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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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there are dead and injured in moscow , they are eliminating the consequences of bad weather , a storm wind hit the central region, flooded houses, roads and... flood in many regions of russia in the orenburg region , village residents are evacuated. the first missile hits the target straight away. the crew of the torb complex prevented an enemy drone attack on our troops. at the initiative of paris, the french minister of defense called sergei shaig for the first time in a year and a half, which the russian minister told him. the first step is to open a festival of young professionals in the region. broadcasting,
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who is involved and what projects, in moscow they are eliminating the consequences of bad weather, a storm wind hit the capital the day before, its gusts in the region exceeded 20 m/sec, two people died, 15 people were injured, said the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin. it is known that torn structures fell on the victims. the wind is blowing. fence and trees, on one of the streets, two women were caught by branches, an ambulance had to be called, several cars were damaged, the roof of nine buildings, all parks and cable cars in the capital were closed, stormy wind raged the day before in several regions of central russia, including the kaluga region, kostroma, kursk, ryazan, tambov. in the tula region, bad weather led to numerous accidents on power grids. local residents posted videos of flying iron foxes that were blown off by the wind. roofs, fallen
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trees and mangled cars everywhere. in the urals they are trying to prevent large-scale river floods, blowing up ice in dangerous places, strengthening the banks, building dams, but this does not always help. in the chelyabinsk region there is a tense situation in in the village of varna, the water rose too sharply, flooded the road in almost fifty sections, people were forced to leave their homes. our correspondent, kirill bortnikov, is in direct contact with the region. kirill, greetings, how are they coping with floods, in which areas is it especially so now? hard. roman, good morning, but in the chelyabinsk region, in particular in the varna region, the situation really remains tense, although recently it has already changed several times. let me remind you that it all started on the night of april 3, an incident occurred on the nizhny taguzak river a sharp rise in water by almost 80 cm and reached 2.5 m, although a level of 240 cm is considered dangerous. as a result. water drowned 47
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plots of land; due to the flood, the state traffic inspectorate of the chelyabinsk region even blocked traffic on some roads; restrictions are in effect until this afternoon. by yesterday evening the situation had improved, in particular the water level had dropped and the water had left 21 household plots, about the same number remained flooded, but last night the picture changed again the level water in the nizhny taguzak river. in the area of ​​the village of varno, again 47 houses rose in the flood zone, all necessary measures are being taken in the flood zone, in particular , dams are being strengthened, where it occurred, where due to abundant melting of snow there was an overflow of water from the fields across the road, the road surface is being opened in order to release flood waters, and equipment works, people work, military personnel from the ural training and rescue center of the ministry of emergency situations of russia also joined the interdepartmental group.
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the situation is also under control of the prosecutor's office varna district and department employees traveled around the flooded areas that are located on the banks of the nizhny taguzak river, together with the ministry of emergency situations, they studied the situation and told what measures were taken to stop the flooding. i propose to give the floor to nikolai zubov, prosecutor of the varna district of the chelyabinsk region. measures were taken to strengthen the banks of platina, where gravel was poured, as well. work was carried out with residents of nearby houses, whose houses are located on the banks of the nizhny taguzar river, the current level the water level is gradually decreasing, however , this situation is under the control of the varna region. it is worth saying that preparations for the spring flood began in advance, in particular in mid- march, sappers of the central military district carried out a whole series of ice explosions... on the
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nizhny taguzak river, these are already traditional measures, every spring more than 20 charges are laid in one explosion, and this is more than 40 kg of explosives, and this is already a proven technology that can ... break the dense ice crust, which, thickness, which sometimes reaches a meter, i suggest looking at these rather spectacular shots, without unnecessary comments. but, as it turned out, these measures were not enough, the reason was serious snowfall, the reason for the serious flood lies in the heavy snowfalls that hit the chelyabinsk region this winter, in particular in december, precipitation fell 2 and a half times more than normal, a similar picture was in january , there were snowfalls even in march,
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so these floods were predictable, but now all measures are being taken, all necessary measures to ensure that the consequences are not so serious, this is the picture. by now roman, kirill, thank you, our correspondent, kirill bortnikov, spoke about the situation with floods on the mural. a rescue operation is taking place in krasnokholm, a village in the orenburg region, where residents affected by the flood are being evacuated; more than 350 people have already been evacuated. the water in the river has risen to dangerous levels and continues to remain, with over 900 houses in the flood zone. a reinforced group of rescuers, boats and special equipment have been drawn into the area. monitoring the situation in the region our special correspondent maria. in the village of krasnokholm, the chernaya river overflowed, a state of emergency was declared, the houses of local residents were flooded, and emercom employees were evacuating by boat. people were ready for the arrival of big water, they were warned in advance, so they quickly collected
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all the necessary things and went out with them. the regional governor, denis pasler, personally supervises the rescue operation and helps the victims climb into boats and boats. let's take him right away to the base because he has things; a state of emergency has been introduced in the village akbulak, residents enter flooded areas in protective wetsuits, pick up animals, and carry chickens in bags. the poultry, the chickens are there, they were left yesterday, the piglets were taken out, they were in time, so the bird remained. pigs were taken away on trucks, cows and horses were tied to fences on those streets where there was still no water. the old-timers say there hasn’t been such a large-scale flood in the village for more than... 30 years, let’s see how much water comes, if it doesn’t come so much that it will be possible to quickly bend the cheeses, then the next water will be like and as the old-timers say, it will come in 20 years, that is, in 20 years i will already be well over 60, come and see the condition of the house, whether the house as a whole floated, whether
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the water completely went in, that everything that could be lifted up directly floated up 30 cm above the floor level in the bulak region, a state of emergency was introduced, the ilek river overflowed, and the water continues. to their houses, people build barricades before leaving for relatives, water from the hallway has to be poured out with buckets, there is no pump, we will control it, we will see, we checked it in the morning, then in the afternoon closer to we’ll come back in the evening, we’ll see, the cats , out of fear, climb onto the roofs of the barns onto the fences, it’s not easy to pick them up from there, but our film crew managed to do it, we managed to save the cat, out of fear, she climbed onto the fence, sat there, now it’s a family.. .in
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the reserve orenburg region, compensation to the victims will definitely be paid, all regulatory documents were adopted earlier, money for this fund.
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let's say, uh, in tense anticipation and even already working somewhere. vorsky flooded the road to the state farm building. the bridge across or river. you can only get to the other side. only by boat; for a while , traffic on the belyaevskoye highway on the federal highway a305 orenburg and leg had to be limited. maria valieva, egor vorobyov, ivan paevsky and yulia tyushevskaya, conduct the orenburg region. governor denis pasler spoke in detail about the situation in the edinburgh region in an interview with our channel; watch the conversation with him after 10:30 moscow time on our channel. flooded houses, roads and bridges. now the situation is similar in many russian regions in the samara region is becoming more difficult every day, melt water has reached
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dozens of houses, and hundreds of homestead plots are flooded. in the neighboring ulyanovsk region, water flooded the roadway to kazan, where reverse traffic has been introduced for the time being. in mordovia, boat crossings are being organized and residents are being evacuated from dangerous areas; temporary accommodation centers have been organized for people. nine bridges of almost fifty household plots went under water in the voronezh region. overflowing rivers near koluga have already flooded more than two hundred garden plots. but in altai, which is one of the the first to take the blow of the sexual elements began to decline. the regional governor reported this to the president. the head of the ministry of defense, sergei shaigu , warned his french colleague sebastien lecarnia that sending troops to ukraine would create problems for paris itself. the minister stated this during a telephone conversation. it took place on the initiative of the french side and was held for the first time since october 2022. shaigu also emphasized: russia will bring the investigation into the terrorist attacks in crocus to the end. according to current information
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, there is a ukrainian in the organization of the crime track. likarnu, in turn, insisted that the kiev regime and the west were not involved in this brutal attack and tried to shift the responsibility to isis, which is banned in russia. at the same time, he expressed condolences and said that paris is ready to cooperate with moscow in the fight against terrorism. in primorye , the number has increased significantly over the past week and a half. going with weapons against unarmed people, against children, well, this is meanness, this must be punished.
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in military parlance, this is the so-called garage; they are constantly changed so that the air defense installation does not discovered by enemy aerial reconnaissance. the vehicle takes a combat position, the commander operator simultaneously launches
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the target detection system, turn on the beta search, it ’s coming, this is a circular rotation of the target detection station, it only takes a few minutes to deploy all the necessary equipment, the gun commander shows his workplace, everything is already familiar, like we are literally at home, everything is fine, target marks are recorded on this monitor, a couple of minutes here is the first potential target, we have taken the target for tracking, here is its form, what we are observing, it has an azimut of 85, a range of 20, a height of 800, a speed of 12, now we will clarify it, now we are making a report on the target, if it is an enemy, we will work it out, the crew always double-checks the information so as not to mistakenly strike friendly target, enemy, aircraft type enemy, target to destroy. the missile takes off at great speed, after a couple of moments the target is hit, the crew sees everything that is happening on
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the thermal imaging screen. orion, arion, target destroyed, one cost, one cost, how did you take it? yes, i accepted, readiness number three, air defense crews and vostok groups are on duty around the clock. tors capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 32 km. unmanned aerial vehicles, airplanes, helicopters or rockets. recently anti-aircraft gunners shot down a repeater. went, went, there, hit, a repeater is such a thing, these are the pividrons that fly 10 km, they have a repeater, it flies already at 20 km, in total it turns out to be 30 km. they gave our artillery a nightmare, but we worked everything out; on the body of this torus there are traces of shell fragments that flew in response, mainly unmanned aerial vehicles, valkyrie, fury, leleka, now they have new ones, many very different modifications, mostly all some foreign analogues, nato, yes, usa, britain, driver tora with the call sign
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aest, originally from khabarovsk territory, he has been serving in the army under contract for about 13 years, he takes care of his car. daily, regularly carries out maintenance so that it does not fail at the right time. the principle is that after combat work, especially if a launch has occurred, it is better to quickly change location, sometimes you have to drown it. the crew has successfully returned to the shelter, the soldiers have rare moments of rest, but even during their leisure time they are always in full combat readiness. the command for weiss can come at any minute. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction.
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to do in order to remember the suffering that fascism caused. we invited all the ambassadors of the countries of the european union and former allies of the former soviet union, and of course, the ambassadors of russia, belarus and ukraine. it's shocking, but your absence from the official the ambassadors justify the flower-laying ceremony by saying that they take into account the participation, i emphasize, the natural participation of the russian and belarusian ambassadors. i'd rather not comment on this. new earthquake. japan, according to meteorologists, tremors were felt in 19 prefectures. there is no information about casualties about the destruction yet, and emergency services in taiwan have updated data on victims of the earthquakes that occurred the day before. nine people died, more than a thousand were injured, and another 52 are still missing. bridges and dozens of buildings were destroyed, with
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powerful landslides occurred in the mountains, so a huge stone fell directly on the roof of the car. more were recorded in the region. the data is provided by rosstat. the agency also presented statistics on key types of goods and services, in particular , food products, especially fruit products, have become cheaper. there has also been a decrease in the cost of air travel in economy class; prices for new domestic cars have increased by 3%.
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diesel prices have risen slightly less noticeably. regarding the russian fuel market, prerequisites for significant growth there are no prices on it. the deputy prime minister also called the world oil market balanced, the situation was discussed the day before at a meeting of the opec plus
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monitoring committee. quotes have been growing for several days now, now they exceed $89. per barrel by estimate brand. this price situation contributes to the active replenishment of the national welfare fund of russia. finance minister anton silunov also told us about expected revenues this year behind the scenes of the state duma. we determine the level of the oil price, yes, the ruble exchange rate according to in relation to the dollar, above which, above which the fund is replenished. today it is 60 dollars per barrel. this means that the price today is also favorable. and we expect that the planned levels of replenishment of the national welfare fund are today about 3,600 billion rubles under current estimates. this year we will fulfill. the unemployment rate in russia has reached a historic low. in february it was 2.8%.
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rosstat reports this. the previous low of 2.9 was reached in october last year. in december the figure increased to 3%, in january returned to the october value. the total number of unemployed in february amounted to 2.19 thousand people, which is 4,100 lower than the figure for the previous month. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 92 rubles 38 kopecks, the euro is 99 rubles and 42 kopecks. roman, yes, masha, thank you, we continue, now a message from the inform agencies feed, nine mobilized soldiers of the israeli defense forces with russian citizenship died during the latest escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the tas agency reported this at the israeli embassy, ​​literally just now, this yes, speech. is waiting for nine dead soldiers in the ranks of the sahal with russian citizenship, the diplomat said. well, the israeli army has decided to additionally call up reservists, they will replenish the air defense unit,
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the press service of the military department reports. the iron dome missile defense system is on full alert on the west bank, and israeli military police are conducting raids against palestinian militants. meanwhile, there are new israeli attacks in the gaza strip.
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updated my own record and entered again into history. last night, kucherov updated the nhl season scoring record for russian players. in the victorious game against toronto, kucherov gave three assists, and
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thus the striker has already scored 130 points this season using the goal+pass system. kucherov set the previous record for soviet and russian players 5 years ago. then he scored 128 points. also, 130 points during the regular season is a club record for the entire time of its existence there. tampa will play seven more matches before the end of the nhl regular season, so with each new kuchrov's record will be updated with the point he earns. magnitogorsk metallurgist started the gagarin cup semi-final against avtomobilist with a victory. it turned out to be a low-scoring match, in which everything was decided by a successful rebound. in the middle of the second period, the puck went into the goal from kank, motorist defender nikita tryamkin. there are no own goals in hockey, so this puck was chalked up to the magnet striker alexander petun. on which i made this cross. the score was 1:0 in favor of metalluga until the end of the third period, when pavel okoldin scored into an empty goal 2:0. after that, avtomobilist
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managed to win back one goal, scored by danil romantsev, breaking the dry streak of magnitogorsk goalkeeper ilya nabokov, but no more. 2:1 in the match and 1:0 in the series in favor of metaluga. the second match between these rivals will take place there in magnitogorsk tomorrow. two-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling. tsadulaev will not be able to compete at the olympics in paris. the international olympic committee did not allow the russian to participate in the qualifying tournament for the olympics. qualification begins tomorrow in baku. thus, sadullaev has no chance of getting to the games in paris. following the results of yesterday's matches of the russian football cup, lokomotiv was eliminated from the tournament from the regional path, and zenit and cska achieved victories in the first semi-final matches on the rpl path. danilo mahali attended the spartak-zenit match. despite the lack of results, the lackluster performance in recent matches and, as a result, frequent talk about a possible next change of coach, spartak fans still go
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to the stadium in large numbers. bad weather is not a hindrance: rain, wind, almost 30 people gathered in the stands of luka larena on a weekday evening. after all, the opponents are the winner of the last five seasons in the russian championship, st. petersburg zenit. spartak coach guilherma abascal is as usual emotional, sits on the bench, doesn’t even think, the team picks up his charge and attacks the entire first half, the result comes quickly.
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zenit’s only moment in the first half was the pass of the brazilian pedra, who beat four opponents and hit the post. after the break, everything turned out differently: an eighteen-year-old the newcomer scored a double in 10 minutes, and the second goal turned out to be a sight for sore eyes, a shot right into the top corner. i think he hasn't fully adapted yet. well, he is not yet showing his full maximum potential, i think that today i hope that today’s game is such a first step towards his dawn. meanwhile, in another cup semi-final on the rpl route between kaliningrad baltika and cska, the chilean scored in a fall over himself and off the crossbar. for the army team , the goal was the winning one, and the match ended 1:0. with ural defeated lokomotiv at home with the same score,
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and sergei penyaev became. the former president of the spanish football federation, luis rubilis , was released from custody; let me remind you that he was detained after returning to spain from the dominican republic. according to the spanish press , ryubelis was notified of the charges against him, while he is at large awaiting a summons to court, the former head of spanish ... football is accused of concluding illegal contracts in his post over the past 5 years, it is assumed that the investigation is in no way connected with the scandalous episode in august last year, when luis rubiallis kissed a soccer player at the awards ceremony after spain's victorious women's world cup final. after this episode , the official was suspended from football for 3 years. fans of the polish football club zaglimbe beat the head coach of the
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belarus team, alexander khatskevich. about it. polish media reports, however, khatskevich’s agent denies the fact of the beating. they write that a group of radical polish fans broke into the training ground, as a result of which a fifty-year-old belarusian specialist was injured. most likely, khatskevich will now leave the club, which ranks last in the second division of the polish championship. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered.


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