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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one stag. try
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the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste. a deposit, preferably a percentage in a savings account with clear terms, is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit, best interest. it's more profitable with prime. when buying a car, you can do without a car dealership if you have scanning vision. at least i bought it. and for those who don’t have superpowers, there is an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria. it’s safer to buy from the auto library on avito auto. the royal family in britain is a stable supplier of scandalous news of various kinds. the king and his daughter-in-law kate
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middelton were diagnosed with cancer; both were diagnosed with it in the same london hospital, where they were staying at the same time. charles ii had prostate surgery here, the princess of wales had surgery intervention on the abdomen. if everything is simpler with karl, and his illness was announced immediately.
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they advised me to undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy, now i am in the early stages of this treatment. this recognition of the princess was preceded by months of fever in the british press. kate middelton has not appeared in public since the end of december. the lack of any information about her condition gave rise to the most incredible assumptions, not only in england, but beyond its borders. on a popular spanish tv show, a version was voiced that in as a result of the operation in london, the prince... the operation went well, but then complications arose, the situation became more and more critical, the doctors had to make a very dramatic decision, they put her into an artificial coma. her life was in real danger, so the concerns of the royal court were understandable; it was about saving her life. on social networks they discussed a version of a serious disagreement between william and kate. the prince was persistently accused of having an affair with a family friend, forty years old. os
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henbury, despite all denials. case not only in the tabloids in their endless pursuit of sensations. the royal family themselves added fuel to the fire with their difficult to explain actions. the publication of a photograph of kate middelton, allegedly taken by prince william, turned out to be a real pr failure. the photo was supposed to convince doubters that everything would be fine. it turned out the other way around. the world's leading agencies quickly realized that the photo was a fake. british. publications, having forgotten about the crisis of life, migration and other topical topics, began to disassemble the photo into megapixels. the most diligent experts found up to 26 corrections in it. look at the cuffs, there's something wrong with the left arm sleeve. why do this? were there any marks there from wiping your nose? that's the point, the photo was hastily edited, or it's a fake photo, we don't know yet. here we see the zipper on kate's jacket, which has split in two. questions arise again. well
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, louis’s fingers, it seems to me that i can’t repeat this, and there’s something wrong with the color in the place where the finger once was, or maybe this is the sign of the winsers, the sign of the family, these are his three cousin. it got to the point that the director of agence francepress's worldwide news service said that kensington palace, the main residence of the prince and princess, was not trustworthy as a source of information. another photograph of kate, which appeared amid the scandal, raised serious doubts. in the photo, she was allegedly sitting in the car with william, but her face could not be seen. the sudden appearance, hiding from strangers, caused even more noise. the heir to the throne, prince willil and his wife kate , loved to visit here; they were recently here and caught it, someone smart even managed
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to shoot a short video. in this recording, william and kate, as if nothing had happened, walked with filled bags. fortune-telling has begun on social networks: is it them or not? take a closer look at the photo and you... artificial intelligence generated the image and not in the best way, this cover-up is becoming increasingly awkward and equally alarming that it was actually unknown until now, the store owners and employees refused to communicate with journalists. william and kate hid behind the walls of winser castle, those living next door to them are tired of fending off the annoying press. i would like them to leave them alone. photographs, even they sometimes need a rest, i sympathize with them, it’s so unpleasant when everyone is bothering you, why can’t they be left alone, and why then there’s so much noise, do you think people are interested in this, culture, such a culture, three employees
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london clinic where kate was treated was suspected of trying to gain access to materials about her illness; an internal investigation is now underway there, not it is possible that scotland yard will get involved in the matter. who and why needed to steal information about the princess’s health condition is still unknown. another question remains open: could all this have been avoided, at least without releasing fake pictures and keeping silent, thereby only creating a stir. even after kate's frank admission about a serious diagnosis, a request to leave her completely alone is unlikely to be feasible. the british edition of the economist calls the princess's illness. very public a difficult test, explaining this by the fact that the british monarchy has existed as a real show for many decades. since the time of queen victoria, britain has had not just one monarch, but an entire royal family. her job was to provide a decent show. the main thing for them was
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to remain visible. “i must be seen to be believed,” said queen elizabeth ii. members of the royal family were well aware that they were obliged to participate in tragicomedy. century, little remained of comedy, but the audience did not decrease. officially, the functions of the monarchy in britain are representative, but now there is a shortage of performers. charles ii and kate middelton are busy with treatment. prince harry left for america long ago and with scandal and is not involved in family affairs. the king's younger brother, prince andrew, has been suspended due to allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. main role. now the king's wife, camilla, is the heir to the throne, prince wilim. carol ii wants to return to full activity, and of course he is still active in his duties as head of state. every tuesday he meets with the prime minister, staying up to date with government affairs. he
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looks through official documents. the only thing he doesn't do is appear in public, which is understandable during a course of chemotherapy, when it is necessary to avoid any. the fragments of the empire in the caribbean threaten to finally leave the power of the crown. jamaica generally intends to demand reparations from london for the years of the slave trade. republican sentiment is strong in australia. yes, in britain itself, according to polls, the number of supporters the preservation of the monarchy today is less than half - 45%. 31% would prefer to see the chosen one. the head of state, and 24 have not decided on the answer. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress,
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a printer that prints with biopolymers and helps restore bone and soft tissues of the body was developed at the russian university of chemical technology. this way you can make implants of special precision and any complex shape. the kit includes a unique supporting environment in which the future implant will be formed. and scientists from mrs. also offered their know-how in this. area, a robotic hand prints biopatches directly on the patient’s body from his own cells, who will print the first real one working there heart, kidney, liver, well, those, in fact, will be ahead of the whole planet. what is the first russian spectrometer capable of? in any place where we want to quickly and safely find out what kind of substance is right at our fingertips, this device is truly indispensable in any spyware. the main character has an obligatory suitcase, from which he extracts ingenious
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devices at the right moment and is saved from any hopeless situation. recently, russian scientists brought to life what once seemed like a dream screenwriters. they created a portable device that can replace an entire scientific laboratory. this black case contains the first russian spectrometer, it is almost entirely assembled from domestic components, with its help throughout...
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the destruction of the emitted material. the device consists of a laser radiation source, an optical system and a detector. the substance under study in a special holder is exposed to irradiation, the reflected radiation from the substance enters back into the device. most of the radiation is reflected with a constant length waves, but part of the radiation, when interacting with the sample, changes its energy and wavelength. it is this fraction of modified reflected radiation. called raman, a special system of optical filters and mirrors transmits only the raman signal to the detector, which is processed and displayed on the computer screen in the form of a spectrum unique for each substance. the program interface, on the one hand, is quite simple, on the other hand, it has everything you need, even a person who does not have any with special skills he can handle it
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absolutely, just press the start button and we get a spectrum on the screen for the convenience of the user, we have built in the program the ability to identify the substance of the program itself, and yes, cyclexan is 100%, as i understand it, we can only work with liquids, no, no, we can work with any substance, you know, i love everything with an evidence base, let me do an experiment, i have pills with me, yeah, i won’t tell you what kind of pills they are, yeah, let’s try, yes. yes, here we are we got the spectrum, so, well, let’s try to recognize the number of peaks, simple tamol, it’s amazing, really, thank you, so that not only i said it in words, but so that all the viewers believe, here you go, parocetamol, i understand correctly that the base of application for such a device is, there at the airport, i don’t know,
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but in any place where we need to quickly detect some substances, that is, in any place where we want to quickly... safely find out what kind of substance we have right at our fingertips, this device, it is truly not replaceable. already in the next year, the spectrometer will go into mass production, then the database will begin to be actively replenished due to the use of the device in various fields of activity, from scientific research to the search for subtle traces of prohibited substances. by the way, in the case when you have to work with an ultra-low concentration of a substance, the spectrometer has a separate option - a special substrate. and my name is aganes, i am an engineer at the raman spectroscopy laboratory of the moscow institute of physics and technology, specifically in this project, working heart substrates, i am very interested that these devices do not remain somewhere on the table, but go into series and take their place somewhere in production. a substrate that
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amplifies the signal up to a billion times can in practice be useful not only for searching for prohibited substances, but also actively. in medicine, for example, as a basis for creating biosensors that can be used to diagnose various diseases, from infectious to oncological. in some cases, raman spectroscopy does not allow achieving the desired sensitivity, for example, when measuring substances in very low concentrations, and here such a core substrate comes to our aid, it is a silicon wafer with... and a silicon wafer, yes i see, uh-huh, yes, it is a silicon wafer with silicon pillars etched on its surface and coated with a layer of gold or silver ae, respectively, when a laser beam hits the surface of the substrate, a local amplification of the electromagnetic field is formed near these silicon pillars,
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which allows us to obtain multiple amplification from the measured object. it's clear. well , let's see, that is, we have a substrate placed, and so we have a measurement, yes, accordingly, and we get this picture, and at the same time, if we now add in the program a the spectrum of the substance that was made a without a substrate, then we see that the spectrum that we obtained with a substrate is more informative, and accordingly it will be easier for the program to recognize. this substance. until recently, in russia, spectrometers were assembled individually from foreign parts. now, through the efforts of our researchers, we have received not just a product that maintains the quality of the best samples. but at the same time half the price with the ability to create flexible solutions for a specific industry. within the framework of the federal project , the development of a total
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of 18 different types of scientific instruments in a variety of directions has currently been launched: this is optical lithography, this is spectroscopy, this is maspectrometry, this is a very urgent task, this is a task of the future, and here we ... should not lag behind, these tasks together the country's leading physics and technology universities are involved in this work, and mipt coordinates this work. now, well, it is clear that the country is facing new challenges and the tasks of import substitution that the whole country is now solving; probably, festeh could not stand aside and also got involved in this decision. in fact, the distinctive feature of what we do is precisely that we carry out the full cycle of research and development. we don’t just conduct research, we bring it to a specific result, when there is already a prototype, there is already a working sample, which can be transferred to the industry for production, well, as far as i know,
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phistech is also part of the consortium of scientific instruments and structures, this is really a very important topic, since modern equipment is needed to conduct research at a high level, so about 2 years ago we teamed up with others leading technical universities in... a complex device, device, product, this is always the result of the work of a large team of people, and here at festekh we have a very good platform, a platform for
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bringing together such different people, making interdisciplinary teams and working together, they show brilliant results. we are already accustomed to the fact that it is now possible to print almost anything, from culinary delicacies to cars; specialists in additive technologies and bioengineers are not far behind. scientists have figured out how to print biological tissue directly on the patient and for this a special robotic arm has been developed, the module is built automatically, everything must be extremely accurate, it is necessary to take into account the slightest nuances. my name is alexander levin, i am an engineer of the scientific project notes bioingch, my responsibilities include the development of a bioprinter for the institute, which is based on a robot, well, situ from latin is in place, that’s accordingly, if we are talking about bioprinting, yes, that is this is after the application of living cells. in order to obtain the desired shape when printing, the cells are mixed with a hydrogel. the bioprinter works without an incubator;
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there is no need to grow the required organ in advance. cells are applied directly to the target and grow in their natural conditions. the whole point of bioprinting is basically that we use cells primarily from the patient himself. and they mix with the gel, right? the fact is that the gel, together with the cells that we... printed into the wound, is, so to speak, a material for the growth of cells of the body itself, that is, it is a frame, yes, yes, yes, that is, this is accordingly significantly speeds up healing, now we ’ll try to print, are you ready, come on, yes, i, i’m always ready, that’s it, and the printing process takes place accordingly, this means that you apply this gel to the wound, mixed with your own cells, a biodegradable design, what happens to it then, we print it with type 1 collagen, that is, the most common collagen in our body, that is, we... extract it from other organisms, but at the same time we completely clean it of cell debris so that there is no non-immune, non- allergenic reaction; accordingly, this is one of the most important advantages
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of bioprinting. in the future, this bioprinting technology will make it possible to reconstruct organs through surgical incisions in the human body and can be used in a variety of conditions. such a system can be considered mobile, that is, it could be installed, for example, in a mobile hospital, the whole thing... it is not very much, that is, the mass of the assembled robot is from 20 to 40 kg, which is quite feasible, and this is large difference from stationary bioprinters. the global task is to grow full-fledged organs for transplantation. mesti scientists have already carried out bioprinting of the auricle, however, so far the experiment on transplantation was carried out on animals. researchers joke that the healthiest creatures in the world are laboratory animals. after all, all advanced developments are first tested on them. indeed, to reach production, a drug can be tested for many months and even years. for example, right now russian scientists
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are conducting... and what will come of it will tell you, as always, the program science and i natalya popova. see you!
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outliving your children is very difficult, we will hold on, we will continue what he wanted to make for our homeland, in 2014, the venue for the winter olympic games, today the federal territory of sirius, how the interests of science and business were combined on the basis of the olympic heritage, the creation of an innovation center and... university buildings - this is a direct order of the president, thanks to the special legal regulation of the federal sirius territory, we will be able to minimize the period from identifying a tumor to administering medications to the patient. we are partners here in this place to develop the legislative framework. sirius is a paradise for smart people.
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why were you given the title of hero of the soviet union? i don’t know, vasenkov, mikhail anatolyevich, forty-second year, russian, your face is such that you can pass off anyone as anyone, well , practically, i was such a simple wooden guy, and you didn’t know this mikhail, no, no, she’s from sculpted you to latin americans? yes, she made you a person who has a latin-american character, latin-american habits, he told me, it’s better for you not to know, yeah, but i didn’t ask anymore, because i realized there’s so much in total, not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information that he sent here, 98%, probably all of it came true, he had ukraine in his forecasts, that’s roughly how it all happened, i always dreamed of remaining
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a commandant, what does that have to do with it? ahead, outpost, outpost, angel, let's be brief, yes, i'm observing, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, this is the pace, they entered, the work is completed, the work is worth it on rails, i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, here, feelings
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aggravated to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i will come back for you, do you hear, in 22 regions of russia there is a tense situation due to floods, the situation is... or the ministry of emergency situations in the altai territory has introduced an emergency situation, the number of flooded houses is already about 500, there is a flood in neighboring kazakhstan, more than 12 thousand people had to be evacuated there. about the situation margarita semenyuk. these touching shots of the rescue of a cat who found himself defenseless in the face of the elements were filmed in the village of mikhailovka, altai territory, from a water fluffy captivity.


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