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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 4, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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cetamol renival citromon p rennival we trust renival, we choose renival, and we are with gifts, where did all this come from, you are retired, in retirement vtb the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out, the taboo when boarding will protect potatoes from the colorado potato beetle and wireworm, planting taboos, potatoes are fine, what are you waiting for, are you? metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, you have the form yes, for baking, for squatting, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription... open a vtb savings account
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with a rate of 16%, vtb, together everything will work out. catching a pyro firebird is not easy. but everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income. in a reliable bank, open a deposit at all methods are good when you want bikspecial bbq bacon. svshsht, instant cheese, bacon and smoky sauces and b-b-q. what are you ready for? let's do this again? and now what about cattle? any other ideas? of course, let's pay for the shield. yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also
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received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, together everything will work out. i'm new nice active. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet me. new nice active. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 5, we are giving 30% cashback for the purchase of air tickets to any. russian city only in the alpha travel service, not just profitable, alpha profitable. hello, the on-air legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. fsb officers detained three more terrorist accomplices who attacked unarmed people in crocus city hall on march 22. attacked, attacked. the special operation took place in
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three regions at once: moscow, omsk and yekaterinburg. according to the intelligence services, two of the detainees were involved in sponsoring the perpetrators of the bloody crime and transferred money to them to buy weapons. transport, and the third participated in the recruitment of accomplices of the terrorist attack. detained. all the documentation on the materials from which the building was built, now experts will have to check them for compliance with standards. let me remind you that on the evening of march 22, before the performance of the picnic group , armed terrorists burst into the concert hall, they started shooting at people, and then set the room on fire, almost a strong fire completely destroyed... the building, as
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a result 145 people died, the direct perpetrators of the barbaric attack were detained at on their way to ukraine, they are now arrested, and later their alleged accomplices went to pre-trial detention. there are still many important topics and news ahead, we will be back on air in 3 minutes, immediately after a short advertisement, stay on the russia24 tv channel. and we are with gifts. where does all this come from, you’re retired, vtb pensioner the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% a year, together everything will work out, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, for everyone there is a good car, find it on the author who always helps in a hurry, aim right at the pain, pain in the knee , pain in the back, in the neck anyway, your shoulder might give in, he’ll call. more like pentalgin extragel.
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pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. you have a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription and a vtb savings account, regularly replenish it, you’ll save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist yes, we’ll save up quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16%, vtb, everything will work out together, under the silver foil. delicious chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, perfect, plumbing, airy, natural, happy, in the heat, a silver bullet. batrider is an innovation in plant protection that will instantly identify and destroy the main garden pests.
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safe for humans, batrider will defeat pests. i consider it one of the most significant and responsible projects. gazprom expanded social gasification program, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant objects, educational and medical institutions, falmykelin, minikelin, palmikelin, haznase davu hazyn, haznase, yes wu hazyn, haje bollolzh ambitions, haje boololzhon.
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get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on if you get up more than twice at night. afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. tires can be found conveniently and quickly. there is a search by car brand.
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parts we continue our release. ban the tverskoy district court of moscow ordered the owner of a well-known bookmaker, who is accused of fraud on an especially large scale, to take certain actions. igor lepustin is called in the media one of the key players in the sports betting market. his company received more than 24 billion in revenue last year alone, of which 4 billion was net profit. according to preliminary information, lepustin could have embezzled 90 million rubles. your business partner. for this, the entrepreneur faces up to 10 years in prison. at the bookmaker's office they told reporters that they were continuing to work as usual and would not comment on the detention of their leader. in moscow , fsb officers detained the former head of the kommunarsky internal affairs department,
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police colonel andrei turgenev. he is suspected of organizing illegal migration and abuse of power. according to operatives, turgenev together with a colleague for a long time. money for expedited registration of foreign citizens bypassing the law, so they managed to legalize more than a thousand migrants. all alexandra mostova has the latest information. employees of the intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia kammunarsky work as usual, but they probably know about the scandal involving colonel andrei turgenev, who until recently headed this unit. turgenev, according to media reports, was detained on the evening of april 3. now investigators are finding out. could a high-ranking officer help foreigners illegally legalize in our country. there are very few details and arrests of andrei turgenev. it is known that the colonel is suspected of organizing illegal migration. after the scandal, turgenev was fired from the authorities, which was officially reported by the press service of the moscow main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs. in addition to
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the colonel, several other police officers may be involved in this case. currently, the head of the ministry of internal affairs of russia kommunarsky, moscow, has been dismissed from the internal affairs bodies. regarding actions. accomplices received money for their help, foreign guests received documents, at the expense of which they could live and work in our country. in total, more than a thousand visitors were registered illegally. according to investigation, police officers for a long time received money for fictitious registration of foreigners. criminal cases have been initiated under articles of abuse of office. powers and organization of illegal migration. the maximum punishment for one of them provides for
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imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years. issues of compliance with migration legislation are subject to special control in the ministry of internal affairs for obtaining permits and special labor patents. there are certain regulations that cannot be violated. it is forbidden. in addition, foreigners who come to our country to work must pass a language proficiency exam. police regularly suppress illegal migration channels. i ask the specialist to open a new one. password provided. this operational footage shows the detention of moskvich, who helped foreigners draw up forged documents. together with his accomplices, he created a website for a fake center providing services in the field of migration. clients were asked to submit an application via messenger. then they brought it to the customer a false document with fake stamps from government authorities. the cost of the service ranged from 6 to 18 thousand rubles. at the moment, about 100
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episodes of illegal activities of the defendants have been established. the total damage exceeded a million rubles. as for the scandal that erupted around the kommunarsky police department, investigators are now finding out how many police officers could have participated in the criminal scheme. now the former head of the kommunarsky police department, andrei turgenev, while being interrogated by investigators, in the future he risks lose. and generally change his place of residence, a preventive measure should be chosen for him in the near future. alexander mostovay, dmitry stepanov, alexey koshlakov and dmitry belous. news, duty department. bailiffs seized the movable and immovable property of all separate enterprises, pasta producers makfa and zaiska of the prosecutor general's office. the company's employees were warned of criminal liability and given obligations to appear at the prosecutor's office. what are these interim measures related to? andrey romanov will tell you. pasta lovers employees of one of the largest companies
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producing them were seriously alarmed this morning. the cause of the unrest was dozens of media reports on the internet that the makfa company had allegedly suspended its activities because all the property of the transport company was seized by bailiffs on the initiative of the prosecutor general's office. the supervisory authority hastened to clarify. information that the company of the makfa group has suspended its activities. not true, it's more likely pr fantasies of some lawyers, disseminated by the media, for the sake of artificially creating social tension, the central warehouses of transport enterprises that produce products under the makfa brand were indeed seized, but this in no way concerns production processes, restrictive measures are necessary so that the current the company's owners did not rush to get rid of their property. last week, representatives of the prosecutor general's office went to court demanding the confiscation of all real estate and equipment. mcfs in income the state supervisory department believes that the pasta business was built
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through corruption, allegedly for the development of the enterprise; its beneficiaries, vadim belousov, a former state duma deputy, and mikhail yuryevich, the former governor of the chelyabinsk region, actively used their official position. in 1993, when i started working with mikhail yuryevich, we took over the bankrupt pasta factory. many doubted why we needed this. are hiding abroad and are on the international wanted list, as for the company, the interim measures used by the bailiffs affected thirty-four separate enterprises in chelyabinsk and a number of other regions, all of which continue to function. the company continues to operate as normal; the interim measures taken do not interfere with the payment of wages to employees, the fulfillment of social tax obligations, as well as the production and sale of finished products. according to. a preliminary hearing in the case is scheduled for
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april 9. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. failed sabotage, three students were sent into custody in ufa, who tried to destroy a cell phone tower for money, whose order was carried out by young people, exclusive footage of the preparation for the crime and confessions of the detainees, in a report by angelina mashkina. they were friends since school. and now all three risk ending up in the dock. fsb officers detained eighteen-year-old ilya khametshin, azgat yagudin and roman markelov while trying to carry out sabotage. these comrades wanted to set fire. tower installed on the territory of ufa cellular communications. during the operational investigative activities, it was established that three ufa residents who maintained friendly relations, in order to obtain material benefits, entered into correspondence on the telegram social network with strangers and people from whom they received instructions to set fire to a communication facility. for committing crimes and recording their actions on
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video, anonymous messenger users promised young people a cash reward of about 20 thousand rubles. the young people were preparing for their crime carefully, in these surveillance camera footage you can see how, on the sly of the gas station cashier, they fill a five-liter plastic bottle with gasoline, first insert a pistol into the tank of the car, and then , opening the back door, pour fuel into a prohibited container; for the arson, the attackers also stocked up with construction gloves, a small a set of tools, deodorant , rags, the operatives confiscated all this from them during the arrest, like this... either from the cold, or from fear, the accomplices, literally caught by the hand, immediately that night began give confessions, who received the task first, received the first, coordinates, who determined? the customer himself, it is possible that the order from the young ufa resident came from an unfriendly state, and although they were unable to set fire to the cell tower,
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the attackers still face impressive sentences for attempted sabotage, and while the investigation is ongoing, khametchin, yagudin and markelov.. they will be in pre-trial detention, the court arrested them for 2 months. angelina mashkina and vyacheslav andriyanov, lead the duty unit of bashkyrtastan. not now news from lent information agency: irina podnosova’s candidacy has been recommended to the president of russia for presentation to the federation council for the post of chairman of the supreme court. this was reported by the honest detective telegram channel. let me remind you that the post of head of the highest judicial body became vacant on march 1 after the termination of the powers of vyacheslav lebedev. died in the eighty-first year of his life. it is necessary to work together with all services to suppress fraud in the housing and public utilities sector of the fuel and energy complex. about this at presidential plenipotentiary representative in the north caucasus federal district yuri chaika said at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group. in recent years alone , several criminal schemes for theft of gas and electricity have been identified. according to chaika
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, the agro-industrial complex of the north federal district makes a significant contribution to the food industry. russia and the end has finally been reached. employees of one are important and work to decriminalize it. in a high-profile trial in kamchatka, the most important sector of the economy, that’s why from the oldest kronn reserve in russia, who were released after six months in a pre-trial detention center, still received sentences in the case of embezzlement of almost half a billion budget rubles. he will tell you what this money was allocated for and where it ended up going. alexander ostakhov. it is a rare case when those sentenced to suspended or even real terms laugh in the petra-pavlos hall of the kamchatka city court. the first version of the sentence for those involved in the case of cleaning up the kronotsky nature reserve in kamchatka was much harsher. according to investigators the convicts pocketed more than 400 million rubles instead of getting rid of garbage in
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the reserve. we're all doing great. good luck to all. kronotsky nature reserve in kamchatka under the protection of unesco. a unique natural area famous for its numerous volcanoes and a valley of geysers, but in the last century it was not protected, oil exploration work was going on there, settlements and military units were located, destroyed buildings, abandoned equipment, tons of oil products in barrels, accumulated garbage had to be removed, for this state and allocated about 450 million rubles. all the garbage is accumulated in the forest area, it has to be disassembled into very small parts and is mainly pulled out to the shoreline by manual force. the general cleaning seemed to have begun in 2015, and the first arrests soon began along with it. at first , the general director of the contractor, vitaly drozd, and the reserve’s employee , alexander ilyin, who accepted the work, were accused of embezzlement. plans to organize weekend routes . they, in turn, made a plea deal and said that the former director reserve, the restless tihan shpelinok
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allegedly created an organized criminal group with his colleagues. the organized crime group supposedly included colleagues oksana terikhova and daria panicheva. roman korchigin and nikolai poznyakov. four employees of the reserve in the period from 2014 to 2016 committed the theft of funds allocated for work to eliminate accumulated environmental damage in the protected territories. at the same time , the accused themselves stated that they actually cleaned the reserve. here is a photo from the series what was then: barrels of petroleum products are stacked among the trees, cleared spaces and machinery. the same barrels are temporarily on the coast before disposal. and here's the view. scientists from moscow state university have already landed. employees after finishing work. the reserve even conducted an independent examination and determined that the garbage had actually been removed and not buried. the scan did not show the presence of any metal fragments in the soil. the examination was added to the case, but it did not affect the outcome. defenders of the employees
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of the kronotsky reserve insist: there are too many inconsistencies. still it remains a mystery to the defense how, by what criteria, some of the reserve's employees were selected, some were given the status of accused, and others carried out the same actions, signing the same documents. approach to the choice after the first conviction of scientists was supported by well-known environmentalists, more than 50 thousand people signed a petition in protest, as a result the case was reviewed, the real term
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of the entrepreneur ruslan ashurov from the contractor company was reduced by almost half, and the real terms of the reserve employees were changed to conditional. the defense said it would seek an acquittal for its clients. earlier, when the accused were in pre-trial detention, the work of the reserve stopped for several days, at its peak. presented letters of gratitude to the director of the service. deputy head of the fsin alexander rozin noted the importance and necessity of the public council’s activities. of course, without your
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plans, without your initiatives, it will probably be difficult for us to move forward and, let ’s say, jointly develop our areas of interaction. in turn, representatives the public chamber of the russian federation also thanked xing's employees and congratulated them. on the 145th anniversary of the formation of the penal system, they were beaten and filmed in belgorod, ulyanovsk and tambov, security forces detained members of youth groups. we didn’t have to look for the guys for long; they themselves posted videos on social networks. what lies behind the surge of aggression in teenagers? don't miss the big premiere on the russia-24 tv channel this weekend. new investigation by eduard petrov into street gangs with limited responsibility.
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he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you are a boxer, you can cope with almost anyone, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, what goals do the thugs pursue, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment under viola shines, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation. tourists on their way to kotao island in thailand found themselves trapped in a fire in the middle of the ocean. the fire occurred in the morning in one of the cabins. the fire began to spread quickly
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along the decks and it immediately became clear that there were not enough life jackets for all the passengers. those that were found were distributed to women and children. the men had to do without them. 20 minutes later, when the ferry was already completely engulfed in flames, ships passing nearby responded to help. in panic, some passengers dived into the water and swam to reach their own. in total there were 97 passengers and 11 crew members on board, and everyone was saved. by the way, katao island is popular among divers and is also known as death island, since 2014, there at least seven tourists died under mysterious circumstances. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, took personal control of the situation with an apartment building for orphans in the city. sherekh in the irkutsk region. residents have been trying for a long time to have the building recognized as unsafe. people complain about noise and vibration from trains. there is often water in the basements of the house.
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pipes are bursting in apartments. it would seem an obvious solution, report by galina hungureeva, instead of keys, a screwdriver, inside the apartment from bylov there is not a trace of comfort, except for orphaned roses on the wall, and our right-hand man stanislav naumov doesn’t invite me to tea at all, a neighbor asked me to look after the housing, in the same house, in the city of shelikho in the irkutsk region, he received square meters like an orphan, the walls are bursting, cracks are appearing , even if... these beams are removed from the window sill, well, the cladding is removed, cracks will be visible there, they blow from there, the basements are constantly flooded. the listed only a small part of all the troubles, cracks in the foundation, relatively fresh siding, frankly went like a wave and burst in places, the entrance doors were completely removed, they opened with difficulty, it turned out that the house was being flooded with groundwater, causing the walls to sink, they began to remove the linoleum, maggots were crawling under the linoleum, a pipe burst.
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polypropylene, flooded almost knee-deep, the apartment was completely destroyed, the furniture was not all wet, the area around the house was no better, this is the same case when a picture about the eloquence of any words, like an embodied illustration of the exclusion zone, and indeed there are four buildings for orphans , as if away from the eyes and from the center the cities were built on the outskirts, by the way , only 100 meters from the railway, when special trains go, all the shaking begins, it’s like you’re sitting and thinking that the ceiling won’t collapse on you there. a recent inspection of the house, which is in a particularly deplorable condition, did not recognize it as unsafe. the building, quote, is in limited serviceable condition. at a meeting with residents, the authorities and responsible departments assured that they would prepare a major renovation project by the end of may. here the main paradox arises, to do it according to specialists from the overhaul fund , it is useless. the problem with this house is that it
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is elevated. investigative committee. the story of the collapsed hopes of the walls reached the federal center. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, instructed to report on the progress of the investigation of criminal cases under articles of negligence and abuse of power. the head of the department instructed the head of the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the irkutsk region, anatoly viktorovich sitnikov , to report on the progress of the investigation of criminal cases. criminal cases were opened after an inspection by the prosecutor's office of the irkutsk region. experts have established that the design documentation, on
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the basis of which. built and put into operation houses for orphans, did not pass the state examination, moreover, the requirements for noise and vibration levels in the premises were violated. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. bucks was unable to cross the border; samara customs officers found almost 30 kg of undeclared cargo in a special container in the back of a truck. surprising employees there was no limit to the fast when they opened the wooden box. it was in such conditions that, by his own will... a two-meter crocodile tried to leave russia, apparently because of its green color, it was called a buck. employees of the mobile group of samara customs, in cooperation with the border department of the fsb of russia for the orenburg region, prevented the illegal export of wild animals abroad. the owner of bucks did not have any documents necessary for transporting reptiles, but he had an old veterinary passport for an unusual pet. it follows from it that bucks
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already lives with his owner. 15 years, so far the green traveler has been given to specialists, his fate will be decided later, and an administrative protocol has been drawn up against his owner. this concludes our issue, i remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news is available 24 hours a day in telegram channels, the duty department and an honest detective. tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the ukrainian armed forces are not there are enough tanks, mechanized brigades are being reorganized into infantry. and where are the abrams and leopards in the repair shops burned by our missiles, how long will the worn armor last. medusa and rain finance the ukrainian armed forces. how do money
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from the projects of these foreign agents leak into the kiev wallet? a tortuous scheme, supposedly for charity. because of the blackout in kharkov.


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