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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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in making all decisions, in fact , the result speaks for itself, here, taking into account the existing reserve, we have total funding, by the way, in the twenty-fourth year it will amount to 559 billion rubles, this under the ae program means including agricultural development, 21 were allocated for the crst billion additionally until the twenty-third year from the twenty-first, in the twenty-fourth year the amount is already worth 68.5 billion rubles. once again, everything is taken here in a very balanced manner, but we... maximize all investment opportunities, including in rural areas, in part involving in the circulation of agricultural lands, which, well, you know, almost a million hectares, so to speak , of agricultural lands were involved in almost half a million in hydrological measures, you talked about this, from the various proposals that we talked to you, i have already said that the most flexible set of tools is in effect, these are customs tariff regulation measures, these are export duties moslich. which we
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carefully introduced in very difficult conditions, but anton gernovich knows, we then gave them to plant breeders and everyone else for investments, we carefully worked with this mechanism, increasing the tax base , increasing, in fact, the reserves for the harvest, here nikolayevich patrushev works extremely carefully, professionally, here is the equation of export grain, a ban on the export of seeds, rapeseed, rice, what else is solid, according to - for my wheat, this is... tariff benefits for imports, a whole set of tools works here, we monitor this very carefully, a special incident was launched in katz, where we carefully look at all these elements online, which means we have procurement interventions they are used to stabilize prices, you also know this, but regarding milk production, you have always raised this question, there is a whole set of support measures in place, these are direct subsidies for raw milk producers, these are grants, these are soft loans. for the purchase of feed,
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equipment and, in my opinion, veterinary drugs, all these elements, i think they work quite effectively, create conditions for the development of our agricultural industry, by the way, milk production is steadily growing, we talked to you at the meeting with the factions, a lot whether whether it’s small or not, 2.5% is a growth record, finally it reached the level of 33.8 tons of milk, excuse me, million tons of milk, but this is a good result...
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but here there are real merits from year to year and no the topic is not the harvest, last year there was a problem with eggs, well, corrected, colleagues, after all, let’s applaud that in the end, where there is a result, it is necessary to evaluate, where there is no result, we need to figure it out,
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dear mikhail vladimirovich, from the first day of its creation ldpr stated the need to create fair conditions for development all regions, small, medium-sized cities and russian villages, however, the faction is forced to note that in the current one. the spatial development strategy until 2025 failed to create an effective mechanism for the balanced development of not only large major agglomerations, in favor of which the strategy places emphasis, but also small medium-sized cities, rural agglomerations of stronghold settlements. we believe that the goal of the strategy is to link together the socio-economic space of the entire country, not just agglomerations, special pay attention to the regions of the far north, siberia, the far east and disconnected regions. in this regard, do you think it is necessary to conceptually orient the spatial development strategy to balance the development opportunities not only of large agglomerations, but also of small medium-sized cities, rural areas and support settlements? for a very important question,
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well, since we are celebrating the work of our deputy prime ministers, i’ll say right away that maratochka khusnulin is constantly doing this, in the most effective way, he also flew around the whole country, strategy on spatial development, you know, today we have an existing one, we have selected 1,800 support settlements, by the way, the ministry of agriculture, dmitry nikolaevich, all the colleagues of the ministry of transport, vitaly gennarodich, everyone is dealing with this issue, this is a kind of framework of our country, and for them the regions long-term development plans are being developed, we of course understand that most of them will be part of the development program for 200 settlements, which the president spoke about in detail in his message, and implementation, by the way, krst. covered how many we have 12 million people in 1000 settlements, since the twentieth year there have been very serious results, about 3,800 social facilities have been updated, 1,500 km of roads have been updated,
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12,000 improvement projects have been implemented, 8.8 million meters of housing have been commissioned and acquired, and in total about 95,000 have been created jobs, serious results, the support provided to single-industry towns allowed them to diversify their economy, allocated more than 30 billion rubles of federal funds, attracted about 224 billion in investments and created 34,000 jobs, the figures are very serious, well, here’s a competition, i was talking about the all-russian competition for small towns and historical settlements, i myself come to the finals. i was in vladivostok, now, listen, this is amazing, guys, young architects from all over the country, i said, it all started for me in magadan, when a girl, she won a competition, came up with the idea of ​​​​painting a beautiful lighthouse and making an embankment, but you have no idea, that i’m inviting everyone to magadan, sorry, to magadan,
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but this is completely different, why are you apologizing, well, maybe someone wanted to go to the arctic or magadan refused altogether from all those who were ill. behaves and commits some offenses, well , within the framework of this competition, 700 projects have been implemented, and this is very important, we have another 300 projects of the winners will be implemented, we have 20 billion marach, now how many 20 billion today, on the instructions of the president, we have increased to follow already four times the amount that we distribute for this, but the country is different, these are these wonderful elements of our culture, our... historical wealth that is created in small towns, this is great, and the government is now working to update the spatial development strategy, master planning, if you want, growth points will be determined, but this cannot be done without many elements, without a foreign economic development strategy, without a
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clear understanding of our macroeconomic situation and the availability of funds for investment, this is very important, we are carrying out our macro-budget... we are working carefully, we have a nsdp, a national spatial data system has been created, on december 25, in case anyone hasn’t noticed, it’s in industrial exploitation is included, i advise all regional leaders and all respected deputies to look at how this is done, this is actually the basis for state development planning, this includes topographic surveys, orthophotomaps, this and the corresponding infrastructure, these are communications, land plots, structures, then these are legal regimes, these are the subjects of law who own these real estate objects, all legal regimes from easements to property rights, here you can plan to do something and build, carefully look at where you you can intersect with some other
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interest, with red lines, with restrictions, thank you for the question, this is the most important element of the country’s development, and we will continue to work on the spatial development strategy, thank you, well, let’s thank husna. yes, there is a reason, colleagues, 110 million square meters of housing, or rather 110.4, its pressure, persistence. goals, therefore, each conversation has its own
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emotions, its own arguments, but now look, here he has modestly invested, imperceptibly, one might even say, but 110 million, these are ours colleagues, representatives of the communist party of the russian federation, remember, there were no such results in all the years of soviet power, and now we are reaching them with more than 19,000 sanctions.
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first of all, to say about people, when we forget, blur, in fact, the role of the individual is very large, and you always talk about this, the country should know its heroes, the country should know its heroes, colleagues, so mikhail vladimirovich is being modest, he’s right, cannot praise, colleagues, the floor is presented to the faction of a just russia for
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the truth yana valerievna lantratov will prepare demin. dear mikhail vladimirovich, by the beginning of the special military operation, over 35% of medicines were imported and about 80% of the substances from which medicines were made, domestic drugs, were imported from abroad. threats to the domestic healthcare system, now a lot has changed, you said about this, how are things going today with the provision of vital medicines to russian citizens, how are things going with our own production of medicines, taking into account the companies that have left unfriendly countries from the market and the complication of logistics for those who work and, most importantly , control over prices for key medicines and... thank you very much for the large-scale work that you are doing in this direction, thank you, thank you very much,
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a very good question, very important, our ved includes 815 names of our international non-proprietary names, it has been expanded by 73 positions over the last 4 years, they are necessary for the provision of medical care, and this is over 500 different trade names, that is, such a large number. and i want to tell you that 660 of them are internationally non-proprietary names, 81% of all are produced in russia, they are produced by 258 enterprises, in 4 years , taking into account those same coronavirus years, 30 new pharmaceutical production facilities were opened, serious, large-scale investments went there for further production a road map has been developed, we have already launched about 34 new drugs on the market and... 13 original ones, which are not produced at all in the gnlop world, these are also very important
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achievements, many do not see them, now they are being introduced in the ministry of industry and trade together with the ministry health care into circulation, in general, our domestic medicine production was 7.2% more in 23 than in the previous year, these are also very large numbers, drivers of gdp growth, and in terms of marginal prices, naturally, we are registered by the ministry of health, which means corresponding prices. above which nothing can be done, mikhail abedovich is a brilliant professional here, he headed roszdravnadzor for 7 years, uses all the tools, including online cash register in the tax office, that is, he will not fail there. nothing, now i know that he continues to seriously deal with this, in our country fas controls prices, but i will say again that here we do not see any violations, but in any case, this is instantly, so to speak, recorded, and monthly the rozdravnadzor gives a report to our government on analysis of prices, they are within four and four, yes mikhailbech, they grew, these are the inflation limits below, that is, prices did not increase, to
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allow for a shortage we made a special information resource, honestly that’s all. back in the twentieth or twenty-first year it was done during the pandemic, a data mart that tracks the availability of drugs in all medical pharmacies, it has become an information portal used by a huge number of sites, look now, now everything is automated for drug pharmacies, you can immediately find 20-30 addresses at prices to compare them, this everything has become huge and this is the result of the work of our colleagues, tatyana alekseevin, mikhail bidovich, they are constantly doing this, which means that the risk criteria have now been defined. i’ll say right away that according to defects, the balances, if less than 3 month, the decrease in water circulation is more than 20%, we all immediately either open it, or work with the provisions, or allow something to be started, or look at ourselves on how to increase production volumes. it seems to me that we have established complete order here, and in general all three of these issues, the production of medicines, their availability in metros, pharmacies and prices are such
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special control of the government. thank you. mikhailovitch, thank you, but here is one topic that we also share with you. discussed, it requires separate control of constant monitoring and attention, this is a question of deficiency personnel of paramedical personnel, we need to jointly develop solutions that will allow us to solve this problem as quickly as possible, we have a deficit of about 50% in the districts of central district hospitals, and if we take rural hospitals, even more, so we hope,
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noted, that in the coming it takes 6 years for the income per employee employed in
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the sme sector to increase faster than the gdp rate, this means that... the efficiency of this business must increase, its quality indicators in this regard, the question is: what tools does it see? government to achieve this goal? for smes the entire line is known, andrei ramovich belausov is doing this systematically, in order to provide smes with preferential premises, we have 45, in my opinion, have already been put into operation, another 17 parks, these are technology parks, industrial parks, business parks, by the year 30 more we will create 100 such sites, then in the rental centers, these are preferential loans, this is participation in large ones, including projects through companies, large, state-owned, where there is demand, where
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there is for their products, and of course, opportunities to minimize your costs, administrative burden, that’s all. things, i will say right away biulina, she, as an expert, despite the fact that she heads the bank of russia , helped us in developing these decisions, the bank of russia made many tools, we supported them especially during the pandemic, in general... all our, that is, elements related to smes, well , they are assessed quite well, including by the community, and we are constantly working with small enterprises with the support of russia, you
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know that the president instructed us in his message for smes to create a mechanism for a smooth transition from a simplified tax regime to a general taxation regime, we will think about how to do this softly, and in general , the systemic priorities for the development of smes are the adaptation of ready financing programs to changing macroeconomic... conditions for increasing the chances of their survival in the first year of life, increasing concentration of smes in the industrial sector, we are now thinking about different modes, yes, if you want, the most important thing is to build a trusting environment for communication with them, this is all in our sphere attention, this is very important, but i hope that through common efforts, understanding this, we will bring to a new basis the possibility of using smes in achieving industrialization. financial, technological, economic sovereignty of the country, this is very important, but something like that. thank you, mikhail vladimirovich, the floor is given to the united russia faction
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, sergei ivanovich morozov. dmitriev, alexan will prepare. dear mikhail vladimovich, i propose to return once again to regional development. thank you for the government paying a lot of attention regional development, that you personally regularly travel to the regions, as you just said. assigned their deputies as curators, at the same time, we all represent the regions here, and there are more than enough problems there. in his message to the federal assembly, our president mentioned that now 10 federal subjects with low budgetary resources are implementing individual programs for socio-economic development. let me remind you that he instructed us all to extend the program for another 6 years. michael vladimirovich, i would very much like to hear your assessment of the effectiveness of these programs; will they continue? or the intersection of these regions will change for us, this is very important, thank you, thank you, the most important question, uh, savitoch and valentin ivanovna at one time, i remember very well, i was oriented towards this
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program at the beginning of our work, we really have 10 indicators, i i know them very well, inside out, otygea, and altai, kalmykia, karelia, mary el, chuvashia, and teva, altai territory, kurgan and pskov, yes, the pskov region, all these regions, i personally. shined it right away in my opinion, in the first year in the twentieth, twenty -first year, we looked at everything, it is absolutely clear by what criteria we work with them, every year, and we also allocate a billion annually, the mechanism is effective, on average, what happened in these regions, in these regions , unemployment decreased by 2.2 times and this is higher than the average russian rate - a decrease in regions of 1.5% 0.6, in my opinion, in the country there was, extra-budgetary investments were attracted for 104 billion, for the budget ruble... investments received 2.5 rubles in non-budgetary funds, but that’s great, this is the most important investment in these regions, we supported 1.00 investment projects, now we are actually
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working on the extension of the program on the instructions of the president, i’ll say right away that there are changes there, i won’t say, because literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will report to the president and propose 10 new regions, all the criteria there are transparent, there are no secrets here, of course, we will immediately inform you about this, the regions, i am sure, will be included in the list, on the contrary, the program worked, this is good, it turned out positively for them, they will continue to work confidently and effectively, and we will definitely continue to help those lagging behind, thank you. in this regard, given that the initiative for this program belongs to the state duma, it was voiced during the discussion of the budget, we must express words of gratitude to the minister of finance, because to give anton gernovich his due, despite the difficult situation.
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and - i sent you congratulations and i want to wish you all the best and of course also serving for the good of the country, as you do, yes, the cost of servicing the national debt has increased, for the most part, this is not due to an increase in the volume of public debt, but to an increase in the cost of loans, the situation has changed, the profitability of ten-year afzs, and today since the twenty- first year it has almost doubled, 13
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there with a penny of interest and... an increase in the interest rate debt by one percentage point, obviously, leads to an increase in servicing costs by , well, on the order of, so as not to be mistaken, 150 billion rubles a year, this is what the ministry of finance told me, this is the order, but accordingly, the national welfare fund is , this is an airbag, we always say this, its purpose - reliably preserve and invest in development, and not increase. income from paper investments, this is precisely what is needed for the development of the real sector, where market mechanisms do not work, where technologically complex projects are needed, we treat it this way, and we invest them in infrastructure projects, or hedge risks, well, here we have 1 ,9, how many we had 1.9, when the situation was difficult, although you know, we minimized the fall by 1.1%, in total, gdp fell in... the second year, when we
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were, what, 25, 22, 18, 16, 12, 8, 4 minus, turned out to be 1%, and the nwf saved us, including, this is very important, the government, what we are doing, we are expanding the possibility of using nwf funds for infrastructure projects, and we have lifted almost all restrictions regarding the management of nwf funds, reserves have been accumulated for. .. they seriously helped us get through all the crises of the ninth year, and the fourteenth, and the twentieth, they help us today, and the volume of the national welfare fund, yes, it decreased, from 13.9 trillion to 12, in my opinion, what is 12% now, that’s 6.8, almost 7%, that is, we are still careful, we we preserve it , we treat it extremely carefully, and the most important thing is that we spend it, as i already said, on very difficult projects, this is the development of our logistics, railway
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infrastructure, central transport... this rule of accumulation of the national welfare fund, this means we will abandon reserves, you can’t do this, which means that this already happened in the nineties, when they lived in the hope that well, i’m telling it like it is, excuse me, in simple words, that the west will not abandon, will help, today i hope no one has any illusions , and count on us you only need yourself, that’s the question, thank you, we are trying to do all this carefully, thank you, thank you.


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