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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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so please, session, goodbye, your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. let's watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, on the app or on the website, this is a big information evening, in the next
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hour. icons and candlesticks contain explosive charges for grenade launchers. a foreign car with cargo for terrorists was traveling from kiev to moscow through the eu countries. where was she stopped, who was driving? foreign agents indicate targets for missiles and drones of the armed forces of ukraine. foreign agent medusa gave the coordinates to allab back in the summer. from media attacks to real terrorism - one article. nato did it. the alliance actually recognized the ukrainian armed forces as its proxy armies. the ukrainians themselves do not hide where to send their drones; the west tells them. i wonder if they were warned about retaliatory strikes? the correctional colony in the nikolaev region, where criminals were previously kept, has become behind the walls for deserters and refuseniks, as they are taught in ukraine, to love their homeland. ukrainian resources
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they are promoting the russian video, they are trying to refute the video about the contrasts on square, but nothing comes of it, who played the realistic roles? dozens of orthodox icons in thick wooden frames, each one is opened and carefully checked to see if there is a hiding place, unique footage from. russian special services border guards, who can tell a lot about what kind of enemy russia is fighting, since in this case they tried to use the icons as a weapon of terrorism, the criminals hid explosives behind the holy faces and detonators, and as if nothing had happened, they tried to carry them into the territory of our country. according to the fsb, the truck with the church approval was stopped pending inspection at the border with the pskov region; according to the report, thanks to prompt actions, it was possible to identify and block the cross-border channel.
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lead them to moscow, we have never seen anything like this from kiev, and there is not only a ukrainian trace, a car loaded with explosives drove almost 2.0 km, crossed the borders of six european states, and customs officers did not say a word anywhere, but as soon as it reached russia, immediately aroused suspicion, at the ubylinka checkpoint in the pskov region, on the border with latvia, employees of the fsb and the federal customs service noticed that the driver of a minibus with a trailer with foreign license plates was nervous, drawing up
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documents for cargo, icons and church utensils, they asked the customs officers to let him through as soon as possible, well, they arranged an additional check for him, having entered the territory of the russian border, i submitted all the documents for the passage of customs procedures, the customs inspection began, attachments were identified in the icons explosives detonated, after which i was detained. in the minibus they found 70 kg of foreign-made explosives, 27 improvised explosive devices disguised as icons, 91 electric detonators and parts of a shot for rpg7, in other words, a disassembled charge for a grenade launcher. let's take a closer look. here is hexogen, packaged in red and blue vacuum bags, camouflaged with thin oil paper hidden on the back of the icons. power. this explosive
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is one and a half times more powerful spent, the mass of the seized explosive is enough to blow up a five-story residential building. here are the icons turned into hexagen improvised explosive devices on the inside of the frame; just insert the fuse and the bomb is ready. the kit includes a battery, a radio board with a sim card slot, and an electric detonator. assembling this homemade explosive device takes just a few minutes. it’s some kind of particularly perverted blasphemy to stuff an icon with explosives. when an icon becomes a way to disguise a murder weapon, this is of course a terrible act, blasphemous, it is monstrous , it is scary, it is vile, especially in a situation when people, believers, now christians,
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orthodox, go through the difficult, important, grace-filled path of lent, turn to god, including including praying in front of the icons, judging by the markings, this entire batch was produced in kiev, then the icons and church utensils with explosives were sent to the city of chernivtsi, on the border with romania. from there the deadly cargo was transported through the parubnoye international checkpoint to warehouse in the romanian city of faltecheni and already there the same driver took the boxes through hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania and latvia. until he found himself at the international automobile checkpoint ublinka on... the latvian-russian section of the border, where he was detained, he did not reach moscow, otherwise that was where he was actually heading. i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place, traveled from romania, i reached the romanian-hungarian
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border, somewhere i was inspected, checked, no problems were identified, following again in the direction of russia, traveling to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia.
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russia and ukraine, who was carrying all this church utensils, a criminal case was opened, he faces from 7 to 12.
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in less than 2 months, the fund began to work on june 1 in all subjects of the russian federation, without exception , branches of the state fund defenders of the fatherland were opened. of course, this was done with the general consolidation and support
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of the government of the russian federation and relevant ministries, departments, and public organizations. a very big role the governors played with their teams, and there were branches. open with an accessible environment, with children's rooms, offices, where not only fund employees, but also social protection staff receive receptions. employment service, lawyers, psychologists, military prosecutor's office, prosecutor's office, representatives of military registration and enlistment offices, that is, all this is done so that our veterans who come to the branches receive, as a one-stop service with the minimization of various bureaucratic failures, help and assistance in solving any questions they come to us with, i generally want to say that the basic principles of the work of the state fund and...
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and there is a feature of the state fund, which was created by your decree, is personal work on the part of social coordinators with our veterans, that is, we work on any request for each family, each veteran is assigned personal social coordinator, today there are 3,500 employees who work in every municipality, in every small town.
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months of work of the state fund since june 1, we have worked and received a huge the number of requests today is 910,000 requests, that is, we are approaching a million; we understand that the quality of the fund’s work is how quickly we were able to resolve these requests; 780,000 of this number have already been resolved.
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assurances with the participation of fund employees 79,000 legal assistance 74. issues of medical support, also sanatorium treatment and appeal to psychologists for psychologists psychotherapeutic assistance another 76 thousand. vladimir vladimirovich, despite the fact that the legal fund works with demobilized guys discharged from the armed forces, and...
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what else would i like to say is that after 6 months of work, when we worked for six months and gained experience in working with the fund with appeals, we realized that these are the powers that were originally decree are registered, and this is precisely assistance and routing. our veterans to the relevant ministry departments to solve certain problems with which
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they turn to us, they are insufficient, you just said about the changes made to the decree of 3 february of this year, which have become key for us, have now given the fund the ability to directly pay for certain services and provide real assistance, in general i would like to say that what is probably special about the fund now is the opportunity to receive feedback from the veterans themselves, from the guys, that is, their satisfaction with the service that they... did not receive - the so -called monitoring of the completeness and quality of the services provided, so we now have the opportunity to implement a number of a range of such areas, as i would like to say, because this is truly unprecedented assistance from the state, for example, adapting living quarters for children who have become disabled as
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a result of injury, equipping their apartment living quarters with a system
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of completeness and quality of the service provided, so that we understand , what mechanisms the region offers and how this is implemented in practice. currently, the foundation, together with the ministry of digital development, is building a modern digital system, which allows us to collect feedback. this is on the state services portal, and the chatbot, and
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the hotline, which are literally starting to work for us today. from may 1, we are launching our updated website so that our veterans can also contact us through the site, plus, directly, of course, which is probably the most reliable source, this is direct communication with the social coordinator, and when contacting us in our branches the fund of the guys proactively who come asking certain questions, and on the initiative of the fund now an extended medical examination of the children has started,
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sending them to rehabilitation and long-term treatment to help them, in general, also make up for what they have lost. therefore, we have entered into an agreement with the ministry of science of higher education, we have entered into an agreement with the leading universities of our country in order to give them the opportunity to study for free and receive the education they want, for example, we are recruiting for the 21 sberbank school to prepare it- top-class specialists, together with the state corporation
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vprf from kolkovo we train children according to the program mba, that is. those who want to do business, who want to develop private entrepreneurship, our veterans were very actively involved in the program that you announced, this is the time of heroes, today there are already 40 guys who have passed the assessment program, special, special testing, psychological testing, they showed excellent results, ready to study this program, that is, this is a real treasure, like... a training program according to the program that you announced. much attention is paid socializing the rehabilitation of veterans through sports, we come to hospitals and
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pick up guys right after they are wounded, together with the paralympic committee and the ministry of sports of the russian federation we hold defenders of the fatherland cups, all-russian competitions in such interesting sports as slap hockey, table tennis, archery. field shooting, powerlifting, volleyball, sitting for children who have received disabilities, so that they can socialize through sports, they move from such a fighting brotherhood in a sports brotherhood, today they are already showing excellent high results in sports and achievements in sports, paralympic sports, so we also pay great attention to this, involving children in patriotic education, today there are already more than 300...
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the guys, after the return of a special military operation, are ready also actively participate in peaceful life, for example, in our fund, at the moment, 300 children of veterans of a special military operation are employed and working, including those who received disability, and 135 mothers, wives of fallen soldiers are also employees of our foundation, so they are very socially active, energetic and ready to continue to serve our... homeland as an intentional business, yeah, well, after all, what problems are the most, well, noticeable remain what we need would you like to draw attention to both your
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foundation and departments in order to close them as quickly as possible? i would probably now highlight two main points that really need to be paid attention to, well , firstly, these are the most pressing issues it is worth obtaining a combat veteran certificate. this is very important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of state assistance depend on this, this is very important for us, and we have now, together with the ministry of defense , developed a number of programs that allow us to partially close these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers , defenders of donbass and private military companies, for defenders of donbass. from the branch of the fund the collection of necessary documents is organized, which we form packages for request directly from those
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interdepartmental commissions that were created by the heads of the dpr, and we provide these interdepartmental commissions with these packages of documents, and today i can already say that we have good results, 12,000 volunteers received a certificate thanks to our joint work. combat veteran and 6,000 residents of the dpr and lpr received the status of a family member of the deceased, this is something, well, you do not have the right to issue the certificates themselves, yes you do not issue them, yes, yes, this is the prerogative of the ministry defense, here we can only provide assistance and assistance in collecting documents, we, of course, do not have such powers, and another reason, i told private military companies, and we also collect all the documents, bring them to the commission that was created in the ministry of defense , to date , we have provided 19,000 sets and issued
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3,500 certificates, which we also distribute through our branches. of course, i would like the process of issuing certificates itself to be more systematic and operational, because i repeat once again, from then the social one depends on this: well, another problem concerns obtaining the status of a family member of a deceased soldier, because when a family, a young family, loses its breadwinner, small children remain, the wife is not yet working
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and for... her delay in receiving this document, of course , it has a great impact, this social support measure, payment for it is sometimes simply vital, so this category would also like to be included in such priority attention, and there is one more question about which i would like to voice, in addition to the certificate, this is the problem of obtaining the status of a combat disabled person , that is, for...
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they gave instructions, now the government of the russian federation has prepared a corresponding draft resolution, but it did not include employees of private military companies, that is, yes, so we would like ask to initiate you to supplement your instruction to include this category , we will definitely do it too, we will definitely do it too, so there is one more point that you drew attention to, and i asked you to do this in due time, this is... to get feedback on the quality of the services provided, well, means of rehabilitation, i know that you and your colleagues are working on creating an appropriate information system, and the system is being prepared, as i already said, from today it will be is launched, we will collect feedback both through the government services portal and through a chatbot, which will be downloaded to the mobile phone. and
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phone number to these guys, we will have the opportunity to receive this assessment on a regular basis, we also have a hotline line and through our website, the guys will also be able to give us a survey, fill out this questionnaire, and good contacts of social coordinators, our foundation, we will definitely collect feedback from the guys, how satisfied they are with the service, the help that we provided them, and profile.
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it’s very warm to talk about the people you work with, the defenders, our guys and so on, this is how you should treat everyone with care and love, directly to our soldiers and their family members, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved in the future , and we are grateful to you for being very involved in this process; i know that you personally meet with our veterans and
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our employees.
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include in the list of rehabilitation means this opportunity, so that the children can really socialize and have the opportunity to receive it. cars, we do not need additional financing, we will do it in...


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