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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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that for sustainable growth the russian economy needs investments, investments that can come from banking resources. zyuganov also proposes introducing changes to the law on the banking system to introduce a progressive tax scale. the chairman of the party's central committee proposes to fight poverty, support large families and return to soviet standards of the education system. there is no way out of the deadlock without a change of course. maybe we have already proposed a development budget 10 trillion more than what we have, and the president’s message additionally requires spending of 7.5 trillion, our budget has already provided for this and is providing for it. i think the new government should start from this development budget.
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100 years ago and kolya gerasimov will expel us, she wants to go back to the past, i understand, you miss your mother, i will believe it too, i’m going to pull her out, he dreams of the future, attention, invasion of the cosmoder, yes... he left me, they will meet in the present, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen, thirteen, thirteen galaxies is in our hands, in a real movie hit, oh, how i like the way it sounds, 100 years ago, forward, everything will be fine, trust me, and... soon, these are things
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that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum, i was completely overwhelmed by the sensations, of course, i was simply dumbfounded, all the great artists there are fakes, wait a minute, wait a minute.
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adequately substantive at a good level, this is the assessment vladimir putin gave to the government report, which was presented in the state duma the day before. today the president held a meeting with the cabinet of ministers via video link. well let me remind you that earlier the head of state took part in the opening of important facilities for young people from different regions. our colleague anastasia efemova has details. a place where dreams come true. year-round youth educational centers, the president took part in the opening of twelve of them today. thematically, these objects are very different. for example, in kamchatka the environmental agenda will become central.
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points of attraction, engines of growth in their regions and throughout russia, together they will give, i am sure of this, they will give a single, breakthrough result, all new centers will be able to hold not only one-time events, large forums, they will function on an ongoing basis, throughout the year, hosting a total of tens of thousands of young people, boys and girls from all over russia, as well as from other countries within the framework of...
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international shifts and exchanges, and of course, the potential of year-round centers will be fully used within the framework of our new national project "youth and children". in addition, i ask, separately, i ask you to actively use the infrastructure, educational opportunities of all youth centers in the personnel program "time of heroes". the “time of heroes” program, as the president recalled, is aimed at ensuring that veterans of a special military operation take leading positions in all spheres of the country’s life. and as the head of rosmolodezh ksinya rozuvaeva clarified, youth centers already have such experience of cooperation. professional, today in our work we see how much the heroes of a special military operation are in demand in our field, as mentors, as teachers, and teachers, heads of our patriotic centers, even in the role of ministers of youth policy in the regions of our country, they really become
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a guide for the younger generation, an example, as part of the work of all centers, this year we are providing for the possibility of additional training for young fighters who have undergone a special military operation, we already have such experience; last year more than one and a half thousand veterans of a special military operation passed through the operating center. one of the centers that opened today, kaliningrad, is called noise. the shifts here, one way or another, will be dedicated to modern media technologies, in an era when everyone is their own blogger, this is very relevant. but as the president noted, in an era of endless information noise, where facts are replaced by opinions, and audiences...
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people, information about our country, about its past, about the present, about our goals, development goals, so that the vast majority, in ideally, all citizens of the country, especially our young fellow citizens, were imbued with love for russia, we would sincerely work for her future with all our hearts. youth and children are one of the most important new national projects, the president emphasized this at a meeting with members of the government. as deputy prime minister tatyana golikova clarified, a draft strategy, in other words, how the program will be implemented, has already been developed. and in fact, it represents a general unified approach, in
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which, including youth centers, should play a significant role, because young citizens should fully participate in the life of the country not sometime in the distant future, but directly now. we are developing a public state movement of children and youth, the movement of the former, the participants of which have already become 5.3 million people, of which more than 7,000 people are mentors, the activities of the movement are built on the principle of continuity from primary school to students, and we are implementing these measures in new regions of the country, we are also implementing countermeasures.
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in accordance with the instructions of the president, from the beginning of the new academic year they will receive additional payments. the corresponding resolution has already been prepared. but the head the state asked how things were going in other categories. we are talking in particular about class teachers and health workers. regarding additional payments to primary care medical workers. first and second for teachers, class teacher. when will this resolution come out, when will people actually receive the money? regarding medical workers, a decree was issued in march, and the first payments have already begun, with regard to additional payments to 5,000
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class teachers, which in your opinion the decision must also be implemented from march 1, 2024; the corresponding decision has also been made by the government. needs of the economy, and professionalism has become an advanced project in this direction. in general , fundamental changes have taken place in the system of secondary vocational education in recent years: the share of practical training has been increased, and training standards for specific enterprises have been updated. we have seriously updated educational standards, especially in the field of the defense-industrial complex, engineering specialties, for specific tasks of the enterprise. together with industries, and at the same time we have 55%, in technical engineering
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specialties, today they study in colleges, before 5-6 years ago many were lawyers, economists, these are good specialties, but of course today we need to develop engineering education, including we also do this in the open source software structure. after completing college, guys go to work at enterprises, in principle, a good salary, especially now in... the defense-industrial complex, so colleges are very popular. a little less than a month ago, the world youth festival ended, which brought together about 20 thousand people from almost 200 countries. and for many foreign guests it became literally an epoch-making event. they got the opportunity to travel around our country, communicate with people, some even worked as observers in the presidential elections. and almost everyone became voluntary ambassadors of russia abroad. they expose russophobic fakes, share their impressions, and of course, support them in joy and sorrow. of course,
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a friendship was born, a strong friendship was born the emotional connection of foreigners with us, we see that this connection is not interrupted, upon returning to their countries, the guys talk about russia publicly, and they say that what is broadcast in the media, including, is not really true, in general they promote the real image our country, and i want to note that this emotional connection, as they say, is in both joy and sorrow, unfortunately, and we, for example, did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus , we received thousands of letters support, videos from all over the world, from different parts, it was such a genuine unity with us, and of course, it is important for us now not to lose the formation of these guys.
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gospel, remember, jesus came to galilee, and next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw fishermen, some were catching fish, some were straightening nets, and he said to them: “follow me, and you will be fishers of men, that is, of human souls.” . they became preachers and his disciples. it was very important, the period of formation of world religions, but it was no less. turned out to be relevant now, when we are forced and must defend our traditional values, of course,
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the country will change, and people will change, but preserving identity is the basis of the future of the country, and this program that we are talking about, all the work, it is of course broader than just this program, it is not should be of such a protective... nature, it should be modern, looking to the future. if we approach it this way, then we will definitely achieve our goal. by the way, new youth centers will soon open in zaporozhye and kherson regions areas. the president also spoke about this today. the best practices and developments of the initiative are not only combined, but also scaled up in order to become available to every young citizen of the country, from sakhalin to kalinin. from yamal to novorossiya, from the white sea to the black sea. are you sure
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that you chose me yourself? or listened to a fashion blogger? at bigfest you definitely choose chicken hit for 79 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. and also. you know, i’m not really a taxi driver, you know, but i’m not really a comedian, i’m a real businessman. how much do you pay for the bill? at psb , account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers in excess of up to 10 million rubles. for free. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from, you’re retired, on vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out. it happens that you go to an island and make a reservation. and it begins. all inclusive.
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inflammation in muscles and joints. hello, buddy. as promised, today we are preparing flock. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, i smiled, it means i found out, he smiled, it means he’s real, they’ll recognize him. they love, remember, truly appreciate, psb is a bank for the present, this is russia-24, we continue, in
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moscow today we launched a large-scale reconstruction of the largest. not the oldest in europe, the central moscow hippodrome. varvara nevskaya knows when he will find a new life. the world's first race track, only 5 years after its construction in 1839, a similar equestrian complex appeared in the usa. the building, familiar to muscovites, whose spire is decorated with a figurine of the oryol trotter, was built in 1955, to replace the burnt old one, built in tsarist russia. since then, no restoration or reconstruction of the complex has been carried out. the moscow central hippodrome is turning 190 years old, the oldest hippodrome in the country, but of course, the infrastructure is morally and physically outdated, in fact we see crumbling buildings and an unsuitable stadium for code competitions,
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the president has decided to essentially revive it. the racetrack of our country, together with the ministry of agriculture, we are starting to work. comprehensive the reconstruction will return the historical appearance to the main building. restorers will restore not only the roof, floors and facade, but also unique ceiling paintings, linten, stained glass and other iconic elements. the capacity of the main stand will double, and the equestrian museum will become six times larger; the complex’s historic restaurant will also receive new life. what. now it will take on a completely different look, this, this, this is a very big, serious matter, which will give another impetus to the development of equestrian sport in the russian federation, no there is no doubt that horse testing will continue, this will not be a decorative hippodrome in any case, all necessary activities will be carried out that will allow
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us to develop horse breeding, large-scale work will affect the sports area. the new tracks, including the prize track for trotting races, will meet the best world standards. also in the competition area there will be a tunnel for guiding horses, and for the first time the space inside the racing circle will be improved. the most important part of the project is the creation of a modern equestrian yard. there will be new modern stables have been built, where horses will be comfortably accommodated, and landscaping will be carried out for the people who train them and serve them. danger to the paths. a new veterinary clinic for horses, as well as an arena for hypotherapy, will be built on the territory. inside the circles there will be a tented finish area, a platform
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for various cultural events, and the area adjacent to the complex will also be landscaped. the hippodrome will meet the best world standards. upon completion of work, moscow central the hippodrome will become one of the best equestrian centers in the world. restoration of a unique building in style. stalin's empire style, built according to the design of the architect zholtovsky, will be held under the strict control of the heritage mozgor; the grand opening of the moscow central hippodrome is planned for the second quarter of 2026. varvara nevskaya, dmitry malyshev, anton senchenko and tatyana klepcha. news. ralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give
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free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank uralsip - nothing extra. in the regions of the center. western russia is eliminating the consequences of bad weather; in the orenburg region they are trying to stabilize the flood situation. meanwhile, weather forecasters warn of new weather anomalies. we’ll talk more about this with the presenter and specialist of the fobu center with evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, we welcome you, the question on everyone’s mind is whether to expect new cataclysms. good evening, colleagues, soon there will be new temperature swings, the limit of stones from the sky for yesterday exhausted. great news. reached the southern regions of russia, the consequences of the disaster were eliminated today in dagestan, the wind did not spare trees, road signs, traffic lights and power lines, gusts up to 23 m/s in the morning
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fanned a landscape fire on mount bishtau. meanwhile, new videos of yesterday’s disaster in the center of the country continue to appear on social networks. the hurricane affected not only moscow, but also the smolensk and yaroslavl regions. in petrozavodsk after the cyclone hit. were forced to introduce a state of emergency. in a few hours the snowdrifts grew by 16 cm. local residents today helped street cleaners clear the streets while municipal equipment worked on the roads. in the leningrad region, power engineers continue to restore power to settlements that were de-energized after freezing rain and snowfall. the most distant damage on the map is not easy to reach even with an all-terrain vehicle. despite the sharp cooling, flood processes on the russian plain are not normal.
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it is precisely in the southern middle urals that today the abnormally warm air masses that previously warmed the russian plain have been displaced. in yekaterinburg, one of the the oldest daily heat record, which lasted 136 years. a few tenths of a degree are still separating the permian from the daily maximum. at the same time, in the european part of the country, frosts reached the north of the smolensk and tver regions, the west and north of the vologda region, as well as the north. in the lyovsk region on friday night, a wedge of cold air will push another 350-400 km to the south, and the zero temperature will pass through the bryansk, kursk, oryol, tula, moscow,
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vladimir, ivanovo, kostroma, kirov regions and the komi republic. a clear demonstration of the rapid change of air masses. the day before, it reached a record +15 and the temperature rose even in the vicinity of father frost's foundation in veliky ustyug; it was recorded in moscow. the third heat record in a row is +18.1. today this heat has been pushed south 850 km, into the black earth region, but the polar invasion will not last long. already on sunday, spring will partially regain its lost ground. thermometers will continue to climb above the fifteen-degree mark on the banks of the moscow river. it's unseasonably cold in moscow now, only +2. west of the capital even light snowfall was recorded. clouds on friday.
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he is currently competing. just 4 days ago, the united world of wrestling, as the international federation is called, rightly called sadulayev the main star of the tournament in azerbaijan. decisions regarding eligibility were made by the panel based on detailed verification reports provided by an independent and private intelligence service provider. sadullayev was declared unfit after the commission discovered new information about him support for the ukrainian-russian war that he is still a member of the dynamo club. the composition of the commission deciding which of the athletes is worthy of participation in the games, who is an athlete of some other type, the international olympic committee specifically included ukrainians, the head of mock thomas bach admitted to monitoring russian athletes during a conversation with russian pranksters. we have a special monitoring commission at the mok level, which also works with an independent company, they monitor
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the internet. media and public statements, we also offered to the ukrainian side and not only offered, but also asked to provide us with their information. any patriotic statement and non-admission to the olympics is guaranteed at the un, which has repeatedly warned about the inadmissibility of discrimination based on nationality . i had to remind bach about another basic right of athletes: freedom of speech. however, in the capital of the olympic games our athletes. and they are not waiting, the mayor of paris directly called russian and belarusian athletes unwanted guests. sadullaev would be unconditional at the games favorite. in february he was not allowed into the european championships in romania, and now he has been swept out of the qualifying carpet in baku. sports bureaucrats are so afraid that one of the russians might win in paris that they are doing everything to prevent our best athletes from even coming close to the olympic stadiums. musaevloev is also not one of those. boys for
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beating, yes, and a two-time national champion, and first, second number, 77 kg, as for musa ivloev, there is generally a well-known situation, it is very difficult for us to argue here, because it is a completely absurd position, the man was filmed against the backdrop of the slogan for a world without nazism, twenty-seven-year-old boris. freestyle abdulrashid tsadulaev was the standard bearer of the russian team at the closing ceremony of the tokyo olympics. european champion alikhan dzhabrailov will compete in the heavy weight category in baku instead of sadulayev. the russian wrestling federation plans to challenge sadulayev’s right to participate in the olympics. russian wrestlers have already won four licenses to the olympic paris, all in freestyle wrestling. our team expects to get the remaining 14 tickets at the tournament in the capital azerbaijan from april 5 to 7. and the decision
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to go. or not for the games, the wrestlers will be accepted later. stas ridikultsev, alexander salmashevsky, lead. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. there are not enough tanks in su. mechanized brigades are reorganized into infantry. where are the abrams and leopards, in the repair shops they were burned by our missiles, how long will the worn-out armor last? medusa and rain finance the ukrainian armed forces. how
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do the projects of these foreign agents leak money? they twisted into the kiev wallet.


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