful life, builders from different parts of russia are working on restoration, and the residents of the frontier themselves are actively helping, about how the city liberated in the spring of twenty-two lives now in
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the material. you understand, you and i have a different ukraine, let’s say you have a fascist ukraine, but i have a normal ukraine, twenty-first year, even before the war, we they planned that the summer would pass and we would leave in the fall, i wouldn’t go anywhere, now i’m at home , i didn’t want to believe it, but they just shot us, you crawl out of the basement, there’s a house on fire, there’s a house on fire, people come, buy a piece of sausage, take it out on the doorstep they feed the animals, this just amazed me, the ukrainian military kicked everyone out of the intensive care unit,
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the father, in essence... in 2019, alexander stefanovich, who is now known as a man from abroad, a journalist from a ukrainian tv channel fearlessly said, everything he thought, during the event and not after the successful withdrawal of troops along the contact line on the territory of the lpr, rubezhanin was asked if he supported this process? well, in my opinion, only a moron would not support this.


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