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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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“i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i will come back for you, do you hear, next on our air is a special report by olga matsyevskaya about how frontline volunteers are returning to peaceful life. builders from different parts of russia are working on the restoration of the city together with residents. all details after the advertisement. deposit, the best
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i have a normal ukraine. twenty-first year, even before the war, we planned that the summer would pass and we would leave in the fall, now i won’t go anywhere, now i’m home, i didn’t want to believe it, but they just shot us, from the basement.
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this is not their land, it has always been russian here for centuries, we were waiting for russia. in 2019, alexander stefanovich, who is now known as a man from abroad, fearlessly told a journalist of a ukrainian tv channel, everything he thought, during the unsuccessful withdrawal of troops along the contact line on the territory of the lpr, the foreigner was asked if he supported this process? well, in my opinion, only a moron would not support this.
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you understand, you and i have a different ukraine, let’s say you have a fascist ukraine, but i have a normal ukraine, they will know, well, well, at the border, probably everyone knows, well, at the border , like a famous person, this is my sign, chevron, daughter, i ordered a sticker for the car too, in 1919 , they played me on all channels for 2 weeks, as one said at...
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march 13, well, there were towns, here he is right on this road, his wife and them to death, their son was taken out, well, where is he - then in st. petersburg there, well, here he lay for a long time, then they buried him there , i didn’t even know that it was him, then, well, and then, too...
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his father and this, and also on his mother’s lines, this is what we have here, and all the people, and even the hero of the soviet union, and what should change in my head, was born
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here, grew up here, left here for the army, i came back, worked here, retired here, everything is here, i studied at our technical school, a process technician. and i worked after the army, it so happened, i worked in the fire department all the time and left the fire department, for two for 300 rubles, 280. that’s right, there is a small smokehouse, i tried it, i thought, well, i’ll try to do something, well, people i like it, well, this is actually my house, my father’s house, my grandmother lived here at one time, in the middle of 1914 i left here, and from that moment on i haven’t been here, fortunately it survived, survived more or less...
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several direct hits, when i first came here, i remember, it’s still, you know, such an emotional shock when you can’t say anything, you see it all, you remember what it was like when it became like this now, i don’t know, it will probably be remembered for the rest of my life, during the battles mikhail’s parents were not in the house, the journalist’s father was in intensive care with a diagnosis of covid, misha’s mother passed five. it turns out
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they threw him naked into the street, night nurse nina andreevna, she picked him up, brought him there there was a traumatology department on the first floor, so they were taken there and they slept all this time, until he took them, they slept all this in the passage. by that time, my father could no longer walk, mikhail’s parents had not been in contact since march 11, on march 19 he decided to try to break into the city, he knew that his father immediately went there in the hospital. i saw that there were a lot of civilians there, a lot of wounded civilians, mostly shrapnel wounds, as i saw it, but i was running around the offices, wondering. last name first name patronymic named father and mother to find out where, what and how, opening the door, i saw it
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all in the picture, there were 25-30 people in the rooms, it was all there, they were lying on the floor, on the beds, there was blood, and then, already in the flight , my father responded, and i already ran up to him, arishka, oh you dog, they locked you in, but the neighbors, auntie, hello? the smiling dog, this is a dog that survived the war, she is a veteran of military operations deservedly, now she is on guard, on guard at home, on guard of order, so to speak, yes, our girl, now the neighbors are looking after her, she is good for them too the bell constantly alerts you to situations, how can you tell me? nothing, we are living slowly, thank god, there is light, water, gas, most importantly warmth, i don’t know, we
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are no longer even afraid, it was difficult, we were sitting in the basement, in the basement of the house, yes, and then we had an arrival, he everything here was destroyed and burned, but thank god our house partially survived, it has now been rebuilt, well, we had a residential outbuilding , this was a summer kitchen, this was a residential outbuilding, there was a garage. we arrived and our car burned down, and the garage was completely everything fell apart, we were waiting for russia, well, i don’t know, we were under heavy fire, so how can i say,
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we and the people need to survive somehow, so we decided to get involved in the product and started transporting the product, it was very difficult, we transported it from luansk in a passenger car, from starobelsk, almost every day, they opened just a month after the liberation in june twenty-second, i
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can’t even talk about it calmly now, we were asked to bring food. well, people were starving, so we vasily, it’s just that this pushed us to open this particular product, all sorts of things there was no light, but we needed refrigerators, we bought a generator, we worked on the generator, at first we had a work schedule of up to 2 hours, because it was dangerous, well, of course , there are more people, many are returning, they still want to come back. home to the city. lyubov has been working at the grocery store for a year since the spring of twenty-three; she and her family experienced a period of fighting here, in rubezhnoye, where she left donetsk in 2016, during the relocation of the enterprise where she then worked as an accountant. now the girl is waiting as long as there is an opportunity to return to my hometown. the situation in donetsk at the moment is much more dangerous than in foreign cities. well, my husband
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killed my husband’s father here. while he is there, he is busy with apartments, his own affairs, re-decoration, that is, while he is here, and then we are planning to move. the assortment has expanded greatly, thanks, of course, to the management; with me , from two refrigerators and freezers , a very large assortment has appeared. due to the proximity of the front , communications and the internet have been cut off in the city for security reasons. to place an order for products, entrepreneurs travel to the rear areas, where documents were previously processed. from 2024 this can be done on site; the first mfc opened in the city. 20, 1, one thing, this is a new area of ​​activity, a new area where such a range of services is provided, before in ukraine, in ukraine there were no such
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organizations, i register to vote, since i am a foreigner, that is, you are in foreign, well, i applied today only, but because people have already been served here, it has become much faster and the services are performed with high quality, well, this comes from both neighbors and relatives, i just hear, that’s why i came. in a year and a half, most of the processes have been established, shops are already
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within walking distance in every district, and there are no interruptions in communications, although it seemed that after such destruction a quick restoration... of the supply of electricity, gas and water could not be dreamed of, here the border residents were lucky with enthusiasts of their business. we have gas, thank you, valery petrovich, we have the head of the department, kogala valery petrovich, in general such a sympathetic person, at that time, when they were shooting, he was running under the bullets, that’s all blocked, just god bless him, we had eight people left here at the base, we lived and ate here. what we took from the house, that’s what we had , that is, we didn’t have any emergency services, nothing, when residents came, they notified that a gas pipeline was damaged somewhere, they blocked it, or we left, back then we had an emergency vehicle, and then we went out and just fixed it up, they called from lesichansk, then they said, there’s a fire on your south side, i say, well
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, yes, get out, i say, but how to get out, here russian army, there are already ukrainians there, that is, ukrainians. where, i say, no, we just blocked the southern one, de-energized the southern one, well , we had diagrams, i remember from memory, well, not everything, of course, well, it’s all there in my head, for 20 years, excuse me, but something... then it remains the same, that’s why we roughly knew where to turn off what, where to switch what, then we turned off, switched, started, one of the oldest beauty salons opened in the city, operating since 1997, the founding brothers were greeted warmly by the russians, who saw them off. .. from the city ukrainian artillery, the house where hairdressers worked for many years, was one of the first to be shelled, now alexander is restoring the work process. march 8, just somewhere around one o'clock. day flew to us as a gift to women, well, there were three arrivals , we just got one, that is, this is one of the first , these were the first three, here are three arrivals in the city
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on march 8, just like neighbors, that’s who lived there, well, the neighbors, thank god, were friends on the site and went together to have lunch, well, miraculously, miraculously, they just escaped, and there’s a family there, a child, i think, one year old was it three or four? the point from which it arrived, this is freedom from the other side, from the side of ukraine it flew in, when it arrived to us, this was the last day when we worked, on march 14 we gathered with cars, where there were nine people, cars, we left, mother, us, she worked all her life as a hairdresser , too, we were set on a path, family alone. yes, yes, even my brother and i work here here, he has an older son, my son works now,
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suppliers come to us from lugansk, orders, well, they started, probably for two or three months, but they kept going, we looked for it ourselves. despite the proximity of the front, the demand for beauty industry services is growing, now the city even lacks masters, girls come in and ask for a female master, manicure, eyelashes. well, we stopped, got out, well, really , after 20 meters another one fell, or a mine or a god, i don’t remember, then, no, not at us, well, this is
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flint shelling, as it was, so it continues, and just like that they, and it just jumped out there, it flew there often, almost every day, well, it exploded there, then it enlightened there, then there was a mine, then a shell, well in short, it's all around. well, the pipes were punctured by fragments, they rewound the hole with rubber so that the gas supply would be available to the residents, well, yes, all the time it was whistling and flying, exploding, scary, i’ll say right away, the engine jumped out, well, they ran when the city was liberated, restore communications for those who remained at the border was the first priority, but the amount of work was colossal.
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believes that he was just doing his duty, well , they shoot, you cook, well, it’s scary, yes, well, i have to do one damn thing, well, i’ll sit in the entrance, well, it falls somewhere, well, it falls, it reaches the shackles , it doesn’t reach, well, god bless him, he climbed onto the parapet, you continue to cook, the gorgaz workers in the border region are restoring not only the gas industry, they have already been able to repair the publication in which the specialists work, it was also badly damaged during... before the repair, let’s say, these walls were not there, it was all a single building, these walls were not there, this is due to the fact that we
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received a shell from a tank, we had to restore the equipment as well for work, some of the machines in it burned down as a result of the fighting, we saved two pieces of equipment, a gazelle and a t-5, which we later restored, that is, i had a little bit of equipment. which we started with, plus you saw the moskvich, which we found, restored and the same thing helped with welding, that is, well, little by little we had transport, then to us, our head office, he gave us russian help, in the form of two uaz, loaf of bread, two patriots, two tractors, kamaz, valery petrovich stayed to work. in the city and after the fourteenth, by that time for more than 10 years, as the head of the city gas department, he remembers, then a lot changed, i’ll say one thing, everything about... there wasn’t
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enough money for everything, especially for security there, there wasn’t enough for beards, that is, well, i had to, i had to have a little it’s too much, the price of gas included the supply of gas and they also came up with the so-called gas transportation, it was all divided then, that means naftogaz sends payments, naftogaz, naftogaz sends payments, in the past the amount was 1,400,
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don’t think there’s something there, firstly, it’s easier, because the price is very, very small, that is, it is accessible to consumers, since there is no transportation. while valery petrovich and his team helped everyone they could, their families, alas, were not safe; at that time , the men could not get to many of their relatives. my daughter and uncle were in the private sector on the ukrainian side, so we could not help but take them out.
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in principle, we have everything now, we have equipment, we have everything, that is, we are provided with, let’s say, everything necessary, the salary is current, now compared to what it was in ukraine, this is of course, heaven and earth, in which direction, for the better, everyone is very happy, because today we see. decent payment for our work, it’s easy to imagine an ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by a click-home, from a dream to a home one click-home, the more accurately the tires are selected, the better the control, go to avito,
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