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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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capable of resisting them, and it is also very important that we had a lot of movements, maneuvers with the missile system, they fired at us with harm anti-radar missiles, but we had a way to prevent these missiles from falling on our missile system. in the beginning we didn't have a radar signal simulator, and we used the microwave as a simulator because it's also around 3 ghz. we installed a microwave oven. about 800 m from us, when we finished turning off the radar, this microwave remained and continued emitting. if a rocket attacks us harm, she will lose the main signal from our radar, she will go there, then she will miss us. the phrase “sorry, we didn’t know he was invisible” remained in history. the s-125 neva air defense system has been in a place of honor in the belgrade museum for a quarter of a century.
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boris elson then refused to supply the s-300 air defense systems that milosevic asked from moscow. he sincerely hoped that clinton would respond by stopping the bombing of yugoslavia. president yeltsin. it is important that air raids be stopped. i have decided not to send seven warships to mediterranean sea, as we agreed. i will continue to do what i promised. milosevic insists that we supply to yugoslavia.
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the usa, this is the norm of their life, they never keep promises, they promised gorbachev to expand nato to the east. remember, there was a president obama who twice before his two terms promised, for example, to close the base to guantanamo, why did you close it? and trump, remember, who promised to make friends with russia and so on, he imposed more sanctions on russia than anyone before him, and he was proud of it even later. this is a different political ethics, a different way of communicating with your own electorate. you can say anything you want , moreover, you can even sign anything , today you signed, tomorrow you revoke your signature, they did this very few times before our eyes, yet in terms of the degree of cynicism and cruelty of the anglo-saxons , a new bar was set in 1999: civilian much
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more serbian objects were destroyed than military ones: churches, schools, kindergartens, residential buildings. on april 23, tamahawk missiles hit a radio and television house in belgrade. there was a news broadcast. that day could have been the last for aleksandar vucic, who in 1999 was the minister of information and his mother, rts journalist angelina vucic. it was completely by chance that we both survived, the ministry where i worked was completely destroyed, it was hit by a cruise missile, by luck i was not there at that moment, was in the government building, i received an invitation to speak at rts.
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in tash park, opposite, there is a monument to the television center employees who died that day. to the question, why? no answer, a quarter of a century. but they must answer, says serbian national television journalist dragan
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stanojevic. i could expect everything, but bombard rts. i don’t know if there are other cases in history when television was bombed. british prime minister tony blair said that we are a means of propaganda. of course, as we should were you covering the event? should we cover events the way nato likes them, or should we show them?
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errors missiles flew at the chinese embassy, ​​no one believes, the embassy territory is always considered the safest, no one except nada, except the united states, will be able to launch a missile attack on the embassy of another sovereign country. fan weiguo sees terrible footage from the personal archive of the serbian journalist for the first time. a dead shao yunhuan is pulled out from under the rubble. he worked with her in
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the same editorial office of xinhua in beijing, and then she went as her own correspondent to yugoslavia. there was not only shock, but also anger. of course, we are very pleased that we were so good, kind and professional. shao yunhuan was buried in beijing with state honors, a school was named after her, commemorative events are held every anniversary, and the son of the journalist caolei entered the university of foreign languages ​​in the same ninety-nine, majoring in serbian, his mother studied there and works in xinhua, like her. this news agency stores every minute detail of the american attack on ka embassy including the remarkable reaction of joe biden, who did not sympathize with beijing, but scolded chinese
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leaders for the fact that demonstrators in china were besieging the us embassy. they know it was a mistake. what they are doing now is not a mistake, so they are not of equal importance, they can control what happens. the western press could not hide the conflict between the united states and china over the bombed embassy. but there was a lot of things that only serbian and russian media talked about. friendly strike nato on the albanian refugee colony. 75 people died, also allegedly an accidental death.
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this is a small caliber for an automatic aircraft cannon, but there were huge aircraft bomb shells, there were 44 of them for
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every hundred, in number there are thousands and thousands. nato does not provide the serbs with a map of uranium strikes, but the ministry of health of the republic simply calculates the contaminated territories, people die there from cancer more often than anywhere else. dragan, i know that you are now preparing a big documentary to show another facet of that war. people on southern serbia are dying, many people died of cancer at the age of 30-40-45. they keep saying that depleted uranium is not harmful. why then? they had manuals for their soldiers on how to behave in areas that were bombarded by the combined uranus. the pentagon made films that talked about the dangers of combined uranium. this is extremely hypocritical. we don't know how polluted our country is. we don't know what kind of water we drink. we have newborn children in areas where bombs were dropped with congenital
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malignant diseases. it's horrible. however, it does not allow us to apply. to admit a precedent, have you ever been to vietnam? don’t you remember how in vietnam in a big city you go to anyone, at every crossroads, people are like from hugo’s novel, a man who laughs, only there they have comprache braids, remember, and there no one deliberately disfigured them, these are americans 30 years before those of interest us in this film of events, they dropped more
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attention explosives on vietnam than on the whole of europe. everything was damaged, head, body, limbs, received terrible blows, were in a few meters from the bombs, by may 1999, the death toll in serbia was already in the thousands, but it turns out that the american senate is expecting even more, this is not a complete victory, this is not the victory i want, we must enter the territory of the country, we must
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prepare for the losses of our soldiers, we must take belgrade and occupy yugoslavia, as we did with japan and germany. the proposal to launch a foreign operation did not find support either in congress or among the eight allied countries. the bombing has intensified, it’s unlikely the west expected moscow to do at least something to protect the serbs and its geopolitical interests. naturally, we are calculating a variety of options for our response, but i assure you that we will always remain on the platform of common sense and interests. the task arose, at a minimum, to prevent the militants and their allies from gaining quick, unconditional control over serbian territory. that
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rapid forced march came as a surprise to the whole world. russian troops appear in kosovo and take control of slatina airport, the main military airfield near pristina, a few hours before nato forces expected to capture it. russia! the details of the operation are still classified, although the president had previously revealed some details to us. vladimir vladimirovich, in june of 1999 something happened that no one in europe expected. this was a forced march of our peacekeepers to the slatina airport in pristina, in southern serbia in kosovo. tell us today, after so many years, do you know who made this decision, who took it upon himself?
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the main problem for the cia, as it later turned out, was how exactly the decision was made, which made the west wince, because clinton considered yeltsin almost an ally, in
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moscow at that time there was a total problem of lack of coordination between politicians, diplomats and the military, hence the decision on the march and there was such secrecy. why the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs did not know, i was afraid of a leak, because around them... there were many comrades, as i called them, agents of influence, from the point of view, well , one might say, in the language of the great patriotic war, a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy. only a few people from the general staff and the main operations directorate were allowed to plan the operation, but the main burden then fell on intelligence. we have received the necessary information about when these forces will be deployed. the most interesting thing is that all this was planned to be done and to hold a parade of the nazi group on the territory of prishchina,
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the prishchinsky airfield, on the day of our national holiday, that is, june 12, 199 . it was important for us not to allow us to be outplayed, not to allow, not only gro, and here is the speech. i affirm that the capture of the slatina airfield by the russians in a matter of hours forced nato
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generals to change everything they already had in their heads about russia; as a result, nato was forced to officially agree to the introduction of a russian peacekeeping contingent into kosovo, which remained there until 2003, to us as a result , we had to leave kosovo.
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of course, we were not happy when the military left, but still we knew, after that march , that the russians would return again, militarily or politically, but russia did this a message, a message to the whole world, with this marching force, that serbia is its partner, and that the kosovo issue, without the participation of russia, is no one in the world.
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he was ill in prison for a long time, asked to be taken to moscow for treatment, travel was prohibited, he died in a cell in a gaga, but in history he remained the first who in the post-soviet era raised his head against nato, slobodan milosevic was buried at his favorite evenings near moscow. and former secretary of state madlan albright, thanks to whose persistence nato military aggression against yugoslavia began, lived a long life. she died on march 23 2022, on the eve of the next anniversary
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of the bombings for...
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal.
11:00 pm
is it capable? russian industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. today is 9 days since the monstrous terrorist attack in crocus cityhole at the spontaneous memorial next to '.


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