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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 5, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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and let's return to the investigation of the armed attack on. governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis, he received a live wound in the stomach after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity. according to the press service, andrei chibes is now in the city hospital. according to the head doctor, he has already been operated on. the operation lasted more than an hour. i was lucky that the aorta was not damaged. however, doctors assess the governor’s condition as serious; he remains in intensive care. the attacker was immediately detained and interrogated. the investigative committee reported that upon arrest he received gunshot wound to the leg. according to
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some media reports, this is a resident of the city of apatity , born in 1981; as some telegram channels report, the man did not express any demands during the attack. some media also write that he had previously been charged with causing harm to health, and also tried to escape from the scene of an accident. we will find out what else is known about the attacker from our correspondent in the mormon region, sergei shiryaev. he's in direct contact. sergey, tell me, what other information about the attack? you have by this minute, yes, dmitry, the information continues to be updated, right now we will try to restore the picture of this evening, the evening of april 4, the head of the region andrei chibis went to papatity, to a large industrial city in the murmansk region, neighboring the khibiny, kirovsk, to hold a meeting with residents, this is his usual form of work, he conducts it in... andrey
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chibis in all cities, towns, municipalities of the murmansk region, and this is no secret. in general, andrei chibis is distinguished by his openness; he is always on social networks publishes details of his work, this time it was similar, in advance, the day before andrey chibbis invited city residents to a meeting at the local cultural center builder. that's how it was. good afternoon everyone. on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course. i will meet with residents in the evening, so come and meet me, well, if anyone has any questions, write in advance in the comments to this post, have a good day, everyone, and as usual, this meeting took several hours, because people always want to talk to the governor, there are questions, there are also requests, after this meeting andrei chebes left the building, went out into the street and there a man approached him, a man.
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an unknown person, he also inflicted several blows on andrei chibes, one, excuse me, a blow to the abdomen with a knife, immediately after this a team from the local city hospital, apatity-kirov, was called, they arrived promptly, and the head of the region was taken to - to intensive care, press - the secretary of the governor, this is how he comments on what happened on april 4, there is no threat to... life, this is the most important thing, of course, for everyone us, the attacker was detained very quickly, he is now under interrogation, all details and motives will be established by law enforcement agencies. andrei vladimirovich held a large meeting with residents, this is, in principle, his regular format, an open meeting with people, where everyone can ask their questions, it was also lengthy, the governor was already leaving the meeting, he had just just left the construction center, as ran up. man and
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stabbed the governor. andrei vladimirovich was aware that he he immediately walked to the car himself, we quickly got to the hospital, and he was immediately taken to the operating room. the governor was also conscious. the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to calm her down. that's it, after that he was finally wheeled into the operating room. a team of doctors also went to the hospital. from murmansk, headed by the regional minister of health dmitry panych, literally at these minutes we received a comment from the regional operational headquarters of the chief physician of the apatity-kirov hospital, yuri shiryaev. by according to him, the operation, which lasted more than an hour, was completed. and here’s what else the head of the medical institution said. his condition is serious in the intensive care unit, in fact , he was a little lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so he will continue to undergo treatment. to
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the intensive care unit, the attacker was detained promptly, he did not manage to escape, he was detained by the national guard, during the arrest, as reported, he himself... was wounded in the leg, the regional prosecutor is now working on the spot, investigators are interrogating this man, now, as is known, this local resident 1981 born with a difficult history, he has attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies more than once, it is also reported that he was deprived of his driving license , and now he is under interrogation. researchers are finding out what could have made him take this step, that’s how the investigative committee comments on this incident. according to initially received information, after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity, a local resident attacked the governor with a knife,
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injuring him. during the suppression of criminal actions with employees of the national guard, the attacker was also wounded. the governor is currently providing medical assistance to the attacker. investigators. and while this is all current data, official and what we have at the moment, in general, we can only wait to see what else law enforcement agencies and doctors will say. dmitriy. sergey, thank you, sergey shiryaev was in direct communication from the murmansk region, where he is investigating the attack on the regional governor andrei chibes. three more accomplices of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole were detained, two of them transferred money to buy weapons transport, the third recruited accomplices,
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the fsb reported this. details from natalia solovyova. sitiho, four perpetrators were first detained; they were caught in the bryansk region when the terrorists were trying to break through to the ukrainian border. later, four more alleged accomplices of the attackers were taken into custody. at the beginning of the week, several more were captured in dagestan in makhachkali. the caspian had to introduce a
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counter-terrorist operation regime. it turned out that two of the detainees were preparing terrorist attacks. investigators found pistols and machine guns kalashnikovs and an improvised explosive device. another one, like those detained today. probably to transfer them to one of the criminals. today , vladimir putin commented on the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus. according to the president, those who ordered the monstrous crime wanted to damage the unity of the country, but it turned out exactly the opposite, the tragedy brought even more toll. we have every reason to believe that the main goal of the customers is bloody.
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interreligious unity, interethnic. the tragedy in crocus claimed the lives of 144 people, over 550 were injured, investigations into the entire chain of searches for the organizers and customers continue. obviously, today's arrest was not the last. natalya solovyova, lead. let's return to the agenda of the head of state. he joined via video link the opening ceremony of new year-round educational centers that opened in 12 regions of the country. alexey golovko has the details. this is the first meeting between the president and the cabinet of ministers after the government’s report to the state duma, in which the prime minister, his deputies and ministers failed results of the past year. i would like to congratulate you all and the prime minister
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on your report to the state duma. i saw how this happened with dignity, at a good level, and in detail. miham vladimirovich and i talked about this yesterday evening. but new work lies ahead, including in the most important area of ​​youth policy; during his address to the federal assembly , the president announced the launch of a new national project, the youth of russia. must be implemented from march 1, 2024, relevant decisions by the government payments will be accepted in april for march. regarding additional payments to primary care medical workers. when people actually receive the money in their hands , when
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the decree on medical workers came out, it came out in march, and the first payments have already begun, the ministry of health is creating appropriate registers for those who are entitled to these payments. a notable event in youth policy was the youth festival, which was attended by representatives of 185 countries, this is almost the whole world, several days of communication turned into a real international... friendship, the festival participants are now maintaining contacts, we, for example, did not expect to receive such a colossal response from foreigners, in connection with the tragedy that occurred in crocus, we received thousands of letters of support, videos from all over the world, from different parts . the legacy of this festival, of course, has such serious value for us in the future and... we shouldn’t miss what we have in our hands now, we need to work with it, it
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will benefit our country, our young people and our partners , our friends on almost all continents. working with young people means working on the future of the state in just a few years; those who are just studying now will become leading specialists in all sectors, which means they need to be raised as patriots of russia. i remembered, oddly enough, iva. remember, jesus came to galilee, and next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw fishermen, some were catching fish, some were straightening their nets, and he said to them: “follow me, and you will be fishers of men, that is , of human souls.” they became preachers and by his students. this was very important during the formation of world religions, russia, this is not only christianity, but... all our traditional religions, but this turned out to be no less relevant now, when we
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are forced and must defend our traditional values, our culture, our traditions, our history, this is very important for the future of the country. via video link, the president opens 12 new year-round youth centers; in fact, these are platforms where boys and girls will develop their competencies under the guidance of mentors and professionals. the center in the nizhny novgorod region will help build careers in the field of state and municipal government. the center in rostov will focus on the development of rural youth and farming. in the arkhangelsk region, the main track will be science, the educational center istok will begin work in chersonnese tauride. more than 3,000 participants in the origins center program will not just touch history, they will become its researchers, and will not take part in archaeological excavations. the main meaning itself. identifying oneself as heirs great culture,
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there is no need to talk about the importance of this place, this is one of the most important sources of our spirituality. prince vladimir indeed not only himself was baptized in chersonesus and baptized his squad, but then spiritually began to unite and united all the slavic tribes living in this territory, and this, in fact, is a member of our new club, club 89.
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russia, so we consider you honorary thank you very much, you have a very important and interesting line of work. the kaliningrad region decided to specialize in media processes, the noise educational center will educate journalists, bloggers and pr specialists who will be able to speak with the youth audience in their language. living in the era of information wars, every journalist, every designer, every photographer is a person. patriotic product promotion. i see anton andreevich dressed in a russian braid today, he is the only person who dressed like that, he does nothing without meaning. anton andrevich, you did this on purpose, it has some kind of meaning? in fact, the guys supported me, they asked me, they said: anton andreevich, wear something dark, some kind of shirt, our local production, vladimir vladimevich, linen shirts are made by us
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, you are also engaged in advertising of local production, promotion, of course , in some sense?
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this was the task set in the message, but to simply write it off without conditions, i think it’s wrong, the president called for an individual approach to each region. those who showed good results in these regions, of course, that they, excuse the cinematic expressions, do not confuse their own six with the state one, but work quite effectively, it’s somehow a pity to wrest support tools from them if they don’t achieve results. decision on the future parameters of the regional development program by the ruler. the nato bloc, celebrating 75 years of its existence, officially admitted the possibility of ukraine’s defeat. the secretary general, jens stoltenberg, described such a scenario, calling on the alliance to chip in, no more, no less than 100 billion. this is exactly how much, in the secretary general’s opinion, is needed for the purchase
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weapons for the needs of kyiv. but it's not that simple. the head of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov, will tell you why. what would a birthday be without a treat, especially an anniversary? on april 4, 1949, nato emerged in washington. she is already 75 years old. to the sounds of the alliance anthem approved in 1918, the nato secretary general and the belgian foreign minister opened the cake with large kitchen knives. they just forgot to serve the dessert dishes and cutlery, so it was all done by hand. congratulations somehow didn’t work out either. stoltenberg listed the achievement. alliance, who, in the name of democracy, left behind the ruins of cities and millions of ruined lives. a long list, at the end of which is ukraine. supporting ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in the countries’ own security. nato has found meaning in the confrontation with moscow, this is how the western press is commenting on the anniversary of the alliance today. it turns out that 30 years before that, its
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existence was generally meaningless. but now there is a non-trivial task. break ukraine into russia. kiev emissary kuleba arrived in brussels without a gift. the kyiv regime is a gift to the west in itself. i don't want to ruin the birthday party, but my main message today will be patriots. what ukraine needs most now is air defense systems and 155 nato caliber ammunition. the czech republic has collected 8,000 units worldwide. 20 countries chipped in to buy it.
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the united states does not intend to do so on its own. washington extracted a promise from macron not to complain to nato if the russians start killing the french in batches in ukraine. this is entirely an initiative of paris. if there are still those willing, then exclusively on a bilateral basis, but they especially unnoticed, we ourselves need to prepare while there is time, they are desperately trying to convince their voters that time
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is running out, this cannot continue, we cannot afford to play russian roulette with our future, we have moved from the post-war to the pre-war world. the british ministry of defense decided to please western audiences by posting on its website a sign with the balance of forces between nato and russia, as shown by everyone. in 2014, the alliance countries pledged to increase military spending to 2% of gdp, this it was enough 10 years ago, but now it is
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no longer enough. traditional for the polish president, a dig at germany, where they literally just reported that they had reached the standard of 2% of gdp for defense. there is plenty of criticism of berlin. 75 years ago, nato was created to project american influence in europe and contain germany. now, on the contrary, everyone is trying to push germany forward. london is insistently demanding that taurus cruise missiles be transferred to ukraine, and everything else that is available. here is a white homemade probe, it has proven itself. if you move through the forest, move towards a gun under an umbrella, then there is not a single chance that you will be detected using any thermal imagers that are on the market today. it's that simple. yes, but it's a homemade umbrella. soldier's ingenuity, umbrella against drone. it is probably not difficult to equip the bundesfer with such, especially against the backdrop of the tasks that pistorius’s department sets for itself. no matter how strange it may sound, the key
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goal is to give the german army one decision-making center. until now, apparently, this has not happened. the idea is to quickly management and planning in a single center. the advantages of a single control center are obvious, quick decision-making based on a complete picture and 360° monitoring. besides. the form of the german army, which includes ground forces, air force and navy, involves the creation of cyber units and a separate command for them. it will cost taxpayers a pretty penny. this year, germany's military budget is almost 52 billion euros; next year, as pistorius warned, 6.5 billion more will be needed. finance minister lindner to achieve this, he proposes to reduce government contributions to the pension fund. economy minister habaek is categorically against it.
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the answer to stoltenberg’s plan is that nato simply does not have a mechanism for collecting funds from member states into a common pot; on the contrary, this scheme is well worked out in the european union. by many indications, the idea of ​​a nato fund for
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ukraine alarmed the leadership of the european commission, which saw in it a possible competitor in the struggle for control over large and opaque financial flows. mikhail antonov, nastasia barkovskaya, andrey putro, news berlin, germany. in germany, officers. police officers from the bavarian region were fed with not the highest incomes; they were so tired of waiting for a new uniform that they filmed a video in which they literally went on duty without pants, wearing shorts that were almost beach -length. the union said that the ukrainian conflict led to the lack of uniforms, and this is just one of many examples of citizen dissatisfaction with berlin's foreign policy. elizaveta khramtsova learned about what else the confrontation with the non-existent russian threat entails for the germans. saw how many objects clothes, it’s impossible to order, but i’m already tired, it may seem like this is an april fool’s joke, but it’s not funny for us,
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the head of the bavarian police union comments on the video about colleagues literally left... without pants. in germany's richest federal state, officers wait 4-6 months for ordered uniforms. the regional ministry of internal affairs answers: clothes must be shipped across the country from lower saxony, with the beginning of the ukrainian crisis, part of the supply chains was disrupted, and although the system still faces economic problems civil defense, berlin continues to intimidate the people of germany with the russian threat, as a result, municipal authorities checked the bunkers remaining from the cold war and found out what to accommodate.
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and since there is wind, it means it should replace any achievements in global energy. the tenacity with which the german authorities impose wind turbines on people is enviable. electricity prices in germany are 6 and a half times higher than in neighboring france, which is developing nuclear energy. and those who oppose the construction of another wind farm park, television calls a small but loud group of people trying to shame them for
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their dislike of the greens.
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smoking marijuana without breaking the law. berliners greeted the legalization of drugs by dancing at the brandenburg gate. elizaveta khramtsova, evgenia zemtsova, news.
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these are things that have been collected for 150 years, this is not an apartment, this is a ready-made museum.


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