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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and i was the victim.
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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: the scale of spring floods in russia is growing noticeably in the altai territory, hundreds of houses are flooded, a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the orenburg region. there is now a high alert regime in three districts of the samara region; in the ryazan region , transport cannot travel to nine settlements. head of the defenders foundation of the fatherland, anna tseveleva, at a meeting with vladimir putin, spoke about the results of the organization’s work for less than a year. 12 thousand volunteer participants of the svo received a certificate of combat veterans. the total number of received requests is about a million, most have already been resolved. at a meeting of the un security council, most participants condemned the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. russia's post-period vasily nebendya also said that moscow will present its document with a negative assessment of this attack. powerful
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earthquake in taiwan leads to death four people, about 100 more were injured, the strongest underground shock was of magnitude 7.7, this has not happened for 25 years, the authorities in taiwan and japan issued a tsunami warning. in moscow, the abnormal heat will be replaced by night frosts, when it gets colder and how long the arctic invasion will last, we will tell you immediately after the advertisement. alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for purchasing air tickets to any city in russia only in the alfa travel service. not only profitable, alpha is profitable. there are many routes. choose before your trip. suitable if you want
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"winter is not giving up, a powerful storm will sweep across the european part of the country in the next few days cold snap, where the temperature will simply return to normal, and where it will become wintery, when the arctic invasion comes to moscow, how long will it last, this is the weather, a joint project of the tv channel russia 24 centrifus, i’m anna volkova, hello, the summer warmth is leaving the european part of the country. at the beginning of this week, the region found itself at the epicenter." in moscow, for example, the day before there was a second record in a row, thermometers showed +23, despite the fact that the previous maximum, recorded in 1951, was only +17.4°, in other words, nothing even close
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nothing similar has happened in the meteorological history of central russia, but here everything has already melted and it’s even hot, there’s a thick thick layer of ice on the pond. due to the very high temperature in the european part of the country , the snow continues to quickly melt with all that it entails, here are these pictures, for example, from the orenburg region, where the flood is in full swing, three dozen residential buildings, one and a half hundred household plots have already been drowned, the water flows are so powerful, that trucks are literally washed off the roads. some people even rejoice at the flood. for example, lions from at the pride land nursery near moscow, they are playing in the puddles that have spread throughout the enclosure, despite the cats’ mood, this is a very dangerous situation, specialists are monitoring the condition of the animals around the clock , come on, well done, well done, come on, swim, swim,
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bunny, well done, that’s who cares tuesday was not a happy day at all, it was for the residents of ukraine, there was a real dust storm in the air. sand appeared from the sahara desert, and this was the first sign of a coming change in weather throughout eastern europe. as often happens, heat and bad weather are the link one chain. an active atlantic cyclone brought extremely warm air into our country, but now its center has shifted to the east of the russian plain, so that the west of the region, as well as the east of the old world , are in the zone of the cold front. yesterday it ruined the weather in ukraine, and today it will bring bad weather. already russia, the clouds will stretch from the ob to the baltic, and in some places the precipitation will be quite heavy, over 10-2 mm per day. northern line st. petersburg, hantemansisk, rain will turn into snow. the temperature graph of the northern capital is very indicative. in
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sunday it was 20°c here, and today the slight plus will remain only in the morning, and in some places there may even be a thunderstorm on the banks of the niva. around noon, the thermometer readings will go into ... the minus will continue to drop to -5 by midnight, precipitation will fall mainly in the form of snow, by the end of the day a snow cover of 5-8 cm high will appear in st. petersburg. i will add that in the zone of collision of the arctic cold and the mediterranean as the weather warms, the wind will increase sharply. the storm zone will also cover the northwestern russian plain. and the strongest gusts up to 17-22 m/s. expected in mid- latitudes, including moscow. the arctic invasion, as i already said, will be powerful, but it will only be able to return winter to the north of european russia. in pomorie, the murmansk region, karelia and the nenets autonomous okrug, tomorrow even during the day it will not be higher than -5°. in the leningrad and vologda regions it is near zero. but in the middle zone in the south
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, the thermometer readings will only return to the april climate. and even then not for long. in moscow today +15°, windy, after 3 o’clock gusts may exceed during the day. 20 m/s. for a metropolis this is a very dangerous value. on thursday-friday it will get colder to +6-7, it will rain, but on saturday the sun will come out, the air will warm up better. by the end of the week in the capital the may temperature again reaches +14. that's all for me, goodbye. and now economic news. russia's national wealth fund has increased significantly. novel, we are talking about an amount of almost 300 billion. about this and not only right now. national welfare fund of russia in march grew by more than 275.5 billion rubles. it amounted to 12.5 trillion or 7% of the gdp projected for 2024. the ministry of finance reported this. at the same time, the volume of liquid assets of the national welfare fund
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is equivalent to 5 trillion rubles. this is 2.8% of projected gdp. budget revenues from privatization in the first quarter have already almost doubled the plan for... this year 2 billion 200 million rubles have already been received, while a billion less has been budgeted for the whole year. the current indicators were announced by the federal property management agency. they added that all measures are being taken. in order to the proceeds from the sale were maximum; the excess of the plan may be due to the interest of those investors who now, due to sanctions, do not have the opportunity to invest in western assets. today , russian prime minister mikhail mishustin will speak at the state duma with an annual report on the work of the government. the head of the cabinet of ministers will talk about the work done in 2023 and current tasks. the day before , he spoke with the speaker of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, about preparations for the report. all topics of priority were discussed . for people and economic development. experts point out that the russian government manages to respond to current challenges, taking
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at least last year’s budget revenues. the increase in the deficit was precisely due to the fact that the beginning of the year caused great concern in terms of revenue performance , but over the course of the year we see that certain industries, and these are industries that are unusual for us, export ones, related to raw materials, namely . business , last year he managed to adapt to new conditions and became the main donor and the increase in income was associated precisely with real and service sector, but with business, to give priority to fuel supplies to the domestic market, deputy prime minister alexander novak instructed oil workers; he held a meeting of the headquarters on the situation in the domestic petroleum products market with the participation of industry company leaders, representatives of the ministry of energy, and the federal government. full service of the ministry of agriculture, russian railways and the st. petersburg stock exchange. we discussed the balance of supply and demand
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for different types of automobile fuel. schedules for the withdrawal of refineries from repairs, as well as pricing policies in large and small wholesale, as well as in retail. at the meeting it was noted that gasoline and diesel fuel reserves in russia remain consistently high. kamaz's net profit in 2023 decreased by almost 17%. but revenue increased by more than a quarter, amounting to 370 billion. the company explains these results by increased sales in the segments of trucks, buses and electric buses. all these figures are reflected in the reports that the company published the day before. it also provides data for the twenty-second year, which was not published previously for obvious reasons. some information, in particular the current composition shareholders are not disclosed even now, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 52 kopecks, the euro is 99 rubles. 41 kopecks that's all i have. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and
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accruing interest? need a holwa. you take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva. i help with liver problems, i am forten essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, it’s good that we have each other, and what will be shown on tv, we build happiness together, tell your wife that you caught it, we catch it. good luck by the tail, well, i can’t, i have a delivery, we work, enjoy life, are friends and take care
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of each other, magnet, 30 years by your side, let’s do it like this, and now cattle, there’s another idea, of course, let’s count the payment , yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online the camera itself calculates everything, vtb. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, everything together it will work out. all methods are good when you want a special bbq bacon. svstekson, instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. if in your kitchen
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there is national rice, this means that uzbek pilaf, italian risotto or your favorite porridge is now not someone’s national pride, but yours personally, national, rice is ours, try sushi, try all the salads, try soup, soup , everyone needs this, i need it again seems to be spinning. the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, anna tseveleva , told vladimir putin about the results of the organization’s work in less than a year; the foundation has received almost a million requests, most of them have already been resolved. in one of the districts
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of the orenburg region, due to the spring flood, a state of emergency was introduced; the water came close to the houses, about 300 residents were evacuated. they started building a dam that should contain the river flood. today in the state duma, russian prime minister mikhail mishustin will deliver an annual report on work of the government, the head of the cabinet of ministers will talk about the work done and the tasks set. experts note that the russian government is managing to respond to current challenges. several earthquakes have occurred off the coast of taiwan. the strongest is magnitude 7.7. houses and bridges were partially destroyed, and powerful landslides occurred.
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so, placing waste outside organized sites is considered illegal. such spontaneous dumps are called unauthorized. what is considered a landfill? the area of ​​the territory should be more than 10 km, and the volume of garbage on it is more than 5 m3. who should ensure that landfills do not occur? according to the law, the owner is responsible for the cleanliness of the territory. ordinary citizens cannot know for sure who will be responsible for an unauthorized dump. located on a particular territory, therefore, in case of detection of an illegal garbage dump, citizens can contact both local government bodies, these are city and district administrations, and state bodies, such as consumer supervision, rosprirodnadzor, in addition there is specialized organizations and departments, these are housing and communal inspections,
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environmental control departments, including law enforcement agencies, these are law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, the police. first of all, contact the local administration, but do not hesitate to bother the most serious authorities, any unauthorized dump is dangerous from the point of view of the epidemiological situation. the environmental protection law stipulates a number of requirements: production and consumption waste must be collected, removed, neutralized, and then liquidate or dispose of them in such a way that they become safe for both human health and... for the environment, we found out where to write, now on how to record violations, you need to start with a photograph of the landfill, such that it is clear where it is located, then make a diagram linked to objects on the ground, which is easily recognizable, you can use online maps, marking the boundaries of the landfill, then take a screenshot, as such
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there is no legally established form of such an act, not an act, i would say that this is... an appeal or a complaint that is drawn up in any form, the main thing here is to reflect in it the location of the unauthorized landfill, if you have cellular communications, then you can certainly use the gps function to set the coordinates that are important to reflect in such a complaint, of course , it is necessary to reflect your contacts as the applicant, since anonymous complaints are not accepted for consideration, indicate the address where you plan to receive an answer to which the department must send a response and sign accordingly. complaints can be sent either by email or by regular mail. what's next? the general period for consideration of written requests from citizens under the law is 30 days. in some cases, for example, if it is necessary to make requests or carry out additional
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activities, this period may be extended, but not more than by 30 days. even if a citizen. received a refusal from the municipality or there was no response to the appeal within the period established by law, the citizen can appeal to the supervisory authorities, these are rospotrebnadzor, rosprirodnadzor, if measures are not taken there, then according to the constitution of the russian federation, every citizen has the right to go to court. it is important to note here that since 2019, responsibility for cleaning the territories and removing waste falls on the regional ones. let's say there was a response to the appeal, an order was issued to eliminate the dangerous accumulation of waste, when this is done, specific deadlines for elimination... landfills are not established in our legislation, if on the proposal of the prosecutor's office or on the orders of the relevant control and supervisory authorities, the landfill will not be
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liquidated, otherwise the next authority will certainly be the court. and the right to file a claim in court for the obligation to liquidate an unauthorized landfill has the appropriate officials, and this is the prosecutor, these are the authorized state authorities of the russian federation, including. objects are local government bodies, as well as non-profit associations, public associations of citizens who actually oversee environmental protection. let us repeat the most important thing: unauthorized dumps can and must be fought. you can contact the local administration and a number of departments responsible for environmental safety . complaints are written in any form, but do not forget to attach photographs and coordinates of the landfill. and also sign up, leave your address, and must respond to the request within 30 days; if necessary, the period can be extended, but no more than another
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30 days. still have questions, want to know how to fight environmental pollution, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb the responsible department and tell you about everything in one of the next issues of the instructions. next on the air is a selection of the most important interesting events of this day. different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 3, 1559 , the catacambrisian peace was concluded, ending the italian wars. this name was given to a whole series of conflicts for the possession of italy and, in general, for dominance in western europe. europe on the mediterranean sea. many countries fought, right up to the ottoman empire, but the main rivals were france and... spain, they signed this treaty in the person of henry ii of france and philip ii of spain, who celebrated the victory. the period of spanish hegemony lasted about 150 years.
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later, the french again entered the fight, joined by the austrians, who at the beginning of the 19th century gained control over almost all of the apennines. italian cities and regions changed hands, and this consolidated feudal fragmentation. but it arose resorgimento movement against enslavers. due to the unification of the country, the kingdom of italy was proclaimed in 1861. on april 3, 1828, emperor nicholas i signed a decree establishing the rumyantsev museum in st. petersburg, and this became an important event in the development of russian culture. at first, the museum was located in the rumyantsev mansion on the promenade des anglais. the basis of the collection was the collection of count state chancellor nikolai rumyantsev, which he bequeathed to the general public. these are ancient manuscripts, letters on parchment, books and maps. through it took 30 years for the museum to be moved to moscow, and on its basis a public library was created, which
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was placed in pashkov’s house. it was combined with the new moscow public museum, paintings, graphics and collections of russian travelers kruzenshtern and lisyansky were added. but under soviet rule, the collection was again divided. books and manuscripts became the basis of the collections of the lenin state library. she received a publication from the domposhka museum. paintings by european artists were transferred to the pushkin museum, russian ones to the tretyakov gallery. exhibits from the collection travelers went to the museum of the peoples of the ussr and the kunstkamera. and just like that, thanks to rumyantsev’s collection, the now famous institutions of culture and knowledge were created. on april 3 , 1953, all defendants in the so -called doctors' case were released. it was about allegedly criminal treatment by doctors. the newspaper pravda reported the arrest of participants in the conspiracy, professors and academicians, most with jewish surnames, allegedly recruited
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by a branch of american intelligence and deliberately treated incorrectly, in particular a member of the politburo andrey zhdanov. those arrested were tortured, the doctors' case caused a wave of anti-semitic sentiment in the soviet union, which only stopped with the death of stalin. the cancellation of the case was initiated even before his... and the head of the ministry of internal affairs, lavrente beri. all those arrested were released and reinstated, stating that they had given evidence under torture, and lieutenant colonel mikhail ryumin, who was developing the case, was arrested and soon shot. april 3, 1972 charlie chaplin came to the united states to receive an oscar for his contribution to the development of the art of cinema. and this was the only time the great comedian came to the country where he lived for 40 years, which made him... born in britain, chaplin made an amazing career in the states. his comedic image of a tramp was known all over the world, but with the outbreak of world war ii,
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persecution began against chaplin in the united states. everyone suspected him. sympathies for the communists, for the soviet union and the secret services began persecuting the actor. when chaplin and his family flew to london in 1952 for the premiere of his film footlights, he was immediately banned from returning to country. american cinemas stopped showing his films. chaplin settled in switzerland, becoming one of the first known victims of the so-called cancel culture. here are his words from a press statement. at the end of the last world war, i became the object of lies of fierce propaganda from the outside. powerful reactionary groups who, on their own and with the help of the american tabloid press, created an unhealthy atmosphere that made it possible to isolate and persecute liberal-minded people. and now, 20 years later, the american authorities gave him a short-term visa just so he could pick up his oscar. chaplin returned to switzerland and lived there until the end of his days. this is what this day in history was like. not child's play, in different
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parts of russia the rise of youth banks has begun to rise. the belgorod youths, having watched enough films about the dashing nineties, decided to take control of the territory, let's go figure it out, we'll talk to you there, but they were jealous of everything that was happening.
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we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped? work, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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water cuts off populated areas, enters houses and yards, and spring floods are gaining momentum in russian regions.


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