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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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if he drinks, it means he doesn’t love; in our country , the weakest members of the family, women and children, suffer from domestic violence. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. watch today. there lives an animal
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that wants protection, she killed her husband, she killed her with a knife, olga gennadievna was not in a state of passion, thus the crime was committed intentionally, no person has the right to physically or morally destroy another person, and i did not pay attention to the fact that in general - then he actually doesn’t need to drink, it’s better not to meet such people, i notice that that he was just mocking my child, he broke my brain at that time, it’s good that it wasn’t my head. not a single insult begins with a black eye, then he kicks me several times in the hallway, i had a concussion, a traumatic brain injury, violence has such a cyclical nature, first he hit me, then they ask for forgiveness, very often cases of violence end either she’s in prison, he’s in the grave, or vice versa, many women like men’s rudeness, aggression, women are punished for showing love, come on let's be more thoughtful, let's think together what to do in this... loud
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scandals between loving people occur regularly; no one is surprised that even celebrities find themselves in the role of victims, because domestic violence knows no mercy. in this program we will talk about the fate of women whose sweet life turned into hell, and fear, powerlessness and pain became their... constant companions, why victims of family conflicts, as a rule, are silent and do not wash dirty linen in public, is it possible to help them , and how to fight back a domestic tyrant, and at the same time not end up behind bars? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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a resident of the capital, olga simonova, in a green silk suit, writes a text for her next one. show, she is an aspiring comedian who takes preparing her performance very seriously, but today she just can’t find the right words. the program is a direct reference to one’s own destiny. hard study at school and university, a magnificent wedding, the long-awaited birth of a child, and then 5 years behind barbed wire that felt like an eternity.
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protected by all available means, this it’s hard to talk, of course, i want to talk about the fact that i have a higher education and i love tango or do boxing, but in reality i killed my husband, i killed him with a knife five times in the neck in the chest, in my opinion, i don’t know, i can’t even remember it i'm not very pleased.
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even before the wedding, simonova knew that her lover beat her ex-wife half to death, but for some reason she believed that this would definitely not happen to her. never, but that was not the case, the second time my husband hit me when i was holding the child in my arms, he said that i ruined his day birth, and he had nowhere to go to the bar for a drink, my nose began to bleed, the child jumped out of my arms and hid under the blanket. olga left home several times with her little son, but nowhere could she hide from alexei ostapov. i submitted an application. to the police about beatings after the emergency room, i followed the entire procedure, undressed in front of a stranger, answered a bunch of the most terrible questions that were asked to me at that time, my husband repeatedly told and repeated to me that he was friends and in general, in principle, there was no point in me
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run from him, because he will find me in any case, and if i am too persistent, they will plant drugs on me? i have a son, that is, i lived in such a world at that time, and if at first i resisted and tried to hide with my mother in saratov, then the bougie crawled over me for months, he waited near the entrance while i went out with the child to the playground take a walk. simonova recalls, her husband cried, begged for forgiveness, showered him with gifts, but then beat me again, on that fateful evening ostava came home drunk... he suddenly hit me my head hit the wall, there was a poster behind glass, this glass kept flying in different directions, he threw me on the table, all these pens, folders with documents, all this was flying, he had this drool flying out of his mouth , he was drunk, in fact, when they did
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the autopsy later, it turned out that there was some staggering amount of alcohol in the blood, and i got out and ran to the kitchen, i... hit the chalk board, i probably hit it more than once, because the board -it fell apart, and i threw the board and ran for something else, here in fragments it surprises me, i i washed this knife in airy with a sponge under water, i put it like that, to say that i immediately realized that i had killed or called there soon , i didn’t have it, i hoped that... well, i’m good, i i’m not capable of this, but like nothing bad will happen, just in case i also threw him a blanket and a pillow, but so that he wouldn’t be too moralized in the morning. according to the investigation, simonova was absolutely aware of what had happened, because the first
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thing she did was not call an ambulance or the police, but her sister and a lawyer friend, she says she wanted to get custody of the child. olga gennadievna was not in a state of passion, and thus the crime was committed intentionally. olga went to the kitchen, took a cutting board made of a monolith of wood, returned to her husband in the office and inflicted more than 15 blows on his head and other parts of the body with this board, from which this cutting... board shattered into five parts, er, accordingly, the by doing so, she stunned her husband, uh, after that olga went back to the kitchen, and from the available knives
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she chose one, and then how later the forensic examination of the doctor showed that of all the knives seized in the apartment, and this was himself... of course, the court did not believe the version of self-defense. simonova was sentenced to six years in prison, she was released after 5
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years, on parole, and as soon as she returned to normal life, she launched her own course, a very specific one, as it’s correctly called.
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this is how the birthday celebration of the famous tv presenter tatyana vinovovoy began, the girl hosted a popular show about cheating for several years, happy birthday to you. this is how the holiday is over, i am recording this
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video not to make you feel pity or aggression towards the person who did this just to say to all the women and men who, whenever you find yourself in a similar situation, that this is not the norm, that this is not the norm, this is not the norm, this cannot be, no one, not a single person in the world has the right to do this to you under any circumstances, for any reason, not a single person has the right physically or morally destroy another person. tatiana vinogradova met with businessman sergei timoshka.
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however, over time, the groom began to show aggression. tatyana did not understand how to behave further and turned to a psychologist. and tatyana came and talked about her feeling of fear, that she was worried that something might happen. it is impossible not to say that sergei is a former addict, that alcohol , of course, gives such a person in a state of intoxication. special, has a special impact on such a person,
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he may lose control. tv presenter i grew up in a good, decent family and could not even imagine that i would find myself in such a situation. i have never been associated with any addictions, and i did not pay attention to the fact that, in general, he did not need to drink at all. well, for me, on a holiday , drinking wine at the table is not about addiction, it’s normal, it’s generally such a common story in our family, it’s like a holiday, new year, christmas, some other things, it’s always accompanied by drinking alcoholic drinks, and sergei told me a couple of times i said, you can’t sing there, i say, don’t drink, well, as if someone is forcing you, her parents came to bali to celebrate tatyana vinogradova’s birthday.
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a large company gathered in a restaurant and drank, but the groom did not wait for the end of the celebration. having had too much alcohol, sergei went to rest alone, when vinogradova returned, the man beat her until she lost consciousness. scattered? some things, and so inappropriately scattered there, cups, something, everything, all together, and i see that the earring is standing, standing near the closet, he he turns around, he has a little head on his shoulder, i see that he’s dressed, that he’s going somewhere, i say, seryozha, what’s going on, and he turns around like that, look at me, i
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just remember what he said, you animal, he moved towards me, the next frame, i open my eyes, i understand that i am lying on the floor, i had a white dress with a snowflake, i have it like this, which means i see a piece of this, like the bottom of my dress in red, in a puddle, that is, in a red puddle, i immediately start yelling, just like, i’m driving, help. after tatyana vinogradova came to her senses, there was no trace of sergei timoshka. the tv presenter did not ruin her ex -lover’s life and did not contact the police. the topic of domestic violence was raised on social networks. the girl's friends were shocked. she, well , kind of writes to me, traditional messages. one
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by one he sends photos, that is, well, it’s like i’m one of the first to receive this. i saw it, and it was, well, if i say shock, well, there’s no way to say it, because while she was still writing it, it was possible, well, to somehow imagine it in my head, that he somehow hit, well, hit, pushed against the wall, it kind of hurt, it’s insulting, when you see these photographs, this face, you can’t believe that this is happening to those people you know, sergey timoshka, after a few days sent a letter of apology, but tatyana vinogradova did not want to forgive him, she packed her things and left for russia, they never saw each other again, unless she met such a man and the person drinks alcohol regularly, she notices signs of aggression, that is, it’s one thing when
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man, well, this is how it is accepted that humanity drinks. well, a person wants to get away from problems, from reality, to relax in the end, another question is that this is not a very environmentally friendly way of relaxation, but nevertheless, well , a person has a quick way, this person will pour out all his negative emotions or his unfulfillment directly on a woman, it’s better not to meet such people, if the bottom line is not to meet such people, stop or stop it all in the bud, right at the very, very beginning of the relationship. an employee of the capital's bank, maria pavlovskaya , together with her son semyon, are relaxing on
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the playground. while the holidays are going on, the mother teaches the child good things. the night was right after the wedding, when i was late from a walk with my friend, it was getting dark, i was pregnant, i was in my fourth month, i came home, and my husband said where you actually were, that’s it, i went, as it were to say, fists were used, one time i, i work in a bank, i work until
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late, i was late from work, i also come home, i then had my first child, he... they hoped that roman would finally come to his senses and stop drinking; at first that was the case; the man even opened a small car service center. after maternity leave, maria went to work at the bank, it seemed that everything was going well, but roman came home more and more often under the shower, until in the end he completely lost his mind. he didn’t pay the rent, nor the utilities, well, in fact, he didn’t do anything at all, he drank vodka every day, he drank every day, i notice
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that he’s just mocking my child, my daughter, then you sat down wrong, then you washed it wrong, well, in general it’s just found fault with her about everything, maria thought about divorce, but decided to do so. this was scary, she couldn’t imagine how she could be left alone with a modest salary and small children, another drunkenness almost became her last, i had a concussion, he dragged me along the wall by my hair, then i fell on the floor , again defending his head, and he kicked me, broke my ribs this time, it’s good that not my head, having recovered from... the torture, maria pavlovskaya still filed for divorce, but even after the court's decision, roman's ex-husband remained living in her apartment. the beatings continued, in order to
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escape, maria and her children fled to friends. only after this did the police open a criminal case. roman had to move out soon and he will have to answer before the law for his actions. our correspondents contacted the man. the film crew went to the house where, as they say, roman pirogov now lives, but the accused was not found there. and there is a dog, maria pavlovskaya, who suffered for many years , is now building her life from scratch, with her ex
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she will now see her husband only in court, when a man-husband systematically beats his wife, regardless of whether he is sober or drunk, he does this, sooner or later close relatives will find out about this, including relatives of the beaten woman, but unfortunately, if the woman herself...
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don’t miss the continuation of eduard petrov’s investigation immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account. then open a business account on credit card beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever.
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beating for 2 years.
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i finally met the one and only one. alexander was sensual and passionate. you naturally respond to these emotions you sit down, as if on some kind of needle, you begin to be dependent on them, but they are always sharp, there is no some kind of calm phase, some kind of normal communication, well, almost none, at first there may still be a little bit, but then it keeps shrinking, and it’s either... passionate love, vows, tears, this is all for show, or it starts in the other direction, screams, insults, accusations begin, each time more and more in one direction until it swings to this sun on a swing, when that's when it just happens physical violence, after outbursts of rage,
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ryabyshev apologized, promised... to the back of the head, he is left-handed, and he somehow hit me, well, somehow he hit me so that i flew into my head on this corner, hit me several times my head against this corner of the wall, i ran here, but for now i...


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