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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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he was able to quickly organize this matter, they overhauled these buratin combat installations in omsk, fired several thousand ammunition, a buratin detachment was formed, in barrier-guard battles, covering the exit of our troops from afghanistan, buratin’s detachment showed the highest efficiency, the glory of buratin was already resounding , the dushmans called his big devil, so if the bumblebee flamethrower was it.
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shaitan is a trumpet simply, a big shaitan, then the question of accepting the spell was raised again, and of course, he enlisted the support we managed to adopt such a person as valentin ivanovich varennikov, buratin, and immediately at the same time we began to improve this weapon, an idea appeared... the creation of sancepiog, its range was increased to 6 km, this was considered optimal at that time. the number of guides was reduced from 30 to 24, but due to the fact that more powerful thermobaric mixtures had already been used, the efficiency did not decrease, on the contrary, it increased. with an increase in range and efficiency increased even more. so, this weapon received the second breathing in 2000. in the first year it was already put
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into service. stanislav veniamovich looks at photographs, hundreds of stories, memories that you can talk about for hours. the footage captured his combat path from a cadet at the military academy of chemical defense to colonel general, head of the nbc troops of the russian armed forces. you can comment on such a photograph for a long time, remember what it was dedicated to, what events, but that’s all. just fit into the enormous volume of tasks that arose due to the collapse of the soviet union, it was necessary to save the army, saving what you dedicated your life to, it was your whole life’s work, yes, of course, of course, now i continue to cooperate, so i was assigned to serve as the editor-in-chief of the army bulletin.
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on the initiative of stanislav veneaminovich , the scientific journal “bulletin of the russian chemical defense defense troops” was created. it is published in two languages: russian and english. this is the first issue of our magazine, it is a seventeenth year magazine that has been published for the museum for 7 years. i ask you to sign your autograph here, here. we will keep it in the museum. this one without you the magazine was impossible, we assume its further development, the colonel general was given a tour of the scientific center, and was shown the museum of the rcbz troops. stanislavich, state award, senior officer, our pride, the guys from the front sent you greetings, gratitude, what would you wish them in return? if i were younger, i would
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tell him: work, brothers, as the famous hero said, since i am already an old man, i will tell them, work, children, work, finish off the fascist vermin to the end, almost every soldier has rituals that he religiously observes, especially before going on a combat mission, someone here categorically does not take pictures or does not finish their coffee, just to be sure.
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how many combat missions do you have per day, say? sometimes we may not go anywhere at all in a day, but sometimes we can go two or three times a day, if we know that tomorrow we have a combat mission, then we... put your hand on it and say, well, don’t let me down, and i won’t let you down, just stroke the equipment itself, i understand that it sounds like a lot, but it helps us, we are so we set ourselves up for work, this makes it easier for us, rescuer, rescuer, welcome and carry, i’m a communications rescuer, let’s get to the first
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job that you discussed, we have a departure now, come on guys, i wish you good luck, i accepted you, you got me don’t let me down, i won’t let you down, everything will be fine, the hunt is on for tos, yes,
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there is a separate detachment, we were also recently told that it is he who works to exterminate tos-1 vehicles. in your department, who do you look up to? platoon commander, platoon commander, these two people who have been here longer than me, they constantly give advice, teach something new, is there some kind of mentor who teaches you, helps you, who do you look up to? well, here’s my platoon commander, in principle, he taught me everything about how to shoot on vehicles, some subtleties, some small details that well... you can’t always understand right away, that is, he mentored me, taught me everything, the most difficult thing in war is perhaps to survive the death of a colleague, this is a heavy burden - the soldier admits, he remembers how he died the commander, a man who was a friend, the commander's call sign, golden, the commander was, how
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to say, the best, probably the one who understood, he trained us, he devoted 12 years to the service, he knew everything inside and out, how... to build one, how to do this, how to make people feel better, that is, it wasn’t like he didn’t know something, he instructed us in every possible way, helped us, but died, they went to set up, find out a new place for shooting, and the motorcycle league ran into mines, anti-tank , in connection with which it worked, there were a bunch of bundles, that is, it was a great pity losing a commander, you get used to the people here. of course, he doesn’t want to lose anyone, because you know what to expect from them, how to communicate with them, talk to them, but when a person comes, you build up to him in every possible way. the rkhbz troops remember the heroes who did not return from the war. march marked 2 years
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since the death of flamethrower dmitry chernakov. i would like to pass on the cap of a former cadet of this academy, my son. your son's cap will take its rightful place in the museum. while saving his platoon commander, he was not afraid. but climbed under the bullets and was mortally wounded. dmitry’s death was a shock, because there are very few people like him. in castram, on the territory of the military academy of radiation, chemical and biological defense, named after marshal timoshenko, where
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dmitry studied, there is a memorial, a combat vehicle of a heavy flamethrower system. friends, colleagues, young army members come here every year to lay flowers to pay tribute. he was a company commander and died at the age of 29. dmitry was engaged in wrestling and fulfilled the candidate standards. sports in hand-to-hand combat, often helped out his native university at military, all-russian and international competitions. we had a situation where in 65 kg we didn’t have a person who could perform, perform with dignity and show the result, and dima had to push about 9 kg, he completed this difficult task and performed, took a prize place, thereby he helped our team helped out and we borrowed. dmitry never rested on his laurels, graduating from the rkhbz military academy with a gold
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medal and continuing his studies. entered the master's program at the faculty of psychology kostroma state university. and there he became one of the best students, the teachers say. i took up my dissertation, but didn’t have time to defend it. such an unusually rich and broad soul was felt in him. honest, kind, unusually shy, always doing everything on time, a man of his word, you know, a man of action. in shikhany, saratov region, there is a mobile military unit where dmitry served. on its territory, dima created a mobile temple, which, together with military personnel, visited three nuclear power plants, where he opened battle room. his good deeds live on. now, guys, you will watch
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an online tour, recorded by the man who created this museum, roughly speaking. dmitry chernakov's wife, inna, reverently examines each photograph. in the pictures they are carefree and happy. dima has a little son, sasha, who is very similar to his dad. he didn't get in touch for a long time. “dim, where are you, how are you, what’s going on there, he’s like this with a smile, with laughter, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is calm with us, as always he he protected everyone from his loved ones, from any worries, from difficulties, his wife keeps awards and orders of dmitry, on the shelves there are medals, certificates, diplomas that the serviceman won at all-russian and international competitions. by presidential decree, dmitry was awarded the order of courage, posthumously." these are his awards, which were later given to us from the saratov
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metropolis for his active participation in the education of youth, he worked a lot with the young army soldiers, i believe that dima was a truly great man. for the younger chernakov, two-year-old sasha, dad is always an example. and i always tell my child, our son: “daddy loves you, daddy hugs you.” these kisses are from your dad. dima will forever remain in the memory of his loved ones, and his ideas and deeds continue to live on. what is the role of the fire support team? well, fire support goes on a mission with us to... bp-3 and conducts, as it were, monitoring the current situation, also monitors
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the air, the approach of some kind of drones or some other unmanned vehicles, we are following them we are already following from a certain point we work on targets, you feel confident when the guys are with you, well, of course, of course, it’s like we’re riding in a tank, we can’t see everything, our view is reduced, but the fire support is already kind of watching us and covering us, so to speak. upon receiving the task, i, together with the fire support squad, move to the position, determine the place from where i will shoot, carry out the necessary calculations, the very next day we move to the firing position, we already know exactly where we will work from, what we will do, directly when leaving for the combat task, well, a bird flew in, and at that moment the car turns up as quickly as possible. starts to leave, and the task of the support squad is to somehow slow it down, shoot down the most desirable thing, having worked in
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a firing position, already when they started to leave back, the fire support group noticed the enemy dog ​​in the air, so to speak, the kamikat drone flew behind our car with the help of our anti-drone guns, we were able to slightly knock down the bird; it did not hit the car itself, but landed nearby, so to speak, thereby saving it. vehicle and crew for combat mission, we are going with the fighters of the fire support group. on the front of a machine that never works alone, too high a priority target for the enemy, we are learning at high speed, the salcepeg is following us at a distance of about 200 m. how do you feel about life here at the front after
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completing the task? well, for example, i recently celebrated my 25th birthday, so to speak, a small anniversary. here with my comrades in arms, it’s hard, of course, that i don’t meet somewhere in the family circle, next to my wife, but my comrades in arms, as he says, support they congratulated me, said a lot of warm words, even this made my heart feel better that there are comrades who will always support you, happy belated birthday, i wish you strength and, of course, return home soon, so that after combat missions you can it was comfortable to rest, the soldiers are setting up a dugout, almost like the military men say before , this is how you catch up, but here the logs won’t let us catch up, oh well, let’s do this, we’ll make shelves for dishes so that it’s more convenient for the cook to cook, as they say, so that everything the accessory must be at hand, if it falls, if it falls on
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the camera, it will be a fiasco, well, then i’ll immediately go in a hurry, i’ll immediately make a commission, no, well, you leave it. i’ll be so ashamed, the dugout is very large, in squares somewhere it turns out to be 50, plus our ceiling height is plus or minus 2.80, but the construction of the dugout is generally in general, so that it is made entirely, taking into account the cladding, the interior lining goes somewhere month, so everyone contributes something of their own, that is , it turns out, well, whoever likes something, somehow arranges it for themselves, contributes their own proposal, we think we are already bringing a general decision, whether we need it or not, that is, this is how you see the place where the personnel live, including the tosa department and the support department, when we were traveling here, we met directly with people involved in humanitarian aid, they we were given toys, which, to say the least, brightened up our combat leisure time, and somehow reminded us directly of home, it’s very nice
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to receive such gifts from children, well, for people located in the zone of a special military operation, because it’s always up to... she just is beginning to explore the world, well , we all miss home, especially our families, our wives, it’s good that the servicemen have settled into a spacious dugout, their new combat friend will be of impressive size, one of the soldiers saved allabai’s puppy on the front line, well, let’s go on a general mission for the evacuation of equipment. well, in the trenches there, i listened to a puppy, as if he started barking, at first he ran after me, just there in the area, well, i took him with me, took him from there, he was there alone, it was a pity, in general, here he is we have, as it were, now
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this is the kind of friend we have with us, we called him... with urik, in general, this is our talisman, he was thin, hungry, as if he could feel the silver, now i seem to stroke him, it’s clear that he is well-fed, not hungry, not cold, and it’s as if he’s with us, where you’re going, there. guys, let's eat, everything is ready, now i'll hand over the tabs, as you say, i'm off to eat, bon appetit, thank you guys, they sent you news from moscow, especially for your regiment, a letter with wishes and warm words,
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hello, champion of his region in the 120 kg weight category, he continues to train at the front, the fighters have equipped themselves with improvised means. an open-air gym, once there was a horizontal bar hanging here, but it was removed, tell us how your physical abilities and your sports activities help at the front
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now, i help the guys as much as possible, with strength, because paralisting is a classic triathlon, bench press deadlift that's exactly the deadlift is very helpful when setting up in the dugout in the summer to lift pull. you help the guys, that is , directly when charging a combat vehicle, since the projectile weighs 220 kg, many simply cannot lift it, it turns out that i reduce the number of people needed to charge the vehicle, the combat vehicle, as a result of which a huge thank you to the sport, a strong back, well, good health, we lead a healthy lifestyle, even while directly in combat conditions, young guys began to feel more mature, wiser, and reconsidered their lives.
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do you think that war changes you internally? i'm done also the same, cheerful, always making jokes, so i wouldn’t say that i have become somehow more serious, gloomy, some values , yes, may have changed, even this same
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value of life, but in peaceful life you, well , don’t you think about it, but here it’s like death, so to speak, it is at every step, that is, it lies in wait for you, sometimes you also think about it, what are your dreams, plans after completing yours? well, after completing your own, this is understandable, this is a family, these are children, our own, so to speak, our own blood, and a long happy life, what thoughts come to you here, that’s what you think about in your free moment, and i think everyone here has one goal and dream, it’s to return home, if someone has a wife, a child, then directly sees them, they are worried about the fact that we are here, and we are more... all about the fact that they are there, this is it, well, i can’t put it into words, it’s inexplicable, because they are very worried there, how are you there, well you write, alive, well, everything is fine, but you won’t tell them so that they don’t
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worry about what’s happening here, and then what are your plans for the boy, that is, i want to eat, i want to eat the boy, i want to name the boy, my wife says how it will end, then we’ll think about it together, you say, you’ll already be on maternity leave , and i’ll go? to work, there is no one after us, the motto of the flamethrowers, it is impossible to hide from a blow with a blindfold, neither in the trenches nor in the dugouts, it is not surprising that this platoon alone has dozens of destroyed enemy armored vehicles, destroyed support units of the ukrainian armed forces, and the fighters have the same dream for all, to win and return as soon as possible to relatives, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at
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the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. why were you given the title of hero? i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, ’42, russian, your face is such that you could pass it off as anyone, well, practically, i was
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just such a wooden guy. and this you didn’t know mikhail, no, no, she molded you into latin americans, yes, she molded you into a person with a latin american character, latin american habits, he told me, it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i don’t i asked because i understood that there was so much there , not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information that he sent here, 98%, probably it all came true, he had ukraine.
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you won’t see tears on his face, that doesn’t mean he’s not in pain, a frank statement, i’ll tell you a little secret and rare footage, we are interested in who the customer is, presidential week, a special look that putin himself recorded for the widows. heroes, as well as pavel, you are asking a very correct question, for what reasons can the president’s car be reversed, who with such a commanding voice, write, this is mine, and what do these shots from the kremlin mean, we reflect big politics, better than others, a lot of things there no, but you have it all, moscow,
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the kremlin, putin, look, on sunday at 22:00, meet the popular moscow writer, nikolai ribinin, your brother on donbass, you need to go there, you should go, just so passengers can ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, through? for a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, behind this line you will become different, and then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, there
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’s a passenger behind me, for about 10 years. .. ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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we look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, endless stress at work, vosnitsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s subscribe and take a look. let's return to the news review: the russian armed forces launched a high-precision group strike on energy infrastructure and gas production facilities in ukraine. all goals, as reported by the treason defense, were achieved. and as a result...


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