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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the last 11 years, avtovaz reported. the most popular model was granta with more than 20,000 cars sold. next come vesta, niva travel and niva legend. according to the head of avtovaz, maxim sookolov, overall, according to the results of the quarter, car production in talyaty increased by more than 170%. europe fears for its energy sector after abandoning russian gas. according to the newspaper , eu politics made a big bet on american lng back in 2020. the union spent. billions of euros for port infrastructure built regasification plants, but joe biden, for environmental reasons, decided to suspend the conclusion of new contracts for the export of lng abroad, this could lead to a decrease in supplies to the eu and an increase in prices. and the dollar’s ​​share of world reserves has fallen to its lowest level since 1995. in the twenty-third year, it dropped below 59%, according to the materials of the international monetary fund. according to experts, global central banks are beginning to consider this asset everything.
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all those involved in the horrific terrorist attack in kroku city holia will be brought to justice responsibility, russia will reach the customers, the president’s statement at the board of the ministry of internal affairs, as well as special attention to the fight against extremism and illegal migration, why it is important to act proactively, we learn from the instructions of vladimir putin. about spring conscription, losses. and the liberation of new
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territories, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on certain lines, but is defeated, new data from the ministry of defense, which settlements have come under our control over the last month, how much equipment and manpower have been destroyed, we are waiting for news of the conference call sergei shaigu. the latest preparations for the report, the government is preparing to talk about the results of its work for the year, a working meeting between mikhail mishustin and vyacheslav volodin, as well as a meeting. with the cabinet of ministers on the main topic - economic and social development. two fraternal peoples, unity day of russia and belarus, a holiday that symbolizes the commonality of historical destinies and centuries-old friendship. april 2, 1996, the date that became the first step on the path to a union state, how it strengthened during this time cooperation between moscow and minsk. winter in chukotka is down to -37°. and a stormy wind in the south
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of the country, on the contrary - almost 30° summer heat, well , there is a lot of water in orenburg, over 250 settlements are under the threat of flooding due to floods, what else can you expect from the weather? so, here we go, admiral alexander moiseev, appointed by presidential decree as commander-in-chief of the russian navy. sergei shaigu announced this during a conference call in... defense, this is not the only appointment in the naval leadership, commander of the northern fleet vice admiral konstantin kabantsov was appointed, and vice admiral sergei pinchuk was appointed commander of the black sea fleet. by decree of the president of the russian federation , admiral moiseev, aleksan alekseevich, was appointed commander-in-chief of the navy, we congratulate you on this appointment, we really hope for yours.
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extremism in suppressing illegal migration, the work of precinct services, priorities that the president asked to pay special attention to when speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs, while the head of state proposed to proceed from the fact that internal and external threats today are closely intertwined. now the police, together with other departments , are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22, and the head of state repeated that it is important to identify not only the perpetrators, but everyone.
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security in crowded places , sports facilities, transport, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, to a new level of law enforcement and hospitals, universities, theaters and so on, all these facilities must be under constant control, as the president recalled, in their previous speeches at the boards of the fsb and the prosecutor general's office, he had already focused on the importance of combating any extremist manifestations, and the breeding ground for such... activities is illegal migration, it is in this environment that ideological pumping takes place through false preachers and internet sites, while using a terrorist attack in crocus to provoke ethnic hatred, including xenophobia and islamophobia, the head of state emphasized, is unacceptable.
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a breeding ground for such historical activity, and simply frank criminality, this is in many cases of illegal migration, ideological pumping of various kinds of lies.
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the fight against corruption, which poisons society, breaks law-abiding businesses, steals money necessary for the defense of the country, for its movement forward in the economy and in the social sphere. this fully applies to ensuring the internal security
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of the ministry of internal affairs system itself. it is necessary to continue to strive to increase the detection rate of corruption and other crimes, including those that remain unsolved. in previous years, forced it should also be noted here that last year the number of serious, especially serious and a number of other crimes increased, it is necessary to quickly respond to this negative... trend, the president demanded that no less attention be paid to the neutralization of organized crime, because such groups, and sometimes real criminal syndicates, often are cross-border in nature and act hand in hand with international radical extremist structures. such communities are associated with human trafficking, arms trafficking, financial and cybercrimes, as well as drug trafficking. recently, russia has seen an increase in the consumption of the most severe hazardous substances. synthetic drugs, the ministry of internal affairs, together with the fsb, other intelligence services, as well as
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the federal customs service, it is necessary to seriously intensify work to identify the places of production of this potion, sources of foreign raw materials, and suppress supply and trade channels. in general, one of the key tasks is to strengthen close coordination of all law enforcement and special services. we must proceed from the fact that today the internal and external threats. often intertwined and equally directed against our citizens and society, containment of russia to undermine our sovereignty. last year, the number of crimes in public places at transport facilities, according to statistics , decreased, but preparedness for emergency situations. the president demanded a constant increase, and this applies to all law enforcement services of all subjects, including regions that are located in close proximity to the line of combat contact in the special zone. military operations, the work of internal affairs officers in the donbass in novorusiya, i know
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that there we have to come into conflict not only with crime, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups, which , among other things, try to use long-standing channels through organized crime, therefore one of the most important tasks in donbass and novorosiya to protect citizens from criminal threats and ensure the normal functioning of government bodies. enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium-sized businesses. i would like to note that the department of internal affairs bodies formed in all new subjects of the federation. people largely judge the strength of russian law by your work. and this is a huge responsibility, which you are sure you understand well. the minister of internal affairs called countering extremism a priority task. vladimir kolokoltsev recalled that the police were in a hidden cell. the right sector of the ukrainian terrorist organization banned in russia, and the functioning of a number
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of religious associations was suppressed. 44 structures were recognized as undesirable and included in the corresponding list. priority task - countering extremism, neutralizing the activities of radical structures, preventing conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds. the police opened cells of the ukrainian right sector, and also stopped the functioning of a number.
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russia, the russian federation, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon and the like, and there are a lot of such historical examples, and someone strives for so that in today's rapidly changing environment peace, maintain its hegemony, including at our expense, well. naturally, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on. to do this
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, including at the expense of russia, after its possible fragmentation, but apparently, someone considered our country as a weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion, many have already realized that they are mistaken, this has never happened, no one knows this succeeded. this will not happen and no one will be able to do it. of course, many issues today can be resolved in a timely manner, for example, the level of juvenile crime is decreasing, there are results from the precinct commissioners, thanks to their work last year. the perpetrators of every fifth crime solved in the country have been identified. based on the results of the discussion, the president is waiting for legislative, law enforcement and management proposals, adding that of course there are a lot of unresolved problems, but a lot of work has already been done, but there can be no complacency, let alone laxity.
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i understand, like this, children’s adidas sneakers are at a discount at the megamarket. 20% grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive a pension from the post bank? of course, there are benefits there, transfer your pension to pochtobank and get 2,000 rubles and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably at pochtobanki. russian troops are pushing ukrainian forces westward . sergei announced this today shaigu. at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces. according to the minister, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on certain lines, but has not achieved its goals in any of the directions. we’ll find out more details from denis alekseev. he is joining the fact right now. denis, hello. i saw on the informagency feeds that last month the russian military liberated five settlements in the dpr and lpr. what
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other statements were made during the meeting? hello. well, our military is effectively fulfilling its tasks in zone of the northern military district, and kiev continues to paint an ideal picture for its western partners, convincing them that everything is under control, the ability to resist the russian army, well, more than enough, just give them money, as evidence they attach photos and video reports of inhumane sabotage and terrorist attacks on russian territories against civilian population. the west has taken a position that, no matter what the child amuses himself with, in every possible way, if not... encourages, then turns a blind eye to the crimes of ukraine, which do not and will not remain unanswered. despite the lack of results on line.
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territories of new regions of the russian
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federation. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. in march alone, our armed forces liberated five settlements. nebelskaya, orlovka, otonenkaya, krasnoe, this is in the dpr, the village of mirnaya in the zaporozhye region. and taking everyone. the village carries high strategic significance and seriously impacts the enemy’s plans. here's an example, take the village of krasnoe near artyomovsk, our presence there intensified the attack on the chasyars, and the consolidation in orlovki pushed back even more vseushnikov to the west in the avdeevsky direction. the losses in the ssu are astonishing; more and more often the reports are no longer ukrainian, or domestic, equipment, but western ones from the reserves that have been held back for a long time. here are the pictures of yet another american bradley burning out after failures. forays to the front line, or a burning nato self-propelled gun is unlikely to move under its own power after being hit by a lancet. since the beginning of the year, these are the data announced
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by minister shaigu today, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in personnel are 80 thousand people, 14 thousand units of weapons of various classes, including 1,200 tanks and other armor. the steppes of donbass have become the last refuge for at least six american abrams. this. at night, russian girans again caused serious damage to the military infrastructure in the ukrainian rear. we are talking about arrivals in krivoy rog, povlograd, dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye. it is known that targets were hit in kharkov and the kharkov region. kharkov itself, local residents have already begun to actively leave, and images like this have appeared. a multi-kilometer traffic jam leaving the city. the mayor said the day before that there was no talk of any evacuation. everything is fine. but kharkovites, judging by the video. do you understand that the ukrainian command is trying to hide behind them until the last minute, leaving the city without electricity, gas and water? at bigfest
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the president's press secretary said. dmitry peskov, this is more a question of the competence of the ministry of defense of our special services, which are counteracting this activity of the kiev regime, but kiev the regime continues its terrorist activity, we, our military, first of all work to minimize this threat, and subsequently completely eliminate it. and, according to experts, the ethereals were modernized ultra-lights. by airplane aeroprakt a22, better known as the flying forest. why could it be aeropragt that was used, and not a classic drone? well, firstly, because by equipping this lightweight aircraft with a gps guidance system, removing the cockpit equipment and...
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instead, by installing additional fuel tanks on the plane, as well as equipping the resulting aircraft with a fairly significant mass of explosives, and the ukrainians received an improvised attack drone with a fairly long range, with a range most likely exceeding significantly 1.00 km, there could be more than 1.200 . there up to 1.400 in my opinion. the a22 two-seat ultralight aircraft was developed by the ukrainian company aeroprakt in the late nineties. now in ukraine they have found a way to convert them into drone in modified airplanes.


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