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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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part of the overall picture, chasing views it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you only see entire locations being changed. we will expose all fakes.
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growth of non-resource exports, reduction of poverty below 7%, increase in the share of... these are just some of the president’s instructions that the government will have to implement in the next 6 years. the full list is published on the official kremlin portal; it contains 46 instructions relating to the social sphere, agriculture, industry, finance, technology, transport, education. the six-year development plan will cost 6 trillion rubles in additional budget expenditures. the economy will develop, and accordingly we will have additional taxes that the company will pay. if
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we develop our production, then we accordingly create additional jobs, and this is personal income tax, some products are being produced, then accordingly we receive additional income in terms of value added tax, tax on the income of organizations directly, that is there will be a set of measures that will allow us to get these 6 trillion rubles. almost half of this amount, more precisely 2.7 trillion rubles , is planned for the implementation of new social national projects. the first family envisages a steady increase in the birth rate of the population by 2030, so 75 billion will be allocated to regions with low birth rates, almost 150 for the construction of new overhauls of existing preschool organizations. as part of the national project for a long and active life , it is also planned to rebuild and equip facilities healthcare. 1 trillion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. large, large volume of construction of new schools, campuses, career centers, engineering schools. provided
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within the framework of two more national projects: youth and children and personnel. a large amount of funds is allocated for development and there are several tasks here. one of them is the digitalization of the economy. at least 700 billion rubles have been allocated for the data economy national project over the next six years. what should the government do? ensure the growth rate of investment in domestic solutions in the field of information technology twice the gdp growth rate, support for companies and startups creating software. creating digital platforms for everyone. about key sectors of the economy and the development of artificial intelligence technologies in socially significant public services. tourism should also become more significant for the economy ; over 500 billion rubles are planned to support the industry until 2030. by this time , the number of tourist trips in russia should increase to 140 million, and the industry’s contribution to the country’s gdp should reach 5%. big funds are being spent to support domestic tourism, for which very ambitious goals have been set, yes. now
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, for comparison, last year the contribution of tourism to the russian economy was less than 3% of gdp, but in a few years it is expected to reach 5%. very important goals are being set, yes, here we can talk about demography , family support, and a lot has to do with changing the structure of the economy, yes, because the goals that have been set are currently very closely linked to each other. changes are also intended to be part of the economic restructuring import-export structure. the share of imports of goods and services in the country's gdp should decrease to 17. by 2030, and exports of non-raw materials and non -energy goods, on the contrary, will increase by at least 2/3 compared to last year. two more tasks meet the same goals: increasing by 2030 the share of domestic high-tech goods and services created on the basis of our own development lines by one and a half times and increasing domestic costs for research and development to at least 2% of gdp, including by increasing investments from private business side.
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the economic development agenda that has been announced is based on the creation of large-scale in-house production, production, high-tech products with high added value. and, of course, there, in today’s realities, the basis for the production of such products must be created by our domestic technologies, the component base, in order, among other things, to achieve, well, a state of technological sovereignty. the big social task is to reduce the poverty level by 2030, it should be below 7%, in general and below 12% for large families, while the share of wages in gdp should increase. the changes will affect the president's tax system. ordered to work out the parameters for a fair distribution of the tax burden, taking into account the size of taxpayers’ income, and also fix them until 2030. this will ensure stable and predictable conditions for the implementation of long-term investment projects. large-scale projects, modern
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technologies, new horizons. russia of the present and... touch everyone achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in the incredible. sphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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finding out that your child has autism, but not autism, can be scary. what, what is it to be perplexed, it seems normal, give your assessment, no upbringing, show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another advice, like they haven’t tried a healer, in the end in the end, you can move to another table, but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i ’ll find out more about it, find out more about it. if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it. well, can you tell me? did they jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. we watch to learn about the world,
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educational programs and documentaries . we look, we look, in the application or on the website. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. 3 on april 1559 , the catacambrisian peace was concluded, ending the italian wars. this name was given to a whole series of conflicts for the possession of italy and, in general, for dominance in western europe in the mediterranean sea. many countries fought, including the ottoman empire, but the main rivals were france and spain. they signed this treaty in the person of henry. french and philip ii of spain, who celebrated the victory. the period of spanish hegemony lasted about 150 years. later, the french again entered the fight, joining the austrians, who gained control over almost all the openins at the beginning of the 19th century. italian cities and regions changed
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hands, and this consolidated feudal fragmentation. but the reorganization movement arose against the enslavers for the unification of the country. and in 1860 , the idea and this became an important event in the development of russian culture. at first, the museum was located in the rumyantsev mansion on the promenade des anglais. the basis of the collection was the collection of count state chancellor nikolai rumyantsev, which he bequeathed for the general benefit. these are vintage manuscripts and letters on parchment, books and maps. after 30 years, the museum was transported to moscow , and on its basis a public library was created, which was placed in pashkov’s house. it was merged with the new moscow public museum. added. paintings, graphics, a collection of russian travelers kruzenshtern and lisyansky, but under soviet rule
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the collection was again divided. books and manuscripts became the basis of the collections of the lenin state library. she received a publication from the pashkov house museum. paintings by european artists were transferred to the pushkin museum. russian to the tretyakov gallery. exhibits from the collection of travelers went to the museum of the peoples of the ussr and the kunskamera. and just like that, thanks to rumyantsev’s meeting, signs were created . on april 3, 1953, all those accused in the so-called doctors’ case were released. it was about the allegedly criminal treatment of members of the kremlin leadership by doctors as pests. in january 1953, the newspaper pravda reported the arrest of participants in the conspiracy, academic professors, most with jewish surnames. they say they were recruited by a branch of american intelligence and specifically is it wrong? sentiments in the soviet union,
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which only ceased with the death of stalin. the cancellation of the case was initiated by the head of the ministry of internal affairs, lavrente beri, even before his apala. all those arrested were released and reinstated, claiming that they had given evidence under torture. and lieutenant colonel mikhail ryumin, who developed the case, was arrested and soon shot. on april 3, 1972 , charlie chaplin came to the united states to receive an oscar for his contribution to the development of the art of cinema. and this was the only time the great comedian came to the country where he lived for 40 years and who kicked him out. born in britain, chaplin made an amazing career in the states. his comedic image of a tramp was known all over the world, but with the outbreak of world war ii , persecution began against chaplin in the united states. he was suspected of sympathy for the communists, for the soviet union from... the service began persecuting the actor, when in fifty-two chaplin and his family flew to london for the premiere of his
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film "lights of footlights", he was immediately banned from returning to the country. american cinemas stopped showing his films. chaplin settled in switzerland, becoming one of the first known victims of the so-called cancel culture. here are his words from a press statement. since the end of the last world war, i have become the object of fierce propaganda lies from powerful reactionary groups who are their own. isolate and persecute liberal-minded people. and after 20 years, the american authorities gave him a short-term visa, just so that he could take his oscar. chaplin returned to switzerland and lived there until the end of his days. this is what this day in history was like. i stood my ground that i was right time will show. the president. signed a decree on the autonomy of moscow university, hurray, i
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decided to resume tatyana’s day and come up with some kind of tradition. i have a feeling that all this has changed, which means that something is still being created here. great attention is paid to ensuring that students receive a fundamental and classical university education. session, goodbye, owners of private houses must take care of the removal of household waste themselves, for this you need to conclude an agreement with the regional operator on how to do this, we'll tell you in 5 minutes in this issue the instructions, let's start with a firm definition of msw: municipal waste is generated in residential premises in the process of citizens consuming food products, that is, construction
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waste is not included in it and is paid separately. you shouldn’t think that you can get rid of simple household garbage yourself and save money. by law , all owners of private houses are required to enter into an agreement with a regional msw operator. this can be done in two ways, directly or through a gardening partnership. country houses there are a great many in russia, so regional... clarify information if necessary, make changes. the regional operator, within 10 working days from the date of approval of the unified tariff for the msw removal service, publishes in the print media on its website a proposal for consumers to conclude an agreement and the text of a standard agreement. within 15 working days from this moment, the consumer must send an application to the operator to conclude an agreement, requesting changes if necessary. if this is not
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done, a standard agreement is concluded. he comes into force on the sixteenth working day after the operator has published the offer, but in such a situation it remains possible to change the conditions, in accordance with paragraph five of article 24.7, federal law no. 89, the contract for the provision of solid waste management services is concluded in accordance with the standard contract , which is approved by the government of the russian federation, and the contract for the provision of waste management services can be supplemented by...
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the previous owner already had an agreement on the removal of msw. here we need refer to another regulatory act, which is called the rule for handling municipal solid waste. and in paragraph 8.2 of these rules, it is precisely said that when the ownership of a building , structure, structure or land plots is transferred to a new owner, such owner is obliged to notify within 3 days. regional operator on such a transfer of rights to conclude an appropriate agreement with it. in our telegram chat there was a question about what to do if the contract of 2023 includes payment for the period from 2019. in high quality it is recommended that in such situations, first of all , seek clarification from the regional operator. if january 1, 2019 is mentioned
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, yes, this is when this whole reform started working, yes, we switched to a new system, and most likely there was a choice. here is the regional operator, and he just made the accrual, we concluded the agreement in the current version on august 1, 23, essentially from that moment the obligation arises, but in this case we still need to find out, yes, what happened before that moment, perhaps, but the house was not built, or there was another house, for example, existed on this land plot, and the obligation of these owners or possessors has not gone away, we repeat. the most important thing is that each owner of a private residential building must conclude an agreement on the removal of solid waste, personally or collectively through the management of snt. it is impossible to refuse the service if the consumer has not requested changes; a standard contract is automatically concluded, but an additional one can be added to it later. the new owner of the property must
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notify the operator of the transfer of rights within three days and sign a new contract? do you have any questions or want to know more about your rights? subscribe to our telegram, ask, and we will talk with experts and tell you about everything in the next issues, instructions, not childish fun in different parts of russia , the growth of youth banks began to raise its head, belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take the territory under their own control, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you about the girl. yes, they were jealous. they filmed everything that happened on camera, posted on the internet. why are you being accused? these actions clearly indicate that there were indifferent consequences. he is accused of attempted murder... murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can cope with almost any person, well, i wouldn’t like it, just like that, a similar situation in ulyanovsk and tambov regions, everything, everything,
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what goals are the thugs pursuing, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment, the river shines under the ice, we took on this matter and carried out your investigation, sale. new passenger cars in russia in the first quarter amounted to almost a third of a million, an increase of 86%, according to data from the ministry of industry and trade. in total , over 328 thousand new cars were sold, this is more than during the same period in 2021, while the volume of domestically produced brands exceeded 167,000 cars. in march alone, lada sales increased by almost 84%, avtovaz said in a statement. the figure of more than 42 thousand passenger cars is a monthly record for the brand over the past 11 years. experts explain these results for several reasons, one of which is
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the upcoming rise in car prices. the second reason is the fall in price of cars. moskvich is finally approaching some level of ladvesta in price. the chinese have announced discounts on a number of brands and are selling cars from the 23rd year of production. which were actually brought in large quantities and are still in warehouses, so people decided to use this moment to finally buy a car. at the moment lada remains the undisputed leader of the russian car market, the brand accounts for about 28% of all sales. the next positions in the top belong to the chinese, these are the brands jilli, havel, cherry, changan and others. the demand for them is due to the departure of western automakers from the country. and the growth in the quality of chinese cars, in the top sales today, well, no one is surprised by lada, this is about 28%, but at the same time, the rest of the brands are chinese, and the first brand after
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the russian car lada is gili, followed by haval, cherry , chengan, exit, amoda, a very beautiful, beloved car , and then she surprised everyone with the lesyang car, which very sharply gained momentum last year, according to experts, flight... the increase in demand for cars in the first quarter may be associated with the upcoming increase in prices. from april 1, the government tightened control over payments and customs duties on imported cars. some of them, imported from eac countries, may rise in price by 10-30%. now the difference in payment of vat and excise taxes, as well as in the calculation customs duty, which is obtained due to the undervaluation of cars imported within the customs union. and this. concerns both new and supported ones, on april 1, a new decree came into force, which is designed to replenish the market and what the ministry of industry
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and trade has done is aimed at ensuring that our client, he and i, is protected, now the situation is such that the number unskilled, non-professional players will tend to zero, and the volume of car sales of parallel imports will be predominantly pass through giler centers, and accordingly these transactions will be ... subject to consumer protection laws. according to the autostat agency , last year a fifth of new imported cars were brought to the russian market through the eac countries. of the 707 vehicles, 8% were in kyrgyzstan, 6% in kazakhstan, two in belarus , and one in armenia. the new rules for calculating the taxes, according to the government, should restore fairness and deprive those companies that transport cars cleared by customs in countries from unjustified advantages union, compared to those. who purchase vehicles in russia and pay all taxes and fees. dear friends, i
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am pleased to invite you to our new episode of the author’s program bissagon tv. it will be called, does the crime have a punishment? i hope you understand. why did we call our program that, and i look forward to hearing from you.
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any war is about infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery. we squeeze out comics when there is no escort, you are going, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, outpost, outpost, let’s be brief, but i’m watching, the people who are here at the control points, they are making no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, such a pace has entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails. fyodor mikhailov
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dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyukov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they seem to preserve. all their shares are in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, if you have some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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today vladimir putin took part in an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of internal affairs. in his speech, the president addressed in absentia the customers and interests of terrorist russia. our enemies have decided that they can use terrorism to achieve their political goals. everyone involved in the tragedy in krokos.


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