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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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this is russia 24, a special broadcast and one of the main topics today is the government report in the state duma, we watch and discuss it together with experts, in the studio artyom yamshakov, also olga armyakova, this is what we will talk about...
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already in this issue: no roads are visible , you can only travel by boat, in altai the consequences of a large-scale spring flood are being eliminated, almost a hundred garden plots are flooded in the kaluga region, in the ryazan flood nine settlements were cut off from the mainland, and we are waiting for the situation in orenburg, where a state of emergency has been declared direct input from the scene, the results of the work.
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time ready to defend their homeland on the battlefield, we will tell you further, as well as the successes of those who are already on the front line, the russian military disrupted the supply of ukrainian forces in the donetsk, zaporozhye and south donetsk directions, with an accurate blow our hurricanes destroyed the strategic railway bridge in kurakhovo, on the right bank on the dnieper river, our army attacked enemy positions with heavy flamethrowers, and several dislocations were destroyed at once. enemy, we are waiting for news from the field of pain. powerful earthquake coast of taiwan, tremors of magnitude 7.5 could lead to a tsunami. a threat has been declared on the japanese islands of akinawa and miyako. electricity has been lost in some areas of taipei, media reports, but there is no danger to the russian far east, our experts said. we are monitoring the situation. well, we start the issue with
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a congratulatory telegram. vladimir putin congratulated the rector of moscow state university viktor sadovnevichev on his eighty-fifth birthday, the text of the telegram was published on the official website of the president, the head of state noted the contribution of the head the oldest university in the country in preserving and developing the tradition of domestic education in higher education. according to putin, largely thanks to the sodovnik and his efforts, moscow state university is a real center of attraction for talented and... young people, and the university is also famous for many generations of wonderful professors and teachers, researchers and innovators. well, in the russian regions affected by the spring flood, the ministry of emergency situations is increasing its rescue forces. in mordovia, to two settlements that were cut off from the main lands, organized boat crossings. a supply of drinking water and food has been stocked in the villages. in the ryuzan region , nine villages were left without transport links. a sharp rise in water level in
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the sura river near penza flooded the only bridge used by residents of the village of grabova. the fragile structure simply sank under the water. the consequences of a large-scale spring flood in altai are being eliminated. the number of house floods has almost halved. in the mikhailovsky district that suffered the most from the flood , there are 134 of them. in the region, traffic is limited on seven sections of the routes, the situation is constantly monitored. including the use of unmanned aircraft. a state of emergency due to flooding has been introduced in the south of the orenburg region. 270 people were evacuated from the affected areas. a special correspondent in the region, maria valieva, is in touch with us right now. maria, hello. maria, welcome, what is the current situation in the region and when to expect the peak of the flood. and where is the most tense situation now? yes,
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hello, olga, hello, artyom, the most tense situation here in in the akbulak district of the orenburg region, where we work, a state of emergency has been introduced in the village of akbulak, the water is here. remains, people gradually continue to be evacuated, at the moment it is known that more than ten houses in the village are flooded, but we see how many people here are packing things up, leaving for relatives, leaving for temporary accommodation, as it is expected that there will be more water tomorrow , tomorrow the peak of the floods is expected, and now we are right next to the house, which has tilted very much and today is just... the head of the village said that the walls here are all cracked, and there is a risk that this house could simply collapse; today we saw how many local residents, who had left their homes yesterday, still returned and took some warm things , documents and also
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took out pets, let's go, come here, you take her by the hand, by the hand, right? like this, just take it and put it here in the boat, take it and just put it in the boat, put it all, lift it, lift it, great, let’s wash it, in our film crew today too, when we sailed on a boat, we managed to save the dog, the dog was on a hill near his house, as local residents told us, he probably hadn’t eaten for more than a day, the neighbors and the owner immediately fed him. now we saw how a woman also very strongly asked the employees of the ministry of emergency situations to take her to her house, which was flooded, in order to also take documents and warm things, so much effort
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was invested in the house, it’s a pity to throw it away, let’s see how much water comes, poultry, chickens is here, they stayed yesterday, the piglets were taken out, they made it in time, so the bird remained. the situation, the situation in the orenburg region is tense at the moment, everyone is preparing for the peak of the floods, at the moment it is known that three settlements have been cut off, here in the orenburg region, and a state of emergency has been introduced in the village of krasnokholm, the water also continues to remain there, the water has receded throughout the entire orenburg region in 50 houses. more than a hundred adjacent plots, i repeat that this figure is growing, because our water level throughout the region is rising, unfortunately, the situation is stabilizing in very, very minor cases, the situation is not easy
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now in orenburg, in various snt, for example, in snt energy builder, houses there are still flooded, people are constantly taking turns. four pumps work there until the water level rises due to this, also not far from the village of south ural, in the tps, the water level there is also gradually increasing, this is the pegasus tps, it is known that at the moment, due to flooding, traffic on the federal road is limited orenburg ilek highway, traffic along belyaevsky is also limited. highway, colleagues, maria, thank you, take care of yourself. yes, our special correspondent, maria valieva , spoke about floods in the orenburg region. meanwhile, across the country, 23 regions are under the threat of high water. so, we continue, in sochi they are eliminating the consequences of the landslide on
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the railway tracks. apparently, 70 cubic meters of soil and concrete structures were found on the rails, and about 20 meters of the supporting retaining wall were damaged. contact network. an operational headquarters has been set up on site. the emergency situation led to disruption of the train schedule. now the trains are traveling one at a time paths in both directions. well, in a little less than 2 hours the traditional annual government report to the state duma will take place. for mikhail mishustin, he will be the fifth and the last for the current composition of the cabinet of ministers. the new one will be approved by the lower house of parliament after the inauguration. president, as for mikhail mishustin’s report, he will present to the deputies detailed results of the work of the government team for the difficult year 2023 for the country, first of all, we will, of course, talk about the implementation of instructions president. well, some statistics:
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last year the russian government sent 300 bills to the state duma, 200 of which became federal laws. according to state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, the report is being prepared. according to the speaker, the deputies sent more than 3.00 written questions to the government. appeal. factions send to the duma committee for control, according to the regulations of the lower house of parliament, a question about the activities of the government over the past year, then these questions are summarized, distributed by topic and sent to the state duma council. after approval, the entire list goes to the cabinet of ministers. towards the report, the prime minister meets with representatives of party factions. last
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week, mikhail mishustin alternately received representatives of the communist party of the russian federation, the liberal democratic party of russia, a just russia, united russia and new people. at the meetings, interactions between the state duma and ministries were discussed, the results of cooperation between the government and parties over the past year were summed up, but special attention was paid to supporting special operation fighters, development donbass and new russia. in 2023 , the government worked in the format of fulfilling six tasks set by the president, and this work, of course, will be reflected in today’s report. the first task is to improve the well-being of citizens. to achieve this , the cabinet of ministers is taking systematic measures. pensions, payments, benefits are indexed. last year, the cumulative increase in insurance pensions was 15%. they have increased them for this year. in addition, the minimum wage is increasing, as well. work is underway to increase the salaries of public sector employees in accordance with with the may decrees of vladimir putin. another
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important task is helping families with children. among many measures, since january, on behalf of the president, a single benefit has been introduced, which is provided every month, based on the situation of a particular family, and millions of families have already taken advantage of it. as for infrastructure development, last year 110 million square meters of housing were built, that's... cord. exceeded many other tasks. for road construction, a five-year program to update housing and communal services has been launched, the government is completing the formation of large projects to create technologies independent of foreign supplies. these are microelectronics, turbines, medical equipment. well, the fifth task is to achieve not only technological, but also financial excellence. the key areas here are ensuring macroeconomic stability and...
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that it lasts exactly as long as the report itself, do you think this year will also break the record? good afternoon, olga, artyom, now i’ll tell you in more detail about the regulations, what we can expect today, 27 questions will be asked in the hall deputies of each faction, while, as they said in the state duma, before the report in writing, more than 300 questions from deputies had already been sent to the cabinet of ministers, and citizens sent over 14 thousand appeals to the lower house of parliament. they related, among other things , to the state of housing and communal services, healthcare and the shortage of medical personnel. well, as
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the news agency previously reported, this year deputies plan to ask the prime minister questions that will relate to the country’s economy, technological sovereignty, social sphere, demography, migration and housing and communal services. and of course, there will be questions related to supporting fighters in a special military operation. i would like to dwell on the regulations in a little more detail; it is expected that in total everything will be about the same today. 4 hours, traditionally after the report of the prime minister there will be speeches from the faction, five speeches of 10 minutes each and a question and answer session are planned, at the end with a final speech by the prime minister. let me remind you that in 2023, mikhail mishustin spoke in the state duma on march 23, that’s when the report itself and the answers to questions took 2 hours and 52 minutes, well, the whole event lasted approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes.
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in the state duma, which the prime minister will speak today. from dreams to home, one home click, what men are silent about, painful urination, erection problems, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects
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how long are you waiting? change and change. tochka, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. its own savings business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparison of indicators with competitors, search for the best location for a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sberbusiness. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from? are you retired? on vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18%, together everything will work out. 12 thousand volunteers and participants of the northern military district received a certificate of combat veterans . the fatherland defenders foundation helped with this. the document gives the right to social guarantees
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and state assistance. as the head of the organization, anna tseveleva, said, at the meeting with... heroes of the northern military district and many good deeds. during this time, with the support of relevant ministries and departments, the participation of the best specialists in russia and simply caring, responsive citizens, the foundation opened branches across the country to provide the defenders of our homeland with everything they need after the front, to surround them with care and help them return to normal life. at a meeting with vladimir putin, the chairman
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of the fund, anna tseveleva, announced impressive figures: in just 10 months of work, the fund received 910,000 requests of a wide variety of profiles and has already processed 780,000 of them. assistance to veterans of the northern military district is provided in a targeted and comprehensive manner. each person is assigned a personal social coordinator. not just an employee, often friend. today there are 3,500 employees who work in every municipality, in every small town, in order to proactively come to the children who live in villages, in remote areas, so that they are also not deprived of attention and receive the help that they need. provided by the state in full. in accordance with the instructions of the president, a system of measures has been built for veterans to...
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by decision, he will be able to go to work, and especially when he lives in the village, to shops, to socialize, to travel somewhere. in order to generally remain on such an active agenda of life, we will assume that this issue has been resolved. svo's heroes are actively involved in sports, the paralympic movement, as well as in the patriotic education of youth, because heroes are not born, they are made. the foundation pays special attention to supporting families and veterans. foundation clubs operate in thirty regions of the country, where wives and mothers of special operation heroes share knowledge and skills, create joint projects, and of course. support each other, but the foundation does not plan to stop there, after all, there are still many issues to be resolved, for example, about obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate, this is very important for the guys,
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because all further steps depend on this, receiving social guarantees of state assistance, we have now, together with the ministry of defense, developed a number of programs that allow us partially close these questions for individual categories, this is a volunteer. defenders of donbass and private military companies. 12 thousand volunteers have already received a certificate of combat veterans, and the status of a family member of the deceased - 6.00 residents of the dpr and lpr. as for the assignment of combat disabled status, now, by decision of the president, it will apply to employees of private military companies. the head of state also asked the head of the fund not to reduce his concern for the svo soldiers and to maintain an attentive attitude towards them in the future. just, well, constantly during our conversation, always talk so warmly about the people you work with,
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the defenders, our guys, and so on, so carefully, with love you need to treat everyone, directly to our soldiers and towards their family members, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be maintained in the future. despite the fact that the defenders fund was originally created to support demobilized participants of the north military district, today 70% of requests come from active military personnel, volunteers, their families, they will also be provided with assistance, because the main values ​​of the fund are justice, care , respect for the heroes who stood up to defend their country. sofya sergieva, news. and now the situation in the special operation zone in the southern donetsk direction, the artillerymen helped the attack aircraft improve positions on the front line. the crew of the heavy tulip gun fired accurate volleys. against enemy fortifications, mines weighing almost a quarter of a ton have enormous destructive power. the armed forces know this very well, so every such self-propelled
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mortar is an extremely desirable target for them. our war correspondent, eduard punegov, will tell you how soldiers defend themselves from attacks by nationalists. the tulip is considered heavy artillery, its shells weigh 240 kg and have enormous destructive power. right now the crew is preparing to leave. this another combat mission. you need to get to the front line as quickly as possible at maximum speed so that the installation is not detected by enemy artillery or drones. it takes a couple of minutes to deploy and the crew opens fire. the first shot is always a sighting shot. aerial reconnaissance transmits updated coordinates to the gunner. after this, the tulip strikes to defeat. heavy mortar most often. used to hit bridges, bunkers, fortified areas, and enemy strongholds. it works at a range of about 9 km, and there is also ammunition that can
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shoot at 18 km, well... we work every day, we arrived, settled down, reported readiness, we always work with objective control, from the third mine, as a rule, we hit targets, after hitting the target, the driver immediately turns the car around and also quickly return to the shelter, the main danger for tulips is represented by fpv drones, which fly at great speed, in recent days they have been flying frequently, what precautions are the crew taking, anti-drone gun to constantly monitor the air. weapons are constantly at the ready, from here the line of combat contact is approximately 20 km away, enemy drones, scouts and komikazas fly here extremely rarely, but the crew still takes all precautions, the installations are necessarily camouflaged in the forest belt and covered from above with branches like this. the crew commander with the call sign gemini came here from buryatia; after the start of the special operation, he voluntarily came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract. i had three nephews here,
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one is now at home, two are here. they say i’ve been here since october, it’s not scary, it’s not scary, ok, well, the birds are probably leaving behind you, but we’ll get used to it, the thirtieth artillery brigade of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group is now working on one of the most tense sections of the front in the novomikhailovka area, mortars provide fire support to the advancing infantry units , helping to open even the most protected positions in the ssu . eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead. what is a good car for you: mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, from dreams to go home, one domklik, if you get up more than twice at night, apalazer, at the first
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