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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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bam, let's go, we'll figure it out, we'll talk to you there, yes, they were jealous, they filmed everything that happened on camera, posted it on the internet, what are you accused of, an assassination attempt, these actions obviously indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of an assassination attempt murder, bandit, what a bandit , he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, and you can cope with almost any person, well, i love you, just like that, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, that’s it, that’s it, little one.
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are you used to watching videos online? stopped work? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. yeah.
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but he was a lump, my first, and i ’m trying to be good to the guys, so please, session, goodbye, the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue: two records for the year, the country’s accounts chamber demonstrated unprecedented figures based on the results of the work done in 2023.
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volume identified financial violations more than doubled, refunds were the federal budget has become the largest in the last 10 years. the head of the accounts chamber outlined the achievement by delivering a report to the state duma. first things first. alexander shavirin. the report of the accounts chamber this year was preceded by a meeting of auditors with all duma factions. the deputies sent dozens of questions on each and received an answer from the control body. with the annual results of the work of the accounts chamber on its own. each state duma committee got acquainted with the meetings. the accounts chamber is the highest body of external state audit. project examination federal laws on the budget and all other bills that affect it: assessing the effectiveness of using funds from the treasury is the responsibility of the accounts chamber. last year, auditors identified about 5,000 violations totaling more than 2 trillion rubles. this is more than 5% of the entire income.
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country budget. all tasks set by the president and parliament during the reporting period were implemented. the head of the accounts chamber, galina izotova, began her speech with these words. according to her, the checks were related to current tasks facing our country, special military operation, import substitution, food security, technological development and social protection of russians. on behalf of the state duma, we carried out an analysis of the causes of personnel shortages in healthcare. so. the government is recommended to take measures aimed at minimizing factors such as the relocation of medical workers to regions with higher salaries in the industry, and, accordingly, the presence of a significant difference in wages between subjects. the efficiency of work has increased noticeably, and the dialogue with the state duma is built on specific tasks. this assessment of the work of the accounts chamber was given by vyacheslav volodin. the accounts chamber is a parliamentary body. control,
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and we form it legislatively, resolve issues of expanding powers, representing the interests of citizens, through this institution we respond to the issues that are before us... raised by voters, which we see on our agenda, require control by the accounts chamber. the state duma speaker emphasized: this is a full-fledged parliamentary control body that not only checks how budget money is spent, but also conducts analysis and makes specific proposals. such feedback, according to vyacheslav volodin, makes it possible to effectively adjust legislation. we are working together with the government and with the president so that...
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women received political rights in 1918, but they received real power only now, under president putin and the majority of united russia. vyacheslav volodin recalled that women today occupy the positions of chairperson in the central bank of the federation council, the central election commission and the accounts chamber. two vice-speakers of the state duma and a deputy prime minister in the government, also representatives of the fair sex. this.
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showed that our model is mixed, in the world of such, such a model has been implemented in many countries in recent years, including the period of the pandemic, everywhere it has shown its effectiveness, we see that it is necessary not only to preserve, but, of course, to develop this model. alexander oksenenko drew attention to the problem of worn-out networks and high tariffs.
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its capabilities will be reinforced, they will be of benefit to citizens, and we, perhaps, will make, based on this information, the decisions that our voters are waiting for, we have a tariff. heat costs in moscow are often lower than in the regions, and wages in moscow are higher than in the regions. the state duma speaker also asked the accounts chamber to analyze the system of targeted training in medical and
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pedagogical universities. based on the results of this audit, the state duma will ask relevant questions to the relevant ministers. parliamentary hour. bill on mentoring for troubled teenagers are planned to be accepted into the state duma during the spring session. we will tell you about other initiatives of deputies in our review. guarantees of labor rights for widows of svo participants. the bill, adopted in the second reading, prohibits the dismissal of such employees at the initiative of the employer within one year from the date of death of the spouse. there will be exceptions if... remarried or repeatedly committed gross violations of labor discipline. the state duma
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is confident that everything must be done to support the families of the fallen heroes. recently changes have been made in relation to single parents who have children under 16 years old, this is already a valid norm, the president has already signed it, now we are talking about widows of military personnel, and accordingly, such an additional measure of protecting the labor rights of this category of citizens is extremely in demand today. in connection with an ongoing special military operation. another preference for the mentioned category is a reduction in the loan burden. benefits will be provided to svo participants and their family members. this is how the accrued for during credit holidays, interest on loans. well, if this interest or part of it has already been paid, the funds will be counted towards repayment of the principal debt. the bill was adopted in the first reading. the president decided to take half of this responsibility. the bank itself, and the other half will be taken by the budget, that is, this interest accrued
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on the body of the loan of the participant in the special military operation will be repaid in half at the expense of the state, at the expense of the budget, and the other half will be repaid to the banks for account of your profits. the current legislation regarding pedophiles requires perfection, the number of criminals in the country exceeds 7,000, a bill prohibits them from visiting mass places. access to children, they cannot approach places where children study, play sports, play, and so on, unless they themselves are the parent of the child or a person representing interests. internet providers will receive free access to high-rise buildings. deputies exempt telecom operators from
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paying for placing their equipment in apartment buildings. according to the document, a decision of the general meeting of residents is no longer required for this. roscosmos may receive the right to place outdoor advertising on its infrastructure facilities. the corporation is given the right to enter into contracts for advertising on space technology, including federally owned ones. the conclusion of such. contracts will be carried out without tendering, the bill was adopted in the first reading. the first joint meeting of the working group under the interparliamentary commission took place in beijing on cooperation between the national people's congress and the federal assembly. there they discussed issues of ensuring state sovereignty and security, and talked about how to counteract pressure and influence from outside. chairman of the russian
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in our case, from the very beginning of our arrival , it was demonstrated that we were expected guests, that we had come to work, and that we were received by the head of the national people's assembly, we can...
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legitimate initiatives are already in practice. what agreements were reached as a result meetings? there is a protocol where we recorded our positions, there is confirmation that there will be a working group, and most importantly, we agreed to quickly exchange a new agenda, so i really hope that we
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will propose the topic of demography, possibly education, and go through those topics , that are. us common, this does not mean that we will solve them together, but the exchange of views is an enrichment not only for legislators, but now for the executive branch, you also conveyed greetings from the chairman state duma vyacheslav viktorovich volodin and an invitation to visit moscow to hold a meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation, tell us what chauolzi’s reaction was to the invitation, saying that he accepts this invitation with pleasure, and has even fixed the dates when he will arrive, that’s all passed.
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16 of them were wounded. the number of attacks from their country has increased by 33% since january of this year. this was stated by deputy speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate criminal actions against minors by the kiev regime. in addition, ukrainian militants began to use prohibited projectiles. what our commission provides today in numbers, specific facts and legal assessments is the subject of analysis and discussion in parliaments. circles of the state, it is very important that these discussions become concrete decisions. children who suffered from shelling in the ssu are now resting in crimea; funds were allocated for their rehabilitation, which, according to a court decision, google paid to the parliamentary television channel duma tv. we we remembered the history of the channel blocking and looked at how the guys spend their time on
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the peninsula. see the story for details. april 2022. google blocks the parliamentary television account duma tv on youtube. the court recognizes the actions of the american company as illegal and obliges them to restore access. decisions are ignored. for this, the corporation is punished financially. google turned off parliamentary television duma tv on... we went to court, went through all the courts, won, the company is obliged to pay 1 billion rubles. let's take it to control this issue, please ask the relevant security committee to monitor
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the work of bailiffs, so that with the american one. the company received the money from the state duma, and we will use it, as previously agreed, the committee for the protection of motherhood, childhood, and family must think about what purposes these funds should be used for, power is not in money, in truth, and the committee decides to direct the money to rest and recovery of children affected by the actions of the kiev regime, the duma council supports the idea, 16 million received from google, go as intended. you get treatment, yes you like it, yes, but what do you like in general, like riding a moped on a simulator or going to procedures, going to procedures more, and where was
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it better there at school or here, here it is better, here at least homework, here at least homework is not they ask, treat, teach, entertain in the health centers of the crimea with vacationing children, as with their own, individually select procedures and the necessary support, because each child’s medical record is based on its own tragedy. kolya also has a mine explosion injury, only the young man’s gaze falls not on the leg, on the arm, how he was blown up on children’s day, the teenager remembers in detail, then i started to remember, well, i remember everything from the frames, the explosion, i didn’t understand, they started to scatter, i looked at the arm and realized that it was as if it was missing having survived this horror, the guys did not lose the main thing - the smile on their faces, they joke about themselves with their peers, and test the intelligence of adults. who exactly? perhaps, but there is,
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one, one, right, and the death of relatives learns to trust again. in crimea, children are being restored morally and physically in the center sports evolution and the children's center ala and parusa organized special streams. educational buildings are equipped for them, psychologists, art therapy rooms, and exercise therapy work. the rehabilitation process is studied by state duma deputy nino ostanina during a working trip to the peninsula. what i saw here, i would like it to be broadcast. throughout the entire territory of the russian federation, and today allai parusa deserves to become, you know, such a school, a model that would train our teachers,
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educators, specialists, psychologists, prepared for them to work in all subjects of the russian federation, our committee will have a hand in ensuring that this program works literally in the near future, the head of the duma committee explains, the task is to improve the health of families this year. as many children as possible and to do this, organize locations that everyone else will look up to. thank you, i have something to tell my colleagues at the state duma, because we have handed over our children to safe hands. dear deputies, colleagues, thanks to everyone who supported the initiative to direct these funds to children, thank you for being able to, well, meet these children with dignity when i heard that we don’t want to leave, we won’t want to in 2-4 days, but isn’t that higher? there is nothing to add to the results summed up in one phrase from children’s lips, except that there is a feeling of security that is literally in the air, i feel
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safe here, that is, when you go out into the street, but there is no such feeling that maybe, or maybe, can happen shot, maybe it will hit nearby or there will be an arrival, you you just walk, breathe deeply and don’t feel any danger, the program organized by the spring deputies... will not end, crimea has great potential for rehabilitation, the entire summer period has already been distributed among shifts. elena zhelnina, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that ’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour, see you on air. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people whom he called and whom he described in the person of his...
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they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law. and i was the victim.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out kamikazes, when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking,
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blindly, you don’t... know what you have ahead, outpost, outpost, angel, let's be brief, yes, i observe, the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off switch the picture, this is the pace, we entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails. dear friends, i am pleased to invite
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you to our new release , it will be called: does crime have a punishment, i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, and i look forward to seeing you, i am not a fighter, i came for my brother . here all the feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i ’ll come back for you, you hear.
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in the regions of russia, floods are gaining strength in the orenburg region in the riyskaya zone more than 250 towns and villages in altai.


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