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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the scale of spring floods in russia is growing noticeably, hundreds of houses are flooded in the altai territory, a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the orenburg region, a high alert regime has been introduced in three districts of the samara region, in the ryazan region, travel is prohibited in nine
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settlements. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva, at a meeting with vladimir putin, spoke about the results for less than a year of the organization’s work. 12 thousand volunteer participants of the svo received a certificate of combat veterans. the total number of received applications is approx. million, most have already been decided. russian mortarmen in the southern donetsk direction destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces and helped the attack aircraft improve their positions on the front line. at a meeting of the un security council, most participants condemned the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. russian permanent representative vasily nebendya also said that moscow will present its document with a negative assessment of this attack. they began to collect humanitarian aid for the flood victims in the altai territory; special points were opened there where people bring the most necessary things. these are primarily... children's things, blankets
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blankets, hygiene products, the number of flooded settlements is growing, hundreds of houses are flooded, roads are blocked, we will find out more details from our correspondent ksenia klimina, she is in direct contact, kseniy, greetings, how the situation has changed over the past 24 hours. roman, good morning, the peak of the flood in the altai territory can be considered already behind us, in the mikhailovsky district, which was flooded the worst, the water is already... falling, in particular in the village of rakety, over the past 24 hours the water level has dropped by about 50 cm , but many houses still remain flooded, dozens of houses and even entire streets, this is what a local resident says, our house was completely flooded, all the fences, everything, everything is flooded, so i went out, i’m going to see my son, my son lives on this street, there too it’s flooded, so i’m bringing it to my children and grandchildren.
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boots. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are also struggling with the consequences of the flood . units from neighboring cities arrived here to reinforce the situation in the mikhailovsky district. rescuers are clearing pipes so that water can drain faster, conducting targeted rounds, delivering bread and water to someone, and rescuing flooded areas somewhere. animals that have already spent time there at least. four days, the village is being restored by the local residents themselves, behind me you can see a small wooden bridge, it was built by local men, the men built the men from our street, they did it, they built such a bridge, thank them very much, meanwhile in altai collection points began operating in the region. humanitarian aid,
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the most in-demand items are now children's clothes, blankets, pillows, bed linen, personal hygiene products, misfortune, as we know, unites, even people are trying to help preschoolers, the day before, pupils of a local kindergarten brought food to the temporary accommodation center, and the day before the governor of the altai territory visited the flood zone, he promised payments to all the victims. the commission recorded that there is water on the plot of land, 1000 at once, which means we are directing whoever entered the house, it rose above the floor, which means 30 at once. everything else the commission will have to look at, the ministry of emergency situations states that the situation in the flood zone, in particular in the village of rakety has stabilized, some people are already starting to return home, here... i suggest you listen to what
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the ministry of emergency situations told us. there is a positive trend in the level drop of more than 50 cm, which has led to... to reduce the number of flooded houses, at the moment this amounts to about 80 houses, which is less than 30% of the total number of houses that were flooded, as a result of which the population is already returning to their homes, out of 118 people who were in the temporary detention center, at there are currently 35 people, eight of them children, well, let me remind you that in the flooding zone in the altai territory there is still a state of emergency, the situation has stabilized, but many people still have nowhere to return. we continue to monitor developments in the altai territory. roman, ksenia, thank you, our correspondent ksenia
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klimina told about the floods in altai. the scale of spring floods is increasing in other regions. a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the orenburg region. in the village of akbulak, the water came close to the houses. three villages were left without transport links, emergency boat crossings are being organized in mordovia, supplies of drinking water, medicines and supplies are being created in the affected areas products. in bryansk, there are almost 200 houses in the flood zone, water has rapidly risen in the rivers within the city, the authorities have declared
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a state of emergency, blocked several city highways, and now some streets cannot be reached. 12 volunteers, participants of the svo received a certificate of combat veterans . one year old, only a year, but thousands of personal stories of north military district heroes and many good deeds are already associated with it. during this time, with the support of relevant ministries and departments, the participation of the best specialists in russia and simply caring, responsive citizens, the foundation
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opened branches throughout the country to provide the defenders of our homeland with everything they needed after the front, to surround them with care and help them return to normal life. the chairman of the fund, anna tseveleva, announced impressive figures: in just 10 months of work, the fund received 910,000 requests of a wide variety of profiles and has already processed 780,000 of them. assistance to military veterans is provided in a targeted and comprehensive manner. each person is assigned a personal social coordinator, not just an employee, often a friend. today there are 3,500 employees who work in every municipality, in every small town. the city in order to proactively come to the children who live in villages, in remote areas, so that they are also not deprived of attention and receive the help that they are entitled to by the state in full . in accordance with the instructions of the president, a system of support measures has been built for veterans
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at all levels of government, this includes personal medical, social and legal assistance, technical means of rehabilitation, adaptation of housing to the needs of the disabled according to the smart system. vladimir putin supported tseveleva’s idea to provide military veterans with leg amputations with manually controlled cars. for a young man, this will perhaps be a fateful decision; he will be able to go to work, especially when he lives in the village, to shops, to socialize, to go somewhere, in order, in general, to remain on such an active life agenda. we will assume that this issue has been resolved. the heroes of the northern military district are actively involved in sports and the paralympic movement. as well as in the patriotic education of youth, because heroes are not born, they are made. the foundation pays special attention to supporting the families of veterans. the foundation’s clubs operate in thirty regions of the country, where wives and mothers of special operation heroes share knowledge and skills, create joint projects and,
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of course, support each other. but the fund does not plan to stop there, because many issues still need to be resolved, for example, about obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate. this is very... important for the guys, because all further steps in obtaining social guarantees of assistance to states depend on it. we are now together with the ministry of defense has developed a number. programs that allow us to partially close these issues for certain categories, these are volunteers, defenders of donbass and private military companies. 12.00 volunteers have already received a certificate of combat veterans, and 6.00 residents of the dpr and lpr have received the status of a family member of the deceased. as for the assignment of combat disabled status, now, by decision of the president, it will apply to employees of private military companies. the head of state also asked for a leader.
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in future. despite the fact that the defenders fund was originally created to support demobilized svo participants, today 70% of requests come from active military personnel, volunteers, their families, they will also be provided with assistance, because the main values ​​of the fund are justice, care, respect for the heroes who stood up to defend their country. sofya sergieva, news! in the kherson region, the crews of the sancipiok flamethrower systems destroyed temporary points.
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in this direction we are working especially on the accumulation of enemy manpower in strengthen the enemy to adjust fire damage, accordingly we use unmanned aerial vehicles. moscow will present a document in cooperation with the un. condemning the attack on the iranian consulate in syria, stated the permanent representative of russia vasily nebenzya.
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israel's actions became the central theme of the meeting in new york. the majority of security council participants condemned the attack on the diplomatic building. however, the united states, london and paris tried to suggest shifting responsibility for the escalation to iran. artyom krosulin will tell you the details. these are no longer double or triple standards. this is how russia’s representative at the un, vasily nebendze , commented on the speech. from the usa, great britain and france on savbez. the diplomat noted that representatives of these countries , instead of condemning israel for the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, blamed tehran for the escalation. according to nebenzi, responsibility for further escalation in the region will lie in the west. in the speeches of the united kingdom and the united states, one could rather find not only hints, but direct references to the fact that iran and syria are themselves to blame for the fact that israel hit the iranian consulate.
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as the white house stated, the united states was not involved in the e-strike in syria and we did not know about plans to carry it out, which was directly reported to iran. we do not have status confirmation yet. from the usa. representatives of the affected party expressed real concern. the permanent representative of syria noted that israel could not commit atrocities in the region without the blind, unconditional support of the united states. and the diplomat from iran emphasized: tehran reserves the right in accordance with international norms and the un charter, take decisive action. it is now abundantly
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clear that israel's continued destabilizing irresponsible acts and atrocities against countries in our region pose a real threat to regional and international peace and security. this regime has consistently demonstrated disregard for international law, the un charter, and humanitarian and human rights principles. experts about the united states are trying to predict what iran’s response might be; this will lead to escalation from iran and its proxies, which is very dangerous for american troops in the region, they may become the target of retaliatory attacks from tehran's proxies. analysts from the publication economist argue in a similar vein. the authors write that this is the most serious escalation between iran and israel over
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the past few years. the media believe that tigiran may choose both israel itself and its leader for retribution.
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comes, in addition, the authorities in taiwan and japan have issued a tsunami warning for all passengers at nakinwe airport they evacuated to the third floor, well , look, here's more eyewitness footage, just what happened in the houses during the earthquake, how powerful it was, we've already watched this video, here's another bridge, eyewitness video taken from the bridge, it 's literally shaking this huge bridge is running and evacuation orders are being issued for coastal areas. in the philippines, wave heights can exceed 5 m. now for economic news, maria filippova joins me. mash, good morning. the us removed the former subsidiary from the sanctions list vtb in europe. good morning. roman, all for the sake of the interests of the west. details right now. the us treasury department excluded
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the former vtb subsidiary registered in germany from the sanctions list. however, there is no question of any gesture of goodwill here ; this was done, apparently... with the sole purpose of helping the german company in its attempts to obtain 60 million euros worth of assets blocked in the vtb depository. they want to be removed as part of the liquidation procedure for their former daughter, which was launched last spring after the german authorities removed russian bank from managing its structures in germany. the bank of russia is actively looking for a solution to problems with accepting world cards abroad. the main options are expanding the network of atms of foreign subsidiaries of russian banks and using a fast payment system, the first deputy of the central bank, olga skorobogatova, spoke about this in the state duma. the day before, the kyrgyz payment system notified the russian operator that from april 3 it would stop working with mir cards. on march 30, similar measures were taken by the majority of banks in armenia. wherein the first deputy head of the central bank noted that some foreign countries, popular among
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russian tourists, began to work much more actively with world maps. today is russian prime minister mikhail mishustin. will speak in the state duma with an annual report on the work of the government, the head of the cabinet of ministers will talk about progress at work and current tasks. the day before, he spoke with the speaker of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, about preparing for the report. all topics of priority importance for people and economic development were discussed. experts point out that the russian the government manages to respond to current challenges. we see an increase in investment that has not been seen for more than 10 years, and we see economic growth.
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from the national wealth fund to finance projects. as of the beginning of this month, almost 335 tons of this precious metal remain in the assets of the national welfare fund. it must be said that from the point of view of market conditions , the timing was chosen very well. gold has been breaking historical records for several weeks now, and today was no exception. literally at midnight moscow time the bar was set at 2.300 dollars per ounce for june futures. a gold-protecting asset against the backdrop of aggravation in the near future. in the east, it is generally becoming more expensive, even though the fed’s easing of monetary policy is being postponed. in conclusion , the dollar exchange rate today is 92 rubles 52 kopecks. euro 99. roman, marsh, thank you, now to the latest messages.
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the head of the organization, anna tseveleva, told vladimir putin about the results of the work of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. according to her, in less than a year of its existence , the fund has received almost a million requests, most of which have been resolved. points opened in altai collecting humanitarian aid for flood victims. people bring children's clothes, blankets, and the number of flooded villages is growing. hundreds of houses are already under water. roads are open, at least one person is killed, dozens are injured as a result of a series of powerful earthquakes in taiwan, the strongest magnitude is 7.7, houses and bridges are collapsing, a tsunami threat is declared. joe biden condemned israel's gas strike that killed seven ngo aid workers. among the victims are citizens of australia, great britain, palestine, and poland. the australian prime minister also expressed his outrage. i stood my ground that i was right ; time will tell; the president signed a decree on
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the autonomy of moscow university. hooray. i decided to resume tatiana’s day and come up with some kind of tradition. i have a feeling that all this has changed, which means that something is still being created here. great attention is paid to the fact that. the students received a fundamental and classical university education, but the oncologist was my first, and i’m trying to be good to the guys, so please, session, goodbye, alpha. friday - super cashback every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any
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almost impossible to touch, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable! now sports news in the studio danila makhalin, good morning, the spartogiad of the peoples of siberia, competitions in national sports are planned to be held this year in the fall, is the venue known? good morning, this will be kusbass or krasnoyarsk. the day before in the russian football cup has identified two semi-finalists in the bracket. regions they were dynamo moscow and rostov. the blue and white played with khabarovsk ska in st. petersburg, and not in the far east, as there were heating problems at the home stadium. moreover
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, the match at all. it was not held at the gazprom arena or petrovsky arena, but at kirovets, which, however, did not prevent both teams from showing quite interesting football. the khobrov team responded to grulev's dynamo goal with gangapshev's goal, but a little later the visiting captain bolbuena scored after a corner kick and brought dynamo a victory with a score of 2:1. in another match, khimki hosted rostov, the fans didn’t see any goals, but they did watch a slightly drawn-out penalty shootout. practically. everyone shot accurately, but if at rostov only maxim osipenko did not score, having lightly hit right in the center, then at khimakh, first roman yuzepchuk hit the post, and the series was completed by a shot from oleg isaenko, which was handled by rostov goalkeeper nikita medvedev. thirty-nine-year-old cristiano ronaldo, who plays for saudi arabia alnasr scored five effective
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actions in one half, however. at the end of the match, one assist was still taken away from him; he was unable to repeat his own record from the time of real madrid. alnasser defeated the abha club 8:0. already at the beginning of the game, cristian scored two goals from a free kick, one he fired under the wall, the second over it, throwing it over. also during the half, he assisted twice with his partner, and then realized a one-on-one opportunity, throwing the ball over the goalkeeper. ronaldo scored his sixty-fifth career hattrick, he... is the best football player by this indicator in the 21st century. men's and women's sprints were held at the russian cup in cross-country skiing. the main sensation was the failure of three-time olympic champion alexander bolshunov to qualify for the final race. in the semi-finals, alexander took only third place, so in the decisive race the audience never saw the main favorite of the season. at the same time, sergei ustyugov also failed in the final, finishing only fifth.
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first. for women, a sensation occurred in the semifinals, when favorites anastasia falleeva and alena baranova dropped out of the fight. wasn't in the final equal to veronica stepanova, who won with a large advantage. the second was tatyana sorina, the third - daria nepryaeva. alexander ovechkin's assist didn't help his washington team escape a crushing 2-6 loss to the baffles. the russian scored points for the first time in the last four matches. pittsburgh outplayed.
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the semi-final of the khl gagarin cup started in yaroslavl , a local locomotive and a chelyabinsk tractor fought for access to the main stage of the hockey tournament. the first match turned out to be rich in goals and other spectacular events. all the details are in the report by alexander abramov. there are only four contenders left for the gagarin cup. the trophy is claimed by a locomotive, a tractor, a metallurgist and a motorist. the excitement in
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yaroslavl is... always, even if it is the thirtieth home game of the regular season, and there were so many people wanting to get to the beginning of the semi-final series against the tractor that it was possible to fill eight or nine stadiums such as arena 2000. new feelings, because somehow we haven’t played in the third round for a long time, so we’re having fun and trying to please fans. lokomotiv closed the second round series against avangard only. on saturday , the tractor had been without match practice for a week and a half, the series against dynamo moscow, chelyabinsk ended victoriously a week and a half ago, back on the friday before last. it is generally accepted that rest is good, but when the rhythm of the game is disrupted, it can leave its mark. many questions, a long pause or a small pause is already a little, these questions are boring, it all comes from ours.


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